Snapshots from The Life of a Submissive

robert was adjusting to his new station on life sitting at the feet of Chloe his former girlfriend and current Mistress and Owner, being exhibited naked, collared, and leashed at the numerous munches she took him to, relishing each and every humiliation her creativity could dish out. Under her cruel and yet compassionate tutelage, he came to crave every measure and dollar of contempt and derision her friends and professional colleagues could heap upon him at these social gatherings that characterized Houston in the 2020’s.

Chloe and her circle of friends gradually wore him down, deconstructed his ego, convinced him that he deserved nothing better than to crawl and grovel at the feet of the nouveau riche glitterati in attendance who were now just beginning to profit from the newly emerging slave trade.

His friends, of course, had tried to warn him about her. They told him she was a temptress and worse. There were rumors that she was active as a slave, that she was like Circe of ancient Greek mythological lore, well practiced in the art of turning foolish men into foolish animals. But he longed to wear a woman’s collar, and so he was attracted to her like a heavy falling object is attracted to gravity.

In part robert was a product or, more to the point, a victim of the times in which he lived.

As the New Order was swept in by the final and complete collapse of traditional capitalism around 2018, the New Order swept in a New Normal which, in turn, swept in an intractable underclass consigned to the ranks of the permanently unemployed.

robert could no longer hide behind the façade of living a confident independent life. Unable to conceal his submissive tendencies, it was inevitable that he would find a beautiful strong woman to betray him.

After all there were simply not enough jobs out there to provide for the able bodyed population and in this Brave New World with its zero sum sensitivities a committed cadre of thrill seeking opportunistic individuals like Chloe had been deputized by the state to hunt down submissives like himself, hiding among the free citizenry.

It was in the best interests of the Common Good to round up those who were weak-willed and slave-natured, get them off or keep them off the precipitously shrinking employment rolls, register them into sexual slavery for the pleasure and amusement of those for who could still work and afford to buy a living and breathing source of entertainment at auction.

Tortured and riddled by his undeniable submissive kinks, he came around to accept Chloe’s insight that did not deserve to take a promising career away from someone else who was better equipped to think for themselves and make their own choices in life.


robert could still dimly remember that point in their Relationship when things took a turn. They were beginning to date. He was still posing as her equal and she was still posing a demure and undemanding social companion.

Chloe would take him to the straight and gay clubs she liked to frequently on lower Westeimer. robert observed that she was very popular, and he could not help but notice numerous guys of all persuasions making advances towards her. He sensed that she not only enjoyed the pthora of male attention but subliminally sent out the signals to attract it.

One evening after one such excursion to the clubs, they were cuddling on the couch. The wine she kept filling his glass with made him lightheaded and some disoriented. She lit up a joint and in the soft glow stoked by her smoke, she radiated a beauty that was at once all consuming and yet unattainable. He longed to tell her of his depraved needs but he wasn’t sure he could live with the consequences of disclosure.

After taking a drag or Two, her tongue at first tenatively then forcedly found his tongue and coated it into submission. She grinned from ear to ear each time she shot-gunned the marijuana smoke into his lungs. Each time she kissed him his heart raced with a mix of high desire and foreboding anxiety.

As he gradually began to relax, he felt his unspoken submissive fans began to swell the instrument nestled inside his slacks. She admired and stroked the softened features of his face. He began to give himself permission to be drawn into the net of her sexual energy knowing full well he was recklessly wading into dangerous and uncharted waters.

“You know when we’re alone together like this, you’re free to tell me anything you like,” she remarked.

“I won’t judge you too harshly,” she chuckled with just the slightest trace of sarcasm.

“You know you’re safe here with me,” she whispered in his ear.

The silence between them was deafening. She was waiting for his confession.

At long last, he blurted it out, “Chloe, I’m a submissive.”

It felt good to let it out. The weight of carrying this dark and dreadful secret all these years suddenly fell off his shoulders.

“It’s going to be alright, robert.

