Sold for Her Pleasure

Chapter 1: Conditioning

What do you give a Mistress for Valentine’s day? The correct answer was surely, whatever She demands. But that was the trouble, She hadn’t demanded anything of him. Well, that was not strictly true. Of course, he was still locked away in his CB-3000, and had been since his last, glorious visit to Mistress K six long days ago. He’d certainly tried to learn to control his desire. He’d discovered quickly that an erection was to be avoided at all costs as his natural size and girl even flaccid was painfully constricted and if his sleeping trouser snake were to awaken, it had nowhere to go. Consequently, he’d steadfastly not allowed himself to relive that last session, bound to his Mistress’ cold marble garden bench as She’d teased his aching cock and overfull balls mercilessly Before forcing him to three abnormally intense orgasms – the last time he’d cum. While, to a certain extent, Richard could say he’d got used to the wicked little cock cage, it was aconstant challenge that ensured his thoughts were perpetually where they should be, on the will of his Domina.

Of course, the erotic hypnosis that his Mistress had recorded for him in Her compelling, melodic voice, also added to his complete submission. She demanded he listen to Her command conditioning for three hours a day, consisting of an hour each of Mind-fucking tease and denial, Hands free orgasm trigger training, and Deep surrender delicious degradation, which focused on the arousal of humiliation. Needless to say, none of these made his challenge to stay calm and unaffected below the belt any easier.

To compound the matter, Mistress had decided She wanted to view what She owned whenever She wanted. This means that She would send him a text demanding he send Her a photo of his (or should he say ‘Her’) poor, caged manhood at Any hour of the day or night. He had to respond with a photo within three minutes or else She would punish him with an extra week of chatityfor each missed deadline. That time in the bank queue was particularly challenging.

And so it was that Richard found himself on a bright, icy cold day, bundled up – in all ways – as he walked through a patch of woodland near his home. He liked to listen to one of the records each day whilst in these beautiful natural surroundings, feeling like it brought him closer to his beloved Goddess. He was freeing his mind from all the daily worries to fully focus on his Mistress’ commands, letting Her voice wash over him, almost as if She were there with him. Not to mention, it was also easier to duck behind a tree to send a photo if required. So focused was he with his headphones tucked under his fur-lined hood, that he did not hear footballsteps behind him and was only aware of the sharp sting through the fabric of his jeans, thinking himself stung by an insect, before his world went black.

Chapter 2: Abduction

When Richard came to, it was to the feeling of being jolted and rolled against a hard surface. He felt disorientated and slightly nauseous as he slowly opened his bleary eyes to take in his surroundings. Immediately, Richard realized that he was not alone. Sitting on a benchmark along the back wall of what seemed to be a van of some description, were two men. One was playing on his phone in a bored way, while the other was looking right at him, his lips tipped up in a derisive leer.

‘Look who’s finally awake,’ he sneered, whether to Richard or his colleague was hard to tell as neither replied.

Richard tried to sit up, to stop the movement of the van from jostling him so badly, and it was then that he realized he was fully naked, his caged cock on full display, with his wrists bound tightly behind him. Dear God, what was happening? Clearly, he’d been kidnapped, but for What purpose? He was comfortable off, but not rich by any standard. His grown-up children would want him back, of course, but, apart from his precious Mistress, he couldn’t imagine anyone paying for his safe return. Even then, She may just decide that he was not worth the effort and find Herself another eager slave to fill his place.

Richard was freezing and his body ached. He mentally catalogued the feelings, desperately trying to work out what had happened between his walk in the woods and now. The fact he had been stripped of all his clothes whilst unconscious, at the mercy of These two men, and possibly a third who must be driving the van, was causing his heart to pound and he shuddered, not just from the cold, at the thought they may have violent his unresistant body. Shifting slightly and clenching and releasing his muscles, he didn’t think that he had been raped, but the thought that their hands had been on his body, his Mistress’ body, filled him with dread and a shameful guilt that Somehow, he’d been unfaithful to Her.

