Some Kind of Spell Ch. 07

Some Kind of Spell — Chapter 07

The Vows

That day he had taken her shopping was days ago but she still remembered almost every detail and word spoken. She still didn’t know Pierre’s reasons or at least the full reasons for his championing her cause and protecting her but she knew now it was real and he was ready to commit himself to her for however long she wanted him to. The contract that had been negotiated was clear on that point.

For almost a week, Pierre drilled her about her dance, her moves and her behavior for an upcoming event. He would not disclose many aspects of it, or too many specifics about it. Only that she would be required to dance and entertain him and four other men and their girls. He was strict and wouldn’t allow her release either. He said she would need to be primed and ready for the event and was going to make sure it was “memorable” for her and the others present as it would be a formal Collaring event.

At this point he began to teach her some finer points of Dominance and submission. He teach her about the Vows that would be exchanged at this event. It was a formal offering and acceptance of Dominants and the submissive of their choice. It was a mutual choosing.

“Ma petite” he began. “This is an important event for you as well. I will formalize our bond and our commitment to each other, with you. It is called the Collaring ceremony and although I have already put a collar on you, that was not “formal” This will be.”

“In many respects some say, this is like a wedding between a Dominant and their submissive. And there IS symbolism in it. The collar is like a ring being placed around your neck.”

“I will simplify the vows and parts of this celebration for you. You will be asked to say Your vows to me on this occasion. They should incorporate the main four pillars of a D/s relationship.

“The first is Respect. Respect for both Dominant and submissive is a key element upon which trust, honesty andfree open communication is based. It is a matter of human nature that respect must be in place for true growth and trust to be gained.”

“Respect, if you use the definitions commonly found in dictionaries will reveal words to describe respect such as, a feeling of deep admission for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.”

“High regard.” “High esteem” “Veneration” “Deference” “Reverence” “homage”

“Thoughtfulness” “Consideration” Politeness” “Civility” “acclaim” “Admiration” “Cherish” “Value” “to prize or treating” “Lionize” “idolize” Praise” “Appreciate”

“All of these words help you understand the meaning of “RESPECT.” It begins the foundation of any good and durable relationship, and its importance grows more apparent as time goes by.”

“I truly believe, ma petite, that if you truly respect me and I you, that we will be able to build a bond of such depth and scope that it will change both of our lives, forever. Iam willing to take this step with you when you believe its what you wish. “

“The bond I speak of, is the true bond of a Dominant and submissive. It’s a bond of love, and many other things. It encompasses everything we are, everything we hope to be and everything we can be. “

“This is a relationship that is filled with Caring. That is the second vow one takes with each other in a D/s relationship. Caring as in the taking care of one another. Tending to each others needs. Making sure that the thoughts and feelings of both parties are considered and spoken of openly and honestly. Making sure that everything is spoken of, including dreams, hopes, fears, triggers, etc.”

“The third vow, is split as one part is mine and the other part is yours. My part is to guide, direct, teach, discipline and be totally responsible for your life. All the decisions concerning you, even the tiniest ones, are mine to make if I deem it necessary. When you give me that precious gift of submission I vow to honor you and care for every aspect of your life.”

“You, in turn, vow to obey me and listen when I teach and give you things upon which to think of and be willing to do as I tell you, with trust and faith it is for your own good. I will be in complete control of myself so as not to lose sight of your needs as my sub. My part is to make sure you are free to explore safely, the outside world and the inner world of your own body, mind and soul.”

“And the Fourth vow, I promise and commit to your protection at all times. To put your safety above my own and protect you with my life, keeping you safe from all harm. This means you will find me doing things you may not understand, or giving you orders at a moments notice that do not seem to make sense. Your part in this is obedience. To have FAITH in me to the extent you completely put your life in my hands and obey without question as it may save your life one day.”

“Now this is not a dictatorship nor should you be a doormat. However, there are times when your swift obedience is not just a sign of respect, but also a needed part of full submission. Without your obedience, all else is moot.”

