Some Bets You Can't Stand Losing

After endless prodding of my friends and an extended period of simple unhappiness at my regular day job, I quit and started my own pest control business. It had only been a few months, and now the busy season was just about to start. In the pest control business, it really didn’t get busy until Fall, when the rodents get cold and decided to move in.

Today I got a call like that. Somebody had heard mice or “something big” run in the walls of her home. I had no other appointments that afternoon, so I told her I would be over yet today. “Oh, that would be great!” she said with obvious relief as I scribbled down the address.

It must have been about two in the afternoon when I rolled into her driveway. It was a nice house, located a little out of town. It sat elevated from the road and far enough away from it, so it had great privacy.

As a pest control guy, I couldn’t help but notice that the landscape was impossible to take care of. There were two large oak trees, near tothe house, which doesn’t help in the battle against rodents, as acorns means food. But at least no bird feeder.

She must have heard my vehicle climbing the driveway. She was standing on the porch, waving to park next to the car that was already there. I was here on business, or I would have slowed down to really get a good look at that silhouette. Even from a distance, she looked like a stunner.

“Hi I am Angela” she said as she walked towards me, hand stretched out to greet me as I got out of the vehicle. “Thank you for coming over so quickly, something is in my walls, and it is keeping me up at night”.

She was wearing a long body hugging sweater, with a deep V neckline, and gray, almost silver, yoga pants. I couldn’t help but notice that her ample breasts were bouncing with every step she took towards me.

“Hi I am Sam, of SP Pest Control” I answered her greeting. “Let’s go see what we have here,” as I grabbed an oversized flash light and put on plastic gloves.

The gloves were a marketing gimmick, intended to install the “unhealthy” image behind pests. After all, if you are scared of pests, you would never get into this business. I snapped the wrists of the gloves loudly to draw attention to them.

“So where have you noticed the noises, and what kind of noises do you hear?” I asked.

I followed her up the steps of the porch, body hugging sweater hiding the views that I was just dying to see as I gawked at her torso just twisting ever so slightly as she moved ahead of me. The muscles of her thigs and calves seemed to just bounce under the lycra of her pants.

“Oh, let me take you to the kitchen, I have seen droppings in the cabinet, and didn’t clean it up in the hope you could identify it.” Angela said as she pointed towards the kitchen.

The cabinet under the sink, with the plumbing pipes, and associated holes that plumbers somehow always seem to make way to large for just the pipes, there were some droppings. Black,rice grain sized, dry, and really not that many of them.

“These droppings are of mice, by the looks of it, but I will take a sample, and will confirm with the lab.” as I shoved some in a small cellophane bag and labeled them with the date and customers name.

“Let me guess, you just started hearing these rodents in the last few weeks?” A fairly safe guess, as there were not many droppings and the weather had recently changed to become cold enough for mice to move inside.

“Exactly, about two weeks ago, right when the first cold snap hit.” Angela replied. She sounded almost excited, as if trying to provide information to hopefully crack the case.

“Well let’s see where else we might see them, as the plumbing pipes go into the floor, maybe there are signs in the basement?” I asked.

“Oh, that is possible, I haven’t really checked for them there. But here is the door to the basement, just watch your step, this staircase isn’t exactly the greatest”.

I didn’t find anything wrong with them, actually compared to a lot of basement steps, this one was quite all right.

The basement itself was also much nicer than most. It was well lit, high ceilings, and there was very little junk in it. Some basements are so packed with forgotten crap, it was sickening. In the trade we politely refer to it as: “home inventory.” But in all reality, it was just trash that should have been pitched a long time ago.

I scanned the ceiling for plumbing pipes and located where the kitchen sink pipes went through the floor. I grabbed a short step ladder that was stashed in the basement to get a closer look.

Angela was curious enough to get really close, even though from her vantage point, there was no way she could see what I saw.

“Ha, here we have some more, it appears that the criteria have have been using the plumbing performances to get to your kitchen cabinet,” as I was gesturing at the holes “as there are some more droppings right here!” pointing at a ledge of the foundation wall.