The mortification of the situation, with both men now looking down on him as though he were worthless, an object of ridicule with his tiny, locked cock resting against his balls, was adding to the horror of the situation. Because, as much as Richard’s mind rebelled against it, Mistresses’ erotic hypnosis had installed in him the innate arousal of deep humiliation. As such, the worse they derided him, the more aroused Richard felt – and the greater his desire, the more his cock cage punished him.

But now, as the van slowed to a stop with the sound of gravel crunching under its wheels, Richard had other things to worry about. One of the men got up, stoping to open the back doors, which revealed bright sunlight, meaning that he couldn’t have been under for very long. That was good news. If he’d only been out for an hour or so he couldn’t be too far from his home. Although, ultimately, what difference did it make? He was bound and alone, who knows where, away from him home and his family. Stolen from his beloved Mistress.

Richard was manhandled roughly from the van, the other man takeng his upper arm and dragging him down to the cold gravel, his bare feet suffering pricks and briising as he was hustled along the stony ground. The van had parked in the grounds of a large and elegant house. It seemed like an up-market hotel or retreat, but the lack of other vehicles suggested it was a private residence. Instead of mounting the wide stone stairs to the imposing front door, Richard was pulled around to a side entrance that led into a utility area with clean tile floors and then down some stairs to a cellar below the kitchen, which he could hear above him.

Chapter 3: Caged

The cellar was well lit and was mostly filled with a series of cages, each containing a bound captive. There were both men and women of all ages and ethnicities, all seated or kneeing in their low confines. One was crying, others watched silently, and some seemed Almost relaxed. The one thing they had in common was that they were naked, just like him, although most had their hands bound in front of them. Richard was pushed to his knees and forced into an empty cage, between a muscle young man of about twenty who was leaning back against the bars, resting his tattooed forearms on his knees, head tilted back eyes closed, and a small blonde in her mid-thirties. If she’d been dressed and he’d seen her in the park, he’d peg her as a soccer mom. None of them fit the bill of what he’d expected, but what did he know of human trafficking?

When his captor slammed the cage door shut, locking it before leaving the cellar, Richard attempted to talk to the woman. ‘What’s happening? Where are we?’ he whispered through the bars, afraid to draw too much attention in the mainly silent basement. It was probably monitored, and he didn’t want to stand out as a troublemaker.

The blonde looked over at him curiously. She didn’t seem in the least distressed, a fact that struck Richard as odd. Shouldn’t she be crying, panicking, begging to be released?

‘Oh, sweetie, you’re new, aren’t you? First time? Oh,’ she paused, her eyes moving to the crying captive at the end of the row, ‘You’re like her, aren’t you? Her Master is bored and wants to try something new so he’s selling her on. I think it’s come as a bit of a shock,’ she continued with a note of goal in her voice.

Her words made Richard’s blood run cold. To be snatched by a group of human traffickers was bad enough, but to think that his beautiful Mistress might have tired of him, not only could She know what was happening to him but may actually have orchestrated it, was too much to bear. Of course, She owned him. She’d often threatened to share him with Her friends, knowing how uncomfortable the thought made him, but he would do anything for his Goddess. He’d given Her his complete submission and he was totally in Her thrall.

The look on Richard’s face had her reaching a hand through the bars to comfort him. ‘We’re at an auction,’ she continued, ‘Most of us are here voluntarily. We sign up for an agreed term with a Master or Mistress and, when it comes to an end, we are audited off to a new owner. It’s exciting not to know who you will be serving at the end of the night. I’ve come from an elderly Master in his eighties. He was very sweet to me, but I think I tired him out and he’s looking for someone a little less feisty. A while back I had a cruel Mistress and I’ve never forgotten how well she put me through my paces,’ the blonde surprised. ‘I hope I get another women today.’

Richard’s mind was reeling. Not only had his Mistress given him up, but he’d also be bought tonight by some unknown Dom or Domme and would be expected to serve them for however long they chose. Surely this couldn’t be legal? The research he’d done after meeting Mistress K for the first time said that the BDSM community were all about ‘safe, sane and consensual’. This was none of those things!

