This is a one off story without Darla, Mistress and all the other characters from my other stories. The themes are the same and I hope you enjoy it!
“I don’t know why you have to do this. You know I don’t like it. I can’t stop you but you’d better not get caught. My report would be ruined.”
My wife said the same thing every time I dressed and went out. Truth be told the argument was getting old. I have been a dedicated cross dresser for years. I tried to interest my wife with no luck. She is very wealthy and quite well known in our community. Out of respect for that I did my dressing in a larger city where I could be anonymous. I had a favorite fetish club. I would get a hotel room for the night, get dressed and have a night out. I was faithful and never hooked up. I just enjoyed the chance to get dressed and have a night out with others that enjoyed the same thing.
The occasion this time was a full fetish dress up night. I was in a shiny black catsuit wit D cups, a very tight corset, a matching shiny short black skirt and thigh high pvc boots. I had a long blond wig gathered in a pony tail. My makeup was dramatic in keeping with the theme for the night. Dark eye makeup, long false lashes and deep red lipstick. My long red nails were firmly gladed in place. I put my Marlboros in my purse with my ID and keys. As always, I hoped I wouldn’t have to use the ID. I called an uber which is always interesting. Most take me in stride. Money is money after all.
I arrived at the club which is rather exclusive and very, very discreet. I showed my card at the door and walked in on my 4 inch spike heels. I greeted people I knew from my previous visits. No real names, of course. I ordered a martini at the bar and chatted with other fetish clad attendees. As usually, some of the conversation centered around unsympathetic spouses. I fended off a couple of advances. I still hoped somehow that my wife would come around at some point. I would have loved nothing more than sex while dressed. As hard as it was, I was determined to honor my vows.
I finished my second martini and at that point I needed a cigarette and walked out back to the parking lot. I was alone and lit my Marlboro. I savored that first hit. Just then a very attractive woman got out of a car parked nearby and walked towards me. She asked for a light and when I looked down to get one out of my purse, I found it and looked up into the barrel of a small pistol.
“Not a word honey! Drop that smoke and come with me. Don’t even think about screaming.”
She took me by the elbow and led me to her car. In a flash she pulled handscuffs out of her bag and cuffed my hands behind my back. She helped me into the back seat where she filled my mouth with a ball gag and blindfolded me. She pushed me down onto the seat face first. She used ankle cuffs to hogcuff me.
“Just relax and enjoy the ride sweetie.”
Fat chance of that. Lots of crossdressers are into bondage. I was not. I just enjoyed the feminine dress. I tried to relax but the cuffs were tight and there would be no escape. We seemed to drive forever. Finally we stopped and I heard a garage door opening. We pulled in and the door closed. No chance someone would see what was going on.
I heard the car door open and another voice.
“No trouble I see.”
“None at all. I waited for her to go outside to smoke just like we knew she would. That’s right. We’ve had our eyes on you for a while. Don’t you know smoking is bad for you? In this case, really bad.”
One of them took the cuff off one ankle and pulled me by the ankles out the door. They each grabbed an elbow and had me stand. She put the ankle cuff back on, limiting my steps. They prodded me to start walking.
“Step up now. One more.”
We were inside and I was guided to what I thought was a sofa and told to sit. I was a bit surprised when my gag and blindfold were removed. I blinked my eyes at the lightand took a good look at my captors. They were casually dressed in jeans and tops. Both were very good looking mature ladies.
“I know what you’re thinking. Now that you’ve seen us we can’t let you go. We have no intention of hurting you. As soon as your rich wife transfers quite a bit of money to a numbered account we are leaving the country for good so relax and don’t give us any trouble. This will soon be over. Understand? I’m Monica and this is Jackie. Not really but that will do. I believe your girl name is Jane if I’m not mistaken. Can we count on you to behave? By the way, nobody can hear you if you scream here so don’t. Jackie already called your wife with the instructions for wiring the money. She didn’t seem too happy but she’ll do it.”
What choice did I have? “I’ll behave, I promise. But I really need to go to the bathroom. Please!”
“Ok, but first look at the camera. We’ll send the pictures to your wife to prove we have you.”
She snapped several picturess of my pleading face then had me turn around so my wife could see the cuffs.
That done Monica led me to a bathroom. She took my handscuffs off but brandished her pistol.
“No funny business. Hurry it up.”
I sat and peed. What a relief! I walked back out and Monica had the handscuffs in her hand.
“Please don’t cuff me. I promised to behave and I will. I don’t want to be cuffed. Those things are too tight.”
“Well I suppose we can skip the cuffs. We’ll use some rope instead.”