“I think I’ve always known that about you,” she said, doing her best to console him at this pivotal moment, gently rubbing his neck and shoulders.

“Now it’s my turn to reveal a secret.

“Do you know why I became a slave?”she queried him.

She always kept him off balance when They were together. Maybe that was what had always attracted him to her.

“When I was a child, my teachers taught me about how my people were forcibly put in chains to work out on the plants in the Antebellum South.

“Replace of being horrified I seemed to have developed a fascination and arousal for the historical accounts.

“Well, you know, being a woman of mixed race, I had always been drawn to the idea of ​​turning the tables on history so to speak.

“Whatever do you mean by that, Chloe?”

“I came to think about how cool it would be to be a proud black female slave holder owning white male slaves.

“What a rush of power it would be to enslave and own other people!

“That is why I so very much love these times, being deputized by the State, having the legal right and moral duty to enslave, own, sell others.”

robert found himself irresistibly drawn to and powerless to resist that twisted part of himself that was excited by her outrageous revelations.

The Thought of finally finding someone to whom he could surrender his deepest secrets after a life-long journey of pretense and denial filled him with an equal measure of unleashed desire and dread. “Can I ask you a question, robert? Is it my imagination or do you get turned on when we go out and you see other men hit on me?”

Would she ever allows him to maintain his balance? It scared him to think she could see right through him.

“Come on, be honest with me”, she needed him.

“Yes, I think so”, he replied after a long pause.

“robert, could you allow yourself to watch other men make love to me?”

The drugged wine was already making it hard for him to concentrate on anything other than his suddenly independent libido which was beginning to cloud his judgment and instincts for survival.

“robert, I just asked you a question and I expect an answer.

“Do you fantasize about other men making love to me.”

Robert’s face turned criminal with embarrassment. He was busted.

“Admit it, you get pretty hot and bothered when you see me interacting with other men,” she chided as she began to softly run her fingers over the crotch of his slacks, his cock hardening within its prison of cotton and polyester.

His head was beginning to spin as he summoned his courage to nod softly.

“I’m flattered you think of me that way,” she smiled.

“You realize, of course, I will always be the powerful woman you can never have,” she said, as she languidly undid the buttons on his shirt, pleasantly surprised to discover the soft body hair as she ranher hand down his chest.

“Give in to your slave nature, robert. Don’t fight it. It’s nothing for you to be ashamed of.

“Allow me to strip you bare of not only the clothes that cover your body but also the shadowles of self-deception and self-loathing that you have been dragging around like a ball and chain behind your heretofore dreamy and inauthentic life.

“I can promise you that the spiritual work we do together will not only enable you to accept and nuclear the normalcy of your dirty little secret but, moreover, it will give you the strength to knee before me and beg to be taken once and for all.”

With that she undid his belt, unzipped his fly and pulled a raging hard-on out of his pants with the enthusiasm of a child unwrapping a gift on Christmas morning.

“My, you are so beautiful,” she said admiring his seven inch circular penis for the first time.

“You know of course, there is no turning back from this path, once taken,” she said, as she reached in to cares his balls.

In short course, she had removed all of his clothes and had him lying naked and exposed next to her as they lie together on the sumptuous bear rug adorning the floor of her living room. She assessed his general endowments, calculating the windfall he would eventually fetch for her at auction.

She assured him that everything would be alright as she got up and returned with one more lightly lacened glass of wine, bringing it to his lips, urging him to drink. In her other hand was a red leather dog collar with a link chain lean dragging along the floor. Mischievously, she licked some of the wine she spilled off his chest and nipples.

“robert, you’re going to have to get used to wear my collar if you’re going to be a part of my world.

“From now on, you will be permitted no sexual pleasure whatsoever without my collar or someone else’s collar around your neck.”

She placed the dark red collar around his neck, and they both laughedas the lock clicked securely, although his laughter was more nervous than hers.

“How does it feel wear my collar?”

“It’s comforting to know that you own me, Chloe,” he stuttered.

