Snow Ch. 03

“Want another beer?” Snow said as he headed out towards the hallway. Of all the things I was expecting him to say right now, that wasn’t one of them. Although the details of some of his desires I’d gotten earlier, I still had a long way to go in figuring this guy out.

“Um, sure,” I said, pushing myself up onto my elbows on the bed as I watched him head out into the hallway. I had asked for a bit of a break, I supposed. I spent a minute staring at the open doorway as I tried to figure out just what was bothering me right then. Perhaps the thrill of fucking a near stranger was starting to fade. Or maybe the simple fact that I’d already cum twice tonight had satisfied my libido enough that I…

Oh fuck. As I caught sight of Snow returning to the bedroom, gloriously naked, my libido came back in full. I found myself licking my lips as he walked to the bed, and I looked up at him with hungry eyes. Though as soon as I realized what I was doing, I shook my head and brokethe gaze. My mind might have been ready, but I knew my body still needed a chance to recover before another session.

I felt one of the beer bottles gently touch the back of my hand. “Hey,” Snow said. “You alright?”

Trying to relax a bit, I took the bottle from Snow. Before answering, I pulled the cap off of it and took a good swig. “Ahhh…” I said as I lowered the bottle. That Certainly hit the spot. “Yeah. I’m fine,” I said. I narrowed my eyes and looked over at him. “Though I am wondering about you.”

“Me?” Snow said, raising an eyebrow. “I’m fine. What has you worried, though?”

“I still feel like I hardly know you,” I said. “You’re… guarded. As if you’re trying to keep from letting something slip. Afraid it might ruin my image of you, perhaps? Or are you just always like this?”

Snow’s face was impassive. He was silent for a minute, and then he took a drink of his own beer. When he brought the bottle down, he said, “A question like that makes me wonderfulr if you’re expecting to be disappointed.”

I narrowed my eyes even further. “You’re avoiding the subject again. Cut it out. Let’s start with the basics: What’s your job?” I didn’t particularly care what he did, but if he was actually afraid of opening up to me about something as basic as this, then that could be a problem.

Snow seemed to shrug a bit in response to this, though it was hard to tell. “Bioinformatics,” he said.

I blinked. And then blinked again. “Huh?” That was… well okay, it had crossed my mind it might be something nerdy, but I was thinking more along the lines that he was maybe secretly a computer geek, and was afraid that might turn me off. Well, maybe he still was. “Er… okay then…” I said.

“Yeah, that’s usually the reaction I get,” Snow said. He took another drink of his beer. “It’s not exactly a conversation-starter.”

“Well… try me,” I said. “I aced biology in college… and… okay, so what’s the information part?”

“The study of information. Essentially I study how genes work. I’m currently working on trying to determine the genetic factors which are linked to autism.”

I blinked at this. “Okay, wow. You did way more than ace bio in college, didn’t you?” I took a swig of my beer after I said this. I was beginning to feel like I needed it. Snow might have been intimidating in bed earlier, but this was a completely different type of intimidating.

“Yup,” Snow said. “But what about you? What do you do?”

I shook my head. “Nothing special. I’m a technical writer – I rewrite and format documents to make them read and look official. It’s not the most exciting job in the world, but the pay’s good.”

“Heh, we could certainly use someone to do that for us,” Snow said, cracking a bit of a grin. “I guess that’s one of the perks of working in the private sector. That and the good pay.”

I nodded at him. After another sip of beer, I shifted closer to him on the bed. “So…” I said, narrowingMy eyes a bit. “Are you planning to catch me off-guard?

Snow gazed back at me, then let out a brief chuckle. “Well, if I were, I certainly wouldn’t tell you, now would I? But I’m also not going to lie to you.” I tensed up a bit as he said this, expecting him to strike, but instead he simply took another drink of his beer.

Well, probably for the best. No reason to waste a perfectly good beer, after all. And it probably wouldn’t be the sexiest thing in the world to get it spilled over the bed. Although if it were on him… I quickly shook my head to keep myself from licking my lips at the thought. I did soon find myself chugging my beer down, though, in hopes that we might be able to get to the fun part sooner that way.

“Heh, a bit eager, are you?” Snow said, looking over at me with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I never told you it would be tonight.”

I blinked. Then I glared at him. “But I did tell you that if you didn’t make my night worthwhile, I’d be taking thatngs into my own hands.” I took a final swig of my beer to finish it off, then placed the bottle on my bedside table and looked back at Snow. “You have one minute to finish your beer,” I said.

