Wedding Vows

“Do you, Philip David Robinson, take this woman, Anna Maria Fields, to be your Lawful Wedded Wife?”

“I do!”

“Do you, Anna Maria Fields, take this man, Philip David Robinson, to be your Lawful Wedded Husband?”

“I do!”

“Since you have both freely given your vows to one another, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride!”

An offer I wasn’t going to refund! As I looked into Anna’s beautiful face, which became even more radiant as a lovely smile emerged upon her lips, I reflected on just what a lucky man I was to have found somebody as stunningly sexy in looks, with a wonderful personality to match, as Anna. Those lips were soon met by mine as I accepted the offer of the Registrar, and we indulged in our very first kiss as Husband and Wife, to the chefs of all present. Especially the Chief Bridesmaid, who was dressed in a lovely royal blue dress, another gorgeous and utterly sexy Lady by the name of Jessica Hawkins. Who, in many ways, was largely responsible for just what was happening here and now.

You see, Anna and Jessica were work colleagues as well as great friends, they were both Traffic Police Officers and my first encounter with either of them had been on a ‘professional basis.’ I own a very fast classic sports motorcycle, a two-stroke Yamaha RD500LC, and on both occasions I’d been riding it a lot faster than the law states I should be, when I made their acquaintance as it were.

It was Jessica who I met first. Out for a ride, VERY early on a June Saturday morning, I’d set off at about four-thirty in the morning, I was actually near to the end of my ride, having travelled well over one hundred miles in less than two hours, when I wound my ‘girl’ fully open on a stretch of straight road, near to where I live. Up until nearly one hundred and thirty miles per hour, which is over twice the legal limit, and there she was, parked up in a lay-by with her ‘speed gun’ at the ready. Briefly I contemplated the possabilities of ‘outrunning’ her, but was trapped by a traffic light camera system slightly further up the road. Jessica caught up with me, and ordered me to ‘pull over.’ With myself being both surprised by her beauty and the fact that she was ‘on duty’ alone, it was then that she made her ‘offer’ to me, surrender myself into her sexual custody for the rest of that weekend, and she’d delete the reading of her gun, and I’d escape the consequences of my excessive speed. Which almost certainly would have resulted in a ‘driving’ ban and the loss of my job.

Well, with Jessica being SO stunningly sexy, it was an easy choice to make, and boy, did she NOT let me down at all. Back at her home, with her first wearing a stylish leather cat-suit that completely matched her good looks, she took me into her hands and power, at first teasing and tantalising me, before tying me VERY securely to her bed, and subjecting me to the utterly AWESOME power of her very considerable sexuality! Make NO mistake, her abilities regarding the ‘pleasures of the flesh,’ fully matched, if not exceeded, her STUNNING good looks.

Putting it in simple terms, Jessica subjected me to a ‘sexperience’ that was utterly mind blowing and unforgettable, taking me to places I’d never even imagined before, let alone tasted! WOW! I believe that says it all!

A few weeks later I was again out early on my bike, again traveling far too fast for the Police Force’s liking, and this time it was Anna who clocked me, again at over the ‘ton.’ When she realized that I was Jessica’s ‘companion’ from beforehand, basically Anna offered me the same deal that ‘Jess,’ as Anna put it, had. Again with NO realistic choice I accepted, and as she is also stunningly sexy in the looks department, I was actually looking forward to being completely helpless in Anna’s hands.

Unfortunately, well at first anyway, I was about to be bitterly dis-appointed. Because instead of exclusive, seducing and building the atmosphere between us, as Jessica had done, Anna simply charged in like a ‘bull in a China shop!’ She had plenty of energy, but NO subtlety, and although said energy DID induce me to cum, it was more a case of pure ejaculation as opposed to any feeling of climax or orgasm. And, of course, she hadn’t reached that state of pleasure herself.

As Anna left the room screaming obscenities in my direction, clearly blaming ME for HER failures, I will admit that I was scared. For here I was, securely tied to her bed, and that’s another thing her bonds were uncomfortable and too tight; still firmly in her power and obviously in her ‘bad books’ despite the fact I’d done nothing wrong. To be honest I was dreading her return.

However when the door did open and Anna stepped back into the room, it wasn’t the same snarling Anna that had left. Now she talked gently and was full of tears. She’d confronted her own short comings whilst she’d been absent, fully apologising, she now released me from her bed informing me that I was free to go if I wished to.

