“Don’t raise your voice at me, young lady! This is the cheapest school that I will allow to teach my daughter.”
The conversation replayed in 19-year-old Chastity’s mind over and over. Her skin-flint father was sending her to the cheapest private school in the state. This school was cheap in all the worst ways. The textbooks never matched the subject the crabby, deaf as hell instructors were “teaching”, most of the male staff members were total creeps to the female students and the campus security was less than satisfied.
Walking down the street to the crosswalk, the redhead pulled down her red plaid skirt, as the breeze was making it fly upward. Not only did her father refuse to send her to an adequate school, he refuses to get her a bigger size uniform because it was “too expensive”; even though he was the 3rd richest man in the entire country. He wouldn’t even let her have a cell phone!
So now, not only was her skirt too short for regulations (nearly showing her crisp, white panties every time she took a step) but her white dress shirt was too tight in the chest area, making her G-cup tits stand out against the other girls’ chests. She never even wore a bra because she could never find the right size and they were so uncomfortable. It didn’t matter anyway, the female students never did P.E. and many of the girls there went without bras as well. It certainly made finder dates easier, too.
Waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green on the nearly deserted road at 7:30 in the am, she didn’t notice the windowless, white panel van that was creeping up behind her. She allows obeyed the rules when she saw fit, and she didn’t want to be run over because she was too careless.
She began crossing the walkway, when suddenly the white panel van sped past her and stopped a few feet away from her. The wind that rushed by causeed her skirt to lift up towards the front, showing off her panties to however was looking at her through the side mirror.
“Watch it, you jac-!” She never finished her cursing as the back doors of the van opened and two bulky men in masks ran at her. They both grabbed her, one of them holding his black-gloved hand over her mouth to silence her now panicked screaming. The other one pulled her arms behind her back, with no problem keeping them straight as he slide them into a single sleep like object, before buckling it, keeping her arms trapped behind her back and rendering them useless. It also resulted in her forcing her large chest out, almost as if they were beginning for someone to grope them.
Meanwhile, the gloved hand was removed from her mouth and a large red ball on two leather straps was pushed between her full, open lips, pushing her tongue down and muffling her shouts. “MMMMMM!”
She was then pulled into the back of the van, one of the thugs holding her down against the metal floor while his buddy closed and locked the doors behind them. The van proceeded to speed along the road, taking the little rich girl to an unknown destination. Her breasts provided a sort of cushion for the rest of her upper body, smushed between her weight and dense floor. Her ankles were then tied together with soft cotton rope by the thug who closed the doors. Her skirt had ridden up, clearly showing her panties to her Takers.
“This went better than expected.” The masked driver commented, probably smiling behind his mask.
“The little cock tease didn’t have any body guards like the others did, I didn’t plan on this being so easy.” The one that closed the doors replied to the driver.
Of course, she didn’t have any bodyguards. Her negligent father didn’t want to “pay for some random men to stand Near you all day and do nothing.” Now look at where her father’s cheap ass got his daughter: bound and ballgagged in BDSM attire in a kidnapper’s van going who knows where.
Actually, Chastity wasn’t afraid in the slightest. She was, in fact, extremely turned on. She shivered at the memory of them manhandling her, how their strong muscles were now sweating from their speed of her capture. She was not an innocent virgin, and had even done bondage sex with some of the other boys from school before, but it never provided a lasting thrill. She didn’t even care if her captors could see her smile forming around the ballgag (however, impossible it was to do). The horny little captive even loved how the obvious leader of the group referred to her as a “cock tease”.
“Blindfold her, B!” The leader demanded.
“Right, A.” Mr. ‘B’ took her school tie from her neck and tied it around Chastity’s blue eyes, leaving her in total darkness with the anticipation building up with What they were going to do to her next.
Footsteps walked by her, before stopping right in front of her. She felt two hands flip her onto her back, her breasts jiggling and rocking with the motion of the vehicle. One of the hands cupped her right breast, making her moan sensitively and slightly arch her back. “Mmmmm.”
“Don’t worry, princess.” Mr. ‘A”s, the leader, voice came into her ear, his hot breath melting against her neck. “Once we have your daddy’s money, we’ll leave you in peace. Just be a good girl and we won’t have to get…physical.”
Through her now sweat-soaked shirt, making it almost see through, he twisted her nipple and she shrieked through the ballgag in a mixture of pain and arousal. “Mmmmmph!”