“Or what?” Snow said. There was a slight hint of dominance in his gaze now. I was definitely on the right track.

“Not ‘or.’ ‘And.’ You finish your beer, and then we fuck. One way or another. Whether this is your prize from earlier or not,” I said. I pushed myself off of the bed and pulled open my drawer of toys, taking out one of my pairs of handscuffs. If I caught him off-guard, there was a chance I’d be able to get these onto Snow. Not a very good chance, but I was going to go for it.

“Hmm…” Snow shrugged after a moment and then began to chug down the remainder of his beer. I smiled at him hungrily as I waited. As soon as Snow turned off to put his bottle down on the floor, I struck.

I left towards Snow, my hands shooting out to grap his left wrist and try to cuff it.I was sure Snow would be expecting this, but he didn’t make much move to defend himself. He did, however, make sure his other hand was far away, and his left hand wasn’t near anything I might be able to cuff it to.

I tried to pull Snow’s arm behind his back, but he began to resist this, and his strength was simply too much for me. He wasn’t trying to overpower me yet though; he just kept me from doing anything with him. I let out a low growl as I looked over at his face and caught his gaze.

Snow’s expression slowly hardened, and I had to suppress a shudder. “I’m going to have to punish you for this, you know,” he said. I gulped down a bit of my nervousness, but I tried not to let it show. “Now, take this off, or your punishment will be worse.”

I bit my lips for a moment. I wasn’t going to be able to do much with having him half-cuffed like this, and I’d lost the element of surprise for now. I didn’t really have much choice. “I’ll um… I’ll get the key…” I said, pulling back and turning towards my drawer.

I didn’t make it more than a step though, when Snow reached down grabbed my wrist. He secured it in the other cuff before I was able to react, and I froze in my step, tensing up. “Just to make sure you have the proper motivation,” Snow said.

Damn it. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. Okay, my plan to gain the advantage while Pretending to free him from the cuff probably wasn’t going to work now. I had to come up with something else, or I was going to be in trouble here. Think… think, Nathalie! I walked towards the dresser as I tried to come up with another plan, but nothing was coming to mind.

Snow came up behind me, pressing himself close against my back as I looked into my toy drawer and tried to find the key. I could feel his cock pressing against my ass, slowly becoming more firm. No, I couldn’t think of that right now. I had to… There! I grabbed the key out of the drawer, and moved to free myself, but Snow grabbed my wrist before I could do so.

“Pass me the key,” he said, holding my wrist firmly. I spent another few seconds trying to think of a way I could turn this around, but I was out of ideas. Defeated, I dropped the key from my hand. Snow carefully picked it up, then brought it around to free his wrist. Not mine, though. “Alright, Nathalie,” he said. “You won’t be getting the worst punishment I have to offer, but you are still going to be punished. Both hands behind your back.”

I gulped. Fuck. No way out… Unless… We weren’t cuffed to each other anymore. It was a slim chance, but I had to take it. Snow was pressed tight against me, but with surprise on my side, I might just be able to make it. I moved my hands as if to comply, but then I sprung, dashing towards the bedroom door to try to escape.

Snow might have size and strength over me, but it was a lot easier for me to get moving than him. And this time, luck was actually on my side. I was able to get out of his grap, evading his attempts to grab one of my wrists, and I shot toward the door. I hesitated for a moment when I got to the hallway, before deciding on the bathroom. If I could get in and lock the door, I’d be safe.

I was able to get into the bathroom ahead of Snow, but as I tried to close the door behind me, he pressed his weight up against it. “Nathalie, Nathalie…” he said as he pushed the door open. He stood in the doorway, blocking my escape. “I offered you a chance at mercy and this is what I get in return?” Snow glared at me, causing me to shiver. “Let me make this clear to you: Simply submit, and this will all go a lot more easily.”

I snorded in reply to this. “Never. You couldn’t get me to submit to you in a lifetime.” I adjusted my stance as I faced Snow, waiting for him to make his move. I was ready to evade and counter anything he might have coming for me.

“…Is that a challenge?” Snow said, a smile slowly crossing his face. “Fine. Accepted. You will submit, Nathalie. And I will have my way with you. That’s a promise. And I always keep my promises.”