“No really, I don’t want to be tied up. I’m not into that. I just like to dress.”
“You’re out of luck then. You’re going to be tied up till that rich wife of yours pays up. You might even enjoy it. Think of it as a chance to expand your horizons. Cover her Jackie. Hands behind your back.”
Monica put my hands palm to palm. She quickly and tightly wrapped and cinched my wrists. She did the same with my ankles and above my knees. She took a long piece of rope and made severalal turn above and then below my breasts before cinching the rope on either side.
“This is a classic damsel in distress tie. You’re the damsel and you’re certainly in distress.”
“I am so nervous. Can I please have a cigarette?”
Monica laughed out loud.
“That’s how you wound up here all tied up but what the hell. Jackie, help her out.”
Jackie opened my purse and got out my pack of Marlboros. She put one between my lips and lit it before lighting her own. I tried to relax as I drew deeply and exhausted around the dangling cigarette. We finished our smokes which helped me relax just a little. By this time I really believed they weren’t going to hurt me.
“Now then Jane, we’re going to do some last minute packing since we won’t be coming back. Be a good girl and stay put.”
The two of them went into another room and I thought if I could get to the door maybe I could get it open and get outside. Perhaps someone would see me and help. I stood on my boundlegs and spike heels and shuffled and hoped towards the nearest door. Unfortunately my balance wasn’t the best and I hit an end table.
A lamp fell off with a crash.
“Where were you off to? And after we were nice enough to do away with your cuffs, gag, blindfold, let you pee, and give you a smoke. You promised to behave and this is how you repay us. Naughty naughty. We’ve got things to do so we’ll make sure you behave this time.”
“No really, please. I promise I won’t try anything again.”
“Sorry toos. Too late.”
The two of them lowered me to the floor.
“This is what we call a hogtie.”
Monica looped rope between my ankles and pulled my feet up before tying it off at the chest harness.
“I don’t think you’re going anywhere now.”
“Please, it’s too tight.”
“Enough of your whining. Open your mouth.”
Monica shoved the ballgag into my mouth and buckled it tightly. I watched from floor level as she walked back to finish packing. Isquirmed in the ropes but it was no use. All I managed was to chafe my wrists against the tight ropes. I tried to relax. Hard to do in a hogtie. It seemed forever but they finally walked back in rolling large suitcases.
“Good news Jane. Your rich wife came through. We are off to an undisclosed location with no extradition treatment. Although your misbehaving, we’ll be kind and untie you long enough for you to stretch and use the bathroom. We’ll get you tied up again and let your wife know where she can retrieve her crossdressed and bound husband.”
They untied me and and I struggled to my feet and headed for the bathroom.
“Jane, take your purse. I want you to fix your makeup so you’re pretty for your wife.”
I didn’t think my wife would care since she hated my dressing and wondered why Monica and Jackie would make me do that. After Monica had hogtied me I wasn’t about to argue again. I peed and got out my makeup from my purse. I touched everything up and put a freshcoat of shiny gloss on my lips. I walked back out to my captors.
“Why are you doing this? You’re both attractive ladies. Surely there are other things you could do.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. Just be glad we’re not going to hurt you. The bad news for you is that you’re going to have to be tied up for a while till you get rescued. We’ll email your wife your location when we’re away.”
I knew there was no point in arguing.
“Can I please have some water and a cigarette before you tie me up?”
“Why not. Go ahead.”
Jackie handed me a bottle of water and I lit a Marlboro to try and calm my frazzled nerves. I took my time smoking and enjoying the water. I was in no worry to be tied up again even though my ordeal seemed to be just about over.
“Chop chop cookie. We don’t have all night.”
I finished my cigarette and water.
“Since we’re feeling kind we’ll use something different to secure you. It will be a little morecomfortable for you. Hold your hands out.”
Jackie buckled leather cuffs with D rings on each wrist and locked them in place with small padlocks.
“You mean I can have my hands in front. Thank you so much!”
Monica just laughed.
“No way Jane but the cuffs will at least be more bearable for you. Hands behind you.”
She took a padlock and I heard it click closed. I was trapped again. She motioned me over to a low backed chair with vertical slats in the back and had me sit. She buckled cuffs above my elbows and pulled them close before locking them in place with a short chain. Straps were buckled at my ankles, below and above my knees. She took a long strap and passed it over my thighs and under the chair before buckling it tightly. Finally she took another long strap and looped it under my breasts before threading it between the slats in back and buckling that one tight also.
I was completely helpless. No chance to struggle to the door now.