“Now, ma petite, do you understand what I have just told you?”

“Yes, Sir. I do.”

“Any questions?”

“Yes, Sir. Is there reading material on these things that I might read and study further?”

“Yes, there is ma petite. I will have books and links on the computer that you may read and study immediately. Anything else?”

“No Sir. Thank you Sir.”

“You are welcome Mine.”

Over the course of the next days she studied many things that Pierre gave her to read and look up. One of them was the Dominants Creed and one was the Submissives Creed. She read each one aloud. This was one thing that helped confirm to her in her own mind, what her role was and what Pierre’s was.

Angela read these things over many times. There was so much to learn and Pierre believed in her, thought her worth his time. This was no pretend relationship. Pierre actually intended to commit to her and this relationship. She could hardly take it all in. Everything had happened so fast. Her head was still spinning.

From the moment she had met him, he had been somehow determined to make her see him. He went so far as to come to her place of work and try to invite her out on a simple lunch meeting. But that was only a ruse. She realized now that their chemistry was powerful enough to keep him coming back to her, to pursue her and even find her through means she had no understanding of after the safe house cover was blown and the agents either killed or kidnapped.

The events of five years ago still haunted her and she trembled as images flitted through her mind that moment. She would never forget seeing her brother and his wife shot. All that blood that flowed to the ground. And now, she was in hiding with Pierre, a man who seemed abundantly wealthy and more than capable ofKeeping her out of harms way it would appear. But why take on this very large commitment to her?

Maybe he would end it after the trial. She had no answers to so many questions. Perhaps she should ask him? She was still shy to speak of the future or issues to do with their relationship, but she realized she could not be a timing mouse either. She was still herself, still in jeopardy and still needed to know what was real, and what was not.

Her handler always told her to trust no one. She knew he mean no one else but him. Still, it was very hard these past five years, a hard way to live. Surely sometimes, someone would be trustworthy? Was Pierre someone she could really fully trust?

Here she was with a man she barely knew, whose sexual dominance left her in awe and craving his touch, his kisses and his body taking hers. Yet, what did she really know? She intended to ask him once he was available and not in meetings. He was a businessman she knew. Wealthy businessman bythe looks and sounds of things. Still she would really like to know more and be sure her fate, her life, was in safe hands. Yet, on some deep level she DID trust him. For some unknown inexplicable reason, he installed her trust. Even from that first meeting where she had such a strong feeling of Déjà vu.

There were so many unanswered questions too. Was she going to be able to testify? What happened to her trainer? And the other agent that was guarding her.. Who was the mole that gave her up and let her enemies know where she would be, at the safe house?

Every time she remembered that night in the restaurant, where she saw with her own eyes, her brother and his wife and her boyfriend being shot, she had nightmares and knew her life would never be the same. Losing her brother and sister in law that way would always be a huge loss and a hole was left in her heart.

She and her brother were very close siblings. This drive her to make sure that those responsible would payand never be able to do this type of thing again. Murder. They murdered them in cold blood. Angela had kept many details and the chronical of events in an online encrypted journal. She had told no one about it. Not even her handler. Perhaps that is why it was still intact. She had run an encryption program to conceal it. And she had not opened it in over 3 years.

As memories swamped her Anglela squeezed long held tears from her eyes, trying her best not to break down. She rarely gave herself permission to cry. That would not help matters now. She pushed herself now to put those deep emotions aside to focus on the things at hand. She was to become a contractual submissive to a man she had known less that 2 months. It was a huge risk. Yet this was a solid offer of protection and she cared for this man. He was an enigma to her. She didn’t understand him or why he was doing this, but hoped that one day she would.

There was so much at stake. So many lives were being affected and with her testimony, men without conscience who had murdered innocent people and man more horrid acts against them, would be put in prison where they couldn’t do those terrible things to those she cared for anymore. Her parents would finally be able to rest. She would be able to see them again. Perhaps there would be answers to all those questions she had about Pierre too.

