All characters are fictional and over 18 years old.
Daphne played with the edge of the tablecloth. She was early, as always, her eyes flicking between the door of the restaurant and her phone. A waiter came by with a carafe of water and a smile. Daphne looked up and shook her head, sending the man gliding away to another table. After what felt like an eternity, they appeared under a single umbrella at the door. Daphne should’ve been relieved that they showed up, but she felt her heart pound quicker. She put her phone away and got up from her chair as they approached the table.
“Hi,” she said, hugging the first woman. She was tall with tattooed skin and straight black hair that fell down her shoulders. Her eyes and cheesebones were sharp like a bird of prey. She smelled like rain and an unfamiliar perfume. The tall woman kissed her cheek and sat down.
“I’m Daphne,” she said, hugging the second woman. She was short and pale with starch-white hair styled in a tight braid. Her embrace was strong and warm despite the cold rain she came from. She smelled like the perfume on her lover’s skin. Daphne felt a slider of jealousy slip through her nerves.
“I’m Aria,” the white-haired woman whispered back. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” Daphne managed a smile.
“Well, I heard a ridiculous rumor that you can cum just from nipple stimulation. Isn’t that right, Nicole?” Aria grinned a wicked smile, her voice loud enough to be heard over the sounds of clinging cutlery and quiet conversation. Daphne’s cheats turned red and she sat back down, laughing softly so nearby patrons would excuse the vulgarity as a joke.
“I think I heard that rumor too,” Nicole smiled. The waiter came back to Daphne’s table with two extra menus in hand. He set one in front of Aria, but Nicole pushed the one he offered her back into his hands.
“There’s no need, I’m actually on my way out,” Nicole stood and pushed her chair intothe table. The waiter nodded and whisked away, leaving the women with browsers furrowed in confusion.
“Look, I’ve done this before and it’s gone all sorts of ways. You might think it would be nice to have dinner all together, but we all know how awkward that would be. You might believe it would be tantalizing to introduce two submissives in the middle of an intense scene, but those flames burn out far too fast,” Nicole noticed Daphne and Aria making eye contact, both slightly embarrassed. She continued.
“I care very deeply for you both, and the only way this can work is if you get to know each other as friends first. So, you have tonight to do whatever you’d like. I mean it. You can leave now, stay and eat, go home together… you’re free of any obligation to me. But tomorrow evening I will have you both in my home, and I expect you to be cordial at the very least,” Nicole finished her monologue and gave her submissives a quick kiss goodbye, leaving $200 on the table on her way out.
“She always was one for theatrics,” Daphne said, watching her mistress walk out the door and into the rain. She tucked the money under her napkin and looked up at Aria.
“I know. This is nice though, right? I know we both know each other, but now we can really, well, know each other,” Aria stumbled over her words a bit. Daphne shared a smile with her and looked down at her menu, her brain in knots. Aria wasn’t faring much better, and when the too-attentive waiter returned to their table with an expected smile, the women looked at each other, expecting the other to speak.
“Need another moment? Could I bring you a bottle of wine, perhaps?” The waiter’s smile seemed plastered on his face.
“Sure, if that’s what you…” Daphne looked at Aria, who nodded. “Yeah, something chilled and bubbled. Your choice,” she passed the decision to the waiter, who hurried away.
Daphne and Aria returned to their menus, establishing an unbearable silence. Finally, Aria brokee it, giggling to herself uncontrollably.
“I mean this is so stupid,” she tossed the menu in the middle of the table. Daphne’s heart sank.
“I bet Nicole orders for you when you go out too, right? Such a weird dominance thing, but I got used to it and now, well now I can’t pick between six fucking pastas. So stupid,” she shook her head.
“Oh my god, I’m glad it’s Not just me. I literally always get the gnocchi here but for some reason I just couldn’t make up my mind,” Daphne laughed. The mood was lighter now, and the large bottle of Prosecco the waiter brought helped to lubricate the conversation. Soon, the women were working through all the standard first date questions over forkfuls of pasta and long gulps of chilled wine.
“So you never really came out?” Daphne asked.
“No, I might have the gayest family in the state. I was adopted by two dads, who were both adopted by two moms. I think it would’ve been more of a shock if I were straight,” Aria joked.
“Three generations of family with no biological connection? And you’re all gay?” Daphne couldn’t believe it.
