Social Immersion Class Ch. 02

This story is based in an alternate setting in which laws have been enacted that allows for the ‘free use’ of women by the males of society. All characters are 18 or over, and fictional in origin. Any names, places or situations are purely fictional.


Social Immersion Class Ch-2 (a rough Friday)

I give you a long look as you rush into my classroom, checking my watch to see that it’s 10:27 am. The ruined make-up, stains on your shirt and the fact that you haven’t bothered to even push your skirt all the way back down into place tell me all I need to know. But the rest of the class needs to hear it, as part of their learning curve.

“Miss Annalise, why are you almost a half hour late to my class? Tardiness is unacceptable, and shows a lack of commitment.” The stern look on my face merely a mask, knowing what a good opportunity this has presented.

Your answer comes quick “A student needed relief and used my mouth in the bathroom downstairs. Soe others came in and I think it was…4…by the time they got done.” You stand near the side of my desk at the front of the room, waiting to see if the answer will pass muster. While looking at me, you glance to your right, at the front row, to see another girl bent over the front row table, tits mashed under her, hands behind her on both chefs, pulling herself open, showing every lewd detail to the boys in class.

“So you enticed some boys so much that they just had to use you for relief, and you think that this should free you from punishment?” Looking you over for a hint of a quick answer, seeing you take a bit more time on this one “You’re just lucky Marie here volunteered to give up an hour of 1 on 1 tutoring to come help with the class.”

“I um… I guess it…it Shouldn’t get me out of trouble?” You ask questioningly, thinking that it’s not really your fault that the male students keep fucking your mouth in the mens room downstairs. After all, what were you going todo, say NO?

I wave you over with a hand, until you’re standing in front of me, before turning you before the class “Take note class. This is what a slut looks like after what looks like some good use of her throat. Mascara down her cheeks, lipstick defeat off, even some leftover cum on her cheeks. You might think that you should let her go on her way, and get herself cleaned up. That she’s had enough for the day…But that’s not a guarantee.”

One hand goes behind you to the zipper on the back of your skirt, pulling it down deftly as I speak. Once it’s down, I tug the skirt so it falls to the floor, exposing your panties underneath, before whisper to you

“They just used your mouth then?” Your response coming in the form of a nod yes.

“In this case, 2 of her holes haven’t been touched yet.” Letting go of your tight little rump, I turn towards back to you “Strip the rest off, and get yourself just like Marie” motioning to the first row table in front of you.

Asyou strip the rest off, panties first, before your stained shirt and bra, I walk out toward the class, placing my hand on Marie’s back “Once Annalise gets here, we’ll compare and contrast the girls. Remember, don’t hold back. It’s good to be able to note a girl’s strengths and weaknesses. It helps you make good choices!”

Once completely nude, you walk around the end of the first table, striding into position beside Marie, laying yourself on the table, before reaching back to spread yourself good and wide. Once in position, you look to her and ask her how long she’s been here, and if anyone’s had her yet. She answers like it’s just another question, anyone would ask “I showed up about 5 after, been on display for maybe 5 minutes. No fucking, just a lot of them staring and dreaming.”

Stepping in front of the table between you, your heads on either side of me, I open it up for discussion.

“Alright young men, what differences do you see? Yes Mr Janson.”

You hear a shy voice in the back start “The one on the right is more petite, has a larger thigh gap, slimmer vagi…I mean, cunt lips. Marie…I mean the one on the left is more…voluptuous, with a more meaty, puffy looking…c-cunt.”

“Good Mr Janson. Use pussy or cunt. Unless you’re a doctor, you don’t have any need to say “vagina”, or rectum, or breasts. And none of you are doctors, that I know of.” The last part getting a quick laugh out of the crowd of 18 year olds.

“Anyone else? I’m sure there’s more. There’s a lot of scene there to take notes on. Yes Mr Wade.”

“Left has metier ass cheeks. More to hold onto, but her asshole is just as small or maybe smaller than the one on the right. And her legs are larger…maybe more powerful?”