I looked down at Angela. As I said, from her vantage point there was no way she could see what I saw. I could look her in the eye and be polite, explaining whatever I could think of about mice, while gazing right down her sweater.

Did I only imagine it or did Angela change her body language? Somehow, I couldn’t tell for sure, but somehow, I think I saw a faint smile pass over her face.

As I climbed down, she didn’t strike me quite as scared of rodents as she was before.

“Let’s see if we can find a place where they might have been coming in” I said, shining my oversize flash light into noses and crannies. “Well, this hole here, with the gnaw marks, that is an obvious one.” I said triumphantly.

“That small?” Angela sounded unbelievably.

I got on the step ladder again and got a close up look. “Oh, for sure, also there are the same droppings right near it. As you may know, mice need a hole no larger than a dime to get inside.” I caught myself looking past her face again. Did it seems like she had repositioned her sweater? I could see not only some very pleasant cleavage, but also the edges of her bra. I am sure I would have noticed that before if that was showing then.

Angela was standing right below me, looking up and innocently just peering at the tiny hole.

We looked around some more and didn’t find any other super obvious holes, even though there were some that were questionable.

“Let me get some material from my vehicle to close these holes right off, and I will also get some traps. Well, that is if you are ok with that?”

Angela couldn’t have answered any quicker: “Oh, that would be great! Catch them all and please do, close every hole.”

That last comment rang in my ears more than once, “close every hole” as I rummaged through my supplies and picked up some metal fiber reinforced adhered and a few traps, preloaded with bait. I had some ideas as to what hole I wanted to plug, right then and there!

Walking back to the porch, Angela was standing there, arms crossed, and oh! Did she do that on purpose? Her boobs were almost piling out of her sweater!

Almost giddy she hurried down the stairs ahead of me. She offered to hold the flash light, which really wasn’t necessary, as the basement was plenty well lit, but she did anyway.

I plugged the few holes we discovered, and set the traps.

When I set the last trap, next to a storage shelving unit and some lawn furniture and some other outdated chairs, my eye was caught by a large hole.

“Well, what is this, as I turned the old chair around.” The chair wasn’t truly old, but definitely the outdated kind that you remember from a decade or two ago. A molded plywood seat and back, with a super simple metal frame that essentially consistent of one continuous tube that wrapped along the back, under the seat, formed two front legs and then a U shape as a bottom. This chair would allow the user to bounce slightly.

“This one” I continued, after getting it out of the furniture jumble “is a large hole!” “That definitely was no mouse!” I tried to laugh it off now, since I realized the hole was near the back of the seat of the chair.

“No it wasn’t” Angela said with a subtle tone of mystery. “I had that done for Hank”.

“I don’t understand” I said, my mind working overtime to try to get out of this one, as this obviously was not something I felt I needed to get into. “Hank was your hamster?”

“No, Hank is my landscaper.” Angela continued. “I was sick of him making lewd jokes and staring down my shirt, so I made him a bet.”

“Oh, I guess I should have left that one alone, too much information here!” I exclaimed.

“No, it was Actually quite funny, for me that is.” she continued. “I had the chair here on this table, facing this way.” as she placed the chair with the back towards us on top of the struggle lawn furniture.

“And Hank had to toss ping pong balls into the hole”? I asked. I really couldn’t think of anything more innocent while looking at a chair with a 2 inch hole in the seat.

“Not exactly,” Angela said, smiling but with a twinkle in her eye.

“Well, that was my best guess, so if you want me to know, you just might have to share.” I said.

“Let me show you” she said. “Go ahead, have a seat. That is, if you have the balls for it.”

The table was one of those table and bench combinations that reminds you of a family picnic in the park. I wasn’t going to be outdone by some Hank. With testosterone surging through my body, I stepped on the benchmark and then the table and sat in the chair.

“OK, now put your arms behind the back rest.” she said as she stepped on the other benchmark, now in front of me. “Put your hands next to your sides.”