“Wow, no bra for these huge tits of yours?” He grasped the other breast as well, fondling and generally just playing with them both. His thumbs gliding over her erect nipples, making them ripe for potential clamps. “You really are a cock tease.”
“Mmmm. Mmmmmmph.” She moaned as he released her tits, hearing his footsteps move away from her as he hoped into one of the individual back seats. Chastity’s panties were sowet, she was in complete ecstasy. If only he could make her cum, but she doubted he would let her without some incentive.
“Let’s pick up the pace, C.” Mr. A demanded, making the driver pick up more speed.
During the somewhat half-an-hour drive, Chastity wiggled and rolled around in her bonds. To the captors, it must’ve looked like she was testing her bonds because she could hear them chuckle at her struggles, but in reality she was enjoying them. She had never experienced an armbinder before; her arms were forced straight behind her, the leather hugging her pale arms just right. She could still bend them, but they would still be useless. Did she also mention that it forced out her tits?
Eventually the vehicle stopped moving all together and she heard Mr. C put the gear in park. The driver’s door opened, along with the back doors after the other two captors got past her and were now behind them.
“Should we keep this one in the guest room this time?” Mr. B asked.They were discussing where to keep her.
“Nah.” Replied Mr. A. “Let’s use the basement. I had it redone for our future money-tickets to keep them down there. Plus, I’ve got some toys that I want to try out.”
“Alright. Get her down there, I’ll go hide the van in the usual spot.” Mr. C said.
She was suddenly pulled out by her legs and made to sit on the edge of the car. Her ankles were untied, but she then felt the rope being loosely wound around her neck, like a leash.
“Alright, cock tease,” Mr. A grabbed her chin and and gently made her look at his direction with her blindfold still on. “My friend is going to lead you inside and I’ll follow right behind you. Don’t try any tricks, cause we’re keeping the blindfold on until we get down to the basement. Am I clear?”
Chastity nodded. “Mm-hm.”
A pull on the makeshift leash signed for her to hop out of the van. The mid-morning sun immediately warmed her skin, contrasting to the coldness in the van. It was windy, as she felt her skirt rising up and showing her captors her wet panties. This just made her feel more naughty and more turned on.
“Damn, you’re wet as fuck.” Mr. A laughed, spanking her ass and watching it jiggle.
“Mmm!” She was then blindly led up a concrete pathway, her tits bouncing with her motion. God, if only they would give her a crotch rope. She Was stopped before hearing a door open and was pulled inside the building that they kept secret. She was stopped again and this time she was forced to stand while one of them took off her shoes and knee-high socks. Her long legs and thunder tights were now shown for everyone to see.
After being navigated through a few hallways, she was eventually picked up and carried down a series of stands that led to presumably the basement. It was slightly colder down here than it was upstairs. She was then gently placed on a sheeted mattress before her blindfold was removed, as stated earlier. Her captor, Mr.A , as she guessed by his build and his intense gaze on her heaving chest, still wore his mask. She could feel her nipples hardening against the clothes of her tight shirt.
The concrete room was light by three fairly bright bulbs, showing a work table with various bondage equipment on it, including gags, whips, cuffs, you name it. A large wooden X with restraints on each end of the shape was placed Against the wall to her right. In the middle of the room, there was a long wooden table with a pair shadows on both ends connected to it, kind of like a medical rack except without the crrank that makes the victims stretch.
Suddenly, she felt something being locked around her neck. It was a loose metal collar that was connected to the wall by a fairly short chain. She was chained to the wall like a real prisoner.
“Now let’s make sure you’re more comfortable.” Mr. A breathed out.
Chastity didn’t even fight him as he replaced her armbinder with something that was similarr to it, except it kept her arms in a sort of box-tie behind her back. Her legs were then tied in a frog-tied position, now being forced to spread her legs and short skirt to show off her soaking panties for all.
Mr. A stood back and admired his work. Even against his all black attire, she could notice a bulge appearing in his pants.
He then knelt back down and began recovering his playtime with her tits, feeling them up and rolling her pert buds through her shirt. Chastity squirmed and squealed, thrusting her chest into his hands. When it suddenly stopped and his hands pulled away, the redhead while in disappointment. She then looked up to see Mr. A giving her a quizzical look, as much as Chastity could see with his mask still on.
After a few moments of silence, Mr. A finally asked. “Are you enjoying this?” He palmed her moist panties, feeling her juices and throbbing bud through the clothes.