“Well, one of my grandmas is bi…”
“One of your FOUR grandmas,” Daphne interrupted. Aria laughed and Daphne understands what Nicole saw in her. She had a laugh that twinkled and a devilish grin that never left her cheeses. She was exceptionally pretty with approachable eyes and a comfortable presence. But she was also the other woman, the other body that kept her lover warm when she wasn’t around. Conflicting emotions swirled in Daphne. It feels so nice to laugh with such a lovely woman, but she couldn’t forget the scent of Nicole mixed with Aria’s perfume.
“Is this normal? I mean, I already have a tough time explaining my relationship with Nicole to my rooms,” Daphne finished her glass of wine and stared into Aria’s glimmering blue eyes.
“I don’t know, I guess ‘normal’ is subjective, right? If either of us could have a traditional relationship, I’m sure we’d choose arguing about chores over whips and chains,” Aria twirled her fork between two fingers.
She was about to say something else, but the waiter silently interrupted with the check. Daphne went to grab it, but Aria put her hand on top of hers. The nerves in Daphne’s stomach bubbled into butterflies and she felt a rush in between her legs. Aria waited for the waiter to find another table to fuss over before she spoke.
“I’ve been with Nicole since… well I’ve known her for a while now. She’s never been one to settle down with one woman and I’ve never been much of a romantic. I know that she has needs that I can’t fulfill and she knows that I can’t commit to anything more serious than semi-frequency bondage sessions. I don’t know how you and Nicole have your relationship structured, but However you do, I don’t want to complicate it more than I already have,” Aria’s grin was gone and replaced with a look of sincerity.
“So if you want to call it a night and do ourbest to coexist, I completely understand. But for what it’s worth, I really like this and I really like you,” Aria squeezed her hand and searched Daphne’s warm, brown eyes for an answer. Her gaze drifted to her full lips, where her answer floated from in a gentle whisper.
“I really like you too,” Daphne squeezed her hand back. “Nicole means a lot to me, and I won’t lie and say that it It feel like she was opening her ribcage and exposing her heart to a woman she met a couple hours ago.
“I really appreciate that, especially because she was my ride here and it would be really awkward if I had to ask you to drop me off at my place,” Aria’s wicked grin was back on her face.
“Oh, you think you’re coming home with me tonight?” Daphne was taken aback by the forwardness.
“You heard Nicole. No rules, no restrictions. Mom goes away for the weekend and you don’t want to throw a party?”
“When you put it like that, how could I say no? We’ll see if Harold likes you though, that’s the real test.”
Harold, like Daphne, was quickly overcome by Aria’s persuasive force. While most would respectfully scratch a dog’s ears when Meeting them for the first time, Aria scooped him up and planted a dozen kisses on his furry jaw, cooing in his ear with an obnoxious baby voice.
“Well, hello Mr. Harold. It certainly is a pleasure,” Aria set him down and he took shelter in between Daphne’s legs, started by the avalanche of affection. “I swear I’m not trying to get in your pants right now, but do you have something a bit more comfortable for me to slip into? I only wear this skirt cause Nicole likes it,” Aria reached down to pet the retreating dog and looked up at Daphne.
“Of course, yeah. Go raid my closet and take your pick,” Daphne scooped up Harold, rescuing him and setting him on the couch. She watched Aria disappear into the bedroom. Daphne opened a cabinet and poured herself a glass of wine. She drank it in a few gulps and poured another.
“Don’t judge me,” she said to Harold, who was certainly judging her. She poured a second class for Aria and brought them to the couch, pushing her little dog to the armrest. Aria emerged from Daphne’s room with a massive Metallica t-shirt and her hair loose around her shoulders. She sat next to the brown-haired woman and took a sip from the wine waiting for her.
“Looks better on you,” Daphne said, her eyes flickering to the bit of exposed thigh beyond the hem of the shirt.
“I was thinking about picking that slutty little latex dress, but this slipped on a little easier,” Aria crossed a leg over one of Daphne’s, exposing a bit more thigh.
“I’m sorry, I forgot all that was out…”
“You should see my closet. Imagine the stockpile after five years with Nicole.”
“My god, I can only dream. I didn’t realize how expensive that stuff was until I bought myself that dress as a surprise for her. Just about cost me a month of rent for that thing,” Daphne laughed. She pushed a bit of hair out of her eyes and curled it behind her ear.
“You mind if I ask a personal question? We don’t have to talk about this stuff if you don’t want to, but I kinda want to know what she does with you. I think my imagination hurts more than the truth would,” Daphne said.
“What has she told you?” Aria took a long sip of wine.
“Just that I’m not her only submissive and that she’s had as few as one and as many as twelve partners at a time. I never really asked for details, but the closer I get to her the more I start to wonder about her connection with others,” Daphne admitted.