Answering the question analytically “Yes I would assume her legs are a bit more powerful. She plays volleyball, and explosiveness is a huge part of the game. To your other point, yes her cunt is more ‘meaty or puffy’” taking this opportunitynature to reach over both of your backs, using two fingers to spread you both open “but trust me, inside, they both have quite the grip” my fingers moving inward off your lips, to slide the tips inside you both at the same time.

My hands start pumping into both of your slides simulateneously, under the watching eyes of the class full of boys.

“Note how they push back. They want as much as possible in their little cunts, and when I withdraw, they instinctively follow my fingers.”

Looking down to see both of you with your eyes closed, sides of your faces pressed on the desk, satisfied smiles on your faces “Girls, when was the last time your cunts and asses were used?”

Marie answers first “Wednesday sir…I had a few guys in my dorm use my cunt. My boyfriend used my ass last Friday.” Almost humming the words out as she enjoys the digits manipulating her tight little hole.

“And you, Anna?”

“Yesterday sir…mmmmmm…for both.” Your answer comes along with a lowmoaning sound, the sound added to by the wooden table, your hands gripping tightly on the tight little cheats.

My hands continue working at your little slots, feeling your juices coating my fingers as you both reveal in the intrusion “Alright class, your choice of girl, your choice of hole to the first one that can tell me the article number that modifies Free-use to Limited-use of an engaged woman, over the age of 25.”

You hear the rustling of papers, followed by an excited “Article B, Paragraph 2, Statement 1!” from one of the boys in class.

“Correct Mr Wade. Which one do you want?” A low excited laugh comes out, before he answers “Marie, sir.”

Removing my fingers from Marie’s slit, I watch her stand, working out a bit of a cramp from being in the same position for as long as she has. She runs her hand over her mound, collecting a bit of her juices, before licking her fingers. “Where am I going?”

“Raise your hand Mr Wade” prompting an excited raised and wave from a student in the back row. With that settled, Marie walks up the few steps to get to the back row, naked as the day she was born, each student turning to get a good look at her while she makes his way to him. She stops in front of his seat, between him and the table, and simply drops to her knees, undoes his pants, fishes his cock out and begins sucking him hard.

Soft sucking sounds emotional from the back of the room, as she gets him ready to enjoy his reward. From the look on his face, this is one of the first times he’s had his dick sucked, and she’s by far, the hottest girl to ever do the deed for him. All the while, my hand has continued working in your tight grip.

“Alright class, back to this one. Let’s give them a tiny bit of privacy.” Tapping you on the cheek to get your attention, before motion for you to move back to my side of the table, withdrawing my hand from your velvety grip. The class watches as you walk lightly around the front table, your hand brushing across two students backs as you walk by, blatantly inviting them to enjoy you, before you get around to me, again facing the class.

“So on this one, we can see that her mouth has obviously been used recently. But that shouldn’t stop us from using her again, correct?”

You hear a low chorus of ‘correct’ come from the students…minus one, as Marie swings her leg over to the Other side of her student, plunging her tight young cunt down on his now glistening pole. He’s far too enthralled in her to be any use in the class anymore.

“You may not have heard her answer earlier, but she told me that the boys ONLY used her mouth. So she has two holes yet to be used.” Turning back towards you “Get me out please”

Watching your hands manipulate my belt, before unbuckling and unzipping my pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. You hook your hands in the band of my boxes, before dutifully yanking them down.

I turn back toward the class “Even if you are relactively sure she is ready, it’s good form to have a girl get your cock wet, before using either her cunt or ass.” Turning to you, motioning towards the floor with an open hand, you drop to your knees. Once there, you feel a hand in your hair holding tight, hovering you an inch or so off the waiting head of my cock.

“Now, she individualized some boys so much that they just HAD to use her, causing her to be late. This is grounds to punish her, and this is one of many ways to do so.” Turning back to you, looking down before mouthing “I’m going to be a bit rough”.