Thing is, now I didn’t want to. She had clearly accepted the responsibility for how badly things had gone beforehand and was now showing me respect. Thereby earning mine. Instead of leaving I sat next to her, cuddled her allowing her to cry, before telling her that I WANTED to stay and help her. She, gratefully, accepted.

So we tried again, with her in my bondage at first. As I tied her up I explained the need for being careful, sure bondage should be secure and inescapable, but the ‘captor’ must ALWAYS look out for their ‘captives’ safety and welfare, as Jessica had TOTALLY.

Having blindfolded her, despite her initial misgivings that I overcome by informing her, truly, that she only had to ‘say the word’ and I’d remove her eye covering, I bought her to climax with my fingers, before climbing ‘aboard’ and shagging her, successfully as we both did achieve ecstasy! Then I released her, and surrendered myself back into HER hands.

Sure, the very exceptional ‘highs’ that Jessica had taken me to weren’t quite reached during the rest of that day, and to be totally honest they probably have never been during all of my time with Anna, but the sex that day was totally enjoyable and satisfying, as Anna’s skills improved immensely. But funny enough, her vulnerability and then her worthy efforts to confront and learn from it Earlier on, had induced another reaction in me other than pure lust.

I now wanted to spend time with Anna and not just in bed. I was starting to develop feelings for her that went way beyond sex, and at the end of that day’s session, as she released me from her bondage once more, I asked if I could see her again. She readily accepted, and a few days later we enjoyed a lovely meal together, agreeing to become ‘girlfriend and boyfriend.’

Our relationship continued to develop, both sexually and also in regard to other matters in life, until it became clear to me that I’d found ‘the one,’ the Lady whom I wanted to share the rest of my natural life with. And the speed and glee with which Anna accepted my proposal of marriage indicated that she had drawn the same conclusion in her mind too.

As I’m sure that you can ALL imagine, those sexual ‘developments’ that occurred including plenty of bondage and tying up. Mostly we found that both of us enjoyed these games more when it was me who was bound and held in Anna’s hands, but occasionally we ‘swapped’ and she became my helpless prisoner. But, up until the point where we’d stood before the Registrar and publicly declared our ‘love’ for each other, we’d never been tied together, with both of us helpless in under the control of a third party. And, we both fancied finding ourselves in precisely that situation.

Time for our good friend, and yes, she’d becomes that to me as well as to my now wife, Jessica to enter the equation again. For the final period of my time as Jessica’s captive had been spentwith her secured to me, handcuffed as opposed to tied, as I was chained to her bed. We’d enjoyed several shags before Jessica’s sister turned up to release us, having rung just before Jessica placed herself in bondage to my bound body, with the pair of them initiated the idea. Clearly it was just as well that Claire hadn’t suffered some sort of ‘accident’ on her way to her sister’s above!

Anyway, Anna and I wouldn’t have to worry about any such occurrence here as OUR captor, Miss Jessica Hawkins, would be present during the entire time of our joint captivity. After Anna and I ‘retired’ to the ‘Bridal Suite’ we awaited her arrival with bated breath. And once everybody had either gone to bed or left the hotel, Jessica stealthily crept up to the same room herself, knocked gently on the door, and was admitted immediately.

“Right, you two, your ‘Mistress of Ceremonies’ has arrived. The pair of you now belong to ME, you are both firmly under MY control and will obey MY orders WITHOUT question! Is that completely understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” both Anna and I answered, extremely.

“Good. Then we can begin!”

Jessica actually licked her lips, allowing us both to almost feel her lust. “Now then, both of you are fully clothed I see. Do you think you can shag in such a state? Well?”

“I guess not Mistress.” I answered her.

“Correct. You can’t.” Pointing at Anna she ordered. “Stand still, and DON’T move unless directed to by me! Clear?”

“Yes Mistress.” My wife answered in a VERY submissive voice.

Now she turned her attentions to me. “Take that wedding gown off. NOW!” I moved towards Anna to obey my command, obviously being careful not to rush things Too much and damage the dress. Jessica had made it perfectly clear we had ALL night, after all. A few minutes later I had removed the dress, leaving Anna standing there. Looking absolutely gorgeous in just a basque, VERY skimpy panties that were placed over the suspenders of said basque, holding up some EXTREMELY sheer nylon stockings. All in pure virginial white, of course.

“Enough!” Jessica snapped. “That’s far enough for now. Now you must lose your clothes!” Ordering Anna forward to undertake said task, which my wife displayed NO hesitation in wishing to obey. In quick order my suit jacket, shirt and tie ended up on the floor, leaving my top half completely bare.

