Someone is in BIG Trouble

I walk in the house from the garage still talking to Monica to find Jackson towering over me. There is a look of relief on his face but his face changes and his blue eyes blaze with angrier. His look caught me off guard. I don’t think I have ever seen him look that furious before. I wasn’t sure what happened to make him that angry. I was sure it wasn’t anything that I have done so I proceeded in taking my shoes off to leaving them by the door.

“Ok, Monica I am home now…” that is as far as I got because Jackson grabs the phone from me and tells Monica good-bye for me. I am annoyed that he didn’t allow me to say good-bye to my friend. I am about to tell him how I felt I about that but decided not to say anything because the glare he gave me has a threatening danger to it.

Jackson holding my phone began scrolling through my incoming calls and started counting out loud, “1, 2, 3, 4 that is four missed calls from me that you didn’t both to pick up and let’s see 1,2,3,4,5. THere are five text messages that you didn’t both responding to either.” He holds up the phone screen side up showing me the missed text messages.

I glance up at the phone and saw the text messages. I was about to explain to him why I didn’t answer his calls or his text messages but he started yelling at me.

“What’s the point of having a fucking phone if you aren’t going to answer it? It’s five-thirty in the fucking morning and you are out doing who knows what. Here I am worried about you! You don’t answer your phone or any text messages from me but you use the phone to talk to your friends. What the hell is wrong with this picture Alana?” I tried to explain again but before I could he grabs my arm firmly and turn me around so my back is against his front.

“What the fuck are you wearing anyhow? You know all outfits are supposed to be approved by me if you are going out alone. You never had my permission to wear this out. You also know how I feel about this particular outfit.” I tried saying something again but was interrupted when he tore down my skirt and ripped off my lacey undergarments. I was left wearing my silk blouse, bra, and thigh highs. He takes my arm and drags me over to the stairs bending me over placing my hands a few steps higher while my feet stay on the floor.

He spread my legs far apart and leans over whispering in my ear, “You are going to be paid seriously for this insolence. I am going to whip your ass like it’s never been whipped before! Now, you stay put and don’t dare think about moving or saying a fucking word unless it’s to say yes, no or thank you sir. Is that understand?”

I just nodded because his angrier really frightened me. I didn’t think he would be this irate over not answering a text message or a phone call. I thought he knew I was planning on staying out late with my friends. I thought I had told him that we would probably be staying at the bars until closing time and then getting something to eatAfterwards. Also, I don’t bring my purse in the clubs and I wasn’t expecting a phone call from him so I didn’t bring my phone either. The reason I was on the phone with Monica is because she called me when I was in my car. It was the only time I even looked at my phone all night.

“Is that understand?” he said again as he slapped me hard with his hand on my right cheek.

“Yes sir, I understand.” I squeak barely audible.

That just caused me a second smack to the other side of my ass. I answer using the same words but only louder. It seemed to satisfy him because he walks away from me.

I was left in that bent over position naked from the wait down feeling vulnerable but I didn’t dare move. I didn’t want to risk angrier him anymore. I felt him return before I Actually heard him next to me. The hair on the back of neck felt all prickly and goose bumps began to rise on my arms and legs. I notice out of the corner of my eye he was holding something black and smooth. He made a WHACK noise and I realize the item is his belt. Oh, I couldn’t believe he was going to hit me with his belt. He has never done that before. I felt fearful. How bad was this going to hurt? A part of me wants to plead with him, another part wants to run away and other part wants to fight. I did none of those things. I just stayed in my paralyzed position.

“I am going to give you twenty lashes with the belt and you are going to count every one of them! It better be loud enough for me to hear or I will start all over again. Understood?”

“Yes sir.”

He stood to the side of me. He put a hand on the middle of my back and raised his other hand high into the air. I could hear the swooshing sound as the belt made its way down to my ass. WHACK!

“One!”, I yelled.