“Just a couple more things before we go.”
Monica buckled a leather collar with a D ring in front around my neck and I heard a padlock click into place behind my neck. What the hell was going on? I looked around for any sign of the keys but saw none.
“Where are the keys. How will my wife unlock these things?”
“Jackie, should we tell Jane our last little surprise?”
“Sure, Why not.”
“You see, we published those pictures on the dark web. There’s quite a market for ladyboys like you among certain circles. In this case, what you’d probably call a cougar was looking for someone like you to be a live in maid. By the way, this will be a permanent position. Truth be told, your wife sounded pretty disgusted anyway. I think she’ll move on pretty quickly. She’ll never miss the money. She’s got plenty. Your new owner will find the keys in the mailbox. I can’t say when she might choose to use them. You’ll be delighted to know you fetched a really nice price.”
I was speechless but then started to scream NO but Monica shoved the ballgag in my mouth and buckled it tightly. I looked up with pleading eyes, knowing it was hopeless.
“You asked why we were doing this. Well it’s obvious honey. We did it for the money of course. In this case a double diploma so to speak.”
She buckled a leather blindfold with a nose cut out in place and secured it with yet another small padlock.
“Bye now sweetie. Enjoy your new life.”
I heard the door close and I was alone. I struggled briefly but to absolutely no avail. The straps were too tight and of course the padlocks made the cuffs inescapable.
I don’t know how long I sat there, unable to see or speak.
Finally I heard the door open and the click of heels. I heard the flick of a lighter and smelled smoke. A hand cupped my chin and turned my head this way and that.
“Yes. I think you’ll do. Unstrap her from the chair and free her legs.”
Two sets of hands helped me stand. What had to bea lean was clipped to my collar and I was led again to the garage and bundled into a car. My legs and chest were strapped again and a seat belt was buckled around me.
“Just relax. We’ve got a long trip ahead of us.”
Indeed we did. I was taken to an airport where a private plane awaited. My legs were freed long enough to get me on the plane then re strapped. I was buckled in and I felt us take off.
“I know you want to be freed and eventually you will be but it’s important that you understand that you’re mine now. Prolonged bondage will help convince you of that fact. You’ll need to get used to being tied up frequently and for long periods. Why? Because I like it and I get what I like. Escape will be impossible as you will see. You’ll find me firm but fair. From now on you’ll dress full time as a woman and serve me in any way that pleases me.”
Well it’s now several months later. It’s hard to remember what male clothes feel like. My captor insists on being calledMistress. She is a stunningly beautiful woman in her 50’s. We are in a walled compound somewhere. I’m still not sure where since I have no access to any media. I’m dressed as a maid most days and I have learned what a chatity device feels like. I wear a shock collar constantly.
True to her word, Mistress is firm but fair. I am the only genetic male here. Her other helpers are all women who are fiercely loyal to Mistress. I am occasionally allowed to dress in evening attire and have dinner with Mistress. Then I am usually tightly bound and my cage removed so Mistress can have her way with me.
She predicted I would eventually enjoy bondage and she was right. I look forward to the days when Mistress takes her time and ties me up. I even like hogties now. She has an endless supply of rope, straps, and gags. Any kind of restraint you can imagine and I enjoy all of them. My old life is a dim memory now and frankly one I don’t miss too much.
A year passed and Mistress called me into her office. She had her assistants bind me tightly to a chair and gag me. She excused them and lit a Marlboro. She circled me slowly, sending long plumes of smoke towards the ceiling.
“I need to talk to you. I’ve had you now for a year and you’ve been everything I could have asked for. You have a decision to make. If you want, I’ll let you go. We’ll tie you up and fly You back and you can go back to your old life. You have no idea where we are and who I really am. You can just say you were held captive and eventually escaped. On the other hand, you can decide to stay. If you do, things will go on just as they are.”
She took my gag out.
“What will it be Jane?”
I didn’t need to think long. My wife had never really Understood me the way Mistress does.
“Please let me stay Mistress. I have just one request. Keep tying me up and using me for your pleasure. It’s all I want now.”
Mistress leaned down and kissed my painted lips then took the shock collar off. In its place she buckled a beautiful leather collar and locked it in place. She pulled my skirt up and took my cage off before consummating our relationship in a most fitting way.
“I’ve got some calls to make Jane. I think I’ll leave you tied up for a while and enjoy the scenery. Can I trust you to be quiet?”
“Mistress I’m so happy I might not be able to contain myself.”
“I was hoping you’d say that. Open wide.”
Needless to say the gag went back in. I couldn’t have been happier!
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