“You had better get used to this, robert, because there will be no turning back.”

She admired his naked body like a collector covets a prospective addition to their collection. She caresed his thighs and his throbbing cock and told him how beautiful his body was while her free hand found the small tube of lube lying on the floor neary.

He felt overwhelmed lying next to her naked and exposed while she remained fully dressed in her expensive designer clothes.

“Aren’t you going to take your clothes off?” he asked her.

“No, my pet. It is I who shall dictate how things are going to be.”

They lay together almost as lovers, unequal and uncertain, one totally in control and the other giving himself over to the tyranny of a temptress’ capricious whims. He loved how herhands explored his body for the first time, how one hand softly played with his balls while the other firmly gripped his erection, running from the bottom to the very top. She could feel his precum on her fingers. He knew full well that it was her intent to drain him of his humanity, reduce him to an animal, and he was ok with that.

At long last she began to speak. “I have spent my life studying the weaknesses of men. In fact, you can say I’m a real expert in the subject.

“I have enslaved close to 45 men over the last three years.

“They are now very happy with the new lives I’ve created for them. So much so that they can no longer imagine or even remember living life any other way.”

Chloe smiled broadly as she got him to spread his thighs, giving her unfettered access to his genitals. She loved the feel if a male’s public hair between her fingers. She had long ago realized that a man’s real brain was to be found between his legs, and that sexual sensings skillfully administratored by an understanding dominatrix with sufficient frequency could override and even permanently stunt the higher mental functions of the grayish matter inside the skull. The sexual experience was all about the transfer of power from the male’s slave nature to his dominant trainer.

“robert, you will soon learn that the sensings you are about to experience by my trained and experienced hands will give rise to the most Intensive range of emotions in your life.

“These feelings and the spiritual work we shall do together will help you to overcome any inhibitions you may still have and get you fully aligned with your true nature.

“Bu rest assured, you will never be truly free until you rest easy in the emotional harness I fashion for you.”

Chloe was amused at his inability to stifle his moans of pleasure.

“Oh, my poor baby, you were born to be my slave, weren’t you?” she sweetly cooed, giggling at the scanning erection in her hand.

“I can’t wait to show you off to my closest friends,” she told as her fingers softly fluttered up and down his shake.

“You know and I know that you lack the manliness to possess a woman . Your whole life you’ve always sought out a woman to possess you.

“Admit it. Isn’t that true, robert?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

His response relative in its brevity seemed so natural and perfectly scripted for him.

“I have concluded, robert, that there are only two types of men in this Post Meltdown world, that handful of exceptional specimens worthy enough to fuck me, satisfied me and those like yourself whose undeniable weakness for submission renders them useless for anything other than to serve and obey.

“You know what would turn me on, pet?

“I would like you to accompany me on my dates just the way you are now and show you off as one of my recent conquests.

“I can’t help but think that the eroticism of having such an athletic and muscle man as you, naked, collared, and leashed tagging along behind us would spice up the sexual encounter between me and whoever I was dating.

“I think many of the guys I meet would be fearful of and at the same time excited by the danger of falling into your prediction, and that would only strengthen their ardor to satisfy me.”

She felt intotoxicated with power as she felt his aching penis in her hands straining like a flute strains to reach its musical epiphany under the skilled direction of an orchestra’s conductor.

“I know why you get so hard when we talk about other men fucking me.

“Not only are you a submissive but you are a repressed bisexual as well who has a deep seated need for me to force you to pleasure other men.

“Don’t you see how this whole thing works?” she asked.

“At first you’ll enjoy it because my coercion allows you of any responsibility or blow for your actions.

“And then you’ll come to enjoy it on your own without any coercion from me because this is what you always secretly wanted for yourself.”

Always the consummate professional, Chloe quickly computed that there would be no shortage of afford gays and committed male couples willing to pay a high premium to acquire the servitude of a naturally gay or gay friendly slave.

“You will share my bed but only so that I may watch you pleasure the males I bring home.

