Some Work Week Distractions


At work, he texted you and said this work week you will have a task a day to complete, while at work. You first task is to find the surprise left in the bottom of your purse. You move your purse’s contents around until you see the pink Vibease in your purse.

He texts you and said to sync it with your phone. Then go to the bathroom and put it into your pussy. Text him when it is in. You head to the bathroom stall with your pursuit in hand. You can feel your wetness dripping with every step. At the bathroom, you pull your panties aside and slip it inside you. It is cold and you shiver. You stay in the stall and text him back. All of a sudden it comes to life in a low whirl. He texts you back and instructs you to go back to work.

Throughout the day, at your desk, he changes the intensity. He turns it on high for about 30 seconds, then lowers it again for a while. He repeats this process throughout the day. You have been on the edge all day, fighting the urge to cum in front of your cubicle mates.

One more hour and your torture is over, but you have to go to a staff meeting. You hope he leaves it on low. Everyone assembles in the conference room. This daily meeting is always mundane, but you like that this vibe is distracting you. Just like he has done throughout the day, he increased the intensity in the middle of the meeting. You struggle to maintain composure.

Only a couple more seconds, that’s how it’s been and you hope it is the same. You count the seconds in your head, trying to distract yourself from cumming. But today, right now, he is a bastard. He leaves it on high. He knows you have this meeting. He doesn’t care. You bite your lip. You fidget in your chair. God, you hope no one doubts. You look at everyone. All in their own world. Except. Except for your boss. He is looking all around at everyone.

He is talking, but is staring into your eyes. Seeing the intensity in them. You avert your eyes, but he keeps staring.You can’t look away. You are on the brink. Then suddenly you can’t hold back any longer. You suffer and enjoy in silence. Your heartbeat thumbs hard and quick. You gasp and silently whimper. You just came in front of your co-workers and no one know or suspected. Except maybe…


After yesterday’s task, she was both looking forward and appreciated about her work assignment for today. At 9:00AM sharp, she got the text. It stated, “Go to the bathroom, text me when there.” Quickly she got out of her cubicle and went towards the lavatory. Susan decided to stop her to ask a question. “No, not today”, she thinks to yourself. Luckily it was a quick question and was easy to answer. She finally gets to the stall and text, “I’m here”.

His response, “At the top of Every hour, you will edge for 10 minutes. Text me after each task is complete.” A rush of blood comes rushing to her face. She is both excited and embarrassed. She starts on her first assignment. She pulls downher panties and sits down. She furiously starts to rub her clip. She is turned on before her hand even touches her clip. Her juices quickly mix with her hand and create the familiar sound of her rubbing herself. She quickly gets to the edge within a few minutes. She scales back the intense rubs and grinds on her clip to keep her in your heightened state of bliss.

Her head and body on the edge. All her senses Heightened. Suddenly, someone else enters the lavatory and goes into the adjacent stall. She continues in silence. It turns her on more knowing a colleague is a foot away from her while she rubs herself. A couple minutes pass, then she is done. She takes a deep breath after the co-worker leaves. Her ten minutes are up.

This is going to be a long day…


This morning she was told to wear a short skirt to work for her assignment. So she decided to wear her favorite black mini today with no stockings, thigh high boots and a crème top. It was cute, just sexy enough for work to not look slutty, but it definitely turns heads! She strut into work knowing that she looked hot and was ready to go to get this assignment. She got to her desk and started working. She hoped that by 9AM she would get her assignment.

9AM rolled around and no text. Her pussy was twitching in anticipation of his text. But the time came and went and no text. She tried to concentrate and hope that he Respons, but no text. She waited. She tried to delve into her work, but her mind constantly wanders back to him. What is his game today? When will he text her? Focus back to work. Get going on that report. Keep chipping away at it.

10AM rolls around and still no text. She is starting to squirm in her seat. She can feel her excitement build. She can smell her arousal. She can feel the wetness, slipperiness in her pussy. But still no text. Keep working. How does she format these charts? What works best? God she is so horny! Focus. Back to work. Still no text.

