Weekend at the Lake

It had been a lovely July day — warm and sunny but not hot like down in the city. The snowfields sparkled brightlly above Lady Duchess’s mountain cabin on the shore of the lake.

allan had roused many times in the night. As tired as he was, he just never slept very well on the cold kitchen floor, especially with his wrists bound behind his back to keep him from masturbating. Lady Duchess hadn’t allowed him an orgasm in nearly a month, and no longer trusted him to keep his hands off his organ.

As the welcome sun finally streamed across his body, he heard Lady Duchess moaning, and knew that jon was performing his morning worship, the lucky dog! allan had never been allowed that privilege.

allan had fixed eggs and blueberry pancakes for Lady Duchess, with jon serving coffee and juice in hir tiny French Maid’s uniform. allan wore only the pink frilly panties which were his only garment for the weekend. All of his work clothes had been left at the Lady’s home in town. Becho he had been found to be 10 pounds overweight, allan was allowed only a protein bar and a glass of water.

After cleaning up, there had been the two hour massage, with jon allowed to work the Lady’s back and neck muscles, while allan spent the entire time massaging and worshiping Her calves, feet and toes.

In the afternoon, Lady Duchess sat in the sun on the deck and watched while jon and allan performed naked swim races in the frigid lake. Both of them looked a bit blue when they came out, with tiny shriveled genitals.

As usual, jon had beaten allan in the race, so shivering, allan had to go into the woods and cut some will switches while jon dried off. He found just the right kind in the swampy area where the stream ran down into the lake. The wetland was thick with mosquitoes, which he tried to ignore as he stripped off the Leaves, and brought them back to the cabin.

Lady Duchess clipped his wrist restraints into a rope and jon pulled it through the block and tackle in the tree until poor allan was stretched onto his tiptoes. Shivering from the cold, with goosebumps all over, allan whimpered in fear as he saw the mischief in Lady Duchess’ eyes.

the switch sliced ​​the air near his ears. allan jumped in terror and his feet came off the ground. She hadn’t even hit him! jon and Lady Duchess laughed out loud at his little dance.

THWICK! a line of securing pain sliced ​​across his buns and he danced some more, jerking in his bonds. THWICK! the switch cut him across the tummy. allan shrieked and spun around, panic tightening his features. He tried in vain to quiet his breathing.

THWICK! a line of pure age wrapped around his asscheek, right where it met his upper thigh. he squealed again and again as Lady Duchess found no end of sensitive skin to paint with her switch. jon was enjoying his prediction, glad it wasn’t hir at the other end of the rope.

When they let him down, allan was a mess of tears and snot, his skinstriped with red welts both front and back. The Lady grabbed allan hard by the balls, and told him to pull himself together. Stifling his sobs, allan pulled his frilly pink panties back on. he was then sent off to gather firewood while jon made dinner for himself and the Lady.

When he returned, jon was lighting a candle on the table, and serving again in hir French Maid’s uniform: pinon and rosemary encrusted lamb chocolates, mushroom risotto with truffle oil, fresh green beans with walnut oil and balsamic vinegar, and a fresh salad, accompanied by a classic Clos de Vougeot 1997. allan was allowed another protein bar and a glass of warm water, and watched as the Lady enjoyed her seventy meal, served by sissy jon.

After dinner, jon accompanied Lady Duchess into the bedroom for “dessert,” and allan was told to clean the kitchen. He could hear the Lady moaning again, and his cock began to stiffen. Oh how he wished that he could partake of the delights in there!

allan put away the clean dishes, and was just finishing up the mopping, when Lady Duchess summoned him. he hurried into the bedroom, and the sight before hm took his breath away.

jon was lying on hir back, with hir wrists bound to the headboard. Lady dues was on her knees, straddling jon’s head, with Her skirt falling over hir chest. allan couldn’t see what was happening under the skirt, but from the flush on the Lady’s face and the way she was moving, he could pretty well guess! She was facing allan, and smiled luxuriously at him.

“It’s time to reward poor jon for all hir hard work, allan. I want to watch you make hir cum. Get busy!”

The blood drained from allan’s face. As horny as he was, and as much as he had wanted to participate, he was not the slightest bit bisexual, and dreaded being forced to pleasure jon. Still, the Lady was not to be denied. She tossed her head back and forth as she ground herself on jon’s unseen face. allan advanced to the bed, and tenatively lifted jon’s short black skirt.

jon’s cock was swollen, pressing upwards through the sheer white panties under the skirt. allan reached out and rubbed it through the material, and felt the wetness of jon’s precum seeing through the thin material. jon arched hir back, pressing hir cock into allan’s palm.

“Take it out!” hissed Lady Duchess. She was humping jon’s face with vigor now, bouncing on the bed.

Obediently, allan pulled the wispy fabric aside, revealing jon’s raging hard-on. Like allan, jon was shaken completely smooth. allan cupped jon’s balls in one hand, and began stroking hir shake with the other.

