A couple months passed. They were hell. There didn’t seem to be a moment I wasn’t aware of my clip. I leaked practically all the time. I never saw the results with my eyes, but the pumping left me overly sensitive and swollen. I knew it probably wasn’t the case, but my clip felt three times bigger. When something actually turned me on, it had its own pulse. The deadline still felt a lifetime away.
Worst of all, my poor Michael was suffering too. He assured me he was fine, but no matter how well he handled it, I still didn’t want him to have to. There wasn’t much fun we could have while both locked up, but we made out, and he suckled my nipples. I stroked his balls, but he said it quickly turned to pain. It was difficult to keep my hands off them though. They were so big and swollen, full of the delicious cum that would put his baby in me. I wanted it so bad. I wanted him, his seed, and his baby. Our family.
With six weeks left, we walked into Tyler and Vanessa’s apartmentt, as ready as we could be for whatever new torments they’d cooked up.
“Good news! We have a special session today,” Tyler said. My face must have been very skeptical, because he laughed and continued: “I know, you think I’m being ironic, and it’s actually going to be worse than ever. However, I have the cruelest torture possible in store for you: hope.”
At that moment, I really couldn’t hold my expression neutral.
“You see, one of our members paid the big bucks for a VIP session, which comes with two main benefits: he gets to join us in person, and he controls your orgasms during it. That’s right, there’s a chance of you cumming today. If the VIP feels like it.”
I instantly started leaking, and my stomach did a weird flop. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
I let myself be stripped and hooded.
“Gabriel will of course be supervising, but I don’t think the VIP has much in mind for him.”
I’m led to their bedroom, but not to the bed. In fact,It seems to have been moved. I’m guided to knee, then go on all fours. I feel leather straps under my ankles, and then hands are fasting them around me. There are two more for my hands, and finally one goes around my neck and then is connected to a rigid pole. I’m on my hands and knees in some kind of frame. I have some wiggle room, but can’t leave that position. I think they want me to be able to squirm, and my breathing quickens.
The latest lock is cut, and the chatity belt comes off. I feel a warm, wet towel scrape across my labia and more importantly, my clip. I suppress my moan, humiliated that this almost clinical contact is turning me on. Once I am clean, I hear the door open and softly close.
“Welcome! Chastity, say hello to… well, just call him ‘Sir’ unless he says differently.”
“Hello, Sir,” I say, probably much too quietly.
“She is very shy, no? I am enchanted.”
His voice is pleasant, subtly accented in a way I’m not familiar with. Europen, most likely.
“I have submissives of my own, of course, but when I found your web site, and watched and read of your… predicament… I had to experience your exhausting suffering for myself.”
A hand ran from my shoulder to my back, and then towards my ass, stopping briefly to squeeze.
“I have brought something special. I had to pay someone very clever to create my vision. You are lucky! My own submissives will soon be familiar with it, but you are the first. Let us hope my money was not wasted, eh?”
I feel a drop of something cool and slippery on the crack of my ass.
“You are no stranger to play of this kind, no?”
“Yes, Sir. You’re right, Sir,” I said, aware that the question was phrased ambiguously.
“And do you want to be penetrated there?”
I did. Of course my pussy wept for attention, usually literally seeing in frustration and arousal. However, despite my ass being a poor substitute, the familiar feeling of fullness that it broughthad also been denied me for months. I wiggled my sadly empty holes at him, and spoke.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. You are not so shy as I thought, perhaps.”
I felt a smooth, rubbery blunt object began to press into my ass, increasingly close to where I wanted to be filled. It widened, stretching me, and I groaned, then it popped in and nestled between my cheeks. It had me shivering and winding my hips, but I recognized its shape as a buttplug. Did he really come here and pay exorbitant fees for that?
“Yes, feel it. Become familiar with it. But the magic has not started yet.”
I didn’t know what to make of this. I obeyed though. I concentrated on the feeling, retired it.
“You have a lovely pussy, my dear. The clip, so plump and ripe with need. The folds, so wet with desire. I also collect art; it is the same drive, I think, to see and be near things of such beauty.”
I feel his breath, cooling the dampness that was exposed to his gaze. The toy in myass shifted as he put his hand to it, and I squirmed, wanting a hard pounding, not a light prodding.
