It was an ordinary day. Much like any other until she got the phone call. She was surprised that “He” would call her. They had spoken only once in passing at a coffee shop where she dropped her business card in a bowl for the weekly drawing of a free coffee with choice of a tart, a scone, a doughnut or a fruit and yogurt cup. He has said “Madmoiselle? Hello. Please go ahead of me.” So, this she had done in the line up which had 15 people ahead of her were she to wait. This way she had only 2 people in front and a much shorter wait.
He introduced himself to her briefly as Pierre De la Cruz, and she gave him only her first name, Angela, and shook his hand when he offered his. The handshake alone was enough to make her look at him twice, it was as if they had set off an electrical charge when their fingers touched.
But then he lifted her hand and kissed the back of it and then turned her hand and kissed the wrist spot sending shivers through her arm to the rest of her body.Charming manners and an absolute gentleman but oozing with sensitivity in every look and gesture. She grabbed back her hand, fumbled, blushed and turned away to order her coffee to go. No sweets for her that would just delay her. She got her Mocha latte with no cream and one packet of Splenda and rushed from the shop on her way to her work.
She was the manager-owner of her own beauty salon and was determined to Forget the encounter. He apparently had other ideas. When the phone rang she did not check who was calling. That alone was unusual. How ever that day she was very busy in the shop and had just put the phone to her ear and clicked accept. She heard his deep voice and instantly her hand trembled as if he had caressed her.
How had he acquired her phone number?
She was not sure but it was a question that she would ask him. He called asking to meet for “a short luncheon” as he put it. Innocuous enough. Nothing too threatening there. Public place, lots of people, andso she agreed. She did tell her best friend Vicky about it though giving her the name of the place they were meeting and the time they were to meet. Just a precaution so that she would have back up if needed. Her own reaction to his touch and his voice however; that was what really had her bothered. It could mean only one thing, TROUBLE with a capital T.
They met on a sunny Wednesday at a local restaurant known for serving good food with great service. She was nervous. She had changed her clothes five times before deciding on a white silk above the knee straight skirt with a slip up the back to mid thigh and a sleepless white silk blouse with delicate ruffling around the V neck. She finished her look with white and gold hoop earrings and white and gold buckled sandals. Her toe nails were painted a soft pink. Nothing showy. Just clean, fresh and deliciously feminine. Very understated but with an elegance that showed through.
Why was she doing this? She had arrived early and pondered this very question. She was beginning to wonder if she had lost her mind when he walked through the restaurant door. He was simply too good to be true. Who even looked that good? She was sure she was dreaming. Then he approached her and all thought seemed to cease. He stood before her just looking at her eye to eye, for what seemed like eternity. She looked away, blushing beautifully. He took her hand, kissed the back of it and then turned it to kiss her wrist. This had her thinking she should have wound gloves. She had no control over her own body. It seemed to have a mind of its own and this was terribly inconvenient when she was trying so hard to look unaffected and poised.
She was mortified to discover that not only did she blush but coherent sentences seemed far beyond her for the first time in her life. He took her elbow and led her to their table being charming and attentive. She just nodded and sat where he pulled out the chair. It was almost as if she was underSome kind of spell.
He smiled at her that bone melting smile, and spoke of things in general and then of things around them commenting on the lovely day it was and the beautiful flowers in the planter boxes under each window of the restaurant and the doorway. “None of them, however, are as beautiful as you” he said. This got her attention as he took her hand and kissed the palm.
Surely she could say something? But somehow all she said was “Thank you.” Whereby again, she blushed and her mouth went dry. She felt like an inexperienced teenager. She slowly licked her dry lips and tried to pull back her hand fumbling with the menu as the waiter had just stopped by their table and put two menus down along with 2 glasses of water with ice. She set it down and took her water glass in hand, still trembling she noted with some disgust and sipped a few times before setting her glass back down. She again picked up the menu and tried to concentrate as the waiter stopped back by a few minutes later asking if they had decided on what they wanted to eat.
His voice was mesmerizing and sounded European if the accent was anything to go by. He looked at her, smiled again and simply took over ordering their meals for them. The waiter looked at him with awe and then said “Of course, Sir. Very good. Would you like some wine from our menu?” and the response was “No thank you. Not at this time.” The waiter hurried away as if this order was of utmost importance.
