Author’s note:
This story is meant to be a fantasy. As such, many points of reality are put to the side, such as safety and pregnancy, as well as others.
Additionally, this series will cover a wide range of sexual activities. I will try to cover them in the intro, but please be aware. All characters are at least 18 years of age.
Following comments that I have gotten previously; Everything here is meant for the purpose of telling a story and titillating the reader and is not meant as a portrait of reality. I love hearing from readers, but if you comment that it wouldn’t happen that way in real life, well, that’s why it’s a fantasy.
Thanks to my amazing editor ResqJack!
Topics: MF, romance, spanking
I wrapped my arms around my wife while she was doing the dishes. She leaned back against me.
“Yes?” She asked, looking up at me.
“I’m in a mood,” I told her.
“What kind of mood?”
“The kind where you end up over my lap.”
“I’m not really in the mood for playing games right now.”
“I’m not really in the mood for games either. I just want the end result.”
“Fine. Let me finish the dishes, then I’m all yours. Check on the kids before you go to the bedroom?”
Both kids were sound sleep when I checked in on them. I got things ready in the bedroom and my wife joined me a few minutes later. I positioned myself in the middle of the bed and she crawled in as well. I took her chin in my hand and kissed her softly.
“I love you. And thank you for putting up with me,” I whispered. “We good?”
She nodded.
“You’ll stop me if it gets to be too much?”
She nodded again. I kissed her once more and pulled her across my lap. I pulled down her skirt and panties, exposing her round, white ass. I ran my hand gently across her soft bottom, stroking it back and forth.
Slap! I brought my hand down sharply on one chef. It was a soft, warm-up spank, but it caused her to start just a bit anyways. I rubbed her ass again before landing a matching strike on the other chef. I always started slow, giving her time to get used to it.
Slap! Rub. Slap! Rub. Over and over. I loved the way her ass jiggled even from a soft spanking. The noise resonated through the bedroom each time I brought my hand down on her backside. A faith red had started spreading across her cheeks. I slipped a finger down between her tights to her pussy. Finding it wet mean that it was time to shift gears. I pulled out our wand and positioned it against her clip, using the way her panties and skirt were holding her legs to trap it in place. Turning it on to its lowest setting made her moan softly, so I know that I was going to be able to push her far tonight.
SlapSlapSlapSlap! I rained down a quick set of spanks, alternative cheats. She let out a started yelp but didn’t protest any more than that. I began a slow but steady pace of spanking, hard, firm slapses that made her ass shake and left handprints as I moved across her ass. After twenty or so, I stopped and gently rubbed her red ass. She shivered at the gentle touches on the very sensitive skin. My other hand gently stroked the top of her head, calming her as she caught her breath.
After a minute’s rest, I turned up the wand a bit. She moaned again, and even as the sound was leaving her, I landed a hard, sharp slap in the middle of her ass.
SLAP! The other side. SLAP! Pause. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Pause. SLAP! SLAP! Pause. SLAP!
I took a break to turn the wand up a drop more and to give myself a chance to breathe and calm myself down. She was lying directly on top of my erection and the pressure added to the sight, sounds, feelings, and knowledge of her submission was a lot, and I didn’t want to cum too quickly.
“You still ok?” I asked, gently rubbing her head.
She turned to look at me and nodded. I could tell by the look in her eyes and the flush in her cheeks thatshe was very on edge.
“Ready for more?”
She nodded.
I methodically spanked her hard. She started to jump and squirm each time my hand cracked against her bright red ass.
“OW! Fuck!”
I switched to two quick blows that were closing in on full force.
“Oh god! To hard! Yellow light! Yellow light!” She cried out.
I immediately stopped touching her and stopped the wand.
“You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah. The last two were just too hard,” She said breathing deep, on the verge of crying and cumming. “You can continue, just not so hard.”
“Are you sure?” I asked, wanting to make sure she was ok.
“If you don’t turn the wand back on, I may kill you.”
I flicked the wand back on and turned it up a drop higher. She moaned in response and started thrusting back against it. I gave herthirty seconds of just the wand with me rubbing her ass. I could feel the heat emanating from it. I started up again with a slow, soft spanking, but I built quickly in both speed and power, staying well away from the really hard blows. I paused only to turn the wand up one last time as tears started falling from her eyes and then picked it right back up as she howled in mixed pain and pleasure as the orgasm that had been building crashed over her like a wave. I continued spanking her through it as she cried, kicked her legs, and flooded a gush of fluid over my leg.
I stopped spanking her when she tried to roll away. I quickly turned off the wand and pulled it away. I gathered her up into a hug where her head was cuddled against my chest, and I could gently rub her bare, very red, sore butt. She cried out the rest of the tears in My arms as she came down from the orgasm.
“I’m going to regret letting you do this to me tomorrow, you know,” She eventually said looking up at mewith puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeses, and a smile on her face.
“I know,” I said back with all the love I felt for her.
“I’m going to feel it through all of my meetings.”
My cock, which had started to settle down, came back to full erection at the thought of her carrying a reminder of tonight all day and being distracted by it.
“You like that, don’t you,” she said, feeling my erection against her leg. “You like the fact that every time I sit down tomorrow, I’m going to be forced to think about cumming while you spank me.”
What could I say? She knew me too well.
“Can you get me the cream?” She asked, laughing at my expression.
I kissed her before she rolled off my lap. She got on her hands and knees as I opened the cream that I pulled out before starting. She witnessed when I poured a dollar on her ass and started rubbing it in. The cream didn’t get rid of everything, but it did have a cooling effect and prevented major briising, which spread throughouth her ass as I gently massaged her very sore ass.
“How are you doing?” I asked once the cream was fully rubbed in.
“I’m ok. How are you doing? You felt like you were about to exploit earlier.”
I shrugged, knowing that after something like that she wasn’t always up for anything else.
“I’m fine,” she said and dropped her top half to the bed. “Come fuck me,” she said, reaching back for me.
I couldn’t ignore a request like that. I pushed down my pants and lined my cock up with her pussy. Her hands grabbed my thighs and I slide inside of her. I was too worked up for anything more than a quick, fast fuck. She encouraged me to fuck her, and I did. I groaned as my orgasm exploded out of me and I filled her cunt with my cum. I held deep inside of her until I felt my cock stop spurting and then I fell to the bed, pulling her over with me. I reached out for the light and turned it off without dislodging my wife. I loved falling asleep inside of her with her curled upagainst my body.
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