She was in position as He had instructed: her hands grating the edge of the kitchen table, her feet wide apart. She was naked, naturally, He required that even in the dead of winter. The heating bills were atrocious, but well worth the expense to have her naked, available and eager at all times. He knew she hated the cold, so he made sure to keep the house nice and warm. He was, after all, a loving husband and Dominant. Tonight, though, He had plans for her. She’ wouldn’t like part of those plans, at least for a little while, but He knew her well enough to know she’d love the end result, besides, today was a special day and she deserved a special treatment.
He had purposely ignored her sweet ass for a good week now. He wanted her desperate for what He was about to deliver. It had about killed Him, but he’d done it. God knew, nothing excited Him in quite the same way as seeing her ass red and feeling the heat of her skin after a good spanking. Her bottom was made for that. Perfect, round globes bent over his knee. He was getting hard just thinking about the last spanking he’d administratored. But looking at her body stretched over the table, her ass wiggling in anticipation, He knew He’d made the right decision to deny them both for a week. Now, He practically giggled with glee. Yes, she certainly was desperate. So was he for that matter. First, He’d warm her up a bit with His hand. To do what He planned on doing, she’d need to be warmed up otherwise she’d cruele too badly. He knew she didn’t mind bruising, but He hated the idea of actually harming her. Besides, He’d perfected His technique so that he could make her ass sore and tender for days but never leave a mark. He knew she liked that. She grinned and winced whenever she tried to sit after a good spanking. That’s why He only allowed her to sit on hard wooden chairs. No cushions for her sweet ass.
He began his slow assault, cupping his hand to make the loudest possible sound but still not spanking withfull force. She moaned. God He loved the sounds she made. The low throaty moans, the high pitched yips. She raised her hips slightly, anticipating and meeting each swat of His hand. After 40, her ass was a nice pink color and warm to the touch. He leaned over the table and pulled her hair a bit.
“Ready for the big guns, hon?” He asked.
“Yes, please,” she answered, her voice full of Passion and need.
He looked over the array of kitchen utesils He had assembled. What to use first? The wooden spoon? the pancake spatula? the small skillet? yard stick? Keeping a hand on her ass, He smiled as He made the decision. The yard stick. When applied with just the right force, it left a lovely red welt across her already pink bottom.
“What’s today’s date?” He asked.
“The 27th, Sir.”
“The 27 it shall be.”
By the time He had delivered all 27 stripes, his arm was aching and her ass and tights were beautifully marked with bright red welts which would last for days. This, He knew, would please her. He listened to her panting and felt himself grow rock hard. She’d cried out, even screamed at one point, but had made no appeal to remove herself from the table. She was allowed to release her hold on the table only upon His command and she had, indeed, obeyed His rule. Now, she lay spend, weeping quietly. He noted with pride that her tights glistened with sweet juice. She never looked so beautiful as when she was freshly spanked, ripe and wet.
“You’re striped, my love, and weeping. But I you deserve more, don’t you?” he asked.
“Oh, yes. Please, Sir. I do deserve more,” she answered, sniffing daintily.
Chuckling, he picked up the wooden spoon. Grinning democratically, he held it in front of her face so she would Know exactly what to expect. She gasped, closed her eyes and nodded. She hated the spoon. He knew that, of course, but she belonged to Him and would submit. He wanted to please her as well, naturally, but sometimes, she needsd to be reminded that He was her Master. Today was that day. The last few days had brought with them a bit of brattiness which needed to be dealt with. Why only yesterday he’d come home from work and found her wearing a t-shirt. True, she had been frying potatoes for his dinner and explained that the grease was popping. Still, that was excuse. She was forbidden to wear clothes in the house unless given expression permission. Graciously, he allowed her to wear an apron for protection while cooking, but a t-shirt? Never.
“You disobeyed a house rule yesterday,” he reminded her.
“I know, Sir.”
She sniffed. He waited. He could be patient.
“Because it’s been a long time since you’ve taken me over your knee and I hoped that my disobedience would inspire you to attend to my ass,” she replied quietly.
“So you were attempting to top from the bottom?” She couldn’t see his face, so she didn’t know that He was smiling. He’d known exactly what she was doing,but making her confess was an integral part of their relationship. He made sure to keep His voice stern and violently slapped the spoon against his hand. She flinched slightly with each slap.
“Yes, Sir,” she quietly admitted.
“27 again.”
He began without waiting for her to reply. First one red-striped cheese, then the other. He made sure to never slap the same place twice. Eventually, he had to distribute the smack to her upper thighs. She jumped, moaned, yipped. He was hard as a rock and she was juicy as a sweet pearl. Correction. An over-ripe tomato given the color of her ass. He ran his hand over her abused ass and was pleased by the heat.
She lay simply on the table, sobbing, her hands still gripping the edge of the table. He was pleased.
She was beautiful and she was ready for her special surprise.
Quickly, He stepped outside. He glanced back to make sure she stayed in position, knowing she would hear the door open and shut. She didn’t move. Hehad trained her well. She wouldn’t move until He released her, not unless she wanted the entire punishment session repeated and He knew she didn’t want that. A moment later, He stood behind her, stepped out of His trousers. She told through her tears. She had heard the zipper and knew He was about to fuck her. This was their routine. If she behaved well during a session, He would reward her with a sound fucking. If she didn’t, He would leave her in place for at least an hour.
But she didn’t know, couldn’t even guess what was going to happen. He smiled diabolically and smoked the loosely packed snow he’d gathered into her hot, wet pussy. She screamed, lifted herself up, but did not let go of the table.
Angain, he grabbed her hair, forced her head back and whispered, “Happy birthday, my love.”
How could he not give her the reward of a proper hard fuck after she’d behaved so well on her birthday?
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