“In your mouth, slut! Take it in your mouth! i want to watch you suck it!”

allan was breathing hard again, in fear and excitement and loathing of what he was about to do. Leaning down, he opened his lips and took the head of jon’s big cock into his mouth. jon immediately arched up and pushed deeper into the wet space. suppressing a gag, allan began pumping hishand up and down on jon’s shake while running his tongue in circles around the head.

Lady Duchess laughed aloud as she watched allan learn to suck cock, riding jon’s face. he tried to do as he knew he’d enjoy. he sucked and swirled his tongue, and bobbed his head up and down on jon’s swollen cock, and pumped his hands up and down the slippery wet shake. he could taste the slimy pre-cum oozing from jon’s prick, and it made him nauseous. As much as he knew he had to do as he was told, allan found it revolting to have to suck another man’s cock!

Lady Duchess rode jon’s face faster and faster, gasping as she approached yet another orgasm. Suddenly, allan felt jon thrust deeper into his mouth, and felt his cock swell. Gagging, allan pulled back just in time. A strong jet of cum shot from jon’s cock and splattered across allan’s face, hot and sticky. allan pumped jon’s wet shake in his hands and it squirted several more times, erupting all over allan’s hands and arms.

LadyDuchess’ jaw dropped as she watched the spectacle. “Oh you little shit!” she shouted. “i can’t believe you did that!” She jumped off of jon’s face and cuffed allan across the side of his head.

“i’m so sorry, Lady Duchess!” he while. “i just never sucked a guy before. i didn’t mean to stop. i just couldn’t …”

Afterward, allan was blindfolded and his wrist and ankle Restraints were clipped together behind his back, immobilizing him in a near-hogtie. Lady Duchess showed, and jon cleaned himself up as well as possible, smiling at allan lying naked on the floor with hir cum drying on his cheeks and nose.

Lady Duchess returned, and unclipped allan’s wrists from his ankles, but left his arms pinned behind his back. allan was beside himself in misery. he had sucked jon’s cock, and now he was in more trouble than ever before. he begged the Lady for mercy.

“Shut up, slut!” she grew. She was clearly angry. She grabbed his balls very tightly in her hand and pulledhim up, making allan cry out in pain. She wrapped a very tight strap around his cock and balls, and fastened a leash to it. Then she yanked very hard on the leash, literally pulling him up by the balls. allan struggled to his feet.

“Follow me, slut,” She ordered. It wasn’t like he had any choice!

Naked and barefoot, with his ankles and wrists bound, allan hoped along behind the Lady as she dragged him out of the cabin. jon followed with a bundle She’d handed hir. The sun was setting.

Lady Duchess led allan by the balls down to the will thicket near the stream, where he’d earlier cut the switch She’d beaten him with. He was hyperventilating in fear and fatigue, and he was whimpering from the pain in his balls. jon’s cum had now dried into a sticky mess on his face.

When they reached the stream, Lady Duchess released allan’s balls from the leash. She didn’t say a word to him. allan was very frightened, not knowing what to expect. She motioned to jon, who handedher the bundle he’d been carrying.

She pulled out a length of rubber tubing, about 3 feet long and 1/4 inch in diameter. “Hold this, slut” She said, and stuck one end into allan’s mouth. The tubing hung down below his waist. allan’s breathing was fast and uneven. he tried breathing through his nose, but he’d been crying and couldn’t get enough air. His breath whistled as he started breathing Through the tube.

allan heard a rustling sound, then squealed through the tube as Lady Duchess pulled a black plastic trash bag over his head! jon held his upper arms so he wouldn’t fall over.

allan heard a ripping sound, and Lady Duchess wrapped duct tape around his thighs, taping the bag down to his legs.

he could no longer see Her, and his hearing was muffled and confused by the crinkling of the plastic in his ears. he heard her talking to jon, and then was suddenly laid down on his back in the bag, crushing his bound arms underneath him.

A second plastic bag was pulled up over allan’s feet and legs, up to his waist. More ripping sounds were followed by the feeling of four hands wrapping him in more duct tape. allan was trapped in an airless plastic prison! he began to panic, thrashing about and breathing hard through the tube in his mouth. As he did, he could feel the plastic suck in against him and expand with each exercise.

Lady Duchess and jon stood allan back up again, and leaned him back against a tree trunk. Then more duct tape was used to secure him to the tree, at the neck, around his chest, at his waist, and at the knees.

allan could not move, and was fast running out of air in his plastic cocoon. Surely they were not planning to kill him for failing to swallow jon’s cum?!

“Want some air, slut?” she taunted him. “I suppose i can give you some, but next time i tell you to do something, remember how generous I was this time!”

allan felt Lady Duchess pinch the plastic near his cock, and hear the snip of a pair of scissors. With tremendous relief, he realized that She’d pulled the other end of his breathing tube through the bags, and that he was once again breathing the cool mountain air. He hyperventilated through the tiny lifeline, his breath whistling through the tube.

