Small Price to Pay: Preparation

The ride home was awkward. We both thought about the same thing, we knew that’s what the other was thinking about, but neither of us wanted to say it out loud.

I broke the silence

“Thank you, Michael.”

I can tell he’s dragging himself out of deep thought to answer.

“Thanks? For what?”

“For everything. For accepting me and my… troubles. And, I guess, committing to me. To us.”

His smile was strange, his eyes friendly but far away.

“I thought you’d be mad,” he said, chuckling.

“Well, you did make me decide rather suddenly, about something very important, but I think… no, I know you made the right decision.”

“Kids. I never… well, I didn’t know I wanted them either.”

I laughed.

“You want them badly enough to get in my pussy.”

He laughs too.

“I guess that’s one way to look at it… but I want them, I want you, I want a family bad enough to go without cumming for six months.”

“Oh. Right. I’m sorry. Inever wanted you to suffer because of me.”

“Ha, why shouldn’t I find out what you’ve been going through?”

“It’s not the same.”


“I… I don’t know.”

That night, we cuddled a lot, kissed a lot, and said a lot of ‘I love you.’ Michael played with my nipples, and I was on fire, but neither of us could do anything about it. I kept touching the ribbon-like lock, thinking about how close freedom was… and what it would mean for Michael.

A week later we’re back at Tyler and Vanessa’s.

“Strip. Both of you.”

There was no trace of the fake sweetness in Vanessa’s voice. We did.

We were each tied, our hands behind our backs, me by Tyler, Michael by Vanessa.

Then Michael was hooded and next was my turn. Finally, they cut off the serialized lock and freed my pussy.

“The members have given us with some toys. They come with requests, of course.”

Vanessa guided me to their king size bed; I could have found it on my own, even blinded, since I’d been in it so often. She sat and turned me around so that I nestled backwards into her prominent chest. She reached around to my nipples.

“Isn’t this nice?” she whispered while nibbling on my ear. It was.

Suddenly, something firm but soft surrounded my clip, some kind of rubber ring, and I felt a strong suction. I squeaked, and tried to close my legs, but they were slapped apart again. I could feel my delicate button pulling into a tube of some kind.


“It’s a clip pump. We’ve shared the good news with the members, and they suggested we should be working on sensing your clip to make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to cum when Michael fucks you. Isn’t that nice of them? Some of them seem almost as excited as you about the breeding!”

I could feel my cheeks burning as my clip filled with blood. I could imagine it bulging obviously in the plastic tube, and though it hurt, that and the humiliation turned me on more than I’d thought possible.

“Let’s read some comments from the site.”

The pump pulsed. I squeaked and jerked.

“‘Congratulations on starting your family.’ Aww, that’s sweet.”

Pump. I jerked again and began to leak.

“‘Letting her cum only when she gets bred will create a good association. Bravo!’”


“Ooh, here’s a reply: ‘I agree in spirit, but if you really want to reinforce her status as a breeding slave, wouldn’t it be better to let her cum only once she’s pregnant?’ What do you think, Chastity? Should we put it off until then?”

I groaned, shaking my head.

Vanessa cooed in my ear.

“Don’t worry, Chastity, we know what you need. Trust us. We’ll take care of you and your pussy.”

Tyler chuckled, and read another one. “‘One orgasm per baby sounds like a good round number.’ Wow, I don’t even know if I’m quite THAT cruel!”

Vanessa whispered, sweetly, intimately. “He’s not cruel. He’s giving you what you need. Control. Training.Not orgasms.”

My mind felt like it was melting. My clip was aching and throbbing, straining for release from the rubber-rimmed tube, feeling triple its normal size and begging for any other kind of attention. Even so, I know the humiliation and the strangers discussing me like a piece of meat was the real reason I was turned on more than I’d ever been.

Finally, the pressure stopped. My clip deflated but still felt larger than normal, and the tube was pulled off. Tyler let out a breath, close enough that I felt it on my pussy.

“That’s really incredible looking! Let’s get a closeup shot.”

It still ached and throbbed, pulsing hopefully that it would soon get some more pleasant attention. I felt Vanessa reach down and spread my labia, achingly close to touching it. I had never felt so exposed.

“OK, now you have to be a good girl, Chastity. I don’t really know how much difference that pumping made, so you’ll have to tell Gabriel when to stop.”


“His slave name, silly.” Vanessa whispered in my ear. “See, we’re protecting the two of you. His face and name are safe. For now.”

“When you’re about to cum, say so. If you go over the edge, deal’s off. If I think you’re stopping early, you’ll be punished. So be on your toes.”

I feel weight moving the mattress, then a heavenly pair of lips suckled my poor clip. I thought I’d cum right then, but after the nearly electric first jolt of pleasure, I got control. Still, it was less than twenty seconds before I had to yell “Stop!”

