It had been three months since Chloe fastened her collar around robert’s neck. With the passing of each day, he found it harder and harder to concentrate on anything other than the sweetly condescending attitude she imposed upon him as his Dominatrix, the sweet sound of Her melodious voice and the suggestions She offered with increasing insight as to what he should do with his life.
He loved to lie there on the mattress, with the soft new age music in the background while she slowly teased and stroked his erections until he spilled his copious seed into her patient and waiting hands.
As she guided him to be more attentive to the immediate demands of his little brain, he had a sense that his big brain was atrophying, becoming harder to find, harder to access. Even the simplest decisions were now demanding more energy than he could summon. He could not help but believe her when she insinuated that he was no longer up to making life changing choices for himself and thathe should trust her to make them for him. After all, didn’t she know him better than he knew himself?
She had disposed of his clothes and personal effects on the first night of his enslavement and took great delight in showing him off at all the various social settings in which owners now triumphantly displayed their slaves, intent that he learned his place among both the clothesed and the unclothed.
He shared in her joy when the USDA papers finally arrived, reclassifying him as human livestock. She wasted no time taking him to one of those ubiquitous “higher primary” vegetable clinics popping up all over town to accommodate the newly sanctioned slave traffic.
She saw to it that he got all his required shots as well as mandatory screening for STD’s. She squeezed his hand and helped him endure the pain and discomfort as the shaped blonde vet tech injected the ink into his left buttock to etch out the USDA approved tattoo complete with government issue logo, signing his Mistress’ ownership of his heart and soul, body and mind, independently consumming the property arrangement between slave and Owner.
Michael had met Chloe at one of the numerous munches that were to be found in the more affluent homes in suburban southwest Houston. They were aware of an undeniable mutual attraction upon first meeting.
He had been interested in participating in the BDSM scene as an aspiring slave and trainer. Sitting together in the patio impervious to the din and chatter around them, Chloe listened with rapt interest as this attractive young man shared his plans and aspirations with her.
Chloe encouraged him to take courses in slave training and offered to coach him on the dynamics and social etiquette of dominance. As the night progressed she took him by the hand and led him upstairs to one of the bedrooms in which one of the slaves she had trained sat quietly in waiting.
She introduced her new friend to an attractive brunettetwenty–something with perky breasts, hourglass figure and a sealed vagina.
“Michael, this is christina, and I’m happy to say I’ve trained her myself to satisfy a dominant’s every sexual need.”
Michael could not help but stare at the slave’s studied leather collar and her exposed nether lips which seemed to swell with no more encouragement than his glance.
“Tell you what, I’m going to Leave the two of you alone to get better acquainted.
“Michael, I would be very honored if you accepted the next hour or so with her as my gift to you.”
Chloe softly touched his shoulder, and whispered in his ear, “I really like you, Michael.
“I can’t help but feel that the more experiences we share as dominants, the better our quality time together will ultimately be,” she told with a wink.
With that Chloe left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Michael alone to fully explore one of her previous conquests.
Michael sat on the bed with her and felt the electricity between them as his lips touched hers. Tongue on tongue, he reached for her lean and pulled her closer to him. He could not help but notice the mood accumulating in her vagina as kissed and sucked on her nipples. She ran her fingers through his hair and stared into his eyes with a burning unrestrained desire.
“Please take me, Master. I need to give myself to you.”
“How do you like your life as a slave,” he asked her, doubtful that she was even capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation.
“Before I met Chloe I exhausted myself trying to keep my submissive tendencies under lock and key,” she told him.
“I was so afraid someone would find me out. I was so afraid of being discovered, of losing control, of groveling at the feet of others not meant by my compulsions.
“But Chloe was such a good friend and she changed all that for me. She made me see that my submission is a very special gift, a spiritual call to service that I was born with.
“As, our friend deepened, she trained me to give myself completely to men and women stronger than me and now I offer myself to you.”
christina relieved Michael of his pants and briefs as his hands cupped her buttocks. Abandoning all caution, he enthusiastically pinned her down on the bed, and entered her.