The next hour went by quickly. She couldn’t even know if her responses to his questions were helpful. In fact, she was dumb founded at how her own brain seemed to have reverted to another era when she was still discovering herself and the male species.
At the end of the luncheon he drew close to her and invited her to his limo which Coincidently seemed to appear just at the moment they arrived outside the restaurant. “Let me take you back to your work. It’s the least I can do.” She couldn’t even stringTogether enough words to make a full sentence. She was going to say no. But her mouth said, “Thank you.” And there she was in his limo being driven to work. When should she mention that she had brought her own car?
Seemed that her brain was foggy and unable to sort facts and act on them appropriately either.
How did he manage to do that? When he dropped her off he got out, came around and took her hand assisting her to exit the vehicle. He walked her to the entrance but did not come in. He simply smiled took her hands, pulled her close and then kissed each of her blushing cheeses very slowly. “I will call you again, lovely one,” he said and then turned and left to depart via his limo.
He did indeed call her again. And they had dinner together that following Friday evening. In fact, they had several “dates” to which she had intended to refuse but found that her pounding heart and lips had other ideas.
After a month of such “dates” he invited her to join him for ashort trip to a destination unknown to her. He kept it secret. And when they arrived she understood why. The place was beautifully breathtaking and huge. Mansion came to mind as she looked at it through the limosine windows.
Sprawling gardens and extensive grounds. “Oh Pierre.” She gasped. He merely smiled as if her reaction was predictable. “This is incredible,” was all she could say. The next few hours sped by quickly. She met his charming elegant mother and his sister and brother in law were also there. Equally charming and cordial. It was like being met by royalty. A dream. It simply couldn’t be true. And yet she sat there with them as if she belonged.
Hours later as they were driving back to the city she contemplated silently what had occurred. Pierre’s mother was so accepting and gracious of her. Invited her to come back again and wounded at her son.
The had been seeing each other now for a month and a half. He had now taken her to meet his family. And then theytook a detour and he brought her to yet another lovely mansion. His mansion. He announced this to her as he came around and drew her out. They stood there for what seemed long minutes but in reality it was much shorter. Only a minute really. Long enough for him to take her into his arms and kiss her so thoroughly she almost fainted. Then he whispered into her ear, “this is my home, Ma Cherie. And this is where I shall make love to you until the sun rises again.” She trembled and said something probably mostly incoherent and he just took her hand and led her into his home. Servants curried about and seemed to do everything without command or instructions. He led her up a long stairway to a room with a balcony over looking this incredible garden lighted by subtle twinkling lights with a fountain centered in the very middle of it lit, and with changing colored lighting making the water seems to dance in a rainbow of shifting colors. It was truly amazing to behold
He gently removed her shoes and proceeded to unzip her royal blue cocktail dress. Now she stood there in just her lace and satin bra and panties to match, a garter belt and silk hose. He kissed her again, and she just melted. She helped him undress as he helped her undress until they were both naked by a fire. She was shaking and a mass of nerves. “Relax my darling. I will not do anything you do not want. And we will stop at any time. Do you understand?” She managed to say “yes” though it was a whisper.
He made love to her as if she was the most priceless woman on the earth. All night long they made love. As the sun began to color the horizon he drew her close both of them spent and held her as close as they could possibly be. “Mine. You are now mine.” And then he opened a night stand near the head of the bed and took out a simple elegant choker with a medallion on it and claped it around her throat. She didn’t realize until much later the significance of this act. She didn’t even really have a thought in her head other than him. HE had just taken her to a new place in her experience. She had been claimed. She had been taken. And she was now “His.”
He had explained all of it to her of course. But somehow this reality was just now sinking in. She was however too tired now to think and she fell asleep in his arms. She would think about it more later.
She jolted awake and Found her alarm blaring. Opening her eyes she discovered she was late to get up and late to get going. She was in her own room in her own house. “Oh it was all a dream” she said to herself.
As she curried into the local coffee shop she found a line up of many people ahead of her. An elegant gentleman saw her come up towards the pastry counter, fidget with her watch and then look up at the menu. He spoke to her then and he was third in line that morning. She dropped her business card in the “free drawing” bowl and then was stunned when this grogeous man said, “Madmoiselle? Hello, Please go aheadof me.”
She stood there suddenly breathless and blushing. She pinched herself. Yes, she was awake. Yes this man was really speaking to her and it was not a dream. But she had this distinct feeling of déjà vu.
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