The first thing i noticed was how Her skin smelled just the way it looked: Darkly sweet with the hint of a spice that i just couldn’t name. Floating on top of her natural scent was that mixture of cigarette smoke and beauty products that’s spelle “desire” to me since i started shooting women in the little studio at my old college. I took a deep breath to savor the smell as She took my glasses between Her thumb and forefinger, examining them curiously as if they were some pretty artifact.
“Can you see without these?” She asked.
“Only a little, Miss,” i said softly, feeling out of breath as i held my eyes down. “Only close up.” Her soft, pale lips curled into a smile…the kind that usually says “I know something you don’t.” She gently set the frames on the dresser She leaned Against, Her expression moving from coy amusement to completely earnest as She turned back to me. I pressed my lips together and swallowed hard, realizing how much taller She was than me, a fact that only made me more eager to give in to Her commands.
“Kneel,” She said, resting Her hands on my shoulders. As i sank to my knees, my eyes took in the length of Her body, barely clad in black halter, boy shorts and patent leather boots (Why didn’t i lick those damn boots!). Settling to the floor, my gaze was met with the thick shake of Her cock, matte rubber and strapped securely in place. i’d photographed Her wearing it our second day in the city together and was as awed by it’s beauty immediately. It was dauntingly wide at its base but tapered gracefully to a narrow tip sculpted to mimic an actual penis’ head. I took another breath and the scent of Her skin gave way to the smell of Her sex. Knowing She was as excited made me smile. I have just enough ego to enjoy turning on whoever I submit to this way.
Her hips pushed her cock towards me as i stared at it. “Open,”She ordered, taking a handful of my hair in hand. I reached out with my tongue, caressing the tip of Her cock, savoring the dark taste of the hard rubber as i glanced up at Her. She loosened her grip and looked down at me, Her expression a mix of surprise, delight and affect. I took the length of Her into my mouth, breathing in sharply and swirling my tongue around the shake.
i don’t know if either of us were prepared for the intensity of what we were doing — i have no idea how long we were there, but everything began flying, rushing, colliding: Hands, tongues, breath, moans, sights…Her hands on my face, in my hair, coaxing, caressing, forcing, guiding me up and down along the smooth shaft. Mine, holding onto Her waist and thighs, fingertips running along the spot where Her hips plugged towards Her mound, hoping to find a sensitive spot to add to Her pleasure. All this as i filled my mouth with Her cock, slow then fast, then slow again, then fast again, moaning…gasping….sighing…
…Each new moment punctuated by the “click” of Her Master’s camera, which only made it moreexciting for both of us. All of us.
i don’t know how long it lasted — minutes? Hours? Did it matter? Suddenly i feel a shudder run the length of Her body (did i make her come? did i hurt her somehow?) as She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me backward against the foot of the hotel bed. Not sure of where i was, i struggled to focus my eyes, remembering my glasses sitting on top of the dresser, miles away for all the good they were dong me.
I think She realized i needed to see Her, needed to know where i was because She knelt down to me and brought Her face close to mine. She placed a hand over my heart, which was racing by now.
“Calm down, calm down,” She said softly. “You’re alright. You’re safe.” She tried to still my chest, heaving as i struggled to get a full breath.
“i just want to please You, Miss,” I (think I) said almost panicked.
“And you do…Yes, you do,” she whispered, taking me into her arms, pressing her cheek to my own. “You are a beatufiulman. So giving and bottomless. You’re an amazing artist and an incredible person. I love you,” she said, her voice sinking to a throaty whisper. “I love you,” she said again, almost silently as i slowly reclaimed myself.
“Thank You, Miss.” I whispered back. “Will You kiss me? Please?”
She raised her eyes, seeking permission of Her Master. The touch of her lips to mine is the last thing I can tell you about. I can’t even tell you how I got back here to my own hotel room.
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