“I remember when she had twelve, it was fucking crazy. I mean it was practically a sex cult,” Aria laughed at Daphne’s dropped jaw. “Not actually, everyone was cool.”
“Does she have anyone else right now? Besides us?”
“Just you and me,” Aria put her hand on Daphne’s and ran her fingers along the creams of her hand. “What else do you want to know?”
“Tell me about the last time you had sex with her,” Daphne said, anticipating the answer as if it were a freezing river and she was diving headfirst.
“You have sex with her?” Aria asked, flipping the question back to her.
“Yeah, I mean, don’t you? Isn’t that kinda the whole point?” Daphne was confused.
“No, I never have. I mean, not in any conventionally normal way,” Aria said. She couldn’t keep a smile off her face. She loved watching Daphne work through it in her mind.
“No sex?” Daphne was in disbelief.
“No sex,” Aria spoke plainly.
Aria took a long sip of wine. “Have you ever watched someone you’re with have sex with someone else?”
“I’ve watched Nicole have sex with other submissives hundreds of times. I’ve never felt jealous,” Aria said proudly.
“I don’t love her. I need her in my life, but I can’t separate love and sex. And when I have sex with someone incredible… I get possessive,” Aria explained. Daphne felt her insides melt a little. Some part of her wanted to touch Aria, to venture into forbidden lands. She wanted to taste the fruit that locked behind intense mental Restraint.
“Why do you need her? What do you get out of it?”
“Do you want me to show you?”
“Sure,” Daphne said. Inside, her heart was racing and her loins were aching.
“Go into your bedroom and bring me my clothes,” Aria’s tone hardened. Daphne hesitated before getting up. She slowly rose and retrieved the pile, returning to the couch in anticipation.
“Good. Now fold them neatly and set them aside,” Aria ordered. Daphne did as she was told.
“Take these glasses and wash them thoroughly. Put them away when you’re done,” Aria pushed the two empty wine glasses towards Daphne. For the next half hour, Aria gently ordered Daphne around her own apartment. A floor was swept, a cabinet was organized, and dishes were cleaned. By the third task, Daphne wasn’t even thinking. She was just obeying, curious to see what this was leading to.
“Come here,” Aria sat back down. “Do you trust me?” Aria spoke quietly.
Daphne felt drunk with arousal. Her mind was buzzing and she felt her heartbeat between her legs.
“Good!” Aria said, back in her cheerful voice. “That’s all I wanted to see.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Are you sure we can’t fuck?” Daphne asked. She was really horny. More than she usually got, which was strange considering that all of her clothes were still on. Her skin almost itched to break free from her clothes.
“Listen, I’m sorry for winding you up and flirting so much. I’m flattered and don’t get me wrong, you’re really fucking hot. As much as I want to touch you and taste you and… I just can’t,” Aria squeezed Daphne’s hand once more and stood up from the couch. “I can call a ride home, thank you for an incredible night.”
“Do you have a rule against sleeping with someone? Like actually sleeping,” Daphne stopped her. Aria Shook her head.
Daphne normally slept naked, but tonight she wore a large t-shirt to match her company. Aria held her arm out under the blankets and Daphne curled up Against her, head on her chest and hand on her thigh. Both women were quiet for a while, their lips peacefully closed. All Daphne could think about was the rhythmic throbbing between her legs and the beautiful chest she lay upon.
“I need to cum,” Daphne whispered.
“I know. Your heart rate is out of control,” Aria mumbled back. “Don’t let me stop you.”
“What do you mean?” Daphne sat up.
“If you need to cum, you absolutely should.”
“Right here?” Daphne asked. Aria turned over to look her in the eyes.
“You have no clue how many times I’ve watched a woman orgasm. We weree talking about being normal, right? This is my normal,” Aria said. She reached into Daphne’s nightstand and pulled out a small wand vibrator.
“How’d you know…”
“Daphne,” Aria interrupted, her voice dropping back to her dominant, commanding tone. “Make yourself cum for me.”
Daphne took the vibrator from her nervously. She laid on her back, but tilted her head to stare into Aria’s eyes. It was dark, but Daphne could still see the mischievous spark in them. As if moving through syrup, Daphne slowly brought her vibrator between her legs. She pressed it against her clip over her underwear, not turning it on.
“Take them off,” Aria whispered. Daphne obeyed, dropping the vibrator to the sheets and lifting her hips off the bed to slide her underwear off her thighs.
“Give them to me,” Aria commanded. She held her hand out expectedly. Daphne pressed them into her hand.
