Kim could not believe it. The money was real. Her bank had just confirmed it.
Dollar sign, one comma zero zero zero comma zero zero zero point zero zero zero. One. Million. Dollars.
Oh, shit, she thought to herself as she hung up the phone. What was she going to do?
Kim had needed money. The night before she was pouring out her troubles at the local bar she preferred, telling anyone who would listen about the scammers who had stolen almost everything from her.
She had gotten so drunk her normal caution had abandoned her and she found herself talking to a handsome stranger. One with an offer she must not have refused. How she wished she could remember!
There was a soft knock at the door of her studio apartment. Great, she thought, just what she needed, Mrs. Del Rio down the hall needed to borrow something else!
She opened the door. That was not Mrs. Del Rio.
A familiar stranger greeted her. It was last night’s handsome guy, she musthave been REALLY drink if she had told him where she lived.
“Awake I see. Good! Ready to go?” His voice was a smooth bass easing it’s way into her ears. “I’d like to get started right away.”
“Who are you?” Kim asked appreciated almost ererily. He was standing almost ererily still, hands in his pockets, head cocked to one side, a small smile on his lips.
“You don’t remember? The bartender said you probably wouldn’t. I’m Ben. We met last night.” He automatically extended a hand and she took it. It was large, warm and strong.
“Tell you what, Kim,” he said with a glance at his Patek Phillippe watch. “Why don’t we talk in the car?” She looked over his shoulder into the street to see a glaiming black limo idling at the curb.
Kim felt as if she were in a dream. “Sure,” she said, “just let me grab my purse.”
The back of the limousine was huge. A partition kept the driver hidden, their voices private. There was a small bar and Ben was making her a drink as she looked aroundnd.
“So, how much do you recall from last night?” Ben asked, handing her a frosty glass. Kim took a sip. Whatever it was, it was delicious. “Almost nothing,” Kim replied honestly.
“Well then, let me remind you.” Ben told her about being in town for his little brother’s wedding, stopping at the bar on a whim on his way out of town, hearing Kim’s story.
“It was last call and you were thinking about driving home. As I was leaving too I offered you a ride. In the car you repeated your story and I… I made you an offer. You accepted.”
Ben’s dark eyes found hers, locked on. His already deep voice dropped further. “I offered you one million dollars. In exchange for five nights with you as my… slave.”
The word ‘slave’ seemed to slap Kim out of her trace. “What the fuck, mister, you’re crazy. I would never have…” Kim’s own voice rang in her ears, Ben was holding up a tiny digital recorder, the volume increasing to a drunken shout.
“I agree, I agree alady, you hunk! Let’s do this! Woo!” Kim heard her voice says. “I want what’s in those pants! Yeehaw!” She blushed with embarrassment. Thankfully Ben clicked the record off.
“I’m not a monster, Kim. I didn’t spike your drink or blackmail you, I made an offer. I’m very wealthy,” he added unnecessarily. “I find you attractive. I asked some of the locals about you last night too, everyone likes you and thinks you got a raw deal.”
He took her face in his hands and looked deep into her eyes. “You can back out anytime you want to. I made that clear last night. But if you give yourself to me for all five nights…”
Give yourself to me? Kim thought. Not what I would have expected from a guy who wants a slave. But Ben was going on. “After night five you get the bonus. The scammers who ruined you. I will find them and put them in jail.”
Whaaaat?!?! Who was this guy? That would… that would be… “I accept,” Kim heard herself saying. “Yes, let’s get started.”
Chapter One
Warm. Everything was warm. And soft, so soft.
She opened her eyes. She faintly remembered coming here with Ben. Was there something in that drink after all?
He’d said he had to leave, then he introduced her to… a woman. Chloe. Where was she?
Kim heard soft moaning coming from a television set at the foot of the bed. She raised her head. Lesbian porn?
Suddenly Kim realized she was restrained. She had tried to sit up and couldn’t. She raised her head again.
Thick black leather cuffs were wrapped around her ankles, which were in turn chained to the foot of the bed on each side, spreading her legs to their limit.
Her arms were shackled above her head, tied not by cuffs but strong silk ropes. She was completely comfortable but could not move an inch.
