Someone For everyone Pt. 02

Someone for Everyone – Part 2 – slave girl sara

I was picked up late morning in the state I was in, naked, put in the back of a van and taken to the audition house. The head lad booked me in, this was after he stopped on the way to fuck my face again.


“Here Miss.”

“I am Matron, jade, follow me.”

“Yes Matron, thank you.”

I left the other people, all dressed in the reception. Matron took all my details then examined me. She examined every inch of me then put some rubber gloves on.

“Bend over please jade, this is not pleasant for either of us, but it has to be done.”

I bent over and pulled my cheeses wide.

“Very good, hop up onto the bed and place your legs into the stirrups. It looks and you have taken quite a beaten over the last week or so?”

“Yes Matron, it was not a happy place, I got regular beats.”

“Were you a naughty girl?”

“No Matron, but as a slave, used and abused by all, I was at the bottom ofthe pile.”

“Were you interfered with?”

“Do you mean fucked a lot Matron?”

She chuckled.

“I do believe I do jade.”

“Will I be puzzled for my language Matron?”

“Do you think you should be jade?”

“Yes, I do Matron, I am so sorry.”

She examined my bits below and pushed a finger in, then two fingers.

“That was not too bad was it jade?”

“No Matron, it was lovely, thank you.”

“Hop off the bed. Why no clothes jade, was it how you were in your last position?”

“Mainly Matron, I always had to be available.”

“Available jade?”

“For fucking Matron.”

“You have a dirty mouth jade.”

She sat on her desk chair.

“Guess what jade.”

“Am I to be able to be able to Matron?”

“We do not cane here jade, it`s either a strapping or spanking.”

I leant over her knee.

“Sorry Matron, you are correct.”

“Asking for a spanking jade?”

“Sorry Matron, I was rude, please spank my bottom.”

“Yes,of course.”

She was a good spanker, she spanked me from the back of my knees to my waist, I had tears, yes of pain, but also of pleasure being looked after. My spanking stopped, I felt relieved until I heard her opening a drawer.

“That was to warm your bottom up for my hairbrush.”

Ssllaapp, “ouchhhhh.” Ssllaapp,” ouchhhhh.” Ssllaapp,” nooooooooo.” And so it continued.

“That is ten jade, and you never moved, you took them well.”

She waited for me to stop crying then sat me on her knee and rubbed my bottom, then my breasts then a fingering in my needy pussy.

“Would you like my husband or son to pop in and see you this evening jade?”

“That would be kind Matron.”

“Both of them jade?”

“Yes please Matron.”

Matron gave me a robe to wear and showed me a room where I would sleep then a locke where others were gathering in reading for tomorrow’s viewing and audition. We were fed and chatted, then Matron came back in to collect me and took me to my room.

“This is my son Steven, he has come to give you a gentlemanly seeing-to.”

“Oh thank you Matron, hello Steven Sir, pleased to meet you.”

Matron left and he sat on my bed.

“Come knee here in front of me. You may get my cock out to play with.”

“Oh thank you Sir.”

So, a seeing-to is a posh way of saying fucking! I unbuttoned his trousers making sure I kept touching his cock with my little finger until, semi-hard, it fell out. I wanked him a while then gave him a lick and managed to swallow him down my throat, I’d had enough practice of that in the past. He stood so I kneeled higher and he fucked my mouth and throat and cum in my mouth,

“Thank you jade, may I pop back in the morning for intercourse?”

“Yes of course Sir.”

I cannot wait to see what that means, hope it’s a fucking.

I lay on my bed, yes, my own bed, with covers and everything. I did off but was tired when the light was put on.

“Hello jade, Matron, my wife, asked me to call.”

“Oh thank you Sir, may I knee before you?”

“Yes of course.”

He unzipped and took out his own cock and even wanked himself. I took it out of his hand and sucked him, it may have been the thickest cock I had ever sucked. I needed a fucking so lost my gown and took his hands to squeeze my tits. Then led him to my bed and knelt down as I would if I was about to be taken from behind by a Master. As he slid into me his hands were pulling my nipples, I know I made a loud moan, but I had cum and it spurred him on to give me the best fucking and nipple play, ever.

