Slutty CEO Switch 04

It seemed as though she was still on good ground. The younger blonde man was standing tall and happy with his cock very definitely up, having enjoyed her attentions from his win in the last round.

The older, balding man looked slightly more beaten but resolute and similarly at attention without problem. She had expected a red mark on his cock where she had hit it, but nothing had appeared, contrary to his backside which was crisscrossed with red stripes from her whip.

Never in her life had she had two men at her complete sexual disposal before and she was reveling in it, building their trust and obedience with each phase and using the experience and their disappoint for her own narcissistic enjoyment.

The next task was endurance however. She explained that they were going to put their bodies into a stress position, and the winner was the one who could maintain it for as long as possible without movement. The winner would of course get pleasure and points added to the chart. “The loser would…” She left the words hanging in the air, fully aware that they knew exactly what the punishment would be by now.

The Goddess pose was a yoga position she had come across several years previously and was perfect for this stage of the game. It involved spreading the feet as wide as possible pointing to the sides, sinking the hips to knee height and usually meeting hands at the chest as though in prayer.

It burned at the calves and thighs.

She would expect the men to do this and hold their arms out straight too, without them sagging. An added complication and pain for them. The added benefit for her, as she saw it, was that both their ball sacks and genitalia would hang unimpeded below the bodies within height for some mischievous fun. After how they had made her walk from the car to the office block completely naked, she so wanted to give both those jewels a prod or kick.

‘Reign it in,’ she told herself. No point spoiling such a good thing, unless they were really asking for it of course.

No timer was necessary and the clear winner would be the one who hung on longer than the other.

Clarification given. Go.

It was apparent immediately that the older man was much better at this task than the younger one, a surprise turn of events considering the pain he must have been in. His arms held parallel to the floor, unmoving in their position and a smile on his face at his company’s lack of ability. The younger man seemed to have no balance whatsoever and lasted barely fifteen seconds the first time, resulting in a whip across his buttocks and her hands on the older man’s cock for the first time.

Having learned from earlier, he kept himself as still as possible as possible as her hands lovingly caressed his cock, quickly rising to meet her lips when she bowed to please him. She tried to keep it fair and wanked him too, stopping only when the precum started to flow.


They resumed the Goddess pose, and the younger man lasted longer this time, losing out once more after several minutes. The older man had his cock sucked once more and she could tell that he was closer than ever to a cum when she stopped.

The third time it seemed like fear had struck the younger man and despite the fact that his muscles were obviously screaming in pain, matched the older man for duration.


Could she up the ante somehow?

Squatting down between them, she reached both her hands up and started to tug at both their cocks. At any other time, she would have been pleased to take one of these in each end, submissively bending for their ease of access to her, hellbent on getting them to cum at the same time and wondering how often they could switch ends to make her repeatedly taste herself.

Despite the pain they were in, the younger man’s cock grow quickly in her hand. Desperately trying to put them off holding the position, she gripped, pulled, squeezed and wanked both to see what would happen.

The older man’s cock slowly resumed its full erection too, and now she could see the purple veins of complete arousal down his length. It felt firm and eager for her and once more, she got the impression that he was very close to spurting into her face and over her hands.

The younger man was wavering and it certainly looked like a victory for the other when it all went wrong for the older man and his arms dropped to her hair, the excitement a little too much for him. He was only human, and she had taken him further than he had ever been without option to complete. He was obviously aching to force his cock into her and was just about prepared to control the issue, despite his current slave status.

Standing up immediately, a callous look of indifference and disgust on her face, she awarded the younger man the overall win and the points. Secretly she was pleased that her manipulation of their situation had destroyed the man’s resolve,but that would never be spoken of.

Watching the older man’s cock twitching pathically with how close he had been and how desperate he had been to hold her head and ejaculate down her throat, she switched to administrator a loving and sloppy blow job to the other, casting her eyes up to catch the older man’s look of disappointment and desperation.

The older man was panting and for the first time she could see some doubt in His face. He was beside himself with frustration and obviously hyperventilating to explore his announcement.

The Mistress role had to continue though, and after standing up, she glared at him square in the face as she smoked again at his penis. This swipe was far harder than the last clout and she felt her own malicious glee at her nervous.

There was an audible groan of pain, but actually his cock was still rampant and she had caught his helmet which must have hurt a lot more than smacking whilst it hung down. Not that she cared that much, but itwas interesting to know.

It means that the younger man had twenty points on the chart to the person B’s zero. He smiled smugly at the older man’s chagrin, though, it was interesting to notice, the two men still refused to look down at each other’s cock.

