“You know,” Milord began casually, “Snow White lived with seven dwarves before Prince Charming claimed her.”
I stared up at him, my heart beating so hard I feared he could hear it. Seeing the expression on my face, he laughed.
“Oh yes, I’ve been planning this night for a while now. In fact, I may have been the one to suggest this theme of Kings and Queens to other executive committee members.”
My mouth fell open. Milord was a founding member of the Castle, so I knew his opinion carried weight. For some reason, though, I was still surprised by his words.
“I’m well aware of your fascination with the fairy tale, Princess, and I wanted to make your fantasy a reality. Of course, I’ve put my own little spin on things,” he continued.
I looked around the large open room and saw people dressed in various costumes all of which fit into the Snow White Tale. Mistress Katherine wore a long purple and black gown with a crown on her head. Her pet sat at her feet polishing her black boots with his tongue. Other submissives were dressed as serving wenches or footmen while the Dominants wore more Kingly and Queenly attire.
In the center of the room, though, was a padded table surrounded by seven men all dressed in Tuxedos. Handsome they were, but none could compare to Milord’s stunning looks. He stood at 6’3″, had broad shoulders, defined muscles, a shock of dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. Just being in the same room with him made me wet.
“Come now,” he said, “lie down on the table. Do you think you can remain still or shall I bind you?”
I looked at the men, the other executive members, then at the table. The lower half of it could be separate, effectively splitting my legs wide. Soft leather cuffs were attached to the sides where my wrists and ankles would fall. I remembered Milord’s warning that if I complained or disappointed him I would be gagged with an apple, and decided not to take any chances.
“Bind me, Milord.”
“As you desire,” he said politely, then did so. “Remember, Snow White, you must resist as long as possible. Prince Charming isn’t going to be interested in a princess who gives in too easily.”
Next, he addressed the seven me. “Gentlemen, thank you for accommodating me this evening. Enjoy.”
Milord stepped away and I turned my head to watch him. He wouldn’t leave me alone, would he?? No. He leaned against the red satin curtained wall, crossed his arms over his chest, and grinned. I smiled at him and gave a small nod, letting him know that I accepted my prediction.
“Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” said the first man.
He adjusted a lever beneath the table and spread my legs wide. I was still wearing the full, sheer black skirt and the pearl g-string. I looked down but saw little in the dim light. I could, however, smell my own arousal.
“For that offense, a spanking is in order,” he continued.
Quick as a wink, he slapped my pussy four times in quick succession. I cried out, started, which amused the men greatly.
“Someone’s been eating off my plate,” said the second man. “And for that offense, she deserves to be eaten.”
I arched my back when his tongue licked a path from my tunnel to my clip. He used his tongue to flick my clip, then his teeth to gently nibble.
“Ohmygod, ohmygod,” I began to babble, clenching my hands into fists and curling my toes.
“Someone has eaten my bread,” said a third man. “And for that offense, she deserves to be kneeled.”
His hands were on my breasts, squeezing and kneeing them. I moaned with pleasure, feeling my body begin to tremble.
“Someone has eaten my vegetables,” said the fourth man. “And for that offense, she deserves to be stuffed.”
He turned my head and gently pulled down on my chin. His cock filled my mouth and I instinctively began to suck. Somewhere in the background, I heard Milord’s laughter. I felt a wetness trickle from my open puss and I wondered how much more I could take. I remember his words, though, and fight for control.
“Someone’s been using my fork,” said another man. “And for that offense, she deserves to be poked.”
I squealed as I felt the cold lube being pushed into my anus. No! I thought. I knew I would lose control if I were plugged!! Nothing brought me into sub mind faster than being plugged!! Just as I feared, when the head of the plug opened my hole, my mind shut down and I became a reception.
“Don’t do it, Princess,” I heard Milord says. “Obey me. Do not come until I give permission. Resist.”
Don’t come. Don’t come. Don’t come, I silently chanted.
“Someone’s been using my knife,” said the sixth man. “And for that offense, she deserves to feel sharpness.”
I screamed around the cock in my mouth as my nipples, already hard, were pinched by something hard and tight.
“Someone’s been drinking out of my mug,” said the seventh man. “And for that offense, she deserves to be drenched.”
Suddenly, the hands and mouth and cock were gone. I looked around and saw the seven men with their cocks in their hands surrounding me. Moments later hot streams of cum hit my body as they each ejaculated. I arched my back, pulling against my restraints and cried out. My nipples were on fire, my anus filled to capacity, and sweat cream covered my body. I turned my head, searching for Milord, Needing desperately to come, but he was not standing where he had been.
The men tucked their cocks back into their trousers and stepped back, revealing Milord standing between my played legs, a knife in his hand. With one hand he pulled the chain connecting the clamps and with the other he cut through the wispy lace g-string.
“Please let me come. Please let me come. Please let me come,” I babbled, tears running from my eyes.
He plunged into me and said, “Come.”
I screamed his name as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over my prepared senses. I felt himfucking me and hear the murmurs of approval from those watching, but none of it made sense. All I felt, all I knew was the psychedelic colors that danced before my eyes. I had done it. I had obeyed his command to resist. I had proven to be Milord’s Princess and this, this excisite pleasure was my reward.
“Open your eyes,” I heard him say. “I want you to look at me as I fill you. You. Are. Mine.”
Somehow, I comprehended his words and did as he said. I came back to earth long enough to say, “Yes, Milord. I am.”
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