Small Penis Prison

Ryan was shaking, he didn’t know how he had ended up in this situation, he was on his way to Small Penis Prison, or SPP, as they called it these days.

Next to him were 5 other men, all with the same destiny. He didn’t know much about the site, just rumors.

Everything had happened very quickly, his neighbor, Charlotte, who was in her twentyties like him, spent the day provoking him while he looked at her window from his room.

He never got to see her naked but she was always dancing half-naked next to the window like she didn’t know he was looking at her.

She had a perfect body, some perky tits about 34b in size but the best thing was her ass, it was the best ass he had ever seen, what many would call a pawg.

He had jerked so many times watching that ass from the window. And she had a face of an angel, with long blond hair and blue eyes.

She had a boyfriend, Marcus, he was a black man in his early 30s, about 7’7″ and with muscled arms almost as big asRyan himself, there was a stark contrast to Charlotte, who was no taller than 5’4″ and with A tiny body except that incredible ass.

Sometimes he could hear them from the window and her screams reaching one orgasm after another throughout the night had made him jerk like a maniac many times. He was a virgin which made him even more horny imagining them fucking while he touched his cock.

He had always Thought that he had had very bad luck with his genes, with a 3-inch cock he had not won the lottery, it was clear.

The day in question the police showed up while he was looking at her from the window with his cock in his hand, it was impossible to deny what he was doing. It must be said that years ago they had passed the law by which if they caught you doing some kind of sexual harassment you would be jailed for sure, once the studies revealed that the vast majority were men with small dicks, it was when the SPP for criminals were created. sexual.

He was sentenced to 5 years in a speedy trial and in less than 2 weeks he was on his way to the SPP. Upon arrival they were told to get off the bus and wait in front of the entrance, a large sign put SPP in black letters above the gate.

It opened and a woman in her thirties, almost six feet tall, dressed in a black suit with a tight jacket, appeared through the door.

She was thin but had big tits and a great ass, an hourglass figure. She was very beautiful and the bow she wore in her black hair made her look very domineering.

“Good morning guys,” she said smiling, “My name is Gina, I am the director of this prison and today I will show you the facilities and what are the rules to follow, then I will leave you with your guards.”

“Now follow me” she said entering the building.

Her big ass was swinging back and forth like a pendulum and Ryan was beginning to realize that he was starting to get a boss. In addition to the fact that he hadn’t had an orgasm for more than a week,The sight of that ass was driving him crazy.

They came to a square room with a curve on one wall, a pair of doors on each side, and a desk with a chair in the middle.

“Undress, don’t worry about your clothes, we’ll take care of it.”

Ryan looked around and saw that the rest of the men were removing their clothes and decided to do the same. It was going to be the first time that a woman other than his mother saw him naked and he was beginning to blush, and he had an erection, which made him feel even more embarrassed.

When they were all naked, he noticed the rest of the men, 2 of them were more or less his age, the other 3 were older, 2 in their forties and another who seemed to be almost 60 years old, but they all had something in common, their penises were very small and they were all hard-on.

His was one of the Largest, which made him feel a little proud.

“Okay, now we will start with the basic rules, I will assign each of you a girl, she will beYour guard and you will do everything she tells you at all times. It is forbidden to have orgasms unless she explicitly allows it, you will be watched with cameras 24 hours a day so no touching without permission. Above all, we want you to be healthy, so once a month you will have a checkup to see how your testicles and your prostate are. Any questions?”

The 60 year old man raised his hand.

“Yes?” asked Gina.

“So if she lets it we can have a lot of orgasms?”

“Of course” she said with a mischievous smile.


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