Somali Women In BDSM

What kind of Black man lies awake at night masturbating about getting fucked by a Black woman wearing a straw-on dildo? This sounds like some fruity shit to me, homes, for real. Yeah, that’s what I would say if queried on the subject. Except that the brother in question is me. My name is Antoine Jean Cavalier, and I’m a young Black man of Somali descent living in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I moved there from my hometown of Mogadishu, Republic of Somalia, back in 2009. Life in the Canadian capital hasn’t been easy for a brother, but I can deal. What other choice do I have, you know?

The Confederation of Canada is a racist place but there are far worse places out there, so I’m thankful to be here. I say this even though the behavior of some people make me question If there’s good left in the world sometimes. These days I attend Carleton University, where I study criminal justice. I hope to become a police officer sometimes. The story I’m about to share with you people is strictly confidential, you feel me? If you gossip monks let the word out, I’ll deny that shit more than Bill Clinton denied banging Monica, alright? Cool. Here goes nothing.

I’m not sure when exactly this newfound fetish of mine crept into my consciousness, but I’ve become addicted to videos featuring women banging men in the ass with straw-on dildos. I used to go to websites like Real Black Anal and Booty Catchers because I enjoyed watching big-booty Black chicks getting fucked by well-hung brothers. Occasionally I’d go to interracial porn sites like Spring Thomas and Blacks Gone Mad because I like watching Black dick sliding into White women’s holes. Most Black men feel the same way. Lord knows the White man done fucked a lot of our women. It’s about time brothers started getting some White pussy. Payback is a motherfucker isn’t it, White boys?

I consider myself a totally normal brother, thank you very much. I’m one hundred and ten percent heterosexual. I’ve neverEven looked cross-eyed at another dude. You won’t catch me looking at she-male porn or the bisexual guy/guy/girl shit either. Not for me. I just love pussy. Especially Black pussy. Nothing like it in the whole world. So you could understand how I started tripping when I discovered that the only thing that gets me hard is watching women bang dudes with straw-on dildos. I started looking at that shit all the time, man. I even caught myself jerking off about it as I lay on my bed at night. I couldn’t accept that about myself. To me, the kind of man who lets a woman fuck him with a dildo isn’t even a fruitcake, he’s below a fruitcake. Men are supposed to be in charge. Female domination isn’t right and it isn’t natural. That’s the only thing I agree with the Muslims on, though I’m a proud Christian.

I needed to get this shit out of my mind, man. I can’t have people find out because it would be the end of me, you know? In the Somali community, we’re not exactly tolerant of what we consider to be alternative lifestyles. And guys who let women dominate them with fake dicks are definitely not something I consider to be mainstream. I struggled with my hidden desire for this weird fetish, and the more conflicted I felt, the worse things got for me. I mean, one night I even dreamed about that shit. It was unreal, man. In my dream, I was tied up and there was a woman there. A tall, sexy Black woman in a cat suit. She was wearing a straw-on dildo and she made me suck it before shoving it up my ass. I remember screaming in the dream, though whether from pain or pleasure, I couldn’t tell you. All I know is that I women up screaming, and my dick was hard as hell. Isn’t that a kick in the butt?

Man, a man can’t find any peace, even in his own damn mind. How am I going to get rid of this dilemma which plagues me? To make matters worse, I find myself unable to get hard without thinking about women doing guys with strap-on dildos. What kind of shit is that, man? My sexualitywas changing and there seemed to be absolutely nothing I could do about it. It even got me in trouble at school, man. Talk about spinning out of control, eh? There I was, sitting in the back of the library, in a quiet corner where I thought I wouldn’t be disturbed. I had been browsing a hundred websites dedicated to strap-on fetishists, female domination and male submission. They had names like Men In Pain, Divine Bitches, Strapped Dommes and so on. And honestly, I couldn’t get enough of them.

Here I was, watching a particularly nasty strap-on video. It featured a Black guy getting gang-banged by five gorgeous Black women wearing strap-on dildos. I had never seen anything like it, man. In all of the strap-on videos I’d seen online, it was White women dominating White guys, though I did occasionally see White women topping Black men and once, I saw a Black female doing a White guy with her dildo. Black on Black strap-on action simply wasn’t something I had ever laid eyes upon, totell you the truth. I watched the scene intently, noting the title of the video. Strap-on Black bitches, I think it was. Man, I got so into it that I didn’t notice someone standing behind me until I heard a throat getting cleared up. I turned around, and got the shock of a lifetime.

Standing right behind me was a short, round young Black woman wearing a hijab and a long dress. She looked Somali, I Thought, and quite pleased with herself for having busted me. Hello there, she said with a smile. I immediately tried clicking out of the porn video I was viewing, but instead of shutting it down, I ended up blowing it up so it completely filled my screen. Yeah, when it rains, it frigging pours, eh? The young Somali woman asked me what I was looking at and I told her I was doing research on human sexuality. Lame, I know, but I had to tell her something! The young Somali woman pulled a chair and sat next to me. With a smile on her pretty face, she asked me if I was into BDSM and fetish.I took a deep breath. I could not believe this shit. A hijab-wearing Somali woman is sitting next to me asking me if I’m into freaky shit. What’s this world coming to?

I slowly nodded, and admitted the truth at last. The young Somali woman nodded, and asked me if I was a submissive. Again I nodded, then pleaded with her not to report me to the library authorities. They’ve caught me doing some shit in the library before and I’m not trying to get banner. My ‘buster’ looked at me for a long moment, then asked me what my name was. Hesitantly I told her. She then introduced herself as Alimah Abdullah, Somali student from the City of London, England, spending a semester at Carleton University. She was an exchange student from Brunel University. When I asked her why she seemed so Interested in what I was doing, she just laughed and told me she’d show me something. And man did she show me! She opened up a page on my PC after shutting down my strap-on clip. It was Fetlife, the world-famous fetish lifestyle page. It’s like Facebook for sexually adventurous people.

I had heard about it but never joined. To my surprise, Alimah had a profile there, and she was even on the Muslim group on Fetlife. I was stunned. There are Muslim men and Muslim women in the BDSM lifestyle? Hijab girls cracking the whip? Muslim guys getting spanked by dominant women? Wow. According to Alimah, her people were far freakier than they let the world believe. They just played in private, that’s all. Alimah smiled at me and showed me her profile. On it she was various pictures of herself, most of them obscured. Only one of them showed her face uncovered, but she had on sunglasses. Most of the pictures were provocative. A woman wearing a hijab and a straw-on dildo at the same time! Hot damn. After seeing that, I decided to join the website right then and there. I took a picture of myself from my Facebook profile and added it to my Fetlife profile. That’s how I became SomaliDom89. My first friendd on that website was Mistress Haram, a.k.a. Alimah Abdullah. How about that?

I added Alimah on Facebook, and we also exchanged numbers. Alimah wished me goodnight, then walked away. I watched her walk away, mesmerized. A cute Somali chick with a fine booty and she’s into BDSM. I want her! I was all dreamy-eyed as I sat on the bus home that night. I smiled as I got a text from Alimah. She told me she was happy to meet a Muslim man who loves BDSM, especially one from the Somali community. And she also wanted to know if I was collared. I answered no, since I didn’t know what she was talking about. She explained, then asked me if I had a Mistress. Again my answer was negative. Alimah’s reply was swift. She told me that henceforth, I had a Mistress. Her. Hmmm, imagine that. I smiled and texted her we’d see about that, then wished her a good night. I’ve had an amazing day, and I must say that I’m excited about what tomorrow will bring. It’s good to know there’s someone like me out there.


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