“What does Nicole do with wet panties?” Aria dangled the underwear in front of Daphne.
“She puts them in my mouth,” Daphne whispered back. Her voice was stuck in her throat. The teasing from Aria was almost unbearable. Knowing that she could’t devour the beautiful woman that tormented her made her crave her touch even more.
“Your lips,” Aria said.. Daphne parted her lips and Aria crumpled the cum-soaked garment in her hand and pushed it onto her tongue. “Good. I want you to cum, but I want you to ask me nicely first. You’re used to begging, aren’t you?”
Daphne nodded, tasting her own arousal on her tongue. She wished it was Aria’s, but she wasn’t in any position to be making requests.
“Good. Make yourself cum for me,” Aria whispered. Daphne spread her thighs and picked up the vibrator with her right hand. Aria lacened her fingers in between Daphne’s other hand, slowly rubbing her thumb along its side. Daphne gasped. Not from the vibrator, but from Aria’s warm touch. Her hands were soft, but felt strong and nimble.
Daphne held her hand tight asShe turned on the vibrator and pressed it against her clip. Instantly, pressure began to build inside the needy woman. She was so worked up from all of Aria’s teasing that a small puddle of arousal began to grow between her legs. Warmth and pleasure radiated from her clip to her tights to the tips of her toes, which curled as she moved the toy down to her opening and up to her clip.
“Oh, fuck,” Daphne moaned through the underwear in her mouth. She felt Aria’s hand tighten around hers.
“Look at me,” Aria said. Daphne opened her eyes and saw Aria’s face inches from hers. Her wrist sped up, quickly rubbing the vibrator across her aroused bud.
“Not yet,” Aria whispered. She could see how close Daphne was to a climax. The need was etched into her cheekbones and shone through her eyes. Daphne moaned, slowing down a little. This was unlike anything she felt before, even with Nicole. She always wanted to cum, but she needed it now. Daphne sped up again, the buzz of the vibrator flattening as she pressed it hard to her clip.
“Cum for me, Daphne,” Aria commanded. Hearing her name in Aria’s beautiful voice sent her far over the edge. There was no going back.
“FUCK… oh my god… Aria… yes… thank you… thank you,” Aria’s mumbled moans turned into intense whispers. Her back arched and her thighs shook with the force of a powerful orgasm. She held Aria’s hand even tighter, her fingers digging into the back of her smooth skin. Time slowed for a moment as she fell into a spiral of endless pleasure. Deeply cathartic, her climax released the tension in her chest and shoulders. She lay motionless on the bed, the vibrator still buzzing in her hand.
Aria took the vibrator from her hand and turned it off. She pulled the now completely soaked underwear from between her lips and tossed them into a laundry basket. Daphne watched as Aria got up and cleaned the vibrator in the bathroom sink before returning it to the drawer. Aria got back under the covers and put a hand on Daphne’s cheese.
“You were incredible. Goodnight, Daphne,” Aria said. She curled into Daphne’s outstretched arm and rested her head against her chest.
“Goodnight,” Daphne said, her voice a breath. She held Aria tight and melted into her sheets. Long after Aria’s breath settled in a peaceful sleep, Daphne was awake. She felt a different Need.There was something almost tangible in the desire she felt for a woman she just met, but she felt it nonetheless. Daphne was fully lost in her post-orgasm state when she felt a pang of guilt in her chest.
What about Nicole? White-hot pain, tight bondage, and earth-shattering orgasms were the bedrock of their relationship, but there was real intimacy there. Nicole found it easy to have multiple partners, even twelve at a time. Why couldn’t Daphne?
“This is gonna get messy,” Daphne whispered to herself with Aria still fast wait on her chest.
“Mhm,” Aria mumbled in her sleep. She burrowed her head further into Daphne’s chest and let out a short, content sight. Daphne throw her head back into the pillow, smiling and shaking her head at the absurdity of her relationship.
“There is no way this is normal,” she whispered and joined Aria in her dreams.
“Strip, both of you,” Nicole ordered the second Daphne and Aria walked into her house. Daphne quickly set down her coffee and keys on a side table and hurried out of her clothes. She felt the cold, hardwood floor on her knees as she sank into position. Her arms crossed behind her back, each hand holding the opposite elbow. Her thighs spread open to provide access to her pussy. She shot a glance over to Aria, who was in position seconds before she was. Daphne felt a pulse in between her thighs seeing Aria nude for the first time. She looked like she was sculpted from flawless marble with cream-white skin and subtle, but full curves.
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