Smoking is Bad for You. Changes

Another story about Jane, kidnap victim then kept woman. Would be best to read the first two stories in the series as this is a continuation.

I can’t remember exactly when I sensed something had changed. It had been over two years since I had been kidnapped and held for ransom to be paid by my wealthy wife who hated my crossdressing. She did pay but my kidnappers Jackie and Monica took that money Then sold me to Sylvia after posting pictures of me on the dark web.

Initially I wore a shock collar and was held prisoner in Mistress Sylvia’s huge and secluded estate. I dressed as a woman every day. Generally as a maid to Sylvia. My clip was locked except for the times Sylvia wanted to use me for her pleasure. I was tied up almost every day. Another reminder of who was boss. Unlike many other crossdressers, I had not been into bondage. I quickly grew to love it, crave it even.

My old life faded quickly. Sylvia was happy with me and I with her. My shock collar was removedd and replaced by a leather one. She offered to release me, send me back to my former life. A kidnap victim who managed to escape. It was no choice at all. I couldn’t imagine going back to the life I had with a wife who barely tolerated my desires. I wanted to stay.

Another year passed. My hair and nails grow out. I lost weight and had some minor cosmetic surgery. I never lost sight of the fact the Sylvia was dominant in the relationship. I was still punished for transgressions every now and then but she remained fair, if firm. In short, we had become comfortable in our roles. I didn’t want anything to change. Then it did.

At first I chalked it up to business pressures. Mistress Sylvia stayed busy managing her own wealth which had to be considered the way we lived. She clearly had something going on. There was a steady stream of visitors to the compound for meetings with Mistress. She had her loyal employees, Bonnie and Donna, take me to the bedroom where I was tied and gaggregated while Mistress was busy with whatever it was.

I never expected to take part in her business meetings but this seemed more secretive. She also left the compound without me more frequently. After my surgeries I was able to go with her more and more since there was virtually no chance I would be recognized. My appearance had changed quite a bit.

On top of that, she seemed distracted when we were Together. I asked if I had done something to displease her. She said no but without much conviction. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was tired of me. She had offered to let me go before, either back to my old life or as a keep woman for one of her like minded friends. Women who enjoyed a keep woman with a fully functioning clip.

Things rocked along like this for a few weeks. No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t seem enough. I was smoking more and exercising less. It was hard to complain, I had everything someone with my kinks could ever ask for. I couldn’t help but worry.

Finally Mistress Sylvia uttered those dreaded words, ‘We need to talk.’

We were eating lunch when it happened. She had Bonnie and Donna tie me to the chair, saying she needed my full attention.

“Jane, I have to be honest with you. I’ve met someone and it’s serious. There is going to be a wedding. I know you’re upset but know I will make sure you are taken care of. The offer to go back to your old life is still there but I know you won’t do that. You can stay here as an employee. I think you would make a wonderful secretary. You could also choose to serve one of my like minded friends. They are all insanely jealous that I have you. I do insist that you to stay here through the wedding.”

I was devastated. I’m sure I was tied up to keep me from running to my bedroom in tears. I gathered myself. I had to keep it together. She had done so much for me and if she had met someone else, I had to accept that. I choked out my reply.

“Mistress, I have to say I’m disappointed but devoted to serving you as always. You deserve all the happiness this world can offer.”

“Such a wonderful person you are Janey. I know you’re unhappy with changes but life goes on. The event will take place in one week. I’ve ordered you a bride’s maid dress. Bonnie and Donna will be the other bride’s maids. I’ll have Bonnie and

Donna untie you now. You may want some time alone.”

I did. I stumbled to my bedroom. Mistress and I had separate rooms as benefiting a Domme and sub. I had shared her bed only once. Our two year anniversary.

As hard as this would be, I made up my mind to be strong. I would be ok. In the time I had with Sylvia I had discovered my true self and I would be forever grateful for that.

The next week was a blur of activity. Mistress meeting with categories, florists, everyone involved in a wedding. It wouldn’t be a huge affair, just her likeminded friends. But knowing Sylvia, everything would be perfect. The best. After the initial shock, I made up my mind I would put everything into looking my best. I still hoped Sylvia would change her mind. There was of course no sex. My clip stayed locked up tight. Some of the time, I was kept tied up and gagged in my room. I assumed these were the times when the groom to be visited but I wasn’t sure.

The dresses arrived and were fitted. Mine was a bit fancier than the other two. I was told it was because I was so special. I didn’t feel very special just then.

The day finally arrived, much to my disappointment. Sylvia brought in our favorite beautifulian to do hair and makeup for the bride’s maids first. Then the bride. Well here we go. I was tightly corseted under the dress. DD’s on full display, beautifully made up, 4 inch heels locked on. I had never looked better on the outside and never been more miserable on the inside.

I lit a Marlboro to calm my nerves. My lipstick was non smearing but I didn’t care anyway. Bonnie and Donna did their best to be reasSurging that things would ultimately be ok. Fat chance. Bonnie handed me a glass of wine ‘to calm my nerves’. I needed it. Finally it was time to go. I could hear the music in the courtyard. I stood up then the two of them grabbed me and pulled my arms behind my back. Leather cuffs were buckled on each wrist and locked together. Then they put leather cuffs on my ankles and attached an 18 inch chain between them.