“Not this time,” I said. Snow wasn’t making a move, so I decided I’d take the first shot myself. He was big, but he couldn’t completely block the door. I shot toward his side, trying to push my way past him, but…

“You really didn’t think this through, did you?” Snow said as he pressed up against me, pinning me between him and the doorframe.

“Fuck… fuck you!” I spat, glaring at Snow. I tried to struggle, but it was no use. He had me. Snow was easily able to bring my hands together behind my back and cuff my other wrist. I was subdued, but I wasn’t going to submit. “Fine. Do your best, asshole. This isn’t over!”

I glared at Snow, but he didn’t say a word. He moved out to unpin me, and he shoved me towards the bedroom, keeping one hand on the handscuffs. I grew as he marched me towards the bed. Once I was in the room, I tried to run. My hope was that I could somehow get my hands on the other key, which was still in the drawer, and free myself, but Snow’s hand on the handscuffs stopped me before I could take a second step.

Snow throw me roughly onto the bed. He got up on top of me, placing his knee on my back to keep me pinned down. His hand grabbed my hair, and he pulled my head up as he spoke. “Now, Nathalie, you’ve proven that I can’t trust you not to try to get away. So, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to get the other pair of handcuffs from your drawer and bind your ankles while I give you your punishment. And you know what? I think I’ll have a good search through your drawer, and see just what else I can use to make sure you’re learned your lesson. Anything to say to that?”

“Ugh… fuck you…” I said. I was deep enough in character that it took me a few seconds to realize that Snow was giving me an out here: a chance to use my safeword if I didn’t want him searching through my drawer. And yeah, some of that was damn embarrassing, but I was far too horny to stop things now. “I fucking told you I’m not going to submit,” I spat, twisting my head so I was able to look up at Snow out of the corner of my eye. “Try whatever the fuck you want, asshole.”

A small grin spread across Snow’s lips. Although my defiance, I could feel myself beginning to get a bit nervous. What was he going to think when he saw what I had there? Worse, what was he going to do? Oh fuck… What was I getting myself into? I hadn’t even used some of those supplies on my own, and I was going to let him use them on me. But… despite that fear, I couldn’t possibly imagine myself using my safeword now. This was going to happen.

Snow turned away and reached over to my toy drawer. He was able to fish out the other pair of handcuffs without lifting his weight from me, and I soon felt him force my legs together as he reached down to cuff my ankles together. With a click, I was trapped. I wasn’t going to be able to wiggle my way out of this now.

Snow reached down beneath me and pulled me up so that my head was on the pillow. I rolled over onto my side and glared at him, letting out a low growl as he turned away. I considered for a moment what I might be able to do to resist, but it wasn’t a whole damn lot. The best I could hope to do would be to roll of the bed, which would probably Just create more problems than it solved.

So all I could do was wait and watch Snow’s back, wondering what he thought at each revelation in there. It was a bit of a relief when he turned around, though I soon tensed up again when I realized that it means he was going to return his attentions to me. I gulped as I looked down at his hands, wondering what he’d picked out.

“Let’s start with this, shall we?” Snow said as he held up my blindfold. From prior experience, I knew just how effective it was. Last time I’d used it, I hadn’t been able to see a speck of light, and it had taken quite a bit of struggle to push it aside enough that I could see anything. But this time, I didn’t think I’d be able to get away with that much struggle.

My eyes widened as I looked up at Snow. “Oh hell no…” I said.

Once more, Snow simply chuckled at my reaction. “Don’t expect to get out of this that easily. Or do you think you don’t deserve the Punishment you have come?” Snow stepped towards me, bringing the blindfold toward my head.

“Fuck no, I don’t deserve it!” I cried out, even as Snow secured the blindfold. “You can’t do this to me, you fucking dick!”

“Oh, I believe you do deserve it, I can do this, and I will do this,” Snow said. He suddenly rolled me over onto my stomach, and before I I protested, but all it earned me was another spank. I ended up letting out a moan despite myself, but I quickly covered it up with a growl. Of course, this just led to another strike, and then another, and another… I breathed deep with each strike. Each time Snow’s hand struck my ass the pain quickly turned into a wave of heat throughout my body. I found myself struggling against my bonds, trying to wriggle away, but Snow used his other hand to hold me in place. “No… fuck…” I said.

