Weekend Away Ch. 01

The ringing phone wakes me up, it is on full volume. I star at it; I never sleep with it on. Then I look at the clock, oh fuck!! How did I sleep in? Where are you? Why didn’t he wake me up? I look at the phone, it is you.

“Time to get up sweet heart, today is the big day.” your voice says.

I start to respond, but you tell me there is no time, just go shower and dress. There is a warm cup of coffee in the bathroom and you put out my clothes. I have 20 minutes to be ready before you are home.

I stumble into the bathroom, pick up the cup of coffee and gratefully smell the lovely scent. I smile as I think how much I love you. I get ready to take a shower; I am still half sleep and slowly wake up as the water hits me.

I am thinking about the weekend ahead, we have been married for 6 months and are finally getting a weekend to ourselves. You have planned everything, showing me pictures of a cute bed and breakfast on an island somewhere. You have not told me where.

We are packed and ready to go, just had to get up early. Two hours ago early. Again, I smile at your letting me sleep in. A rare treat.

I am a little puzzled as I get dressed. The expected sexy bra and garter are there, as are stockings and absolutely no under wear. But the skirt and blouse you picked out for me are older, and definitely not my sexiest. I shrug it off and get dressed. I have just finished applying my makeup and putting on my high heeled shoes on, when my phone rings again.

I look and it is you, your voice is upset “you need to come to the gas station down the street now!”

You hang up. I am puzzled and anxious, what is going on? I try to call back, but there is no answer. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys and anxious down to the garage. I hit the light switch, nothing happens. Damn! I open the garage door and anxious to the car. I turn the car on, and the radio is on full blast. I am started, and turn the radio down.

Suddenly there is a knifeat my neck and the garage door is closing again. I sit frozen, my mind a blank.

Then your angry voice says, “don’t panic, it is me!”

I relax in relief as your other hand cares my check from behind. As your cares moves to my hair, you wrap my hair around your hand and pull my head back. The knife presses into my neck, you tell me not to relax too much. You tell me I am not to say anything unless you say I can speak.

You explain to me that this weekend we are not going as husband and wife, or even as master and slave. You are my abductor, and I will be yours to use. It can go two ways, I can cooperate or I can fight you.

You tell me to open my mouth and give me two of my anti-anxiety pills. I start to ask why, and you yank my hair and ask if I really want to speak. I stop and shake my head no. You explain that you want me to sleep, so I will have no idea where we are going and how long it takes to get there.

You tell me, that you will have fun either way, the question is how much pleasure I want. This is not going to be like our normal play sessions, I won’t get pleasure with or after the pain. Any pleasure I receive will be accidental. You will respect my safe words, but there will be consequences for using them. You will stop, but I may not like what that means. It could mean that you leave me alone for 5 minutes or hours, it could mean that you leave me tied up and on the floor while you sleep in bed. It could mean that you stick me to a chair, put vibrators in my ass and cunt, and leave me there for an unknown length of time. You might even fall asleep and leave me there all night. You point out that it may not seem like punishment at first, but it will after the first half an hour or so.

You push the knife in a little deeper, and let go of my hair. You put your hand in my shirt and roughly grab my breast. You gently cares my nipple and tell me how much fun you are planning on having.

This sends a shudder through me,Because normally you say we will have fun when you are thinking of the evil things you want to do to my body. The exclusion of my feelings has me worried. You chuckle as you bit my ear. I whimper. My crotch is soaking wet; my bodies first betrayal.

You tell me to put my hands behind my head, I do. You pull out the cuffs and explain that rope would be more appropriate but harder to manage, so you are going to use cuffs. I am starting to feel the effects of the meds and get sleepy. You cuff my hands to the headrest and put on my collar. You explain you are not putting it on for play, or because it symbolizes my slavery, but because it makes it easier to control me.

You cuff my hands to my collar and tell me to stay put. You get out of the back seat and open my door. You tell me to get out. You blindfold me, and tell me you are not going to gag me, because you will need to check in on me during the drive. If I cause any problems you will. You know I hate to be gagged, I hateall the gags we own. I know this is not an idle threat, my hating them rarely ever changes your decision about whether they will be used.

You put me in the back seat and tell me to lay down. You go around to the other side and open the door, you cuff my ankles to the door, and shut it. You come back around to my side, and un-cuff my hands from the collar. You move the collars so the attachments are on the back and re-cuff my hands. You buckle me up and give me one of your devilish smiles. You lean down and stick your tongue deep in my throat. I kiss you back and moan in pleasure.

You get in the driver’s seat, open the garage and off we go. As we drive off you turn on Metallica, and I am left to the realization that this weekend I thought was going to be a romantic getaway has turned into something very different. As I drift off to sleep, I remind myself that you love me and this is all a game.

I don’t know how long it has been, but I wake up to you adjusting my positivityon. When you notice I am awake, you explain that it will be hard for me to pleasure you if I am cramped when we get to our destination. You finish, re-restrain me and get back in and drive off.

I am disoriented I have no idea how long we have been in the car or where we are. I try to get the blindfold to budget so I have some visual input, but can’t get it to move. You start laughing and I am embarrassed that you have seen my futile attempt. I don’t know why, but tears start.

You must be watching, because you tell me that is good, I am getting into the emotional state I need to be in for the weekend. I can’t help it, I get excited and wet in spine of the uncertainty.


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