No one else was in the room with her, it looked like a very expensive hotel room. The TV continued playing; the action was heating up by the sound of the password cries rendered in superb quadraphonic sound.
Kim couldn’t help herself, she started watching it. Two women were locked in a lucky 69 while a third watched, rubbing her shaken cunny.
It was pretty hot, she had to admit to herself. Kim realized with a shock that the third woman, the one on the side about to cum, looked an awful lot like her!
That made things even hotter for the bound woman. The woman in the video was definitely not Kim, she was bustier and a few years younger but the resemblance was there.
Kim’s body started responding of it’s own according. Her nipples tightened and blood rushed to her crotch. Kim kept her pussy was shaken as well so the look was all the more close.
A door opened out of Kim’s sight. A sudden rush of fear gripped her. “Ben?” she called, hoping for a light and playful tone. There was only the sound of bare feet across thick carpet.
Then Chloe was there. Kim was impressed by her looks all over again. Chloe was taller and more slender than Kim, with a darker tan, almost caramel. Her hair was short as well, and her cunt sported a single line of blonde hair.
Her breasts were heavier than Kim’s, with darker nipples. Kim was somehow not surprised at her nakedness. “You have to stop passing out on us darling,” Chloe said, her voice warm with anticipation.
“Ben gives you one little drink… Well, I suppose you had tied one on the night before. I’ll cut you some slack.” This last was said as Chloe almost glided into bed next to Kim. She looked her deep in the eyes.
“We have you restrained for your own good dear.” Chloe began gently kissing Kim’s breasts. She gave a small moan in spine of herself, it felt so good. “This is Phase One darling. We’re going to see what kind of potential we have on out hands.”
Kim’s eyes closed in bliss as Chloe began exploring every inch of her body. Her soft warm hands and mouth left no inch of Kim’s flesh untasted, untested.
She began just floating on a cloud of ecstasy, every part of her body on fire, her brain marinating in lust, being expertly manipulated by an woman intimately acquainted with other women’s bodies, a professional of pleasure.
Kim was about a half-second from what was going to be a MASSIVE orgasm when what she was feeling finally registered. Two sets of hands stroking her, two mouths exploring her pussy and nipples.
Her eyes came open in a daze and she saw another woman in bed with them. A petite Asian woman with small breasts and long dark hair was licking her trembling pussy.
Kim’s head whipped back against the bed, it didn’t matter, who cared how many women were pleasuring her body, she was about to cum, it was right there, almost…
Her orgasm burst over her like fireworks, he mind and body exploding as one over and over. Her clip throbbed in time with her nipples, he thighs were shaking with the force of her orgasm…
That went on and on. Just as her peaks were subsiding there was a team of talented tongues to take her to the top again. Her body whipped against the restraints, fluid gushed from her shaken cunny, her sensitive earlierobes nibbled and sucked.
My God, Kim thought to herself, what are they doing to me, this is the best, no sex is ever going to compare to this!
Finally her breathing started to normalize, her body cooling from it’s wonderful exhaustion. She looked up at Chloe and the stranger who had been so good to her body. They were looking at each other, clearly up to something.
That’s when they flipped her over. That’s when they put her ass in the air and started spanking. That’s where Kim’s adventure really began.
Ben stroked his hard cock as he stared at the action. The room was bugged of course. Not for evil, just so Ben could watch.
He’d seen Chloe and Tina in action before. They were just getting warmed up. Ben stared at the High Def 5G screen and slowly stroked himself.
He smiled to himself. This was going to be good.
Chapter Two
It had been a week since that night. Kim had spent most of the time in a daze. She had paid off debts, including some of her family’s. Bought some new clothes.
The reality of having a lot of money was enough to deal with, Kim thought. I can handle that on autopilot. I already have an accountant, so I just dump it all on him.
It was the night in the hotel room that was harder to come to grips with. Kim learned things about her body, about herself, that she had never even contemplated.
Apparently she was at least bisexual, if not just a downright slut according to what her old self would have said. But that was before.
Before her body’s awakening. Kim was constantly horny these days. It was a good thing she didn’t need to work because she somehow needed to cum many times a day now.
