You’ve come to me for your dick tax? Perfect. You’re required to pay me for having an insufferable and disappointing penis. The smaller you are, the more you pay. Embarrassing, I know. If your cock is eight inches, you may send $35. If your cock is seven inches, $45. You may increase $10 per inch subtracted. So if your cock is 4 inches, $75. You’ll pay on your knees in cash. Handing over the monetary value that gives you significance because you’re too tiny to matter otherwise. You pay me so I don’t tell anyone else just how disappointing it was to see your cock! I get paid every time I’m forced to see it because no one else would look at it otherwise.
Now that you’ve paid me for having a tiny, pathetic cock I can tell you all about how disappointing it is! It’s embarrassing enough you have to pay me to keep quiet about it, haha! Your monthly fee. It should be a bi weekly, weekly or daily fee. It’s a small way of making up for having a BIG flaw. You should constantly compensatesatefor the big inconvenience you pose to women, not being able to please and having such a small, beta, inferior cock.
You know essentially you can’t please anyone with a cock so small and insignificant so you pay women to make up for your lack of value. You are pussy free. No pussy for you, because no one would want to fuck such a tiny fucking penis. A shrub in bush, barely sticking his head out. Mushroom penis at best. Your embarrassing excuse of a cock compared smaller than shrinked up raisins.
Disgusting and deplorable. The thought of something so small anywhere near me is enough to make my gag reflex convulse. Shriveled up, tiny, skinny and small. A worm, maggot, fruit peel. Curled up and wrinkled. Hiding from the world in a desperate attempt not to be ridiculed. Your balls are bigger than your cock, honestly. How does it feel to have a third ball?
Women don’t want to be near you let alone your cock. Imagine the disappointment painted across a beautiful woman’s face as she suppresses a chuckle at the tiny thing you’ve presented to her and called a “dick”. Haha!
The humor in this is that you pay me to tell you how fucking tiny and pathetic it is. Humiliating and hilarian. Paying me your Dick Tax and eagerly awaiting instructions on how to tug it, like the worthless little dicklet it is.
Tugging your dicklet for me because it makes me laugh how hard you try to pleasure something so small. Your little droplets of pre cum are tears because it can’t get hard enough to even grow. So tiny and insignificant. Your loser precum tears are used as luxury to two finger tug.
Depressing dicklet limp and loser like. Deserving of all the ridicule it gets! The only thing you are allowed to do, is use your thumb and pointer finger to grab it, and two finger tug. Two finger tugging is your life now, your reality, with your thumb and index finger as your new girlfriends. They’re the only women who would come close enough to touch you. Your fingers stroke in desperation begging to release the pathetic puddle you delude yourself to call an orgasm.
Two finger tug that worthless, vile baby dick. No one’s EVER going to fuck you or your baby carrot. Smaller than a grape. You fail the toilet paper roll test. You’re not a man, you have a tiny clip dick. Small enough to be flicked but you two finger tug for me amusement. It doesn’t Even go past your fingerprints!
The giggles and laughs I let out are so worth tugging for me like a loser. Two finger tug like you’re playing tug of war. That teeny flimsy flap of fat skin doesn’t deserve pussy, ever. It wouldn’t even fit. At best you could rub against the outside and stimulate her clip.
No one would be able to feel you’re even inside them. You’d make girls laugh as your dick “tickled” them. They’d laughing seeing you frown and realize you’re “all the way” inside her and it’s still not enough. Instead you two finger tug for me and pay your dick tax. Cumming all over yourclip dick like a shrinked up cinnamon roll at the thought of my laughter ridiculing you and your pindick. Your glaze only decorated your failure.
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