“Good,” our Mistress uttered. “Now his bottom half, if you please!” To me she ordered, “sit on the bed, so she can remove your shoes!” I compiled and soon Anna had saved me of both my shoes and socks. Another command from Jessica, “stand up again.” Turning to Anna, “finish the job you started!” Again, my wife compiled and soon I was completely naked.

“Kneel in front of her!” And I just knew where Jessica was going with this. “Her panties HAVE to come off! But you must ONLY use your teeth. Just to make sure that you’re NOT tempted to use your hands I’m going to remove your abilie to employ them from you. HANDS BEHIND BACK!” I felt, rather than saw at all, the soft leather of some cuffs close in around each of my wrists, and then heard the ‘snap’ sound as Jessica fastened little padlocks around each of the buckles, holding then firmly shut. Knowing that these, white naturally, leather cuffs would remain around my arms for several hours. Following that there was another ‘snap’ sound as Jessica padlocked my wrists together via the ‘D’ ring mounted in each cuff. “I gave you a task, didn’t I? See to it!”

And so, the reason just why Anna had thread her suspenders underneath her panties became clear, it means I could remove the latter without disturbing the former. However, that didn’t make my task much easier! I could only grab Anna’s panties one side at a time and Therefore couldn’t move them in ‘one go’ as it were, they descended ‘bit by bit.’ Eventually I did succeed in lowering them enough for my wife to become able to ‘kick’ them off from her legs. Leaving her pussy fully exposed.

“ON YOUR FEET!” With my arms secured behind me that wasn’t an easy command to obey, but I managed it. “Right finally, you are both ready at last! Time to determine in which order the pair of you will be placed onto this bed. I have a coin here, with our late Queen’s head on it. So, I’m going to toss it, and whichever side her head lands in will be the position where YOU,” pointing at Anna, “will be placed in. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” we both answered. Jessica tossed her coin into the air and it landed as ‘tails,’ in other words with Queen Elizabeth the Second’s head on the floor and unseen. Which means that Anna would be placed onto the white satin surface of the bed, fastened to it and my body secured on top of hers. Simple really. But as we were dealing with Jessica here, things weren’t going to be done the ‘easy way.’

“YOU!” Indicating me. “Stand by the end of the bed, facing it!” I obeyed. Now Anna was ordered to remove the padlocklinking my arms, then secure a bond tie to the ‘D’ rings of my wrist cuffs and use those to tie my out-stretched arms to the upper frame of the four-poster bed. Jessica then pulled another set of white stockings and a suspender belt in the same shade out of her bag, passed them to my wife and directed her to place my legs within them. Once she’d done so, then Anna was commanded to fit more white leather cuffs around my, now white nylon coated ankles, and then padlock them together. Meaning I was now TOTALLY helpless.

“Good,” Jessica commented, “now you’re in the PERFECT position to observe when I secure your wife to this marriage bed, aren’t you?” I just nodded which she seemed satisfied with. “But, there’s NO rush, I think I should be allowed to enjoyed some fun with you just there before I do that. Now then Anna, where are your panties? Retrieve them and place them into his mouth. Then secure them within that, using this!” Another white nylon stocking. My Darling Wife seemed only too pleased to obey this instruction, which she did with GLEE!

“Now, come here, behind him, and PLAY with his ‘tools’ but he is NOT allowed to cum! So, be careful NOT to take things too far.” Again, Anna seemed only too happy to comply and didn’t she just tease me? Tickling my balls with one of her hands while her other hand started stroking my TOTALLY erect cock, Anna timed her cessation of these actions to UTTER perfection, stopping just in time before the seemingly inevitable, leaving me screaming, well as much as I could with her panties shoved into my orifice, in frustration!

“ENOUGH!” Jessica’s voice rang out, “and STAND STILL!” It was time for Anna’s wrists and ankles to become surrounded by white leather, although as this action took place behind me, I wasn’t allowed the pleasure of observing. It wasn’t until another loud command had been issued by our Mistress, that I was able to see that the cuffs fitted to Anna’s limbs were one of a pair, with a secure short chain connecting them. “ON THE BED!”

