Societal Submissions – Toronto Pt. 01

Chapter 1 – Arrivals

As their plane rumbled down the tarmac in Toronto, both Leah and Sadie let out a squeal of excitement. Both on their summer break from college in Toronto, Neither had ever been to Canada and were so excited. A prize they won in a local radio show, complete with spending money for a 2-month-long vacation.

The place where they were from was Minnesota, different parts, However. They met during college and fell for each other hard and fast. They called themselves the Bi princesses of Campus block B, well no one actually calls them that, but it was a funny idea from a weird night that involved a lot of shrooms, two naked bodies and a lot of sweat. Waking up together entwined line a pretzel, they knew they had found the right person.

They get out the gate in the airport, Pearson, and the first thing they notice is the slavery advertisements playing on the television. It’s so poisoned, like a skin care ad, but it’s about how signing up for temporary slavery can change lives. This kind of stuff isn’t legal in all the states, so to say this isn’t what they expected, would be an understanding. They knew it would be a thing, but didn’t expect it to look so apparent.

The older the slave, the less picky they could be when agreeing to a contract. The same could be said of the desperate in general. They both wouldn’t say it out loud, but the idea of ​​this alone thrilled them to the core. Something they both know not only from late night conversations curled up in bed, but also from their nipples. Hard as rocks and making Rachel from “Friends” proud. They walked through the airport together.

“Think we’re going to see any slaves?” chirped Leah.

Sadie looks around, her eyes fix on a slave shop right there in the airport. Multiple slaves restrained in the window. Her lip quivered.

“Speak of the devil and she arrives.”

Leah gives her girl a quick side eye and a smile. Admiring her girl’s long dark hair. Sadie had the classic low effort alternative thing going on in complete perfection. Pale, bright eyes and always a bit of dark makeup. Her dark hair up in a messy bun, like her go to DND character. She was a lucky woman.

Sadie turned to look up at her girlfriend. Taking in the tall Blonde haired status of a woman. She would often make jokes that Leah reminded her of Ted Lassos “Rebecca”, Leah spoke and just Commanded the room. It made Sadie’s legs weak watching Leah work. Yet somehow they’re both switches, anyone who saw Sadie, would assume she’s a top. Just the energy and vibe she gives off.

She couldn’t wait to get to the hotel. As they walked outside, they saw a wall of slaves, marked by their leather collars and interesting attitude. Some were dressed normally, many naked, and just as many wearing harnesses or some form of a skimpy costume. Even the men had some fun costumes going on. French maids, Mounties, short skirts galore. The girls noticed all the girl slaves had similar makeup, sultry and fuckably delicious. These Canadians sure were a bold bunch. Leah couldn’t help but smile at the light reflection off the piercings found all over these slaves. They share a nervous glance before heading to their Uber and into Toronto.

The traffic was evil that day as the girls sweat it out in the back of the Uber, the hot summer sun already beating high in the sky. Leah nudges Sadie and points out their driver’s collar. They share an excited grin.

“What do you want to do first?” asks Sadie.

Leah answers, slowly perusing her words. “Not sure, Pot shops, spas, the aquarium, too much to choose from.”

Sadie laughs, “want to get high and then go for a wanderer? Keep it loose?”

Leah smiles and snuggles into her girlfriend. They watch out the window as their car trundles down a packed, young street. A pot shop on every corner and a Slave shop every few blocks. Neither of them would deny that the idea of ​​slavery got them hot. Both switches, both kinky, and both in the prime of their twentyties. It was safe to say they were healthy with their sex life. Playing sexy games with each other, sometimes poaching a unicorn with a nice cock, taking them home and ruling their life for the night, Or sometimes just to turn off, relax and serve. Variety was a spice of life, they would say, but hardly the most spicy thing about them. Both had a kink list as long as their arm and very little shade.

As they near their hotel, and with traffic barely moving. They decided to get out of the car early and just walk, their luggage wheeling behind them. Walking towards their hotel, a fancy, large place called “The Fairmont”. A gold floor suite, all summer. Free room service, restaurants in the hotel and more amenities in their suite than they will know what to do. The perfect place to relax, reset and refresh before heading back to the school.

“Hey, wanna grab some pot on the way? More time off our feet when we get there?” asked Sadie!