His hand went back and I heard the swooshing sound again as the belt soared thru the air landing on my ass again. WHACK! It feel harder than the first one. He keep this same rhythm with the same strength to the count of twenty. While he was whipping me he hollered things like, “Who do you belong too? You belong to me! I don’t care where the hell you are or what you’re doing if I call you answer that fucking phone! You are my property! I own your ass! You belong to me!” I knew he didn’t want me to answer anything that he was saying. I was to keep counting the spankings I was receiving. I counted loudly with tears streaming down my face.

How had I gotten myself in this prediction? My vision is blurry because of my tears and I felt true remorse for disobeing Jackson. My ass is on fire with its bright red stripes going across from where the belt had left its mark but at the same time I had this sensitive sensing going on between my legs. I wanted to be fucked and I wanted Him to fuck me now! I wanted to feel Jackson’s huge thick cock inside me. I wanted to show him that I was truly sorry and that I did belong to him. I hear him drop the belt to the floor after I choke out the number twenty. He grabs my arm spinning me around so quickly I almost fell but the grip he held kept me from falling.

“The way I see it, I tried to contact you nine fucking times by four phone calls and five text messages. You ignored all of those. You stayed out partying until five-thirty in the fucking morning leaving me to worry. No, don’t even say anything. I am not finished yet.” He said before I started to say something in my behalf. He knows me so well.

I didn’t even let out a peep but I was definitely getting ready to say something in my defense which could have led me into more trouble. He actually did me a favor.

“You also went out wearing an outfit that you know needs my approval. You know the rules. If you go out without me your outfits must damn well be approved by me first. That was agreed upon in the beginning of our arrangement. So, the way I see it you’re in major fucking trouble. You will be punished for all of those transgressions. The spanking you jusst received was just a taste of what your punishment will be like. You are on lock down for the next ten days. I know you know what that implies, don’t you?”

“Yes sir.” I replied staring into his eyes.

His eyes are still blazing with angrier even after the spankings. Wow, I am really in deep this time. I had never seen him like this before so I had no idea what to expect. Normally, he’s a pretty easy going guy for being a Dominant. He isn’t as strict as those other Doms that we see at the clubs that we sometimes frequently. He doesn’t make me knee at the door naked to wait his arrival, or make me sit on the floor with my arms behind my back in the kneeing position, or wear a collar or anything like that. Don’t get me wrong, he has his set of rules for me and he will punish me if I don’t follow them. I just never upset him this badly before.

When we started this relationship we were both interested in the life style but not exactly sure how to go about it. We were just going along on a day to day basis but with some basic guidelines. We had a written agreement that looked more like a legal document that set up those guidelines. Some would say they are ridiculous and others would say he is too lenient. As we were learning more about each other the contract was being amended whenever we thought necessary.

Curfew was never an issue with me and Jackson before. When I did go out with my friends he was always flexible about what time I was to be home. It all depended on who I was going out with and where we were going. He has never been upset before but this time was different.

I am not sure what was different. The fact that he actually called me while I was out or that I stayed out later than usual. Things were a little crazier because an old friend came back into town for the weekend and I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I thought I told Jackson we would be closing down the clubs. He knew tonight was special because I hadn’t seen this friendd in a long time. He told me to be careful so I assumed I had the green light. I mean didn’t I? This is really confusing.

When I am on “lock down” this happened only one other time, Jackson becomes full Master Dominant as I like to call it. I really can’t do anything without his permission basically. I almost have to ask him if I can go to the bathroom. Yes, it can be that bad. I am Not allowed out of his sight with the exception of going to school for class.

Its Jackson’s way to reinforce his control over me. I get it, I understand it but it really feels like being in prison with a twist. The twist is I enjoy being fucked by my warden but I struggle with the complete loss of my freedom. I am nervous about this lock down however; I have never seen him this pissed off before so This might not be any fun at all.

He was still holding onto to me by my arms staring intently into my eyes. I am still naked from the wait down with my ass on fire but that didn’t seem to matter because he had me captured by his gaze. Yes, I was his captive at this point. I will do anything he wants me to do so he doesn’t look at me like this. It makes my stomach hurt and I feel anxious.