11AM and she is in a team meeting. She is ready to jump out of her skin while trying to maintain her composition. She leads a discussion on her project, but as soon as others begin talking, she always comes back to her phone. Where is that damn text? God, why does he make her wait? Don’t answer that, she knows the answer and it is dripping between her legs!

11:30AM it arrives. “Eat lunch at Schwartz’s. Window seat.” She knows what that means. The deli is on a crowded street a block away from her work. It has elevated stools in front of a window facing the street. He wants her to flash someone or tease someone. Her response, “Yes sir. What else do I need to do?” No response was given to her. At least it wasn’t given to her yet.

11:55AM he responses. “Take your panties off and put them in your pursuit before you leave.” “Yes sir” is her response. Quickly she darts to the lavatory and yanks her panties off. The fragment smell of her engorged pussy fills the room and excitesher even more. She shoves them in her pursuit and head to the restaurant.

It is a slow day at the deli. The new food truck parks a couple doors down and milks the deli’s customers on Wednesday. She places her order and take a seat at the windows. The line for the food truck is long and snakes past the deli’s window.

Suddenly her phone chirps. His text arrives and states, “after her food arrives, sit with her legs parted while facing the crowd.” Her name is called and she picks up her food. She sits down and proceed to show the crowd her glistening pussy.

Since the food truck line is in front of her, several dozen people are readily within her view waiting in line. Her pussy is really wet. She loves flashing people. At first no one sees her. But after a couple minutes, a 30-something business woman looks over and sees she is exposed. She turns criminal, but doesn’t look away. They both lock eyes.

The non-verbal communication between the two is making her squirm in her seat. She is excited to be watched and this beautiful woman is making her ready to exploit. Jarring her out of her trance, another text arrives. “Go into the bathroom, shove your panties into your pussy, and go back to work.” “Yes sir” was her response. She quickly goes to the bathroom stall. She sits down and shove the panties in her juicy cunt. She lingers, relishing her new distraction. She grabs her business card and rubs it along her pussy.

She gets up, licks her fingers clean, and then washes her hands. She walks out of the deli. She spots the woman. Hands her the card and walks back to work. As she walks away, she can hear the woman breathe in deep…


After you got out of the shower, you see your benwa balls and butt plug on the bed with a note saying you need to wear these today. Immediately you feel your excitement grow. Your ass twitches just at the thought of wearing that plug for the day. You know since it will be a long time with it in, youNeed to use plenty of lube.

It has been a long time since you wore it for more than 8 hours and know this will be a challenge. You glob the lube onto the plug and push it in with ease. It makes you feel so full and fulfilled. You love that feeling.

Now your pussy, it is already pulsing and wet. No lube is needed. The balls are also your favorite. You push them in, one-by-one and love how it rubs against the plug each time you push them in.

You pull up your thong, put your skirt on and finish getting ready. You head to work, readily aware how full you feel. Every step you can feel your pussy slosh the balls around. You have to clnch your muscles to keep the balls inside you. Each time you do that, makes your pussy more excited.

Walking makes you feel like you’re edging without even touching your clip. You can feel the gspot being rubbed and ticked because of the balls and your pussy rubbing together. Sitting still at work has its own challenges. The balls aren’t moving, but the plug pushes in hard. You feel yourself rocking back and forth in your chair making the plug push in and out.

After only an hour of work, you get a text. “Go to the lavatory and edge for Daddy. 10 minutes.” You shudder. You don’t know if you can last 1 minute let alone 10! You go into the stall, but don’t sit down. You know as you edge, you don’t want either to fall out. You close the door, hike your skirt up and lean against the stall door with your ass. You start the process of rubbing your clip. It is heavenly.

You end up rocking back and forth against the door while you edge. Your breathing becomes ragged and are enrated. You are rarely aware of your surroundings now. Suddenly you hear the door open and her high heels clicking across the tile floor. You are jarred back to reality as you are aware someone is in the stall next to you. You bite your lip and try the best that you can to edge in silence. But gasps are starting to escape.