It was the spanking she thought about. Ass in the air, bound, helpless. Waiting for whatever her tormenting angels wanted to do to her exposed pussy and ass.
She had learned that the waiting for a firm slap, breathless and head down, turned on as hell, was heaven to her. The blood rushed to her groin, making everything hotter.
The women had used their hands at first, then the Asian woman had brought out a paddle. When she saw that the already lost in pleasure Kim moaned loudly, knowing it would make her ass sting in the best way.
It had. Kim babbled in orgasm as she fingered herself now, remembering how hard she had cum as they spanked her over and over, then rubbed the flaming red skin tenderly, kissing their way to her sopping pussy.
Kim’s thighs shook, her nipples got harder than trigonometry, girl-cum flooded out of her cunt as she came again, back arching, groaning in bliss.
Just then her phone started ringing. Kim ignored it as much as she could as she finished cumming. Finally, annoyed almost beyond belief she snatched up the phone and barked an angry “Yes?”
It was Ben. Of course it was. She was sorry, sowas he, he didn’t know she was busy, yes, she’d be free for the second installment tonight. She said the last with as much cool as she could but the truth was she couldn’t wait.
She needed… something.
Eight o’clock. The limo whispered up to the curb. The driver popped out, crossed and held her door for her.
Ben wasn’t inside. The driver saw her look of dismay and said, “Mr. Benjamin is already at the hotel, miss.”
She relaxed. The door closed with a solid thud and seconds later the car whispered away.
Somewhat later. In either the same room as last time, or it’s twin. Dinner eaten and forgetten almost immediately, such was their intensity towards each other.
Ben seemed to be privately amused by something but he covered it almost perfectly. She found out that he knew a surprise amount about her, and then was surprised at herself in turn.
Of course, she thought, he’s had all the time in the world to have me investigated, a report turned in and memorized. Whether or not that was true, one thing that was true was his gentleness with her.
He was polite to everyone at the restaurant too and they all seemed to know and love him in turn. He had a stillness to him that Kim found almost irresistible. Her words seemed to be… captured by his attention, somehow.
Very commanding. Very Alpha-Male. Broad shoulders. Thick, dark hair. Piercing brown eyes, by turn warm and… what?
Commanding. There was that word again. Kim shivered to herself. She and Ben were seated across from each other at the small room-service table. He reached across the table and took her small, delicate hands in his large, rough ones.
“So, Kim. Tell me about your week. How are things, now that the pressure is off?” He was generally interested, she knew. He had given her space to collect herself, perhaps so she could do so easier.
She told him almost everything. All the mundane stuff. How happy her family and friends were for her that she “had won a contest she’d forgetten she’d even entered’, and was now secure for life.
How, lucky her, the night before she won, everyone saw her get into a limo with a hunk at last call! It had sped off, no one know where.
And now here she was, with the hunk from last call, or your basic millionaire playboy, take your pick, at the fanciest place in a hundred miles.
And she Couldn’t take her eyes off him. There was something about him…
Something in him snapped and he leaned forward and gave her a passwordate kiss, pulling her towards him, tongue busy, moaning in his throat.
She melted towards him, knowing this was going to happen all along and so happy it was finally here. The waiting had been excruciating.
Without breaking lip-lock they rose, arms wrapping around each other hungrily. Cutlery and dishes crashed to the floor as they knocked over the table in their heat.
They stumbled into the bedroom. The bed was huge, a California King. Amirror was firmly attached to the ceiling over the bed. Mirrors covered the walls. They were their own orgy.
Kim was thrown back by Ben’s strong arms. She lay passive as he stripped, her cunt getting more and more wet. He had broad shoulders, short dark hair, some solid five-o-clock shadow.
His pants dropped to the floor and his cock sprang out, bobbing before her hyponoticly. His thighs were smooth and firm. He turned to show her his butt and Kim saw why, he must have really worked on it, that thing was tight!
“Well, slave?” he said. One eyebrow rose imperiously. “Strip. Now. C’mon!” Kim saw to her amazement that he was serious as a heart attack. “Ben,” she began, but he cut her off.