I went for a drink and something to eat, then back to my room for the towel I had been given, took off my robe and went to the communal shower. Inside were three girls bent over being fucked in turn by two slave boys. I took my place bent over and was soon fucked by both guys and two of the girls.

We had been there a while when a man with a riding crop came in and turnedthe shower to freezing. He grabbed the cocks of the men in turn, and they got five cracks each on their cocks and were sent out.

He grabbed the first girl’s tits, bent her right over and spread her legs so we could see her open pussy lips, then five whacks on her pussy and lips, she was sent out. Same with the other two girls, I was left alone, I bent over, legs wide, without being told.

“Good girl, whacking or fucking?”

“Fucking please Sir, thank you.”

No need to suck him, he was rock hard, and he gave me a great fucking, holding my hips as levers as he fucked.

“Wash off girl, then dry and back to your room.”

As promised Matron’s son came in the morning and laid me in the missionary position and fucked me hard and meaningfully, we both got what we wanted.

I went for a shower, and it was the same as the time before, I did not care and took my place and was again fucked by the two guys. As I was going out crop man was going in, I listened at the door, and it was the same scenario.

After a light breakfast I joined six more girls and three boys for the bidders to view and examine us, we had to lay over the provided tables and stand up if requested.

Must have been fifty or more views, all prodding, squeezing and fingering mouths, bumpms, pussies and cocks. I wish there was a full-time job doing that, I loved it.

The audition progressed quite quickly but none of us had any idea who the winning bidders were. After lunch we were lined up and in turn were collected by our winning bidders. A young gentleman came towards me and took me by the hand to lead me to a side room.

“Suck or fuck Sir?”

“Neither at the moment, I am your new owner, Sam.”

“Hello Sir, hope I make your purchase worth it.”

“I am sure you will, and not a lot lost if you don`t, no one else wanted you after what your old Master wrote about you, rude, unruly, disobedient, I think you get the idea, so they almost paid me to takeyou.”

I began to cry, and he pulled me to his chest, my gown was open and he took it off, looks as if he could be like all the rest. He pushed me away.

“Put your leg in here love, let’s get these knickers on you. Good girl, now the shorts. I did not get a bra, I was not sure of the size, pop this cut off on and these flip plops.”

He took a hanky and wiped my eyes and cheeses.

“Now obey or I will send you for a whipping, clear?”

“Sorry Sir, I never knew words could hurt so much, worse than an all body caning, and I have had plenty of them.”

“There, there, all is going to be good, and that I promise you.”

He held my hand and took me to his sports car, and we zoomed away, I was soon crying again with happiness.

“Do I have to park up and give you a spanking, so you have something to cry about?”

“Oh yes please Sir, would you?”

As good as his word he pulled into a car park in a wooden area. He walked round, opened my door and led meinto the woods until he got to a fallen tree.

“Shorts and knickers to your knees.”

“Oh yes please Sir.”

I did as I was told, he put me over his knee and spanked me to tears, as soon as I started crying, he stopped.

“Knickers up, shorts up.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Am I going to get another tear from you?”

“I can promise you I will try my Very, very best not to Sir.”

“If you do manage, I may let you sleep in my bed tonight.”

“Alone Sir?”

“No, with me. Now behave.”

We finally reached his home, up a wide drive to a house on the beach, well almost. He showed me around his home,

“Would you like a bath jade?”

“Yes please Sir, will you please bath me?”

We went into his bathroom and the bath was like a swimming pool. He ran the bath and undressed me and helped me get in, such lovely warm water that I had not had before. Then he undressed and got in with me and we bathed each other. Nothing to do with sex, we just lay at opposite ends and then together, me leaning on his chest.

He got out, fetched two robes, put one on then helped me out and put the other robe on me. We went to sit on the balcony.

“Would you like a drink jade?”

“Yes please Sir, if it’s water or milk, then milk please.”

He had something in a small glass, and I had milk.

The sun went down, and I was Beginning to fall asleep, so Sir picked me up, removed my robe and put me in his bed. I woke sometimes later, and he was sleep next to me, it was still dark so I turned over, cuddled him and fell asleep again. The next time I woke it was getting light, so I went under the covers and licked his cock, he began to grow, and I sucked him in.

He took over, lay me on my side and pushed his cock between my legs rubbing my clip, he then slid into me, and it was the first time ever that I had made love!


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