She had not yet discovered his reasons for becoming involved. Whatever they were though, she believed he intended to follow through and see that her account was told in court. She felt confident that after today, her life was truly going to be His. This was the day of her formal collaring. She waited now anxiously having memorized her vows and prepared herself the best she could for this event.

At that moment she heard the tread of his footsteps. Her Master was approaching. She had put in the hazel contact lenses, applied the makeup to give her a more exotic look, dressed in the skimpy bikini top and bottom, 2pieces of clothing he had set out for her, a pair of high heels she prayed she would not stumble and fall in, and had put on the short hair, blonde wig he had wanted her to wear. She fingered her collar now, the symbol of ownership she had been given in her trial period. He had told her it would be replaced. She wondered at that statement. This collar was very lovely. A lacy chaser with an inlaid cameo of blue and creamy white. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

Pierre opened the door and for one moment he was transfixed. Even in this disguise she stole his breath and aroused him fully in that instant. This was Angelique, his “Angela,” disguised as his “Rosa” and he was beyond pleased. She had done exactly as he had requested.

In his hand he held a diaphanous garment of white that he was going to put over her head and allow to fall in gentle flowing folds around her form. It would not conceal anything but would allow her to feel more “dressed” until themoment he removed it during the ceremony. It was pure white made of finest silk.

“Come to me, ma Petite” He spoke firmly to her. She walked to him with her head held high and eyes tinged with fear and courage. He pulled her to him by one hand. Slipped the silken white robe over her head and then lifted her chin with his other hand, tilting her head upwards so that he might kiss her. He kissed her mouth tenderly with his passwords in check but she felt it all the way to her bones and shivered. This bolstered her courage and she looked at him with eyes that showed her emotions for him. “I am ready Master.”

His heart soared. “Very good Ma Petite. Let us go now and show them all how it is done.”

He led her then through the corridor and then to a private elevator where he used his key card and a password to open it and allow them to enter. He punched in 4 on the keypad indicating the 4th floor and then the elevator carriage began its movement upward.

Angela’s heart was beating wildly. Her adrenalin was flowing. She wasn’t entirely sure of what would take place but had some idea. The reality was beyond her dreams.

The elevator rose quite far up into the air, and it seemed higher than 4 floors high. She was not prepared for the elaborate nature of the room that was first seen when the elevator doors opened. Pierre cupped her elbow firmly with his left hand and his right arm slide across her back his hand resting firmly on her shoulder, as he pulled her close to his side and they walked into the elegant spatial room. There was a fire in the fireplace and several elegant dining tables with two chairs at each one. Candle light, lit the spaces, with the lovely floral bouquet’s set on each table, filling the air with the delicate scent of roses and magnolias.

Two of Pierre’s security people were at the elevator entrance guarding it. Obviously they were there to prevent anyone coming in that didn’t belong. There were six more armed guards around the perimeter of the room. They looked similar to the wait staff, but it was obvious, they were there to protect every one in the room.

The floor was white marble. Chandeliers hung from the ornate textured ceiling. All the fixtures were gold and in the center of the room, was a large round stage with a ring of red roses on the outer edge with a long walk way leading to the stage from the back of the room. There were comfortable cushioned chairs surrounding the stage enough for all those couples in the room.

There were already 5 couples in the room. The men dressed formally in suits, the woman obviously their submissives, wearing collars and elegant flowing dresses with stockings and heels.

There were wait staff, three women and four men. Each one dressed in serving outfits of black and white, looking like they stepped out of a photograph from an era long past.

Angela’s hands were cold. She shivered in spite of the warming heat from the fireplace. She looked at Pierre and he gently took one hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it, and then her wrist and immediately her eyes widened as her body reacted. Just that simple gesture alone, warmed her heart and relieved her. It always amazing her, the way he made her feel.

As they entered the room everyone stood and came to greet them. Each male came to Pierre, shook his hand and introduced him to the submissive woman that Accompanied each male guest. Pierre was charming, gracious and introduced Angela to each male and submissive one couple at a time. He introduced her as, “Rosa,” using the name they had both chosen instead of her real name.