I reached around the back rest and had my hands coming forward next to my hips.

Angela had a short section of fairly thick, well hurt rope in her hand and with a loop hooked it around my right hand, and proceeded to pull on my left hand and tied the rope to it.

“Wow, what is going on here?” I rapidly started to feel not OK with this. Somehow, I went quickly from the overbearing rodent expert to someone tied in a chair, while looking at her tits. Well, they were awfully close by, so it was only a sign that I wasn’t made out of concrete.

“So, what was the bet Hank got into?” I said in a demanding tone.

“I bet that you will gladly provide me with a year’s worth of pest service for me keeping my promise.” she said. She could hardly contain her giggles.

“And what kind of promise would that be?” I asked loudly.

Angela just adjusted her sweater and shook her shoulders, which showed off her jiggling boobs. I feel myself get hard, despite the circumstances.

She uninhibitedly looked at my crotch. “Well, see who is waking up now? You liked that huh?”

As she slowly licked her lips, she said: “Maybe you would like even more attention?” and reached for my belt and undid my button and zipper.

Oh, I did want more attention, as my eyes shifted back and forth from her low riding V neck to her eyes, a sweet challenge as that was. I bucked my hips up, and with my tied hands tried to move my jeans out of the way.

Even though the tie-up was super simple, I really couldn’t go anywhere.

“Here let me help.” Angela said, as she started see-sawing my jeans and shorts off of me.

My dick was now fully hard and sticking out high above my legs.

“There, that is about all we need.” she said, more to herself than to me, and left my pants and shorts over my ankles and shoes.

She got off the bench of the picnic table and walked back to were we were standing before I so defiantly had stepped on the bench and took a seat in the chair.

I strained to look around at Angela, trying my darnest to see what she was doing.

All of a sudden, a whole lot became much cleanrer to me! With her fingers, she was picking at my sack, pulling and tugging on my balls, until one came through the hole! My right one! I shifted forward with all my might. I shifted maybe a half inch. She kept on tugging, pulling, yanking not really, until my left nut joined the first one. Both my balls were hanging through the seat of the chair, and I couldn’t move an inch!

“Let me go! Untie me!” I yelled.

Angela was entirely unphased. “Yell all you want. As you know, there isn’t a house in the victory, and any passersby will be by car. So they won’t hear a thing, especially with the wind that picked up this afternoon.”

Just hanging through the hole wasn’t enough apparently, as Angela kept on pulling and tugging on my sack, forcing my balls down as far as they could go. A bit of twisting, drawing back and forth, any motion you could think of, to stretch my sack and balls down.

After a long time, at least that is what it felt like, she let go and said: “Let’sgo back to Hank’s bet. He ended up gladly offering a year’s landscaping service in return for my promise. And I bet you will do the same.” She said laughingly.

“What are you going to do?” I asked trying to sound demandingly, but even in my own ears, didn’t sound too convincingly.

“We are going to make some music!” she said, again with that triumphant tone in her voice.

I looked around, and saw her fumbling to put on some boxing gloves.

“What are those for?” I asked now with the sound of terror in my voice.

“We are going to make some music.” she giggled again. “Take a deep breath!” she said as I saw her pulling her right fist backward, followed immediately by it moving forward.

“Ouch!” I howled. Actually, it wasn’t as painful as I had anticipated. I have caught a baseball in the nuts once before, and that was definitely worse.

Angain, Angela reached her hand back and “slap” the glove hit my balls.

Actually, each hit turned into a double whoammy, as it was. My balls did not only have to endure the impact with the glove, but also the rebound of the bottom of the seat as they swung backward.

“See, a perfect little speedbag!” she said, as she changed positions. She was now much closer and said: “Hold on, you will like this! Hammer-time!” as she let loose a rapid succession of smacks with the side of her gloves.

“OOOOUUUUWWWWWHHH!!” I went, louder and louder, as the pain built up from the repetitions.