With that, I use one hand on your head, the other holding my stiff shaft, before pushing a solid 3 inches into your mouth and beginning to see in and out of your warm wet grip. Once I get my rhythm going, I let go of the shake, Instead using the other hand to hold your head, now firmly fucking your warm, wet mouth. The sucking and soft gargling sounds coming from you tell me that I’m reaching the very edge of your gag reflex.My prick glistens each time I pull away from your mouth, sometimes with a trail of spit lubing the shake. Your hands are instinctively at your sides, letting me enjoy your mouth however I want.

Turning my attention towards my class, as I saw in and out of your young mouth, you hear a bit of what I say to them “asked about anal use … I plan to use … for punishment”. I pull free of Your mouth, at the end of my statement, noticing the trails of spit following my now glistening prick. A simple motion towards the table comes, as you look up at me “over the table, facing them”.

You walk the few steps to the front of the table, bending over in front of, but just off to the side of a student in the class. Once you’re in position, I walk behind, pushing 2 fingers inside your still soaking velvety grip…but only briefly. Before you can really enjoy them, they are removed, and snaked inside your backdoor, one at a time. Each one causing you to take a sharp, deep breath, hands fumbling to grip the table, your feet stumbling outward a bit, hoping to open up a bit wider. Your tightest hole clenches firmly around my fingers, clenching and twitching for a moment, before I start pushing them deeper, causing a wimper out of you.

“Class, notice her facial expressions and physical responses. This is from 2 digits in her ass, and this will only get more noticeable before too long. No matter what, part of her is enjoying this usage.”

I push further until you feel a hand pushing against your cheek, the fingers unable to go deeper. With this I saw them in and out gently, breaking down your resistance slowly.

As my fingering picks up, you hear loud panting coming from Marie, and a low moan/wail come from her lucky male counterpart, as he shoots his sperm into the young coed. Her bouncing on his lap stops, as she buries him, not wanting to lose a drop.

“When you’re done Mr Wade, you may choose to keep her there, or give her to a classmate. With the laws, it is YOUR choice.”

I feel you clnch at my statement, no doubt part of you wondering how many cocks are going to invade your tight little holes. Just as your pert behind starts to sway with my fingers, I decided you’re ready and withdraw them.

“As this is lacened with punishment, and she has already been prepared to some extent, I won’t be giving her much time to adjust to me” my hand goes to my shake again, pressing the bulbous head to your hole, two fingers pushing down on it as I press forward, watching you open to accept the new intruder. I hear you suck in a deep breath sharply, your hand moving to the wrist of the member of the class sitting just off to your right, gripping his wrist tightly, before he moves to grab your hand with his.

“ahhh kindness” you think to yourself, as I stroke my glistening shake into your tightest hole, with little to no mercy. Once I’m fully enveloped, feeling you twitch and clnch along my entire shake, I began slowly seeing in andout of you. Watching intently as your body shudders and twitches under the anal assault. Your breathing comes in short waves, unable to slow it to match my pace.

“Class, notice her breathing. If you are using a slut correctly, this will start out in short bursts, then take care of itself shortly after” as my hips begin speeding up in your backdoor. You lay your head on the table, left chef pressed against it, so you can see the nice boy offering you his hand while I ream your tight little passage.

“Class, who co-sponsored the Free-use laws, and also cast the deciding vote for passage?”

You dimly hear the answer, as my assault on your tightest hole continues. Your grip never loosening much, and always clenching as tight as possible when I bottom out my stroke. “Correct Mr Moore, you may use this one next.”

You’re making short little noises with each thrust now. Little ‘ya, mmmm, ooo, ugg’ and a series of tight little yelps, as I bury myself each time. You look up towards the back of the classroom as you hear a scream of pleasure come from Marie. She’s bent over the back row table, one of the boys in class seeing his way between her hips from behind, obviously giving her just what she needed. Another already with his pants off, ready to take his turn when that one finishes. You wonder if that’s the fate of your tight little backdoor today.

All too soon, I feel the tingle in my balls, letting me know that i’ll be cumming. I began grunting with each shove, finishing in a long, hard push into your tightest hole, burying myself to the balls, as I spurt jet after jet of cum into you. I short stroke a few times as my cum finishes, extracting the last few shots into you…using you as a hot little cock sleep, to get off into. Once I finish, I back away from your now puffy reddish hole, my cock slipping out finally, with a rush of air slipping inside you.

