Samantha and I met at a social gathering and hit it off almost immediately. Within weeks, we were a serious couple. We had similar interests (though different opinions) and really got along well with each other. In no time at all, we both knew we were falling in love. In spite of Her great beauty, what I valued most were Her intelligence and Her sense of humor (often indicator of great intelligence.)
I’m sure my marriage proposal did not come as a complete surprise to Samantha. But Her response to me was certainly unexpected. She explained that She loved me dearly and would be very happy to marry me were it not for one problem. I asked Her to explain.
“Our sex life is not completely fulfilling for me,” She explained. This came as a shock to me as I (typical male) hadn’t noticed any problems. “I mean I love it when you worship My Asshole and My Pussy but I don’t enjoy providing you with oral sex. And let’s face it, your cock isn’t enough to satisfy any woman.
“I never mentioned anything to you because in every other way our relationship is perfect. And as long as we weren’t married, the situation wasn’t permanent. Up to this point I’ve been faithful to you but I can’t spend the rest of my life making love with a tiny cock like yours.
“If I agree to marry you, I insist on complete control of our sex life. That means, as payback for all the inadequate sex you’ve been providing me, I will no longer be a one-man woman. I will sleep with whomever I desire, man or woman, You, on the other hand will do anything and everything I desire, no matter how you feel about it. If you truly love me, you will prove it by accepting me as your Mistress and ruler of your sex life — till death do us part. Agreed?”
What could I say? I loved Her and Couldn’t bear to be without Her. “Yes my love, I will do anything you ask of me.”
“Well, then the answer is YES. I’d love to marry you. And until the day we are married, our sex life will be as it always has was. But remember, when we make our vows on the altar, you will be making a silent vow to obey me in all sexual matters for the rest of your life. I will not back down on this. Refusal on your part, at any time, will result in dividend. Understood?”
“Yes my love.”
Believe it or not, despite the conversation that had just translated, I was on cloud nine – I couldn’t have been happier. Maybe this is what I always wanted. Who knows?
What I do know is that for the term of our engagement, not another word was mentioned about our future sex life. As for our present sex life, I did my best to please Samantha but she was never overbearing or demanding. She remained faithful to me and continued to allow me to make love to Her.
Two nights before our wedding (according to superstition, we would not see each other again until we met on the altar) Samantha reminded me of our agreement and asked if I still wished to comply.
“Yes, most certainly.”
“Well then, tonight is the last time you will make love to me for quite some time. In terms of your sexual activity, consider this our wedding night. But I will make it extra special for you if you agree to one additional condition.”
“Of course my love, what is it?”
“Underneath your tuxedo, I want you to wear a pair of my wound pink panties and a pair of pink pantyhose. Can you handle that?”
“Of course.”
And then we made love like never before. I’d like to think Samantha enjoyed it as well. If not from the physical stimulation then perhaps from the knowledge that She would henceforth and forever more, control when, if, and how I would achieve future orgasms.
The next day was a blur, running errands and tying up loose ends. I had our best man pick up our luggage and deliver it to our honeymoon suite so that we wouldn’t have to both with it on our wedding night. As for the wedding itself, it went off beautifully. When we got into the limo (we had our own limo all to ourselves) Samantha ordered me to knee in front of her and pull down my pants.
“I’m glad to see you wearing your panties and pantyhose. Pull them down for me so I can install your chatity device. I got you a cb-2000 because it is plastic — you’ll have no problem wearing it through the airport.
“Get used to wear it. Aside from the times I grant you permission to ejaculate or when it is removed for cleaning, it is to remain locked on you. How often it comes off depends on your behavior and my whim though I’m sure we can find time for you to release at least once on our honeymoon.
“But, while I’ll be having multiple orgasms tonight, you will remain locked in your cb-2000. And you will obey every command I give you. Tonight is more than our first night of marriage — it is a test to see if you are a man of your word.
“Now open that bottle of champione and let’s celebrate”
And we drank our champione as the limo whisked us to our reception. Just before we gotThere, Samantha asked me to give her my glass. Pulling her panties aside, she placed the glass below Her Pussy and filled it with Her Golden Nectar. As She handed me the glass She said:
“I’m sure you don’t want your new Bride to use a cold, unsanitary, public restroom when she has her gallant personal urinal kneeing before her?”
“No Mistress, I’d be honored to serve you in this manner” and then I gulped down the heavenly beverage She had provided for me.
“Not so fast…in the future you will learn to savor My Nectar.” And with that She spit into my mouth before we exited the limo.
After the reception, we went to the hotel. Our suite was on the 15th floor so we took the glass elevator. Once inside the glass vehicle, Mistress ordered me to knee as she placed a collar around my neck and attached a leash to it. When the elevator doors opened Samantha pulled me along with the leash while I crawled on my hands and knees to keep up with her. When we got to our room,Samantha sat on my back and rode me like a pony as we crossed the threshold.
Once inside, Samantha ordered me to remove my shirt and my undershirt. Opening up her suitcase, She removed a black bra. “Come over here” She ordered. I did as She said and suddenly I felt her putting the bra on me.
“OK, now put a white shirt on.” You could clearly see the outline of the bra under my shirt.
“As you know, I’m going to have sex tonight. I’ve already chosen my lover. But I have two problems. First, he wants a blowjob and you know how I hate to do that. And second, he wants to have anal sex, which I refuse to do. That’s where you come in.