“There, that should teach you to not stare down strange women’s shirts.” she said with a voice that obviously was having fun.

“Stooooppp, Stop, Stop!” as the second barrage of hammer hits came my way.

“That was only the second set of ten. You have big nuts, you should be able to handle much more. Let’s see just how much more!” as she launched another set of smokes on my poor balls.

To be sure, the first few hits — double hits really, as they bounced back too — didn’t hurt too much, or at leas nowhere near as bad as any that followed. The pain just seemed to build on the previous hits.

Soon I was soaked in sweat. My voice was growing hoarse from screaming. And my balls were burning!

Angela just giggled, and by now she was definitely panting.

Between pants, she asked: “You are not in the least bit curious what my promise was going to be?” as she didn’t wait for the answer and unleashed another set.

“Hoooooollllyyyy Fuuuuccccckkkkkk! That HUUUURRRRTSSSS!!” was all I could utter.

“Yeah, I would believe that, they are all red” she said as she stopped her avalanche of punches. “You should probably agree to that promise pretty soon, or they just might be so swollen, you can’t get them back through the hole.” she giggled, way More feminine than she felt to me wielding those gloves.

She reached back with her right hand again. Since the punching had stopped for a minute, I turned my head, only to see her hand coming rapidly at me, and disappearingunder the seat. SMACK-smack I heard, while I yelped out like a stick pig.

“I promise I will stop in five minutes.” She said.

I took a deep breath of relief. End in sight finally. SMACK-smack with the now familiar yelp after it.

“But we have been going on for a lot longer than five minutes already, it is way past time to stop!” I almost cried.

“Oh, but that is the catch,” she said, “the five minutes doesn’t start until you agree.” Another loud SMACK-smack and a loud howl from me.

“Agree to what?” I barely uttered, before another avalanche of lighter but super rapid succession smack-smack-smack… sounds were heard. Actually, you only would hear those in the background, my howl was trying to throw the sounds out.

“Oh, think really hard.” she said as I could hear her glove ricochet off the bottom of the seat and hit its target.

“Hooow, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it! Stoooop!” I screamed. “I agree! I will catch all those suckers for a year!”

It was quiet for a minute… I was anticipating the worst of hits to be landing any second…. “And?” she asked with an expected tone.

“And, and what, what else would you want? Plug the holes where they come in?” SMACK-smack

“Stooooooppppp!” I howled “And what else do you want?”

“I want a warrantee!” She laughed out loud and launched another avalanche of punches.

“Yes, with a warrantee for a year!” I said it super-fast, as I was hoping that she would be trying to listen rather than punch me some more.

“Deal, or you go back in the chair” she said. I looked around. She had a sheen of sweat over her, which looked really good with her messed up hair. I just couldn’t help it, looking at her, even in the prediction I was in.

“Haha, and how do you think that is ever going to happen?” I asked with a bit of a laugh in my voice.

SMACK-smack-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK holy, that hurt, a series of straight on punches with all her weight behind it. She took a few deep breaths, “I guess we have no deal yet, so I am going to continue my workout, and remember the extra five minutes!” she said between breaths.

“Oh fuuuuckkk” I yelled, “I agree, I agree” SMACK-smack “Iiii AAAaagree!!!”

She picked up her phone now, and obviously was recording me. “Repeat after me: I will provide a full year rodent control at no charge with a warrantee or will go back in the chair.”

I swallowed. I had no choice, so I hurriedly repeated loudly: “I will provide a full year rodent control at no charge with a warrantee or will go back in the chair!”

Angela put the phone down, propped it up at an angle in the shelving unit and put her gloves back on. As she took a deep breath, she said: “Only five more minutes left for my workout, better make it count!”



I hope you had fun reading this story, and are willing to contribute your thoughts. I intend to edit this story soon, and repost it, with any suggestion that might make itbetter. Hit that keyboard, let me know what you think, and how it should be integrated in the story above, and I will find a way. Thank you for taking the effort to contribute! I look forward to read your comments.


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