“Alright, your turn Mr Moore” looking down to survey you before stepping back to allow the eager young man to take his place behind you.

You echo the sounds we’re hearing from Marie, as another member of the class has taken place between her legs and began to use her from behind. This time your use is much smoother, as the young man decided he wanted your cunt, instead of taking your ass.

“Mr Cole, you really should get something, for all the support you’re giving her” prompting the boy to stand and drop his shorts in front of your face. The clear cue for you to begin using your mouth on him. He allows you to suck his cock at your pace, while his classmate enjoys your tight velvety cunt. His strokes are firm but not too quick, allowing you to enjoy him fully, and not just have your tight little cunt batteryed under an onslaught.

I take a glance at the clock, noting that it’s now 11:15 am, time to be wrapping up class “Alright guys, if you’re not actively using one of the girls, it’s time to get going. Since only one of you know the modifiers for engagementd and married women, it sounds like you all need to do some reading. There may or may not be a quiz on that information on Monday. For those of you using a slut, finish up in a timely manner, and head to your next class.”

With these instructions the two using you speed up their efforts, the one inside your cunt starting to groan and grunt a warning. Less than a minute later, you feel him bulge even more, before burying himself and coating your insides with his cum. He twitches and jerks behind you as he unloads…using you as a fleshy toy to cum inside.

As he’s unloading inside you, you hear Marie get more vocal “fuck me, pound that cunt, use it just like that, fuck me, fuck me, please cum in me!” before you hear a loud grunt from behind her, and the sound of both of them slamming into the table as a student unloads inside her.

As soon as he pulls free of her velvety grip, she straightens up, turn around to him, give him a kiss on the cheese, and bounds her way downthe few steps to the both of us, with your temporary lover still engaged in your velvety cunt. As soon as he pulls free, she bends at the waist and covers his glistening prick with her mouth, sucking your mixed juices off of him. Taking just a few seconds to suck before standing back up, she simply says “not bad you two” before I push my hand on her lower back, forcing her to bend over the front table. My hands go to her ass cheeks, spreading her open to show off the creamy, frothy mess running off her puffy, reddened slit, and down her inner thighs.

“Looks like they didn’t even touch your asshole, Marie” a bit incredulous at her luck.

A quick laugh and tantalizing shake of her butt, before clenching her holes as tight as possible, obviously making her asshole sink in, and the lips of her pussy draw tighter, before expelling more cum “I guess I’ve just got a magic pussy!”

“Guess so. Go get yourself cleaned up, and be at my office at oh…3 this afternoon, and I’ll workon this.” Gently tapping her tightly clenched backdoor, before dismissing her to get dressed and head out. Turning to you, I see the last student in class thrusting his hips into your mouth, obviously close to cumming, as his head is thrown back. You’re simply allowing him to use you, maximizing his pleasure. A few more seconds pass before he groans his way through his orgasm. His cream hitting your mouth, forcing you to swallow with every jet. After he finishes, he gives your cheese a light stroke, before pulling out, “thank you” coming from his lips.

Marie giggles a bit as she hops her way into her shorts “trying to catch a gf from class?” Pulling her shirt down to cover her 36DD’s, before squeeze my arm on the way out of the room.

I give you a good once over before you stand back up, your inner thighs slick with your juices and leftover cum that’s leaked out from the student and myself.

“Looks like we made a little mess of ya. Make sure to get cleaned up, before yOur next class. Don’t want to make the other girls in your class jealous now.”

The last sentence is said as I pack my laptop into its carrying case, shut down the projector and grab my keys.

I look back to see my last student in class letting you lean on him as you step into your panties, helping you to find your top and bra.

Thingking to myself “shit, he might be in love” I stand next to the door, laptop case in hand and simply let out a “Pip pip, you two…don’t want you late to your next one.” The prodding comes as you give your shorts a quick tug to get them into place, before grabbing your bag and making your way toward the door.


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