She thrashed around and moaned with each thrust of his penis.
He held on to her chain, kissing her fiercely, his nostrils taking in the aroma of the poison on her leather collar.
Michael was indeed enjoying the benefits of ownership even if for just this brief session with Christina.
His sense of mastery over this previously free human empowered him to partake in the fruits of her obvious degradation, taking her with a ferocity previously unknown to him, unabashed, running hot, running ahead of himself, like a relentless piston pushing on a flywheel, culminating in a cataclysmic orgasm for both of them.
He was grateful to Chloe for providing this experience for him and he knew that the times he and Chloe would be spending together could ultimately change the course of his life.
Since his first encounter with Chloe, Michael was anxious to see her again. He had called her several times and she put him off, telling him her schedule was just too hectic to see anyone at this time.
Michael sensed she was sending him mixed messages, as she seemed to be encouraging him not to give up on his pursuit of her. Finally, on the fourth call, she agreed to go out with him to the Lyric Theater for a Friday night performance by a world-renowned classical piano.
When Friday evening arrived, he found himself at her door unfashionably early. She welcomed him with a warm embrace.
Chloe looked absolutely ravishing in her low cut black satin dress. Her tiletto heels linked against the tiled floor of the foyer, telegraphing her dominance with every step she took.
As they walked into the living room, Dennis was taken aback to see another man in her house sitting on her sofa fully exposed wearing nothing but a leather collar and a leash.
“Oh, Michael, let me introduce you. This is robert. He’s my latest slave in training.
“robert, this is Michael. We met at a party several weeks ago, and he’s taking me out tonight.”
Michael awkwardly shook the slave’s outreached hand.
“Michael, let me mix you a drink. Name your poison.”
“I’ll have a scotch and soda, thank you,” Michael muttered.
“Why don’t you two get better acquainted, I’ll be right back,” she announced as she went to the kitchen.
For Michael this was a very awkward moment being this was the first time he had seen a male slave close up and personal.
Yes, he had grown accustomed to the nudity of female slaves. Indeed, he had taken advantage of every opportunity to go to events where he knew enveloped women would be exhibited. He would approach them with a well-rehearsed swagger, fondling them with impunity, making light of their development into something less than human, something more animal, ridiculing them for being driven by depraved sexual needs they could no longer control.
But this was something altogether different. Michael could not wrap his head around the idea of exercising ownership over another man.
“How are handling your slavery, robert?” Michael finally asked.
“Thank you for asking, Michael. I am it peace with the path Chloe has chosen for me,” said robert, waxing grateful for having found a place for himself in the world.
“For the first time in my life, I feel like I am loved and accepted for what I really am.
“My life had reached a tipping point. I could no longer deny who and what I was and now I am finally free.”
Chloe shortly returned with a tray of drinks and surprised Michael by sitting next to the slave.
“robert, has been with me now for several months,” she said one of her hands rubbing his shoulder and her other hand fondling a growing erection.
“I must say he’s been making great progress in his training.”
Chloe smiled broadly as Michael began to sip on his drink.
Michael tried to avert his gaze but his eyes could not help but return to the erect penis and the beautifully manicured fingers wrapped around it. He felt like he had crashed a party and was intruding on an intimate interaction he had no right to see.
“When I first met robert,” explained Chloe as she stroked his cock, “he was a man unable to control his sexual impulses. He was unable to come to terms with his need to surrender all control to women.
“Usually when I encounter subjects like robert, I have to believe that it is in the best interest of everyone involved to more fully develop the malady rather than to try to cure it.”
Michael was mindful that it was getting late and that he and Chloe needed to leave soon if they were going to make the concert in time. Hewas also somewhat surprised and alarmed at how buzzed he was becoming not having even finished his one drink.
Drifting, Michael found himself trying to find his focus as Chloe seemed to be droning on.
“Now I care for him like I care for all of the males in my personal stable,” she said.
“I have freed him up of all responsibility for what would have been considered a fundamental character defect in an earlier time in our history.