Your stallmate asks if you are ok, sensing you may be under duration. You squeak out that you are doing fine. But you aren’t you are so close and want to cum. But you can’t! And your time is up…


Last day for this work week challenge. You have been enjoying these daily tasks. Sir has been really teasing you and you haven’t been allowed to cum for weeks. When the wind blows, you get excited. You feel like you are on the edge all the time.

So for today’s assignment, he decided to surprise you. He texted you this morning: “Meet me at our favorite lunch spot at noon.” So you spend the rest of your morning restless, fidgety. You are wet just thinking about lunch!

11:50 rolls around and you leave the office. Out on the street, you walk 3 blocks to a little hole in the wall. A small joint with tables in the center and high-backed booths lining the sides. You are a couple minutes early, but he was already waiting for you. He is in the last booth and facing the front. Watching you and everyone else enter. You blush and walk back to him.

You walk up to him. Hands claped, behind your back. Head down, eyes to the floor. You wait. Waiting in public is always the toughest. After what seems like forever, but was probably about a minute, he acknowledges your presence. Stands up to greet you, give you a kiss and information you to sit down.

You both engage in small talk, but your mind is focused between your legs. You feel the wetness taking over your panties. The power of just his presence causes you to melt. The waitress asks for your drinks. He orders for you. As she is walking away, he commands you to take your panties off. You proceed to get up to the bathroom and instead he scolds you and states that he did not command you to leave. Again, you feel the blood rush to your face in embarrassment as you quickly and as coveredly as possible, remove your panties in your booth. He states to place them on the table.

When your drinks are brought, thewaitress sets them down next to your panties. Shame and excitement wash all over you. You really are a slut. You own that title! He proceeds to order for both of you. You aren’t really in a state of mind to think about food anyway.

After the waitress leaves, you are instructed to sit next to him. He climbs out of the booth and you climb into the seat then he sits back down. He brought work with him and starts to read it, ignoring you for a couple minutes. Then you feel his left hand on your thigh. Slowly rubbing your bare thigh.

His fingers start to create circles up and down your thighs. He continues to read, but his left hand, the one hidden from most people’s view, is bidding his unique work on your body. After a few moments, his hands are now close to pussy. His fingers wipe the wetness from your thighs, then presents his fingers to your mouth. You quickly lick the juices from his fingers. Then his hand goes back to teasing you. Ever so close to your pussy.

As the waitress approaches with your food, his index finger finds your clips and starts rubbing it vigorously. The waitress put your meals on the table and he thanks her. It was apparent that the waitress knew what he was doing because of the excitement in her face and the wink she gave you as she walked by.

He whispers in your ear and asked if you would like the waitress to climb under the table and lick your clipty for you. Breathing heavily, you squeak out. “God yes!” He said let’s eat. He again brings his fingers to your mouth and you greedily suck them clean. He cuts his sandwich, pours ketchup and proceeds to eat. You follow suit. As you get lost in lunch his hand snakes back onto your pussy. His assault on your clip continues. He whispers, “Keep eating slut!” You do and so does he. Your thighs clamp down around his hand. He is bringing you to the broke.

As you try to finish up, the waitress comes back to see if everything is ok. You muskily say, “Oh yeah!” He continues hisunrelenting assault on your clip while he strikes up a conversation with Abi, your waitress. You are too distracted to hear anything being discussed. That is until he asks you a question again. He states, “Did you hear me? Would you like Abi to come over and play with us sometimes, you horny slut?” You try to muffle your excitement and say, “Oh my God yes!”

He asks Abi, “Do you think I should let this slut cum right here, on my hand, while you watch her?” She leans in to both of you, looks you in the eyes, and states, “No, I think you should make her wait, send her back to work like this. Wait until we meet tonight!” He agrees pulls his hand away and whispers into Abi’s ear. Abi grabs his hand that is full of your pussy juices and licks it clean.

He pays the bill and states, “Well, back to work slut.”…


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