“Kim, our agreement was that you would be my willing slave. I know This is all new to you so I’m keeping my temperature.” His eyes darkened, his voice grew cold. “Now. Strip.”
His voice cut into her mind like a whip. Kim looked at him. Completely serious. What would happen, sheThought, if I just said no? All this would go away.
Kim found herself worried not about losing her money again, but losing this opportunity. Ben was still staring at her, face seemingly cut from stone.
“Yes Master,” Kim said as she stood. She removed her clothes quickly, with as much sensitiveness as she could, Not much, it seemed. There was no break in Ben’s expression.
“Now, slave. On the bed, ass in the air.” Seemingly out of nowhere Ben produced a black leather belt at least two inches wide. Her shacked pussy gushed in anticipation.
Kim didn’t know it herself but this was what she had been waiting for all week. Domination. By Ben. Spanking her ass, fucking her pussy.
This was what she was craving. Kim scrambled to obey her new Master.
Kim obeyed quickly, hoping to please Ben. No, she corrected herself, Master. She shivered as the meaning of the word hit her more fully.
Ben casually grabbed an ankle and tugged her closer to the end of the bed.He ran his hands over the smooth globes of her butt, kneeing and pulling her cheeks apart to reveal her pumped anus.
She felt hot under his touch. She was glad her face was buried in the sheets, she was blushing like a schoolgirl. His thick fingers slide down her smooth crack to her dripping cunt.
She moaned loudly. Ben’s finger froze. “Did I say you could make noise, slave?” he asked. “You may speak to answer.”
Kim wanted nothing more than those fingers to dive into her aching pussy. “No Master, I’m sorry Master!” she gasped quickly. “Please!” Her ass twitched back, hungry for his touch.
Ben grunted and two of his fingers sank into her wetness. It took every ounce of her willpower not to groan in bliss. The fingers started pumping in and out right away, no foreplay, just a brutal invasion, and Kim began cumming.
She couldn’t help herself. She knew Master hadn’t told her to but his thick fingers ripped it out of her, black flowers blooming in front of her eyes as crashing waves of orgasm after orgasm burned along her nerves.
She was sagging down towards the mattress when his strong arm circled her waist and held her up. His fingers slowed and then stopped. Kim’s eyes began to focus again as reason returned to her mind.
“Kim. You there?” Ben looked concerned. She hadn’t blacked out exactly but things got very gray for a minute or two.
“Oh, geeze, I overdid it, crap on a cracker, Kim? You okay?” He had pulled her around into his arms. His eyes clouded with worry. “I thought the gals had you pretty well calibrated last night, oh, crap.”
Kim looked at him in astonishment! What was that phrase, crap on a cracker, she hadn’t heard that since high school. Her best friend’s older brother, two grades ahead of them, used to say it all the time. Oh, God…
“Ben? THAT Ben? From school?” Kim was flatberggasted. That shy, nerdy, gangly guy… Ben blushed and turned slightly away from her, as if afraid of her reaction.
Gone was the imperious command. Here was a normal guy, obviously a decent guy, sincerely worried about her. This was more like the guy she now remembered.
“I’m fine. You’re that Ben, aren’t you. Renee’s older brother.” Kim relaxed a touch more in his embrace. “What, did you have a crush on me all those years ago?” she asked playfully.
She saw her remark hit home as soon as she said it, and Ben’s face blushed again, more fiercely this time. This was nothing playing for him she saw. “Hey, it’s okay.” He relaxed.
“So. Things have changed a bit since the old days,” Ben teased. His gaze once again turned hot. “Once thing hasn’t though. I’ve always wanted you, Kim. I was always too shy.”
He kissed her urgently, hands roaming her body, cock stiffening. “Be my slave, Kim. You’ve always been my fantasy, you still are. I want to posses you utterly.”
Kim felt herself responding to his expert touch, his words starting a storm of lust in her heart and soul. Kim broke away from him, turned her ass towards him, buried her head in the covers.
“Yes, Master,” she breathed. Ben took in the wonderful sight; his luxury partner on her knees, waiting for his touch, ready to please him and in doing so please herself. His cock twitched and grew to it’s full length.
What was he waiting for?
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