Weekend Away Ch. 01

I met him the dustest way possible. An online role playing war game. For months all I saw was an avatar that cracked jokes and led arms. Soon we figured out that using a chat application was a more efficient way to communicate so we all downloaded it. I saw his face for the first time when we all decided to put pictures of ourselves as our profile pictures. He wasn’t really anything special, nothing I hadn’t seen before. Blonde hair and blue eyes and a stern jawline that made me interested. We chatted about the game at first, and pretty soon I was a leader with him. It was months before he messaged me again, after I said it was time to update my picture. He privately messaged me, saying “It should be a sexy one.” I laughed it off but played along, for a time. I changed my profile picture to one that showed a little bit more skin and he continued to hit on me. I explained to him that I was engaged and he responded with “so am I.” My fiancé was always working, you see, and the timeAlong was more difficult than I can explain.

I’m not the prettiest woman in the world. I’m all curves with blonde hair and blue eyes and slightly tan skin. I have never been the woman that men find overtly attractive. When he showed attention towards me it made me feel special. I didn’t care when he told me he was 33, and I was 19. I didn’t care when he told me he could only message me at night, a few nights a week. His words were seductive and dirty and made me feel things that I couldn’t even describe. He told me he would give me a weekend I would never forget. That I would be emotionally, physically, and sexually satisfied beyond anything I had and ever would experience again. I asked him what he wanted. He told me he wanted me in his arms but since that wasn’t possible he would like to see me. All of me. I obliged.

I started with a picture of me in a corset and stockings that I had taken for Christmas, with my ass presented. He replied asking if that was actually me, alMost in disbelief. I promised him it was me and he asked for more. So I sent him a picture of my tits. He immediately noticed that my nipples have little steel bars through them and told me that he hoped someday he could tug on them and bite them. I told him that I had my clip pierced as well and that drove him crazy. He begged me to send him a picture. And, like before, I did. He told me he wanted to bury his face in my pussy and eat it until I was writing in pleasure and begging for him both to stop and never stop at the same time. His words made my cunt twitch and get wet. I dreamed of him at night and found myself thinking of it at work. I jumped every time a notification went through to my phone and changed all the passcodes to prevent my fiancé from seeing them.

He told me his name was Jeremy, and I told him I was Rachel. Jeremy began to offer to fly me out to where he lived for a week of password. At first I was adamant that wouldn’t be possible, but I soon began scheming of ways to make it possible. I fucked my fiancé until my pussy was sore because I was so horny, all the time. After he would go to sleep I would message Jeremy and tell him how I wished it were with him, and he would tell me the same thing. I knew, as I was doing it, that it was awful. That I was a bad person for betraying my fiancé’s trust and that I should be happy with what I was given. I wanted, no, I needed more. I didn’t tell anyone. When someone asked who I was messaging I was easily able to play it off as the game, which had already taken a lot of my time. My fiancé suspected nothing.

Sometimes Jeremy would wait days at a time between messaging me. This drive me nuts. I would manically check my phone and hope that it would be him. I knew that I was hopelessly added to him. My best friend, Jennifer, began to suspect something but couldn’t figure out what. After months of this happening I told my fiancé that I was travelling with some friends to Chicago for a girl’s spa weekend, and we would not have our phones with us. Jeremy bought the tickets, and plans were set. I was nervous and yet excited for a trip that promised me everything I had been craving for months on end. We messaged about what would happen, where we would meet, where we would stay and how we wouldn’t leave the room for the entire weekend. I drove to Chicago on a Thursday evening, and from there used the tickets Jeremy purchased to fly me to Florida, where he lived.

The flight was nervous-wracking, as I fear heights and also could not get my mind off of sex. I was sitting next to a couple who were fondling each other under the blankets the whole trip, which did not help my cause. When my plane landed I was filled with an overwhelming fear that I had been tricked, that maybe nobody would be here or worse someone would that would kidnap me. I texted my fiancé and told him I loved him and would see him on Monday. When I entered the baggage claim I didn’t see Jeremy my heart began racing. I was in a strange place with strange people and nobody know where I was.

As I reached for my bag a hand grabbed me by the supposedr and I spun around, ready to fight. He was there. Taller than I had expected, easily six foot, but every bit as handsome. He smelled clean but a little spicy in a way that intooxicated me. Jeremy grinned, grabbed the back of my head, and kissed me with intense password, biting my lip until it swelled. When he pulled away I felt for sure everyone was looking at us, but instead we were the only two left in the room. I couldn’t help but laugh, and then said “hello.”

“Rachel. You are even more beautiful in person. I am so lucky that you came here for this,” he breathed in my ear. “I think we should go get something to eat. What are you in the mood for?”

I shivered slightly and looked up at him. “I don’t care, anything. You can choose.”

He grabbed my bag and my wait and pulled me to the door. I had a moment, where I thought, “What the hell am I doing?” And then the moment passed, and I was filled with a hunger for him that no food was going to fill.

Jeremy took me to a steak and seafood restaurant, knowing that I loved seafood but never had the opportunity to eat it fresh in the Midwest where I was from.

“What can I get for you two?” Asked the handsome waiter. He kept his eyes on me and my sundress with the corset top, smiling and eyeing me. I grinned and opened my mouth to order when Jeremy cut me off.

“Well she would like a cosmopolitan, along with an order of oysters to begin with. I want a whiskey, on the rocks. We will give you the remainder of our order when we receive those.” He stared evenly at the waiter, as if daring him to look at me again. The waiter nodded and slunk off.