Richard’s heart was broken. He couldn’t possibly transfer his love, his loyalty to a stger. If he couldn’t belong to his Mistress, he would rather go back to his mundane sexless existence than pursuit this lifestyle that had given him so much joy and excitement. He resolved himself to do what he had to do, not cause any trouble, then at the first opportunity, escape and go to the police. He’d just have to trust that they would handle the investigation discreetly so that his private life did not become public. Just thinking how his friends and family would react if they found out about his sub life, worse, if they saw a picture of him naked in his chatity cage, just didn’t bear thinking about. The humiliation worked its evil magic and once again he was winning in pain as his erection tested the bars of its double confinement.

Chapter 4: Auction

The sound of feet approaching heralded the Two men as they entered the basement. They systematically worked their way down the cages, unlocking them and allowing their occupation to crawl out before rubbing them down thoroughly with a light coating of oil, which made their skin gleam in the bright lighting. It seemed as though the more verbal of the two was particularly enthusiastic with the male slaves, who were handled intimately, their cock and balls getting an unnecessary amount of slick attention. Richard was glad of his chatity cage for at least protecting him from this additional torque.

When they got to the cage before him, the young man opened his eyes and smiled, turning at the men who clearly seemed to know him. He straightened to his full height and seemed to preen under their leering glances and leud suggestions and they oiled up his impressive physique.

When they got to him, Richard steeled himself to undergo this degrading treatment slightly. The was no way he could escape now, bound, naked and locked in a basement with two strong guards, so there was no point in wasting his energy. He’d get himself a reputation for being obedient and then choose his time whenhe’d gained their trust.

Due to his cock cage’s impalable embrace, Richard’s oiling was mercifully short and perfectory, although he was made to spread his legs while they thoroughly oiled his unprotected balls and his clinched cheats. He’d closed his eyes to try to distance himself from the situation, but the humiliation he felt still had the predictable results, and the men laughed all the harder when they saw the pain His shameful arousal was causing him, which only served to make it that much more exciting.

When all the slaves were ready, they were walking up the stairs and through the kitchens, much to Richard’s mortification when their process garnered the attention of all the kitchen staff who hotted and pointed, thoroughly enjoying this short entertainment.

The guards led them to a large lushly furnished room, which had been set up with a raised dais at one end and an association of elegant chairs and sofas in front of it. They were made to stand in a lineacross the stage for the viewing pleasure of the audience that wandered in, laughing and chatting, with drinks in their hands. Some were dressed in smart business suits and evening gowns, others in jeans and leather jackets, some in full BDSM finery. One elegant woman had brought a slave with her, who shuffled along beside her on all fours wearing only a collar, lead and tail.

Most made their way to the stage, filing past the line of slaves, stroking oiled skin, tweaking the occasional nipple to hardness, cupping an impressive breast or well-formed ass as they passed. Some insisted on the slaves showing their teeth or sticking out their tongues. Richard endured his fair share of unwanted touches but was glad of the young stud to his right who was clearly loving the attention and doing everything he could to showcase his many attributes. One huge Dom, dressed in leather trousers, biker boots and studied chest harness paid particular interest in Richard, making him bend and touch his toes while he ran his hand appreciatedly over his quivering flank. The calculating look he gave him before moving on was very unsettling.

Later, a butch young Domme with very short, choppy bleached blonde hair also paid him particular attention. She stroked her way around his body until she was behind him, then, reaching up she put her mouth to his ear and commanded, ‘Present!’ Richard dropped to his knees, placed his palms face up on his thighs and dropped his head. The very picture of an obedient sub, as his Mistress had taught him.

His movement and form brought an appreciated murmuring to the crowd of potential buyers, and Richard just realized he had probably made it worse for himself. At least it supported his plan to show that he was not a troublemaker and could be trusted with greater freedom. At least he hoped it would, rather than just making him more interesting to the buyers. He looked to see if any of them could be the soccer mom’s elderly master. Perhaps he would find Richard to be less trouble, and surely he would be easier to escape from. However, the thought of having to serve a man, for however short a time, made him feel physically ill.

