“Just dial the number before I think up something else!” Mindy snapped. She was not happy at the moment and since I was the one causing her unhappiness I figured that it was best to do as she said.
The only problem was that I was having serious trouble dialing her phone. She had me on her bed, on my knees with my face pressed into the mattress and my ass in the air. My hands were tied to my knees and my knees were stretched wide and tied to the legs of the bed. There was no way I was going to be able to dial the phone and she knew it. I think she set me up to fail so that she could use it against me later.
Eventually she realized it was hopeless, took the phone, dialed the number, put it on speaker phone and placed it on the bed near my head.
“Just ask the questions we went over and you’ll be fine” she said as the phone was ringing.
Eventually the ringing stopped and someone answered.
“Thank you for calling the Trojan company. This is Anna on a recordedline, how may I help you?” She had a sweet voice and I immediately regretted ever agreeing to do this, but Mindy would never let me off the hook at this point.
“Hi Anna, my name is Luke and I just had a few questions for you about your condoms.”
“That’s what I’m here for, what’s on your mind?”
“Well…my girlfriend wanted me to ask you a few questions.”
“That’s usually how it is Luke” Anna responded. “Safe sex is very important and usually the girl is the one concerned about it. Is she there? I can just talk with her if you like.”
“That’s ok Anna…you’re on speaker phone and she told me to ask you the questions myself.”
“Haha, ok…ask away. I’ve heard it all before you know, working at a condom company and all.”
“Well we were using your condoms in a bit of a different way and just wanted to make sure it was alright”
“Different how? And could you speak up it’s a bit tough to hear you.”
“Sorry about that Anna, kind of lying down atthe moment.”
“Just sit up then, it’d make it much easier.”
“Wish I could, but I’m kind of tied up at the moment.” With that comment Luke blushed and Mindy gave his ass a good slap leaving a pink hand print. The slap rang out and there was no way that Anna could have missed the sound.
“Oh really?” she asked with a bit of a smile in her voice. “Was that a slap I heard?”
“Yes” Luke mumbled as he tried to burrow into the bed.
“And when you said tied up, what did you mean exactly?” Anna asked excitedly.
Luke described the situation; immobilized, naked, head down, ass up, knees spread wide.
“Now I’m really curious Luke. What did you call me to ask?”
“Well we like to play games sometimes, but wanted to make sure we wouldn’t break the condoms.”
“Tell me what you are doing with them and I’ll let you know if it’s ok.”
Just as Luke was about to speak Mindy gave him another slap, Anna heard it and giggled.
“Sounds like you are beingg a bad boy Luke” Anna chided “better tell me what you are doing before you get in more trouble.”
“Well, I’m not doing anything, but Mindy likes to spank me a bit. She got this idea to hold the tip of a condom against my butt, stretch it back as far as she can, and then let it snap. It left a nasty little welt and I didn’t like it. Told her it was a bad idea, not what the condoms are made for and she told me to call you and ask what you thought.”
“Hmmmm….interesting. Definitely not what the condoms are made for but I don’t know…Mindy are you there?” asked Anna.
“I’m here” replied Mindy, speaking for the first time.
“Good, I’m not sure what to say though. Think I’ll need a demonstration before I can decide. I want you to really try to stretch the condom until you think it will break and then let it snap back.”
“Anna, you dirty girl” Mindy laughed. “Coming right up” As she said this Mindy held the condom against Luke’s right butt chef, stretched it backand let it go. Anna could hear Luke sucking in his breath and then a seriously loud crack as it exploded against Luke’s ass. He panted for a few seconds and then swallowed hard trying not to make a sound.
“Mindy?” asked Anna.
“Yeah?” she replied.
“I heard the snap but no yelping. Tell me what happened.”
“Well Anna, I did what you said. Left a nice mark on his ass but he managed not to cry.
“Hmmm…and how is the condom?” she asked.
“It’s fine.”
“In that case you’ll need to try again. Make sure to really pull back this time.”
“You got it.” Mindy muttered as she focused on stretching the condom as much as she could. This time it was resting against Luke’s left butt chef. She let go and it snapped back even harder than before. Luke lost his breath, bit his lip, and grunted, then started to gasp for breath but still did not make a sound.
“Mindy, I can’t hear a thing, tell me what’s going on.” Anna demanded.
“Well, I did what yousaid. Two nice marks on his ass, and he’s panting like he ran a marathon with a layer of sweat all over, but he’s biting his lip and keeping his mouth shut. The marks are deep red. One on each chef and the way I have him tied his ass is spread wide open and his balls are dangling there, swinging back and forth. The condom is fine by the way.”
“Hmmmmm…tougher to make a decision than I thought. I have an idea though. You said his balls were swinging back and forth. Put your hand on the small of his back to stop the motion. Then cup his balls and get him hard. Place the tip of the condom right against the back of his scrotum and pull it back as much as you can. Let’s see what happens then.” Anna said with an evil glint in her voice. Mindy could just hear her deeper than usual breathing over Luke’s panting.
So, Mindy reached out and placed her hand on Luke’s back to stop the swinging. She cupped his balls and reached around for his cock. Luke was soft due to the pain and distraction and it took some work to get him hard. “Come on Luke. You know we just need to do this so Anna can let us know if it’s ok for the condoms. Get hard right now or we will have to stop without an answer.”
Luke buried his face in the bed and focused on Mindy’s hand. He managed to get hard and felt her let go, then really began to get scared. The more he thought about what was going to happen the harder he panted. Mindy placed the tip of the condom against his scrotum and pulled back.
One summer, when she was much younger, Mindy had gone to overnight camp and taken up archery. She remembered back to that time and drew the condom as tight as she could, stretching it from Luke’s balls back to her cheek. Fuck this is going to be good she thought as she watched Luke squirm in anticipation trying to bury himself in the bed. Ok…she counted down in her head…three…two…one…and then breathed in and let it go.
“Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She heard Luke yelp as his balls ricocheted back and forth like a pendulum. Then she saw him go limp and fall forward, only supported by the ropes around his knees.
Luke had no memory of what happened. He felt the pain then woke up hours later in the bed, curled in a ball with the blankets pulled tight. Mindy told him that after that last snap Anna decided that it probably was not ok for the condoms to be used like that but that she would need to ask her manager Sarah. She said that Sarah would be in tomorrow and recommended that they call back then if they really wanted answers to their questions. “Of course Sarah might have a few questions of her own.” Anna warned.
Mindy then whispered to Luke “Obviously, I told her that after all that hard work we definitely wanted answers.”
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