The two men looked exhausted after their efforts and she felt some sympathy for that. She herself had never been physically exhausted in such a fashion and the sensible part of her could tell that they needed hydration. That would have to wait for a moment though, despite the jug of fresh water on the conference table and the group of clean glasses ready for use.

It helped her decision making process to pretend she needed to check her emails on her phone. She needed to pause to think, the formulation of a much worse task for them building in her mind and the need to think it through first.

She sashayed to her chair and seated herself, allowing her skirt to ride up and showing the men her state of dress and arousal.

“Heel!” Her free hand clicked her fingers at the men, who towered over her whilst she was seated.

Uncertainly, with a quick glance at each other they both stepped forward to her feet and slowly sat on the ground, initially cross legged but opening their ankles apart at perception from the whip.

“Sit closer,” she instructed and watched them both shuffle closer so that she could put a foot in Each lap. With a little pang of pure evil, bearing in mind that she knew that both these men had wanted to abuse her body for the entire workday if they had got their way, she pushed her toes into their stomachs with no care that her siletto heels were now resting on each of their ball sacks.

A raised eyebrow at the one man who tried to shift himself around it and he refused, allowing his slowly shrinking cock to be contorted by the pressure of her foot. The other merely grimaced and leaned forward to alleviate some of the pressure on his more sensitive bits.

Thiswas fun, but she resisted smiling, though she was very close to tapping her feet to see the effect on each man. Fully aware that it had been the men in pain from the Goddess pose, and wanting to rub a little salt into that particular wound, she told them, “My legs need a massage. Get to it,” and leaned back in the chair to look at her phone and pretend to totally ignore them.

She knew that their heads were barely twelve inches from her open legs and that she was positive her lips had divided with her parted legs but thought the view might spur them on. She felt so fucking wet now and as much as it was limited, she felt the resistance once more through her shoes of the men’s genitals. The fact that they were being complicated, though technically manipulated, in their own extreme disappointment, was very arousing.

As the men’s hands found her tights and started to rub, she dropped her left hand to herself and started to tease her lips further apart, easing a finger inside to slowly circle and find the well of miniature.

The older man’s bigger hands were really relaxing, so he got the first taste, the finger held just slightly out of reach so as he had to lean forward to suck it, creating a little more pressure on his ball sack. He groaned but accepted the pain until she replaced her finger back inside herself and he could return to his original angle.

A quick look at the clock. She had another thirty minutes before work had to commence, so she had time to enjoy her massage for the moment.

She knew the men were enjoying the view of her, she caught their eyes raking her naked thighs, cinched waist and spilling breasts. Her pussy was extremely open and she felt almost decadent exposing herself like this to her two employees whom would have, on any other day, jumped on her by now and fucked her hard. But Today, they were colleague and submissive, pinned to the floor by her feet on their most sensitive body parts and eagerly panting at the morsels of her arousal as she deigned to feed it them. Their hands on her legs felt delicious and relieving and exactly what she needed after a drive in and whole morning of work wearing heels.

It was inevitable.

She had to cum again.

Last time she had used their faces and mouths, this time the surprise of her necessity didn’t allow for changing position first, but she hoped for a good squirt. They couldn’t move and all she wanted was to spray them in that moment.

She was panting and happy and her heart was beating fast. The squirt hadn’t come but the orgasm had felt good. She was shuddering with the aftermath, her legs twitching on her feet’s soft foundations and she was positive her head had just blown off.

This time, they watching her had exacerbated her emotions but there was still a slight announcement she hadn’t coated They both in her arousal. She had cum now multiple times and the Mistress role seemed as easy to wear as a second skin.

Collecting her thoughts, she whipped her feet away from between their legs and stood up over them. Points had to be awarded, and to be fair, B, the older man had given a better massage. She would give him the ten points. There was going to be no other reward or punishment this time as the older man seemed very close to cumming and she was definite that that wasn’t going to happen yet, and punishing the younger man didn’t seem right either as he had administratored a fantastic calf massage.

After adding the numbers to the chart, she went over to the glasses and water on the table. Deep breaths girl, she told herself. This next task was the one she had been most unsure about; the one that she was personally embarrassed about and the one that might tip the men from willing obedience into a willful riot.

She three-quarter filled two glasses with water and then took an empty third. An evil gleam in her eye, she went back to the two men and placed the two filled glasses one in front of each, the third betweenn them and in front of her chair where she sat herself once more.

They looked at each other unexpectedly once more. What the fuck was this about? It was obvious they weren’t to touch anything yet.