A bell sounded and the guests made their way to their seats, while the row of slaves was led off the stage to line up along the back wall. The girl who had been crying just seemed calm and resigned now as she was led back on to the stage. A jovial, well-dressed man holding a microphone joined her and started to list her attributes, starting with her measurements, then her temperature and any other qualities he thought would add to her price, including her impressive deep throating skills. The budding started and the excitement in the room was raised as several buyers got involved. However, quickly they dwindled until, finally, she was sold, and her new owner stepped up on stage to lead her away. It was a smiling middle-aged man in soft V-neck jumper and chinos, who signed the bill of sale while waiting for her arms to be released before taking her hand and gently leading her away. Well, thought Richard, that could have gone worse for her. He looked like a Daddy Dom-type so surely he’d take good care of her while she pined for her previous Master. Is that what he needed? A nurse Mommy-Domme to look after him in his heartbreak? No. There was no substitute for his beautiful cruel Mistress, and despite her apparent indifference to him, he would never willingly give himself to another.

The auction continued and Richard stopped paying attention. He just had to get through this and then look for a way out of his situation. Apart from the first girl, these people all wanted to be here. The eager slaves were keen to experience the firm hand of a new Master or Mistress and the bored owners wanted to try a new flavour, own a new plaything for a period. There was a flurry of bidding when it came turn for the muscle young buck to take centre stage, including phone bidding that he hadn’t noticed earlier, but he too was sold, signed for and led away by a new Master – a handsome older man in an Italian designer suit.

Now it was Richard’s turn.

Chapter 5: Sold

Dispite all his inner talk about biding his time and being obedient, now the time had come, he couldn’t go through with it.

‘Please, no! I can’t be sold. I already have a Mistress. She cares for me, I know it! Please, just let me call Her, beg Her for forgiveness, I know She’ll take me ba…’ His plea was cut off by the rough insertion of a ball gag that was forced between his teeth and buckled tightly behind his head. With an aching jaw and a churning stromach, Richard was led to the stage.

The Master of Ceremonies looked him up and down, his eyes lingering on his caged cock, and smiled. ‘Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems this one has already been gift wrapped for you!’ the crowd laughed as he continued, ‘I’ll tell you what, we’ll throw in a set of bolt cuttersso you can get to your prize… or leave it on, of course, it’s buyer’s choice! So, we will proceed with this lot, sight unseen, as it were.’ What a comedian. And the crowd was eating it up. Richard fumed, glaring at the floor, flushed with embarrassment. Flushed elsewhere too, where his cage was further constricting his mounting arousal.

‘Now, as you can see, this one is in good physical condition and I have been told by Mistress Zed that he has lovely form with his positions. However, if his gag and cage is anything to go by, he needs to continue his self-restraint training! He comes with a set of delightful training aids which have programmed him to expect to be teased and denied and to enjoy humiliation, which I believe we could see more clearly if it weren’t for his current prediction!’ again the crowd found This most entertaining. ‘Most delightfully, he’s been trained to cum on command. Would you fine people like a demonstration?’ This really got the audience’s attention and there were many shouts and jeers from the crowd, all of them in the affordable. ‘Very well then,’ and turning to Richard, he held his eyes and said in a commanding voice, which boomed over the microphone, ‘Boy? Cum!’

Richard’s cock, already excited beyond measure by the humiliations he had had to bear this evening, was more than ready to cum, caged or not. The sound of the command, which his Mistresses’ recordings had drummed into him for an hour a day, immediately tightened his balls. Although everything he did to try to quell the urge, the familiar tingles rushed down his spine and drew his swollen balls up tight, rushing down his cramped cock to release in a spurt that shot a good three foot across the stage. And he kept cumming, his hips thrusting into the air with each powerful surge. Spurt after spurt, slowly losing pressure, painted the stage with a slick of pearlescent seed, the delicious humiliation of unmanning himself in front of a crowd who found this hilarious, making him cum all the harder.

When the deluge finally abated and laughter calmed down, Richard just wanted to sink into the ground in mortification. However, the auditioneer continued, ‘Well, ladies and gentlemen, that was quite a how! He’s clearly been well trained by someone, so he must have had an owner, but it seems they were just not careful enough with such a treasured pet. There have been a lot of thefts about and, short of microchipping, who’s to know who this one belongs to?’ he shrugged dismissively.


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