“Such a wonderful sight. Those who know my… proclivities… perhaps think that I do not like pussies because I do not touch or taste them… it is the opposite, ha! I could not take the risk of ruining such perfection with release. I adore them! Especially those that ache and suffer so beautifully as yours.”
Soon I felt hands cup my hanging breasts, and slowly stroke them. I felt I was being measured more than caressed. A moment later, I felt something strangely familiar: a tube encircling my nipple, similar to the pump used on my clip. I sucked in a breath as a quiet electric motor came to life and confirmed my suspicions as my nipple was sucked into the tube. However, once it was in far enough, I felt it touch something soft, like the bristles of a paintbrush. A moment later, the suction steadied, and the device hung from my breast, pulling slightly. Another moment, andit buzzed to life again, but instead of more suction, the bristles began to spin. I gasped. It was intense but light as a feather. A second later, it cut off.
“You began to see, no?”
My other breast received the same treatment, pulled into a cuplike tube until it reached the bristles, then a second of that maddening tickling to test it was in place. I rocked in my restraints.
“There is one more, the best for last.”
Oh no.
Sure enough, I felt a third tube cupping my clip, pulling it in until it was nestled in the bristles. I gritted my teeth, nearly shrieking as the same tickling buzz hit me at the core of my sexuality.
“Ha, we are ready to begin! You have now felt what I paid for, but those cups, they are not what is special. Would you like to feel them all?”
I took a shaky breath before I answered.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Then squeeze!”
I didn’t understand. At first. Tentatively, I flexed my asshole around the plug, clamping down. The three cups sprang to life, tickling my most sensitive parts. It was almost unbearable, but it was driving me towards orgasm. Two seconds later, far too soon, it stopped. I panted. I squeezed again, and the same happened. I sped towards ecstasy for two seconds, then it was jerked away.
“I call it the anal tutor. It teaches the submissive to milk cocks. A simple task and a simple reward, but difficult to arrange. Keep trying! We will see if climax is in your reach.”
I did. It feel amazing. Two seconds at a time. I fell into a rhythm, anticipating when it would cut out and readying to squeeze the toy in my ass as soon as it did, trying to string together enough consecutive seconds of stimulation to get off.
“Yes! You are mad with the feeling, I can see. Embrace what you are, a hole for your master’s pleasure.”
Every time, I felt ready to hurtle over the edge, but it wasn’t enough. How was this possible? Was it part of the design? Or was there truly a chance of reaching it if I milked the plug enough?
Soon I was letting out an unladylike grunt with every squeeze and a gasp every time the brushes stopped. Shame and lust overtook me. It was all I could do not to scream. I couldn’t believe I could feel such pleasure, such ecstasy, without relief coming as well.
“Magnificent! I cannot imagine the torque. The device is a devil, no? I have only so much time, however. We shall see, I think if ten minutes pass without your release, then it is not in the cards.”
Ten minutes!? I wasn’t sure I’d even survive! I skimmed for reserves of strength I didn’t know I had, but my tight anal ring was becoming exhausted. I clenched as hard as I could, but I desperate. It seemed so close, but I could feel my climax slipping away. I sobbed. However, I didn’t need to keep up the torture now that it seemed hopeless. I stopped clenching, stopped trying.
“Oh my dear, you seem to have misunderstood the purpose here. You have been chasing the carrot,but I have brought a stick as well. I shall end the training cycle early; now the punishment cycle begins.”
With that, the brushes turned on. It didn’t seem like punishment. Once again I hurtled towards orgasm, seeming to approach it like a runaway train, and… it stopped.
This time I did scream, on the razor’s edge of cumming for the first time in so many months.
A few seconds later, it started again, and stopped with the same cruel abruptness as I screamed in frustration again. I thought I was already there! It seemed impossible to get so close, so precisely denying me. It began again. I was losing rationality. I thought of myself as an instrument being expertly manipulated by a master musician. A symphony of suffering played on my aching nipples and clip.
The cycle went on, the brushes tickling me to several more screaming edges.
I hear the VIP chuckle.
“I will only punish you for the remainder of the ten minutes I gave you; perhaps that will help you appreciate any chance you get for release, if I decided to give you another.”
I had no idea how much time I’d lasted or how much was left. I couldn’t count the edges. I could barely breathe, let alone think.