And then, as soon as it had started, the spanking was over. Snow’s hand Disappeared from my back, and I felt his weight leave the bed. I tried to take a chance to catch my breath. My ass still stung, but the heat spreading throughout my body more than made up for it. I could feel the warmth concentration in my breasts, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I wanted to bring my hands to them and squeeze in to satisfy some of the need, but the cuffs on my wrists prevented me from doing that.

I let out a frustrated growl, though it vanished as soon as I heard a familiar sound. Snow had turned on my vibrator. It sounded like the lowest setting, butEven so, I feel a shiver run through my body. “That’s just the first part of your punishment, Nathalie. It’s time to take things up a notch.”

I felt Snow’s weight on the bed once more, and he forced my knees up and under my stomach. I tried to resist and kick back at him, but a sharp slap to my ass made me think twice about this. “I know what you’re thinking…” I said, a slight tinge of desperation in my voice. “But that… that’s just…” I had trouble thinking of how to finish that sentence, and when I felt the tip of the vibrator press against my pussy lips, any thought of finishing it left my mind. Instead, I only let out a pathetic, high-pitched yelp as the tip touched my sensitive lips.

“This is what? Exactly what you deserve?” Snow said. He slowly tracing the vibrator up and down along my slit. I couldn’t do anything but whimper from pleasure. Even on its lowest setting, and even with just the tip touching me, it was already beginning to break me down. I didn’t know how I’d be able to take much more.

As it turned out, I didn’t have long to wonder. Snow began to push the vibrator forward. With my ankles cuffed together, I wasn’t able to spread my legs much to let it slide in more easily, and so I was squeezed in tightly on it as each inch was slowly pushed inside my cunt. I could feel all the vibrations intensely, and I had to force myself to keep breathing.

And then, once more from nowhere, another spank, and another yelp from me. With the vibrator in my pussy, the sensings were all intensified. As Snow spanked me again, my muscles instinctively tightened in on the vibrator, double the pleasure I got out of the spank. Heat spread through my body even more rapidly this time. By the fifth spank, I was sure that my body was beet-red, given how hot it felt. Especially my breasts. Damn, they were really starting to ache. I needed to touch them, squeeze them, somehow…

“Ugh… fuck…” I said. Snow’s next spank made me let outa brief shriek, but I tried to focus. “Fuck… fucking asshole…” I said. I wanted, needed more, but I wasn’t going to let myself break character to beg for it. “Wouldn’t… dare…”

“Wouldn’t dare what?” Snow said. His hand came down against my ass once more, even harder than before.

“Ahh!” I cried out. I found myself squeezing my eyes shut now. “You wouldn’t dare do what it takes to break me,” I managed to say. “This won’t do it. Not even… Ahh!” I was interrupted by another fierce spank, but I was determined to continue. “…close. Not even if you turned the vibrator to max and used the… Gah! Fuck… nipple clamps!” I said. Another hard slap to my ass. The ache in my breasts was nearly unbearable now. “Asshole! Fuck… asshole…” I muttered, beginning to lose my ability to speak repeatedly again.

The spanks stopped once more, and Snow got up from the bed. “Don’t think I didn’t get your message, Nathlie,” he said, as I heard him rustle around in my drawer of toys. My breasts still ached, but hearing this was a bit of a relief. “I heard you say, quite clearly, ‘fuck… asshole.’ And perhaps that’s just what I’ll do. There is this brand-new buttplug in here, after all.”

My body tensed up. “Wha… no…” I said softly. “That fucking wasn’t what I meant and you know it…” I said, trying to regain some of my confidence. I wasn’t doing a very good job of it, though. Thoughts of Snow fucking my ass had started to go through my mind, and I found myself paralyzed with a mix of fear, anticipation, and arousal. Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it.

So lost was I in my own mind that I barely noticed when Snow placed his hand on my shoulder and roughly rolled me onto my side. But when I felt cold metal suddenly pinch down hard on my right nipple, I certainly did notice. I let out a raw cry as all the tension that had built up in my breast finally had a point of focus. I struggled against the handscuffs, but I wasn’t able to stop Snow from clamping my other nipple as well.

I grit my teeth and kicked out with my legs, my body trying to resolve the paradox of overwhelming pain and overwhelming pleasure fighting it out. Pleasure won out, though, as my pussy squeezed in on the vibrator once more. My breath was unsteady, and it turned into a series of moans when I felt Snow’s hand reach down and begin rubbing my clip. No… no…


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