There was another snipping sound, and allan felt Lady Duchess’ cool fingers pinching his cock. She pulled it through the tiny hole in the plastic, then Pulled each of his smooth bald testicles through as well. Finally, she sealed the opening with more duct tape.

Lady Duchess and jon chuckled to one another as they looked at allan in the gathering dust. He resembled a shiny black mummy, strapped to the tree. Only his cock and balls protruded obscenely from the plastic. They could hear his rapid breathing through the tube, the very end of which stick out just Below his smooth balls.

jon shifted his weight, trying to keep his patent leather pumps out of the swampy ground.

“So you don’t like men, eh slut?Not even sissy-gurls like jon. Let’s see how you like oral with women!” jon slapped at the mosquitoes that were buzzing in hir ears.

“You know, only female mosquitoes like to suck,” Lady Duchess sneered. “They sure are fierce down here in this swamp, especially right around dusk. Tonight, your cock is going to get sucked by lots of little ladies! Oh look, jon! Here are Some early diners already!”

allan shrieked into his breathing tube, and thrashed back and forth, wagging his genitals for all he was worth. They didn’t have the heart to tell him it did no good at all. The voracious little monsters just clung on and fed.

“Do you know how mosquitoes find their prey?” She asked jon. “CO2. They can smell it. That little tube is just like a dinner gong for all his little girlfriends.”

They both laughed uproariously. They stayed as long as they could stand it, and watched in fascination as allan’s genitals were covered by the tiny black bodies of his torqueors. Butsoon the clouds of biting pests drove them back inside.

Lady Duchess and jon left allan with his cocksuckers and returned to the cabin. They were only gone for about 30 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity to the poor slave in his hellish state.

Clouds of hungry mosquitoes swarmed over his exposed cock and balls. he could feel them land. he could feel each one probe and seek his blood. And he could feel the moment when each of them priced his prick with her proboscis. They feel like tiny needs in his tender, nervous-packed nads.

The pain was not too bad, really. Nowhere near as severe as he’d already endured for the Lady. Physically, it was more of an overwhelming irritation. He could feel multiple stings in his balls and along his shake. The worst were the bites around and under the head of his cock. For some reason, many of his worst tormentors seemed attracted to the opening of his urethra, which really did hurt.

But the psychological impact of his torture was by far the worst. Being unable to see or move, and feeling those incessant pinpricks. In his mind’s eye, he could see his poor penis covered with voracious insects. Knowing that each one was injecting his most sensitive parts with venom. Realizing that his body would react horribly to that venom in the coming hours and days. And fearing that he’d be left to the evil creativity all night. allan was terrified, driven Nearly mad by the cocksuckers smoking over his exposed flesh.

When Lady Duchess and jon came out of the cabin, it was fully dark. She had changed into a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, and had applied mosquito repelllent, though jon was still dressed in hir little French Maid uniform. jon carried a flashlight, and was careful to light the Lady’s way so that she didn’t stumble on the trail.

They could hear allan from 100 yards off. He was squealing and sobbing through his little tube. As they got closer, they could also hear the rustle of his plastic prison ashe thrashed about in a vain effort to dislodge his “girlfriends.”

Shining the light on allan’s wagging genitals, Lady Duchess could see over a dozen cocksuckers hanging on, including one particularly swollen girl whose needle-nose was buried right in the slit at the end of his urethra. his body was wrapped with sobs, and a constant panicky squealing was coming from his breathing tube. his bare parts were bright pink and swollen, with little red dots all over.

“Okay, girls, that’s enough,” Lady Duchess chuckled. “Even our horny little slut can only take so much oral action in one evening!”

Lady Duchess lashed out with a small leather flogger, whipping the thongs back and forth, up and down across allan’s formerly private parts. Mosquitoes were knocked aside or died trying to hang on. allan thrashed even harder, screaming through the tube as his poor tortured penis was lashed.

Finally, Lady Duchess sliced ​​through allan’s plastic and duct tape with a pocket knife,freeing him from his prison. She pulled the tube from his lips and he gasped and sobbed in relief and devastated humiliation. Tears ran freely down his face. More mosquitoes were landing on him again, but he didn’t even notice.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson, slut.” She hissed. “No more girl-sex for you. Starting tonight, you’re going to sleep with jon. Any time he feels like it, he’s going to fuck you in the mouth. Tomorrow, you’ll get nothing to eat but sissy-sperm, and you’ll pay for every cup of water with a fresh load down your throat. Understand?”

“Y-y-yes, Lady D-D-D-Duchess,” he stammered.

allan’s swollen genitals had begun to it unbearably, and hundreds of little red welts were now rising. Lady Duchess unclipped his ankle restraints, but left his wrists clipped together behind his back, so that he couldn’t scratch his bites. He would remain so for the next three days, in a haze of unrelieved itching with his mouth full of cock.

Resigned, allan hunghis head and stumbled behind Lady Duchess as She walked back up the hill to the waiting cabin.


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