“You see, Michael, Chloe continued, I am always impressing upon those under my care that we can become stronger in those places where we are broken, that the impulse to submit and serve can be a worthwhile and redeeming spiritual practice, particularly when it aligns an individual with his or her true nature and reason for being.
“Now I use robert to help the public at large Better understand the economic and social benefits of slavery. Audiences generally respond well to robert because of his well chiseled athletic body and generatorus endowment.
“As part of my professional practice, I regularly walk robert on a lean through the Galleria so that we can attract the curious and inform them as to what modern sexual slavery is all about.
“I’m constantly being called upon to talk before social and business networking organizations all over town where I essentially exhibit him and together we respond to questions members of the audience may have.
“Our presentations not only apprise curious consumers as to what merchandise is available for purchase but more to the point warning those who themselves may be harboring submissive tendencies that we know they’re out there and that we will capture them in time.”
“Chloe, we have to go or we’ll be late for the concert,” slurred Michael attempting to arise from the sofa.
“Oh my, poor Michael. We can’t have you driving downtown in the condition you are. You’ll get pulled over for DWI or worse. I’m afraid you’re going to have to stay put until you soberup,” Chloe pursued as he fell back on the sofa with just the slightest exercise from her.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” he apologized.
“That’s ok, Michael. There will be other performances we can attend together,” snickered Chloe with a sinister sense of irony.
Chloe rubbed his forehead and shoulders as he tried to reclaim his center. Her hands had a calming effect on his sudden and unexpected distress.
“Oh, poor baby, are you feeling any better?” “Yes, ma’am. I just have a slight headache and feel a little dizzy.”
“I want to see something,” she whispered.
With that she produced a box that was sitting near the sofa.
“Open it,” she softly commanded.
He did so to find a leather collar.
“What is this?” he asked.
“Look at it closely, Michael.”
Inside the collar, Michael observed small competitions that looked like they housed some kind of batteries.
“What is this?” he asked again.
“The batteriesgenerate an electronmagnetic field that can calm tension and even alleviate a headache like the one you have right now.
“I want you to try it on.”
“No, Chloe,” he protested. “I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
“Whatever, are you talking about, Michael?”
“I was born a free man, and I want to live my life a free man.”
“No one is going to think Any less of you. Let me put this around your neck.”
Michael wanted to resist but something inside him wanted to see just how pleased she would be with him if he accommodated her.
Chloe smiled at Michael as she put the collar around his neck and clicked the small key lock in its clap at the back of his neck.
Chloe showed him the small remote control device.
“This can amplify or diminish the Current circulating around your neck. I’m going to raise the current to massage your neck and help you feel better.”
Michael felt a sudden panic. As the current was getting stronger, he began to feel somehow smaller. He feared he was becoming a maronette and that somehow Chloe was pulling all the strings that defined him as a man and defined whatever future he had ahead of him.
He struggled to stand up and excre himself from the collar but was terrified to discover that he could not remove the lock resting inside the clap.
He would have left her house but she and robert easily overpowered him, and held him down as the collar was doing its work, soothing his headache, slowing his thoughts and opening him to suggestion.
Finally, Chloe put her finger to his lips.
“Don’t you think you’d be more comfortable if you took your clothes off?”
“No, Chloe. Please. I don’t want to be naked here in front of your slave!”
“But you’d be ok being naked in front of me, wouldn’t you, Michael?
“We’re all friends here. Tell me why would you be uncomfortable being naked in front of another man?
“I don’t know, Chloe.”
“Have you ever beenwith another man, Michael?”
“Please, let’s not talk about such things!” exclaimed Michael as Chloe deftly removed his shirt.
“Come on, Michael. You can tell robert and me. We won’t hold it against you. There’s nothing that would make us respect you any less,” cooed Chloe.
“Doesn’t it seems silly for you to be dressed while robert is naked?”
With that she unbuckled his belt and removed his slacks, leaving him protected solely by his white cotton briefs.