“Sorry Jane. Mistress was afraid you would be too emotional. We have to gag you too.”

They were probably right. I opened my mouth obediently and the ballgag was buckled tightly in place. Vain slut that I am, I was happy it wasn’t a panel gag. My lipstick was still visible over the gag.

They each took an arm and walked me to the courtyard. It speaks to the mindset of the guests that a bound and gagged bride’s maid didn’t draw a second glance. I noticed everyone there was female or living as one. This included the officialant.

The music started and Bonnie andDonna walked me towards the front. I thought we would be the only ones in the wedding party but then 2 more ladies in bride’s maid dresses walked down the aisle. I thought they looked familiar but I couldn’t place them.

The bridal music started and Mistress walked down the aisle in the most beautiful gown I had ever seen. She was dazzling but shouldn’t the groom have walked down the aisle first? Then it hit me, she must be marrying another woman. Although the gown, she must be acting as the ‘groom’ in this definitely unusual ceremony. But no one else came down the aisle!

The officialdom started to speak. ‘We are gathered here together to celebrate Sylvia’s wedding. As our lifestyles are nontraditional, so is the ceremony. This will have no legal standing but an emotional one. Sylvia, is your marriage partner present?”

“She certainly is. Bonnie, Donna bring Jane up here,”

Wait! What was going on. Mistress Sylvia is marrying me? I would have run to Mistress’ side ifmy legs hadn’t been restrained.

Sylvia whispered in my ear. “Did you really think I would let someone else have that beautiful clip?”

There were tears of joy in my eyes as the officialt spoke again.

“Do you Sylvia takes Jane as your marriage partner to love and cherish and if the present is any indication, to tie and gag for the rest of your life?”

“I do.”

“Do you Jane takes Sylvia as your marriage partner to love and obey for the rest of your life. Knowing Sylvia, the obey part is really important. I suppose we can take the gag out now.”

“Yes, yes, I do!”

“The rings and collar please.”

Sylvia turned me around and slipped a ring on my fourth finger. I would see later it was a beautiful diamond set in platinum. She buckled an ornate platinum collar around my neck and locked it in place.

She slipped a diamond encrusted platinum ring on her own finger.

“I took the liberty of picking it out since you couldn’t know. We can shop for aNothing later if you like.”

“It’s perfect Mistress, just perfect.”

“Well then, I guess you two marriage partners should kiss. And Sylvia, you can notie her now. That is, if you want to.”

Sylvia put her arms around me and drew me into a deep kiss to the applause of the gathered kinky friends.

Mistress had Bonnie free my arms and ankles but left the cuffs in place. No doubt a preview of things to come.

I was on cloud nine as everyone present came by to congratulate us. Last in line were the two other bride’s maids.

“Remember us Jane.”

It finally clicked. My kidnappers, Jackie and Monica.

“Since you didn’t go home, the police had no leads, no idea where you were and no idea who we were so we stayed in the states and Stayed in touch with Sylvia. Can you forgive us?”

“Forgive you, I could kiss you both. If I hadn’t gone out of the club for that cigarette none of this would ever have happened. You told me smoking is bad for you. In this case, definitely not so much. I’m still so excited I can’t stand it. Do either of you have a cigarette.”

Jackie laughed and handed me a Marlboro, lit it along with her own. I asked if they were still in the kidnapping business but no. Sylvia had taken very good care of them. I guess crime does pay sometimes and smoking isn’t always bad.

The music started and Mistress grabbed me for the first dance. She led, of course. The rest of the evening was a blur of good wishes, champione and music. I glanced at some of the presents and was reminded of how twisted, at least in most people’s minds we were. I mean how many people get a flogger, an armbinder, jeweled nipple clamps, collars and an association of gags as wedding presents. In our case, how perfect!

The guests finally left and we were alone with Bonnie and Donna.

“Ladies, take Jane to the bedroom and restrain her. I’ll be in soon.”

Bonnie and Donna led me to Mistress’ bedroom then fastened my wrists together behind my back and clipped my ankles together. They gagged me and left with smiles on their faces.

I enjoyed my bondage, physical and emotional as I waited for Sylvia. She finally entered wearing the shearest of gowns. She produced a key and unlocked my cage.

“Now then young lady, I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. And by the way, there might have been a Certain blue pill in that champione you had before the ceremony.”

I was so hard it was almost painful as Mistress took me in her mouth before pushing me back on the bed. All I can say is that Mistress was right. She always is.

By the time she was finished with me I was exhausted. We lay in our gowns with a last glass of champione and a cigarette. I thought again how that bad habit had brought me here.

When we finished our champione and cigarettes I got up to go to my own room as I had for as long as I had been with Sylvia.

“Where do you think you’re going Jane.”

“I was going to my room for the night Mistress.”

“Get back here. Look in the closet.”

The closet? Why? I did as she asked and saw Mistress’ clothes on one side. On the other were mine.

“No more separate rooms Janey. If you try to leave, I’ll hogtie you for the night! And you know I’ll do it.”

I went back to the bed, kissed Mistress good night and started to drift off to a very contented sleep.

“You know Mistress, I just might try to run away tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.”

“Is that so? In that case, hands behind you Jane. You’re going nowhere.”

How many girls spend their wedding night with hands tied behind them and ankles tied together. It couldn’t have been more perfect. I mean, how lucky can you get?


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