“Now, you go upstairs and get ready for bed. I will be up there in a little bit.” He says quietly as he bends down to kiss my forehead.

“I really am sor…” I start to says.

“GO NOW! Before, I bend you over those stairs again and whip your ass some more!” With that I turn running up the stairs heading towards our bedroom.

I took off my blouse and put it in the dirty laundry basket then my bra and thigh highs followed. I turned my ass toward the mirror to see how bad it looks. Yep, red with different shades of red with pinkish stripes across it Just like I imagined. I don’t know if my ass can last ten days if this is how it’s going to be. OK, I am not going to think about that now. I better worry up and get ready for bed before he comes up here. That would be all I needed; me not ready when he gets up here. That would give him another reason to be disappointed and my ass couldn’t afford another whipping like the one it just received.

I wash my face and brush my teeth in a hurry. I don’t want to give him any more reasons to be punished. I run over to our bed. I lie on my right side so I can see Jackson walk in the room. Normally, I would lie on my back but my butt burns so bad I don’t want anything against it. I still feel that tingle between my legs and I want to reach down to satisfy myself. I don’t because I know that is against the rules and that would be an ass beating for sure.

I just hope he is in a gracious mood and is willing to relieve the heartbeat that is drumming my clip. He walks in the room holding a tray that has a pitcher of ice water, a glass and two aspirins. He sets the tray next to my night table.

“Here, I want you to take these aspirins and drink as much water as you can. I don’t want you to have a hangover.”I smile at him because it is the first time he has shown me any kindness since I walked through the door. That gave me some hope that he may let me have some relief but I don’t want to be too hasty. I am sort of afraid of this Jackson, like I said I never saw him this angry before.

“Thank you!”

He nods and smiles at me then walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I grab the aspirins and pour the ice water into the glass. Actually, I was pretty thirsty and the ice cold water was refreshing. I pour another glass after drinking the first glass and downed my second glass. I then turn to put the glass back on the night stand and Jackson was already sitting next to me in the bed.

“Get on your stromach.”

I look at him wearily but did as I was told. I couldn’t help thinking not another spanking please. Then I feel his hand on my ass. I cringe waiting for the assault. He keep his hand where it was and began rubbing softly. I couldn’t relax. My butt muscle clench together as I was waiting for what was to come next.

“Relax; I am not going to spank you even though you deserve a lot more.” Jackson stated in a stern voice.

I heard him open up a bottle and drip some lotion on my ass. It had a cooling ingredients to help take the heat away. He rubs that into my ass softly and I feel myself finally calming down enough to unclench my muscles and relax into the mattress. His hands were rough but his touch was gentle. I felt little sparks in areas where his hand made contact. New juices started flowing through me and I spread my legs open a little wider. I want him to touch me but I didn’t want to seem too eager for fear of disappointing him. As I am lying on the bed being comfortable with his hand rubbing my ass I feel his soft side showing through and that renews moisture between my legs.

“You know when you didn’t answer your phone I became really worried. My imagination went wild. I was thinking you were lying in a ditch somewhere hurtor worse dead. We went into this arrangement as two people curious over a life style and I find myself caring about you more than I thought possible. I think I may even love you. I have never been in love before but I think about you all the time. I worry about you, I can’t wait to make love to you or to fuck you, and I think about how you belong to me. You. Are. Mine. I’m responsible for you and I don’t take that lightly. You didn’t answer you phone not even one of my text messages. I imagined the worse. I imagined you fucking around with someone else,” and with that he squeezed my ass very hard and I held my breath so I didn’t cry out.

“But I…” I started to say.

“Sssh, I know let me finish. I am not the jealous type but that image pissed me off more than anything. You weren’t answering the phone and I thought of the two worse things that could have happened. You fucking around with someone else or dying in an accident.”

With that he let go of my left cheese and started rubbing again. I told take all this in. He continued to rub my ass by putting some more lotion on it. His hand slips down between my legs and by his sharp intake of breath I knew he noticed how wet I was. I am just hoping he would be gracious enough to give himself to me. I want to feel his big cock sliding in and out of me with his weight on top pounding on my clip.