“Before you can ever hope to eat my pussy or those of my girlfriends, you must first become adept at sucking cock.

“My friends and I will teach you how to suck cock so well that you lose yourself in the act of bringing sublime pleasure to another man.

“And when I tire of a lover whom your lips have pleasured, you and I will ply him with alcohol just as I have done with you tonight.

“We will get him comfortable with the idea of ​​sucking your dick just as you have sucked his.

“My sworn testimony that I witnessed you ejaculating into his mouth will serve as competent evidence of his slave nature and as a prelude to his own enslavement proceedings.

“My friends and I have always enjoyed the spectacle of two male slaves going at it. If I’m feeling particularly generous, I will keep him for a few weeks so that you can both perform for us before we send him out to be processed.”

The stereo was playing soft new age music in the background and the scaled candles were filling up the room with the bouquet of burnt strawberries.

“Talk dirty to me, baby,” she cooed.

“I like giving all my power over to you,” he at long last confessed, savoring this very special moment.

“I want to be your slave.

“I want you to have your way with me always, all ways, he said as her hand was gently twisting the tip of the dampened head of his cock.

“Oh, Mistress, I want to suck your boyfriend’s cock. I want to see his balls go up and down as I take all of him in my mouth while you watch us go at it.

“I want to feel him sucking me as I suckhim. I want to get lost in the fever of our mutual pleasure as you slap my butt crack and the back of my balls with my lean, taunting me like the lowdown dog I really am.

“I want to feel his teeth and tongue on my cock.

“I want to feel the pressure building in me just before I come in his mouth and enslave him for you with the outpouring of my seed.

“I want to experience the anticipation of receiving his cum in my mouth just so I can please you, mistress.”

“Then it shall be done, slave. You will live here with me, pet, as my service, keeping my home tidy and clean for as long as you amuse me.

“I will bring real men home so that you can watch them make love to me, so that you can accept the fact that the only part of my body your penis is worthy of coming in contact with is my hands.

“Your path with me won’t be easy. I will demean you, humiliate you, strip off the tenuous veneer of the humanity you’ve been clinging to, stoke your self loathing tofuel your slave nature, train you to become the animal you always knew you were.

Your dream of living out the remainder of your life as a slave is now becoming a reality, one you can no longer walk away from.”

He gasped as she ran her fingers up and down his engaged and lubricated shake. His every nerve ending was sensitive to her intoxicating touch as she lovingly led him to his slavery.

“From now on you shall be nothing more than a lapdog among men.

“Your place shall be to serve and please. You shall wear nothing but my collar and a pair of shoes to protect your feet as we go out together into the world outside. Your nudity will signal to the people you meet, slaves and owners alike, that you lack the strength to control your urges.

“Your collar will tell the world that you are nothing more than mere chattel, my chattel; your lean will give you the guidance, direction, and loving discipline you’ve always needed.”

Chloe was happy to see him arch his back and tense up. She knew he would not last much longer and that the strength of this pharmaceutically enhanced orgasm and the ones to follow would leave him increasing, dull witted, obedient and docile just like all the others who were foolish enough to entrust her with their darkest secrets.

As he was feverishly summoning his weakness to offer up to her, she was preparing to claim her power over him through his release as she had done with so many before him. This was the natural order of things today, a call for what reasonable people now regard as necessary for the “Common Good”.

Men like this no longer deserved equality in polite civilized society. They deserve to be broken, punished, singled out to wear the shameful chains of degradation for the benefit of the newly privileged in this failed world, a failed world in which the fortunate few could profit by the enforced slavery of the many.

Chloe briefly felt a stirring of sympathy for this hapless malewhose self-respect would be forever lost in the throes of her masturbating him, but then she thought the better of it as any kind of emotional involvement would surely be bad for business.

She softly kissed his belly as his independent moans signed the beginning of a mind shattering orgasm in her hands.

“It’s ok, baby, let it go. Show me how much you can spurt for me.”


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