Michael pulled away. My clip pulsed, begging for him to come back.

“Was she close enough?”

I could feel Vanessa’s chin bob as she nodded right by my shoulder.

“Okay. That’s one. Don’t worry, we put a premium on today’s edges, so there’s not that many. Probably.”

I feel the rubber rim of the pump envelope me again.

“Please, I don’t-“

“Shhh.” Said Vanessa, covering my mouth with her hand. She licked my neck and nibbled my ear. “It’s for your own good. This will make you clip into a hair trigger. You’ll see. Trust us.”

My clip was already sore as the pump started its relentless work again. I could feel it expand. I whimpered.

“Ha, good thing we put towels down! Gabriel, lick up that juice before it soaks through.”

I could feel Gabriel’s head between my thighs, moving back and forth.

“Good boy. You can go to the source. I’m reeling generous.”

Michael’s tongue took a long, increasingly slow lick up my lips until he hit the plastic tube, then went back downwards and snaked inside me. I clinched around it, almost squeezing him out. It was almost like an orgasm, but there was no relief. I moaned.

“I bet she’s tight as hell. Think about getting your cock in there. How she’ll grip you.”

Michael groaned into my pussy. It was maddening.

“Your tongue is the first thing to go in there in months. Your cock will be the first one in a year. That pussy’s gonna milk you dry.”

Vanessa pulled away and lowered my shoulders to the mattress. Soon she was squatting over my mouth.

“This is getting me hot! I’m going to ride her face. Darling, would you like to fuck my mouth while I do?”

“Ha, I’d be crazy to say no! Let’s remind them what they are missing! Gabriel, keep licking her. Don’t worry, well give you some attention After.”

I didn’t have any fight left in me. I felt Vanessa’s pussy smush into my face and I just started licking. Michael kept pushing his tongue into my greedy hole, and I loved it, but of course, it wouldn’t be enough. I could hear Vanessa moan and then gag as Tyler must give taken her up on her offer.

For those who were going to cum, it didn’t take long. Tyler groaned and froze, presumably pumping Vanessa’s throat full, and I gave an extra hard suck to her clip and was rewarded with a splash of pussy juice. Michael didn’t stop.

Vanessa climbed off, leaving the bed. Michael kept working my pussy with his tongue, but soon began moaning.

“Get the camera right in there, dear. I paid a lot for these nails, and they look great struggling his balls.”

Vanessa dropped her voice lower, presumably whispering in his ear but I could still make it out.

“I know you love eatig pussy. I know it makes your balls fill up alll nice and plump, but this time, we need your best load. So you won’t just wait these next few months. You’ll be teased. Her denied pussy will drain all your cum down to the last drop. Then it’s back in the cage, and maybe you’ll need another try the nect month. I hope not. I hope you breed her on the first try.”

Suddenly, I felt the suction tube go away, and Michael devoured my clip like a starving man. I was stampeding towards orgasm, and it seemed like no time at all before I had to stop him. Tears sprung from my eyes as I did so. I didn’t think I could want anything more than I wanted to cum in that moment, but I didn’t want to lose Michael or ourchance at a family. I cried for my lost orgasm.

“Good girl.” This time it was Tyler’s voice in my ear.

Somehow I survived five more edges with five more times being pumped. My clip felt like a balloon; I was a little glad I couldn’t see it. They locked me up with a new serialized lock. Vanessa kissed my cheek and told me what a good breeding slut I’d be. Suddenly blinding light pierced my eyes. Tyler had pulled off the part of the hood over my eyes.

Michael was unlocked, his cock half erect. He was chained to the bed. My mouth watered. I hadn’t realized how much I craved pleasure him. I didn’t resist at all as my mouth was pushed down to it.

“Suck, slut, but don’t make him cum.”

I hungrily obliged. I took him deep, swirled my tongue, then pulled back to suck the head, the repeated. I went slowly. I loved it, bur I’d rather have had my mouth used and spurted in.

“She loves your cock. You’re a lucky man, but you not going to believe it when your blue balls ache and we stuff you back in that cage. Just think of the load you’ll have saved up to breed her with, though!”

I wanted so badly to finish him off. To taste him and know he was feeig as much pleasure as I could give him. I hated them so much for making me torture my Michael, but I did it. Vanessa carressed his balls while I sucked and sucked.

“Okay, thats enough. Cage time again.”

I watched as Vanessa held an ice pack to Michael’s aching cock to get it to shrink enough to go in the cage. Finally, it fit. She squeezed his balls a little, which must have hurt terribly, but he just gave a slight grunt.

We got untied and dressed, and Vanessa beamed at us.

“See you next week!”


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