Each male looked her over very thoroughly and each female looked at her with envy after meeting her Dominant, Pierre. She could understand this feeling as she often pinched herself still, that Pierre had chosen her and made her his submissive and lover. It was no wonder they all looked at them both with a touch of envy mixed with admiRation. Something bothed her about the second male she has been introduced to. His look was hungry and at the same time reminded her of a predator. He also looked familiar but she had no idea why. It seemed to be someone she had seen before but where and when?

She said nothing to Pierre, nor did she show in any way, that she was bothered by this man

However, Pierre noticed something in her eyes that alerted him that there may be something amiss here. He nodded to his security people. And then tilted his head towards the man that Angela had seemed to be bothered by with a subtle gesture to let them know something, or someone was to be watched as a possible threat. They all saw the man he had indicated.

After the introductions were done, Pierre led Angela to the stairs and they both walked up the steps and onto the walkway to the stage about 10 meters away. There was a red velvet rug with gold trim lining the walk way. Pierre turned to her, bent and kisses her cheesesand whispered to her “Relax, ma petite. Just remember what we rehearsed and all will be well. Stand proud and strong for me and show them all, why I value you above all else and have chosen to formally collar you.”

Then he turned and walked to the center of the stage, and spoke to the crowd.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight you are here to witness the formal collaring of the woman I have chosen to be my submissive. She is a rare and beautiful woman, both in her mind and of course her body which is lovely and attractive. Beyond that, her soul is pure. I have never met another female like her. So now, my friends, I present to you, My Rosa.”

At this point he turned and watched her walk towards him to the center of the stage, where a raised dais was. He stepped up on that, and as she approached him he told her to remove her silk dress and then knee at the base of the dais. . She did so on the level below him removing the lovely diaphanous silk dress, folded it, placed it next to her, with her eyes focused on the floor, her hands, palms up on her thighs and her back straight. She was so beautiful to him at that moment. And he was more than proud to see her there. Her hair, her skin, her body so radiant, her beauty so breathing, that all saw the miracle of her at that moment.

As she knelt there at the base of the dais, he began to speak. His vibrant voice was like liquid velvet, commanding and yet sensitive. He spoke of the responsibilities of a Dominant. He told of all the things that he, as her dominant would be and what he would do. He spoke of the four Vows which he taught her and then told her to rise and come up to him.

She rose then, and walked the few steps up to stand before him her head bowed, her hands shaking and yet she knew with all her heart, that this moment was a key one in her life. She trusted his man, with her life and know the words they spoke to each other now were both heart felt and a solid bond of commitment and loyalty. She knew he loved her and would protect her with his life.

He removed her training collar and put it in his pocket. He lifted her chin so she was looking at him. Then he began to speak the vows taken by a Dominant and submissive couple wishing to formalize their bond and contract to each other. When he was done, He told her she may speak her vows to him if there was anything she wished to says.

There was a lump in her throat. She had tears flowing down her cheeses, and her words were both beautiful and emotional. She spoke of her promises to him and her vows to fulfill each and every part of the things in their contract which both had read and signed final copies of that very day.

She spoke her vows with the vows she had carefully written out and memorized and finished by saying “I ask this day that you Sir, take me as your submissive and in sight of these witnesses do hereby promise to give you my heart, mind, body and soul. To honor, Obey, Trust and learn from you in all ways I can. I am yours.”

Pierre gazed at her with such deep love and caring on is face. He began to speak his vows to her, speaking of all the ways he would honor, protect, guide, teach, mentor and help her to grow and become everything she could be. Then taking out a lovely new collar, he put it around her neck fasting it. It was a gorgeous collar, unlike any she had ever seen It was made of fine gold links, and in the front, a cameo of soft pink, inlaid with diamonds with a shield and sword, and a young lovely maiden, embossed in the center. Then he turned and motioned one of the wait staff to come to him, and this man, held a long box, wrapped in a gold ribbon. He handed the box to Pierre, who reached for it and held it under his arm.


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