Leah nods happy and they turn into an OCS. A cute redhead steps out from behind the counter. All nude except for a slave harness locked to her collar.

“Hi welcome to the Ontario Cannabis Store, my names Tori, what can I get for you today.”

Sadie takes her in and looks her up and down. Leah keeps a composed face compared to Sadie’s excitement.

“Are you a slave?” Leah Calmly asked.

“Yes ma’am.” Tori responses.

“That’s was fast.” interjects Leah coyly.

“I will say it faster in the future, I am sorry ma’am.” the slave responses.

“Sorry, we didn’t think we would run into a slave so fast. We just came in today from out west in Minnesota.” Sadie clarifies.

“Oh you will see lots of us out here, the easiest way to work off student debt these days. That’s why I’m here, 5 years of service.”

“You think that was a good deal?” spouts Leah.

“Sure” Tori happily brings. “I sell my 20s, and get an awesome 30s, a fresh start. It’s going to be wonderful.”

Leah and Sadie share a “That sounds nice” look before changing the subject.

“So what shall we get? We’ve never really smoked before.”

The slave pauses and thinks before going to a shelf and grabbing a preselected basked.

“This is our visitor basket, It’s got some gummies, chocolates, two weed drinks, a vaporizer and a few different strains to try as well as a cartridge of Slave Haze.”

“Slave Haze?” Sadie asks

“It’s a type of cannabis that leaves the smoker highly relaxed, but also highly suggestible. Great for training slaves and general compliance or upkeep.” Tori answers.

“Huh!”, Sadie excelles.

It wasn’t what she expected, she expected control collars, brainwashing institutions, and she had heard of slave centres that use automated machines like assembly lines to enslave and train their products. A deep cold technique, but from what they had read online, highly dehumanizing… and kinda hot. She flips it over and scans the details of the Slave Haze.

“So they use it to enhance training? So we’re not going to want to be slaves just from smoking it?”

Tori giggles, “No, it’s not going to make you slavehot just by smoking it.”

Leah and Sadie exchange a quick glance, both seeing that the other is excited about the idea at least.

“We will take it.” Leah says.

Some money changes hands and the girls are off, walking back down the street to their hotel.

Around one last corner. Finally coming to their hotel, a massive 100-year-old behemoth sitting before the Toronto waterfront. They walk through the gold front doors and right up to the counter. A well-dressed man stands behind the counter, ignoring them. He’s directing various slaves around the lobby as they move lucky and clean. Leah speaks up.

“Hello, we’re the content winners. Checking in please.”

The man holds out his hand for their paperwork, staring them down. He rifles through it.

“You aren’t what we exected. Nevertheless, if this is you, just present your IDs to check in and I’ll have a slave take you up.”

They quickly take a scan and hold them on file. Returning them along with a pair of room keys. He looks up at them as a slave arrives. A thin brunette, also mid 20s and quite fit. She had clearly had a boob job, both her nipples pierced with a delicate chain between them. A Elegant harness crisis crosses her body, connecting to her slave collar. Leah looks her over, she realized she didn’t know the last time she had seen a fully shacked woman.

“Hello ladies, My names Slave Sarah, I’ll be showing you to your room and getting you oriented with all that’s available to you for the duration of your stay.”

For a slave, she sure was confident, strutting around before them and leading them into the maze of corridors. The girls couldn’t help but stare at her ass back and forth as she led them, cunstruck on the way to the elevator.

The golden, ornate doors open and thethree girls enter the elevator. Sarah swipes a card and pressed the top button. The gold coloured button. She then drops to her knees in a presentation pose. She looks to Sadie and Leah and smiles warmly as the doors close. They start to raise up, higher and higher. Leah looked at the windows moving by, she couldn’t help but notice that it was slow. She looked around and felt with her whole body.

“Is the elevator moving slowly to anyone else? Or is this normal?”

The slave looks out the window.

“This isn’t normal, no.”

A loud groan slides down the elevator as it jolts to a stop. Leah and Sadie look around, panicking. Slave Sarah stands up and slides her card. She pushes a combo into a pad and the lights turn off, before starting to flash red.

“Help will come.”

She drops back down into her presenting pose as Leah and Sadie look down on her. Sarah gets a familiar whiff from her position, she knows that these ladies have been hot, all day. She subtly licks her lips, a Pavlovian response at this point.


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