“I want you to go to the bar and order a drink. When the waitress arrives with your drink, ask her where the men’s room is. After she’s left, take a cocktail napkin and go to the men’s room. Enter one of the stalls, closing (but not locking) the door behind you. Place your cocktail napkin so that it straddles the top of the door.
“The next man to enter that stall will be my lover. You are to suck his cock until he shoots his sperm all over your face. Do not refuse this…I’m sure you don’t want our marriage getting off on the wrong foot.
“I will be sitting at your table waiting for your return. You are to step out of the bathroom and return to your seat. Heaven help you if your face isn’t covered in sperm. Do I make myself understand?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Then get going.”
And so, after having to endure the glares of all the patrons in the bar, especially the beautiful waitress who delivered my drink, I made my way to the Men’s room. As instructed, I closed the stall door and placed my cocktail napkin on top of the door. I then sat down and waited for Mistress’ love to enter.
I tried to imagine whose cock I’d be sucking? Would I enjoy it, would he enjoy it? What would he taste like? Would I please My Mistress?
After several false alarms, the door to the stall opened. Mistress hadchosen a young stud. Dennis couldn’t have been more than 21 years old and had the looks of a classic mid western farm boy, kind of wholesome. Until I noticed his skintight jeans couldn’t hide what looked to be a nine inch one eyed monster.
“I want you to know that I’m not gay. But I love to get my cock sucked and I can’t wait to make love to your wife — especially on your wedding night. Now get to work!”
I reached out and pulled him towards me. With a shaking hand, I unsnapped his jeans and then I hesitated. This was a turning point. If I maintained my strict heterosexual orientation I would lose Samantha. She promised that She’d dividend me if I disobeyed me. As She also said, this was a test to see if I was a man of my word.
It really wasn’t that difficult of a choice. Suck another man’s cock or lose all contact with the Woman I loved.
“What’s the delay? I thought I gave you an order!”
As I opened my mouth to answer him, he shoved his mammoth cock into mymouth. Suddenly I was filled with his massive shaft. I could feel his pulse on my tongue. His cock tasted wonderful and I loved the texture as it slip in and out of my mouth. Indeed I felt a sense of regret when he removed his cock from my mouth. But I knew what to do next to please my Mistress. I closed my mouth and moved my face into position to receive Dennis’ sperm.
Now I know what the expression “hot & heavy” means. I feel spurt after spurt of his glorious come hit my face, coating every square inch with Dennis’ sperm.
Dennis waited in the men’s room as I left to meet my Mistress. On the way to our table I ran into the waitress who had served me earlier. One glance at my face and her smile was soon replaced by a look of contempt and utter disgust. Mistress, on the other hand, had a Very different reaction…She laughed. “Looks like Dennis missed a spot,” She said as She spat on my face, covering the one million Dennis missed. “Now get up to the 15th floor and waiton your knees by the elevator for Dennis and I to return. I expect to see Dennis’ gift hardening on your face the next time we meet.”
“Yes Mistress.”
And so I waited on my knees by the elevator for over an hour. Finally my Mistress and her Lover emerged from the elevator. “Follow us on your hands and knees, slave.”
When they got to the door, they held each other in a password embrace and kissed deeply. Mistress broke the embrace to issue an order.
“Get your head under my dress. You won’t find any panties there. Instead, I want you to stick your tongue in My Asshole and keep it there.” She then resumed Her password embrace. Finally Mistress ordered me to remove my tongue and the three of us entered the suite. I was stripped, handcuffed and ordered to knee by the side of the bed. The bed was not empty for long as Mistress and Her Lover soon were making love right before my eyes…what a lucky slave I was.
I also got to hear something I obviously had never heard before: the sounds of my Mistress’ orgasm. These were sounds that I had been unable to elicit from Samantha. I truly felt a sense of sorrow that She had been denied such joy for so long. And I felt truly blessed that She still had married me. I would do anything for Her happiness.
Finally after an hour and at least 7 orgasms for Samantha, it came to an end. With my Mistress on top, Dennis finally ejaculated. Samantha rolled over onto Her back and ordered Dennis to release me so that I could clean his cock.
After a few minutes of this Mistress noticed that Her Lover was once again erect.
“Slave, knee between my legs and clean My Pussy. I want it to be sperm free. As a reward, I’m going to allow Dennis to rape your asshole.”
“Thank you Mistress,” as I began to extract another man’s sperm from my Wife’s Pussy. I wouldn’t rest until She was clean and I could once again taste Her lovely ambrosia.
Meanwhile Dennis was ramming his cock into my asshole.It hurt like hell but once it was in, my body adjusted to it and I began to love it. I had never felt anything so great as this. Alas it was over all too soon. Just as I had removed the last vestiges of Dennis’ sperm from Samantha’s pussy, I felt spurt after spurt of Dennis’ sperm shooting into my asshole. It felt wonderful and I was truly sorry when he removed his cock from inside of me.
Dennis had to leave but Mistress told me to stay on the bed, lying on my stomach with my head resting on a pillow. She got up to walk Dennis to the door and give him a good night kiss.
After the door closed, I heard Samantha rummaging around in one of her suitcases.
“Get up on all fours, spread your legs and face the wall slave. And not one word from your mouth.”
Mistress then got up on the bed behind me. Soon I felt something poking my asshole…She was wearing a stick on and She began to fuck me, thus truly consummating our marriage vows. Every so often She would withdraw andhave me lick Dennis’ sperm off her strap on. When She tired, She simply collapsed on top of me with the straw on still inside of me. As I drifted off to sleep, I reflected on my day. I realized how lucky I was…this was going to be a great marriage.
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