“I don’t know what I would do if I did ever see you fucking around with someone else. Be warned now, that is not allowed! I do not share! Do you understand?”

“Yes,of course sir”, I replied surprised that he even had to say that.

“I guess I am the jealous type after all because I don’t want to see you flirting with anyone either. I know you do it. I have watched you do it. You may Not mean to do it but either way that ends as well, is that understand?”

“Yes sir”

I am completely shocked by everything he admitted tonight. I didn’t realize he watches me so closely. Yes, it’s true. I sometimes did some harmless flirting. Didn’t everyone? He reaches down between my legs again and starts rubbing my pussy lips. Only he knew how to rub me the right way and yes pun intended. He stuck one of his fingers in my pussy and I couldn’t help but moan. Oh, I want this. I just hope he allows me to finish.

“When I saw you strolling in the door talking on the phone while I had this turmoil going on in my head I saw red literally red. Tonight I came to realize that I did in fact love you and at the same time I thought I may have lost you. You have never ignored any of my calls before so I could only assume the worse”.

With that I turn over and reach for him. I need to feel his warm body against mine. I want to hold him and let him know that I am his. He needs to know I am truly sorry. I need him to trust me again.

“Sir, I am truly sorry. I never meant to cause you any worry or pain. It was very bad judgment on my part not keeping my phone with me. I was being irresponsible and you are right to punish me. I know I need to rectify my actions so you can trust me again. I don’t want to lose you. I love you too.” He hugs me tightly and I squeeze him back.

Then I feel his hips move between my legs to allow his hard and thick manhood to rub against my clip. Oh, how I need him now. He kisses each breast than kisses my neck to my right ear. He nibbles on my ear lobe because he knows that just drives me crazy. I grab his ass drawing him closer to my hips. I want him inside me so bad that I feel my own hips rock upward against him. He lets out a low laugh and continues to kiss my face than he reaches for my lips. He grabs my bottom lip with his teeth and pulls and I lick his top lip with my tongue. Our hips are grinding each other and I feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

He has this way of making me cum just by kissing me. His mouth moves down hard to mine and our tongues meet as they dance in each others mouths. He takes a hold of my hair with one hand and pulls my head back forcing my head upwards which makes our kiss deeper. It feels like he his searching my soul with this kiss and I want to give him everything that I feel to reassure him that I am his. I hold onto his hair with both my hands because I can’t seem to get enough and then we break away to take a breath.

He looks down at me and smiles. I can’t help but smile back. love it when he smiles. He can smile at me from across the room and I can feel my panties get wet instantly. He has that kind of devilish smile that makes me blush when he flashes it my way. His eyes look as if he is in pain or in conflict within himself. I can’t quite read him. I have never seen this look from him before. He is almost like a different person. I want my lover back. I want to reassure him that I can be trusted.

“Please sir, make love to me. I need you now more than ever”, I whisper while grinding my hips on his enormous cock.

He seems started by this request because I have never used the words make love to me before. I see his eyes softening as the urgency in them take a step back. He spreads my legs wider using his thighs and slams into me. I am taken aback by the force of his entry but at the same time it feels so good. He lays there letting my pussy adjust to his size as my inner walls mold around his cock. He exhales and it feels just as good to him as it does to me. He starts to move slowly out then slowly in.

“Open your eyes! I want you to look at me”, he demands while he is moving leisurely in and out of me.

I open my eyes to and stare up into his dark blue ones. That intense star has returned and he is searching for something in my eyes. I feel like he is trying to reach my soul. What is he looking for? What does he want? I want him to trust me. I want him to feel that there are no secrets between us. I can tell he thinks that there might be. I see a doubt in his mind by looking into his eyes. How am I going to get himto realize I belong to him?

He sucks on my right nipple than switches over to the other one as he is driving into me using the same slow rhythm. He then begins moving his hips in a circular motion and this drives me crazy. I am moving my hips right along with him but I am going to cum if we keep this up.


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