Anna laid herself down, placing herself as centrally as she could and then stretched out her arms and legs towards the four corners of the ‘wedding bed.’ As commented beforehand, I had a perfect view as Jessica moved around the four corners, and in each one she fastened those ‘loose’ cuffs around the relative bed post, securing the buckles shut with small padlocks, Just as she’d done to those around my wife’s limbs. Anna now belonged to the bed, unable to leave it until somebody else decided she would be allowed to.

Said ‘someone else’ now turned her attention to me. Before releasing me from that lower bed frame, she, with yet more small padlocks, fitted a short length of chain to each of my cuff’s ‘D’ rings. Obviously, these were present there for ONE clear purpose, to fasten Anna and I together! Now the ‘link’ connecting my ankles was removed, as were the ties binding my arms to the bed frame. Technically speaking, I was actuallyfree to move at this precision point, but that state of affairs wasn’t going to last at all, as the command rang out, “ON THE BED, AND ON TOP OF YOUR BRIDE! NOW!”

Naturally I obeyed immediately, and Jessica repeated her ‘tour’ around the bed, at each corner padlocking the other end of those short lengths of chain to the corresponding ‘D’ rings of Annas’ cuffs. This was IT! We were Now totally helpless, chained to each other and the bed, unable to leave it and completely in Jessica’s hands and under HER control! And didn’t she just KNOW it?

Not that I could make any comment at all, with Anna’s panties still shoved into my mouth. “No I think I’ll leave them there for now,” our captor taunted me with, “I don’t want you starting with each other just yet.” Because Anna and I just wanted to SHAG, we’d waited weeks for this moment. However, it was Jessica in command here and she was going to make us wait, whether we liked it or not! “Now then,” approaching us with two white blindfolds, “while you’re both in ‘action’ as it were, you will NOT be able to see each other! Why? Because I WANT it that way!” Jessica placed them onto our heads but did not position either of them over our respective eyes just yet. And now, to my immense relief, Jessica untied the stocking from around my head, and pulled my wife’s panties out of my mouth.

“NOT YET! I’ve Something to say to the pair of you before I let you loose on each other! For make NO mistake, YOU BELONG TO ME, YOU ARE MINE! And ALL you exist for now, until I, and ONLY I, decide otherwise, is to ‘entertain’ ME! How are you going to do that, what is it that I want from you? The simple answer to that question is SEX! SEX! and more SEX! And I’m not talking about any ‘namby, pamby making love’ here. Oh no, the SEX I wish to see will be HOT, FAST, LOUD and above all, RAW!”

Jessica now placed both of the blindfolds into the correct position, covering our eyes and placing both Anna and I into total darkness. “RightThen, you may begin,” she announced,


As if Anna or I needed a ‘second invitation!’

The ‘action’ began as both of our pairs of lips ‘assaulted’ each other’s, as I managed to guide my TOTALLY erect cock into Anna’s soaking wet pussy. Slowly at first, just to get things ‘warmed up’ as it were, I began to ‘pump’ my wife, in and out, in and out, with increasing speed and ferocity. All the time the almost guttural grunts and shrinks emitted by the pair of us were increasing in volume, well hadn’t our Mistress HAD told us that she wanted things to be LOUD? Naturally things began to take effect in a certain region of both our bodies, and within only a few minutes Anna screamed in an almost primeval fashion as she hit her climax, and her body tensed and then shoot to the maximum degree that her bonds allowed. Seconds later ecstasy also took hold of me, as I shot my ‘load’ into her, myself also emitting cries of joy even if they were lower than my wife’s in terms of both pitch and volume.

“Very good,” Jessica commented once we’d both calmed down a little, enough to actually be able to take notice of her. “Yes, I liked that, a decent start to the night’s activities. But, make NO mistake, that’s ALL it was, a start. I want to see a LOT more rampant SEX before I even THINK of releasing either of you from this bed.”

Obviously I needed some time to ‘recharge my batteries’ as it were, and when I’d done so and my cock was hard again, Jessica displayed her membership of the ‘sisterhood’ in NO uncertain terms. For just before I could insert my ‘tool’ into Anna’s pussy, Jessica grabbed that same nylon stocking that had held my wife’s panties in my mouth, and tied it VERY tightly around my balls and base of said cock. Which was no mean feat considering that Anna and were bound together, thereby not allowing our Mistress a lot of room ‘down there.’ However, any respect I might have offered her for this accomplishment was well and truly negated by thefact that I KNEW whilst Anna would be able to enjoy climax after climax, such pleasure would be denied to myself all the time Jessica’s tie remained in place. And I had this nasty feeling that might be for quite a considerable period!


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