Yes, they could each drink a glass of water, “but for an extra fifteen points…” Again it was best to show not tell.

She widened her feet and moved her hips to the front edge of the chair, exposing herself to maximum effect. Reaching down, she plucked the empty glass from the floor and held it over her pussy, cupping herself as effectively as she could and leaned forwards.

After that last orgasm, she was dying for a piss, but the combination of two other faces and an unfamiliar seat beneath her bottom prevented immediate evacuation of her bladder. She hoped it would explore quickly before the men had a chance to react or complain, the cogs of understanding turning in their heads.

Of course, it wasn’t immediately and she sat there almost straining at the indignityof trying to piss in full view of her two employees.

The two men didn’t react though, eyeing the whip that was resting against her chair and within easy reach of her. They had been struck before for non-compliance and purple bruises were erupting on the older man’s flesh especially. Fascination more than anything kept them from jumping up and the look on her face told them that they stood no chance if they did.

Staying in Mistress role was important and she snarled at the younger man to, “get back” when he shuffled his position slightly to get a better look at what had always been an exclusively private act for her.

Fear of them running for the hills was dissipating with each passing second and a growing confidence that this was the right way to go, took its place.

It took a few moments, but a couple of deep breaths helped and before too long, the glass was well over half full of her slightly coloured pee. As much as she felt relieve that she had managed to ‘go’in front of these two men, she had to stay in character. Neither had walked away, but were regarding her inquisitively instead.

She placed the glass neighborly and carefully between the other two and sat back in her chair. All eyes had followed her movement and she breathed quickly to dispel the embarrassment of what she had just done and fear of the men’s reaction. Any other time, would there have been laughter or ridicule? This time, to her relief, you could hear a pin drop with the air of expectation on what was to come next.

Stay in Mistress mode.

Offer no quarter.

Her legs were still open and she prepared to be uncaring that her pussy glistened now with residual droplets, many more on her inner thighs. Part of her wanted to make the older man to come lick her clean but the game plan had to come first.

“A reminder that ‘A’ is in the lead by ten points. I am going to count down. On “one”, pick a single glass to drink. Only the middle glass is worth fifteenpoints. You must continue with your first choice unless someone else has got there first. Down the glass in one go with no spillage or that’s a loss! Whatever glass you grab for, needs to be drunk.” She couldn’t help a smile at the look on their faces and the prediction she had put on them. “Failure to pick on one is a task loss.”

Leave them in no doubt. She wasn’t about to be messed about with.

The task felt needlessly evil, but wasn’t that the best sort of evil?

She had to maintain the Mistress persona and that had meant being innovative with her expectations on them and pushing their limits. This task was asking far more of them than any of the others, and for all they knew, it was the last one of the day with everything to play for.

She supposed that the older man had more reason to grab the middle glass first. He was behind on points and would give him the win, and she could see his rampart cock still bobbing and looking hard after her attention. He was obviciously aching for her to take his ejaculation and the thought of him having to finish his day at work naked and pent up would have been an announcement. Whether he could drink it down it without spilling any, would be the question.

Part of her wanted him to drink it and then for her to find some small droplet remaining in order to make him lose the whole game.

Now that was needed evil.

The younger man was ahead on points. If neither man took the glass of pee then he would have won. If he took that glass as the older man reached for the water, then it wouldn’t have been necessary to take it and a pointless sacrifice to make.

As young and brash as the man was, he knew he was playing a game he could still lose in many different ways if he wasn’t careful.

Though both their faces were watching her pussy and salivating, she thought, at her, there was a big difference between licking her clean and downing a glass of her piss. She watched A’s cock lying againstHis inner thigh and contemplated what it would feel like to have him spurting into her mouth. His body was younger and more attractive with a wife shape, but the older man had character and bulkier strength. Only one of them was going to be taken to orgasm and it was down to them to win Mistress’s game.

“Do you understand the rules?” She kept her voice calm and polite, trying to force back the rising tide of maniacal evil at her idea.

The glass of pee sat between the three of them, quiet and unassemed and she couldn’t help but wonder if the two men were going to universally refuse. Fair enough if that was the case. She would usher the older man out of the room minus his clothes, to be checked up on later and sink to her knees before the younger one.

Make him as hard as possible once more, then bend over her desk for his delight.

Or concoct some bullshit excuse that they had both contrasted the rules of the game and both were destined to spend the day nakedat work. She didn’t care; she had cum three times at their expense.

Anyway, it was time to begin.

“Three. Two.”

The pause was electrifying.



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