With infinite patience and candor, I looked lovingly into my husband Omar Ibrahim’s eyes and inserted my gloved fist into his asshole. Time for my favorite Black stud to get fisted. Omar’s eyes widened, and I paused, asking him if he was okay. Omar nodded, and gritted his teeth, urging me to continue. I nodded, and proceeded with care. Even though I’ve got small hands and I’ve used enough lubricant on Omar’s ass to oil a submarine, his ass still feels tight around my fist. My name is Khadija Hussein, wife of Somali-born imam Omar Ibrahim and I approve this message.
I’ve always been kinky and twisted, and I cannot thank heaven enough to have provided me with a husband who not only understands my kinky side, he also embraces it. Omar loves the freaky things I do in the bedroom. I don’t Look like a freaky chick, that’s the thing. At first glance I’m just another pious Muslim gal in hijab and long skirt in the Canadian capital. I’m five-foot-nine, curvy and big-bottomed, with light brown skin and almond-shaped dark brown eyes. I come off as shy and reserved when you first meet me. Many people assume that I’m meek. I am anything but meek. I am bossy as hell and my husband Omar knows this better than anyone.
Female domination turns him on almost as much as it turns me on. I’ve fucked his ass numerous times with my straw-on dildo and he can’t get enough of it. Omar is a pegging addict. Lots of Black men are, they just don’t talk about it. Tonight I’ve decided to introduce him to the pleasures of anal fisting and like the first-rate sexual advocate that he is, Omar was all for it. A lot of men would be intimidated at the prospect of letting a woman tie them up and insert her fist up their ass but not Omar. My husband trusts me with his life and I love him for it.
I stroke Omar’s dick with my right hand while fisting his ass with my left hand. I’m left-handed but Omar doesn’t seem to care. His dick hardens as I pump my hand up and down his cock. I winkat my husband and ask him how he’s doing. Though he is bound through his hands and feet by steel chains, Omar smiles bravely at me and give me the thumbs up sign. I picker my lips and blow him a kiss as I continue to stroke his cock and fisting his asshole. What a man! It takes a strong man to give up power and let a woman be in charge in the bedroom and I can’t get enough of Omar’s brand of bravery. A lot of people think that in Islam, men are always dominant and women are little more than slaves. If they could see what my hubby and I are like at home, they would have a heart attack.
I feel Omar’s ass cheats clnch around my fist, and I absolutely love it. The feel of his anal walls gripping my hand warmly and tightly was a fantastic thrill for me. Now, although this is Omar’s first time getting fisted, it isn’t my first time doing the fisting. I’ve fisted many of my lovers, both male and female. I love being the one in control, doesn’t matter if I’m dealing with a man or woman. I love being dominant. I think it’s my nature. I honestly think I was born this way. I gravitated towards the world of kink and domination from early on. I was reading BDSM stories online before I started college. How many hijab-wearing Muslim girls do you know who like this sort of thing? Yeah, just like I thought, you can’t think of a single one!
I fisted Omar’s ass for a good while, taking great care not to tear him in half because I’ve got my hand in a sensitive spot after all. When Omar told me he’d had enough, I pulled my fist out of his ass. Omar grimaced as I removed my hand from his ass. Now, to be honest, my glove was transparent when it went into his ass and now that it’s out, it’s covered with a few brown spots. Say what you want, anal sex can be messy. Luckily, I’ve got a sense of humor about such things so I spared Omar any embarrassment he might have had. I distributed of the gloves, then asked my darling hubby how he felt. Gently I removed the chains that bound hishands and feet to the bed, and Omar slumped on the bed, singing deeply.
I looked at my hubby, and smiled. The six-foot-four, broad-shouldered and athletic, dark-skinned Somali-Canadian scholar, religious leader and successful businessman I married smiled at me. Gently I kissed him, and let myself go into his arms. Tenderly Omar embraced me, and we held each other like this for a while. Omar Couldn’t stop talking about what we just did. He went on and on about the fisting, the way it felt, what went through his mind as it happened, and many more things. I do like to listen to the submission types after a session where I dominate the hell out of them. It’s a lot of fun, to be sure. Besides, as a dominant woman, I like to learn new ways of dominating my subs and getting more out of them. Domination is a mental game, not just a physical endeavor. You need to get inside your sub’s head in order to completely own him or her. Any dominant will tell you that.
Omar and I went to sleep shortly after this wonderfully kindy sexual experiment. At some point in the middle of the night, I got up and went to the living room. I couldn’t sleep, so I watched some TV. They were playing a rerun of Being Human on the Space channel. I’d already seen tonight’s episode, the one where the sexy werewolf couple hunts the vampires in the woods. It’s one of my favorites. I watched it, trying to take my mind off my problems. It’s not easy being the wife of an imam. Even one as laid-back and modern-minded as Omar, my dear hubby. When we met at Carleton University back in 2007, I knew he was the one for me. We graduated together, me with my bachelor’s degree in social work and him with his business administration degree. He works for CIBC now and I work for the City of Ottawa’s social services department. Not bad for a pair of Somali immigrants from impoverished Mogadishu, eh?
When Omar wakes up, I’m going to share with him some news which are bound to change everything betweenus. Three days ago I went to the doctor for my routine checkup and she told me that I’m pregnant. I’m torn about this. On the one hand, this is a wonderful occasion. On the other hand, I’m not sure I’m ready to be a mother. I like to travel. I like my fun. I like surprising people when I go to BDSM events in my long skirt and hijab. I won’t be able to do these things if I’m saddled with rug rats. My life is changing so fast and I’m not sure I’m ready for it. Tomorrow I will share the news with Omar and we will decide what to do.
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