Then it stopped. One final edge, and the brushes cut out and stirred no more.
“I could not bear to break such a marvelous plaything as you.”
A hand rubbed my sweat-damped shoulder.
“You are still a good slave. I am pleased. Tell me, my dear, what would you give for an orgasm right now? I admit, I am yearning for your cunt. My cock has not touched pussy for a decade; none have been deserving. I would make you my exception. Would you risk it? Would you take my seed in your womb, in front of your man? Would You risk bearing a child that is not his?”
I heard a sharp intake of breath. Michael. I groaned.
“I- I can’t!”
“Ah, but you can, my dear! That is the torture of choice. You have endured much, perhaps because you thought you must, but there are torques still to come, and it will be by your choice.”
My panting breath, slowly coming back under control, was the only sound in the room for several seconds.
“Of course, this would buy you more than an orgasm; I would have an obligation to any child we conceive. You could live quite comfortable. Perhaps even to join me at my chateau, as my favorite toy. Yes, you would be the shining jewel of my collection! I would display your suffering as if it were the Mona Lisa.”
I sobbed. It seemed impossible to deny my need like this, but to betray Michael? So blatantly, right in front of him?
“I can see how your cunt begs so sweetly to be filled… will you endure for your man? Or shall I have this pleasure?”
I took a long, slow breath, steadying myself. I tried to remember what it felt like to be penetrated, but quickly put it out of mind. My mouth even watered a little. I gulped.
I could hear the hiss of Michael’s reaction; heseemed to have been holding his breath. There was silence from everyone else. I heard the VIP takes a few steps to squat or knee in front of me.
“I respect your will, my dear,” He said, tilting my face upwards and planning a kiss on my forehead. “I shall ask you again in five minutes.”
I feel something round and rubbery intrude in my mouth. A gag. It was fastened behind my head, and then the punishment cycle began again.
I bit down on the gag with each edge. I thrashed. I tried to scream around the rubber. Nothing changed. I could barely think in my desperate state; my most pervasive thought was confusion at how it was possible. I didn’t understand how a handful of toys could so utterly manipulate and control me. If he had repeated his offer in the middle of the cycle, I would have said yes, if I was even coherent. Somehow, it never got easier to bear. My mind was nearly gone, and my body kept on hoping, kept on believing each time I would come, only to have that hopeshattered time and time again. I could not reconcile the reality of feeling what I felt with not cumming, despite it being ripped away each time.
It ended. I was left panting and smoking.
“My dear, I shall make my offer once, and you will only have to endure another five minutes if you resist me. Stay still. Think very carefully, then shake your head yes or no. Will you take my cock and my seed in your pussy, and be allowed to cum today?”
I took a few deep breaths. I felt each was a betrayal of my love; how else could he interpret such hesitation? Finally, I found the strength. I shook my head. No.
“I must admit, I am rock hard; I have the barest taste of your torture. I am pleased with your dedication. It is impressive, and I would give half my fortune to command such loyalty. It is not a matter of just money, and that makes it all the more precious.”
The insidious buzzing started again.
“Your man is lucky to have you. You are lucky, even throughsuch suffering, to have someone you love that deeply.”
I tried to scream around the gag as I hit my first edge. My body was trembling with exhaustion; at some point orgasm would be out of reach even if the stimulation cut out completely. The toys seemed to sense this as well. I could feel the edges taking longer, but the brushes always cut out at seemingly the last possible moment. Although the Compliments, I felt like less than a piece of meat. I was a toy to toys, dominated by a handful of unthinking gadgets.
“You deserve some reward for this. I shall speak to your master and misstress.”
I heard his retreating footsteps, but my awareness was almost fully on my nipples and clip, my hungry clenching pussy, and my filled ass.
Once again, time lost meaning. Stimulation, hope, edge, despair. Over and over.
Finally it was over. I slowly came back to awareness. The gag was pulled from my mouth.
“I have a new proposal, my dear! One I think you will take! This has been the most amazing display I have witnessed, and it would be a shame for me to deny my own pleasure any longer. Your man and your owners have agreed: I may have your ass, and he will have your pussy as soon as I spend myself inside you. We will move up the schedule. Are you ready to be bred?”
“Oh God, yes! Fuck me! Please, both of you!”
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