“You didn’t have to scare the poor guy.” I said, laughing.

“For the next few days you are mine, and only mine. I only get this chance and I won’t share you with anyone else, even just for a look. Understood?” He said as his hand slide up my skirt to my thigh underneath the table. I gasped and nodded, biting my lip and pushing myself against his hand. Jeremy chuckled and withdraw his hand.

The waiter returned with the drinks and the oysters and Jeremy ordered us a traditional surf and turf, to share. Once he left Jeremy lifted an oyster to my lips and I sucked it down, feeling it slide down my throat. I sipped my drink, and watched him as he drank his. The rest of our meal went very similar, with us telling each other about our life and chatting as if we were two normal people, on a date, with no strings or background.

“So, are we ready to move on, beautiful?” Jeremy asked, after we had finished a few drinks.

“Yes, please, I could really use a shower after the flight,” I answered, blushing at his name for me. He helped me into his car, holding the door for me. He sat down behind the wheel and turned to me.

“Did you do what I asked you to do?” he asked, glancing down between my legs.

“You mean not wear any panties?” I grinned “I don’t know, care to check for yourself?”

Jeremy grew under his breath and forced his hand between my legs, to my bare cunt, feeling how my pussy dripped for him. I moaned and tilted my head back, closing my eyes. “Look at me.” He said, “Watch me as I finger you, when anyone can see us.” I stared into his eyes and he pressed his thumb against my clip, my piercing rubbing against me along with him. He slide his hand down and buried a single finger into my pussy, rubbing my g-spot with ease. I began to shive against him and I began “More, please, more”. Jeremy slide two more fingers into my cunt and began finger fucking me fast and hard, his fingers slamming into me over and over.

I began to feel myself coming and pushed myself onto him. Jeremy pulled his fingers out of my pussy quickly and I whimpered.

“You don’t come unless I say you can come, clear?” He said, bringing his fingers to my lips for me to clean off. I sucked on them gently and nodded. He then arranged my skirts so my pussy was on display and began to drive us to the hotel.

On the way there he ordered me to keep myself on the edge, fingering myself slowly enough that I wouldn’t come but fast enough that I wanted to. By the time we arrived at the hotel I was beginning him to let me come but he just smiled and shook his head. He opened the door for me and smoothed my skirts, cupping my ass and then shacking it in the process. We stopped by the front desk to check in and, to my surprise, we were given the keys to a suite. Jeremy turned at me as I tried to protest but he just turned and walked me towards the elevator.

The instant the doors in the elevator closed Jeremy grabbed me and kissed me, pulling my hair back and cupping my ass. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him deeper and then letting him bite and suck on my neck as I moaned and gasped in pleasure. The doors dinged open and a businessman was standing outside. He cleared his throat and stared wide eyed at my bare legs. Jeremy lowered me down to the ground and grabbed my bags. We left the elevator and as soon as the doors closed behind the other man I burst into laughter, giggling and shaking at the ridiculousness of it. Jeremy looked surprised but then laughed as well, and then guided me to the room.

The room was bigger than Any hotel room I had ever stayed in, with a grand four poster bed in the center and a mirror positioned across from it, a sofa in the corner, and in the bathroom a whirlpool tub and standing shower. There was a stocked bar and fridge as well. Next to the bed was a small trunk, and I eyed it curiously.

“What is in that?” I asked, looking at Jeremy warily.

“You don’t need to worry about that yet,” He said, grinning, “I’ll show you soon.”

With that he pushed me back onto the bed and pinned my arms above my head, pulling my strapless dress down to display mypierced nipples with little dangly read hearts on them. He grew quietly and tugged on them, making me cry out in pain and pleasure. He kissed and licked them until they were rock hard, and then pulled away.

“I thought you needed to shower.” He said while smiling.

I stood up and unzipped my dress, letting it fall down to my ankles, and I removed my sandals, standing completely naked in Front of him. I then turned and walked into the restroom to shower. I started the water and when I turned around Jeremy was watching me from the doorway, but he motioned for me to continue. I shook my ass semiconductorly and then stepped into the shower, letting the water run over me as I washed my hair and body. I slowly rubbed my cunt, cleaning myself of my own juices as I sawed in pleasure. After I was clean and smooth I Stepped out of the shower and wrapped the large white towel around me, rubbing myself dry. As soon as I made a motion to grab my luck for some clothes, however, Jeremygrabbed me and pushed me towards the bed again. I saw that while I was in the shower he had laid out some bindings on the bed and I turned and looked at him. He saw me hesitate and he kissed me, lifting me onto the bed and lowering me to it as he stroked my nipples.

I arched my back and Jeremy moved my hands above my head and secured them with the cuffs. He moved down and did the same for my ankles. I made a small noise of protest and he put a gag in my mouth, cutting me off. He then moved down and kissed my breasts, then my nipples, then my navel. He looked up at me and I squirmed. He then lowered his mouth to my cunt and ran his tongue along it in one slow, long lick. He flicked my clip ring with his tongue and then spread me out so he could suck on my clip itself, making me buck at him hungrily. He slammed his fingers into my pussy, bringing me quickly to the edge of orgasm. I bucked and whimpered, and he whispered “Come.”

I exploded into little pieces as lights went offin my head and my body shook and quivered. I whimpered and breathed heavily as my body sagged into the bed, in a state of utter relaxation. Jeremy released the cuffs and removed the gag, kissing me gently as he pulled me against him. I saw happily and snuggled against him.


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