Chastity eagerly answered yes, nodding her head rapidly. “Mm-hm.” She thrust her chest back out, making them bounce for his attention.
He smiled. Walking over to a nearby pile of coiled rope, he picked up a pair of metallic clips and few coils of rope and looked back at Chastity, a devilish look in his eyes. “Well, then, I’ll need to punish you for making too much noise.”
Within seconds, her school shirt was ripped off, her giant tits bouncing and swinging. Her nipples hardened as they were fully exposed to the basement’s cold air flow. After watching them for a moment, Mr. A used some of the rope to make a sort of harness around her breast, not really squeezing them but it keep them together with her hard nipples perfectly symmetrical with each other.
Taking the metallic clips, he pinched her nubs, making her squeal in a mix of pain and ecstasy as the clips bit into each of her pert nipples. A chained connected to two clamps, making everything that much harder.
Then, Mr. A produced a pair of scissors and she was immediately relievedd of her panties and skirt, leaving only her ripped open shirt.
None of the bondage that the other schoolboys had used on her had ever riled her up this much!
Chastity was suddenly pushed on her back. Her pussy was wide open for him to ravish her, but apparently that wasn’t his intent. Another coil was rope was then tied around her waist and in between her legs, making a crotch rope that asserted itself Against her bare, dripping pussy. The redhead wondered how this was supposed to be a punishment, she was enjoying this.
“You like that?” Mr. A asked in a teasing voice. He had yet to pull her upright.
“Mmmm hmmmm.” Chastity nodded truthfully, trying to smile with the monstrous ball gag still in her mouth.
“Not for long.” Mr. A smiled. From within his pocket, he pulled out a little bullet vibrator attached to a cord and remote. Chastity keep her legs wide open s she felt him push the crotch rope to the side and insert the egg into her lubricated pussy. Onceit was far enough inside of her, he put the rope back into place, tightening it in the process. “Hot damn, you’re not a virgin, are you?”
The redhead shook her head ‘no’.
Chatity was then pulled back upright, her tits and the chain jiggling. He then tucked the remote part in the rope that circled her waist and pressed one of the buttons, the lowest setting of the vibrator.
The victory instantly caused her to begin her pitiful mewls through the gag. Her eyes to the back of her head at the feeling of pleasure inside of her. Her hips instinctively tried to buck, but with little movement. The rope between her legs was covering in her flowing juices as the rope rubbed her clip.
“Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmmmmm.” Chastity tried to plead with her eyes at her captor to turn it up just a notch. “Mmmph! Mmmh mhm mhmmmmhph!”
Mr. A was only struggling his dick through his pants and watching his new source of entertainment. “Sorry, cocktease. This is your punishment for being sonoisy.” He gave each title a solid upward slap with his bare hand, watching her massive breasts jump and bounce in response to the action.
Suddenly a voice from upstairs called for Mr. A. Her captor cursed and walked up the stone steps, leaving her alone to her torture. Moaning into her gag, the vibrator kept up its relentless assault on her clip.
Her body was covered in sweat, with her bangs sticking to her forward and her stocking absorbing the secreted liquid between the closed pits of her legs.
Four minutes had gone by before she was greeted by the sound of the door and three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Mr. A, Mr. B, and Mr. C all stood before her.
Mr. A was smiling relatively, while Mr. B and C stared down at the bound, gagged, and horny schoolgirl with lust-ridden eyes. From her tits down to her dripping pussy, they were mesmerized by their leader’s bondage expertise.
“Damn, she’s fucking hot.” Mr. B said under his breath.
Mr. AThen bent down and yanked on her clamp chain. That was all it took for her to finally reach her orgasm. She screamed through her gag and her juices exploded from her pussy and dripped from the ropes and onto the mattress. Her entire body trembled after the shock of her release.
“Alright, cocktease.” Mr. A’s voice barely registered with her as her head was still reeling from all the pleasure. He turned off the vibrator and pulled it by the cord out of her taint. “Apparently you’ll be staying here a little longer than we thought.”
“Hmm?” She was finally able to gain control of her body and tilted her head to the side in confusion.
“Your dad doesn’t want to pay your ransom and said that we could just go ahead and keep you.” Mr. C explained, struggling his cock through his pants. “So, that’s what we’ll do.”
She doesn’t know whether to curse her father or to thank him.
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