“You know, Michael. I am a big fan of homoerotic photography and live art performances,” said Chloe has her fingers explored the erection under his briefs.
“There’s nothing that turns me on more to see two men sucking each other’s cocks.
“Have you ever sucked another man’s cock, Michael?”
I really don’t want to discuss this Chloe. I want to go home.
“You’re too drunk to go home, Michael,” excerpted Chloe as she adjusted upwardly the remote control in her hand.
“You know what I would like to see, michael?
“I would like to see you put robert’s beautiful cock in your mouth and suck it.”
“No, Chloe, please don’t make me do it.”
“You no longer have a choice. You are too weak to deny what you’ve been repressing all these years.
“robert and I are here to help you give free rein to what you always wanted to be.
“michael, it’s time for you to take the first step. Take off your briefs.”
“I can’t, Chloe.”
“You can no longer deny yourself. This is your first step.”
“Please don’t make me do this, Chloe.”
“You have no choice, my pet. The time has come for you to accept the destiny I have chosen for you.”
With a gasp michael struggled to stand up and put His hands in the elastic band of his cotton briefs and pulled them down to his ankles, revealing a raging hard on.
Chloe patted him on the butt approvingly as he felt the cool breeze from her air conditioning cares his entire body.
michael, feeling himelf lost in some kind of trace turned to face her, offering himself to her as a lover. He tried to touch her breasts but she slapped his hands, pulling him by the collar so that she could kiss him firmly on the lips. He told as she caressed his penis for what would be the very first time.
“Doesn’t it feel natural not to have to wear clothes anymore? Only humans have the right to wear clothes.
“Every animal needs to be trained and domesticated. Don’t you agree michael, my pet?
“How do you think it’s going to feel to be merely an animal among humans?
“You surely never expected to become my lover, did you?” Chloe leadered.
michael was struggling to respond with an answer but his brain was just moving much too slowly to find the appropriate words, put them together, and then send They out into the ether so that he could be a part of an ongoing conversation.
“Surely, you must realize by now, that you were out of my league. You’re not fit for anything but to wear my collar.”
“I have another gift for you, Michael,” she announced as she triumphantly snapped the leash on to his collar.
“Now get on your knees and offer yourself to my slave!”
michael saw robert sitting on the sofa with his legs spread wide apart, his right hand struggling an enormous cock.
michael wanted to voice a protest but the words would no longer come. It was becoming extraordinarily difficult to find the thoughts that would turn into words. The path of least resistance was to surrender to the sudden cravings of his body.
michael got down on his knees and began to crawl over to the other man.
For the first time in his life, it felt natural to crawl on all fours. robert put his hands behind Michael’s head and Michael opened his mouth wide to accept his cock.
There was nothing to think about as his tongue explored robert’s smooth head and shake. The more of robert’s cock Michael took into his mouth the more cock he wanted to take into his mouth.
“Now move your lips down near the base of his cock,” advised Chloe.
“Take all of him into your mouth. Go nice and slow at least in the beginning.
“Remember, we’re going to remake you into a cock sucking artist.
“You want it to build up slowly so you can bring him to an explosive mind shattering ‘petite mot’.
“You want to drain him of everything he is and everything he has. You want to receive and swallow every last drop of his slave energy.” Michael could feel Chloe’s nails explore the canyon of his exposed butt crack as he hungrily sucked on the full length of her slave’s cock, bobbing his head up and down, bouncing the undulating ball sac before him which was tightening with growing excitement and unspoken but obvious expectation.
Chloe whispered in Michael’s ear, “you know there is no going back. A real man could never suck cock and enjoy it as much as you obviously do.”
michael failedly remembered the process of girl friends and female slaves who had served him on their knees, humiliating themselves as they brought him up to the edge and finally into the chasm of sublime pleasure. Now he was the slut, naked, collared, mindlessly serving another man while that man’s owner taunted him with wicked laughter.
robert began to thrust his hips and moan out loud as the michael grabbed his hips with both hands, his teeth making gentle but Insistent contact with the entire length of the slave’s shake.
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