The blindfolds could come off now with the view of her most intimate parts removed from over their faces. She wanted to see their eyes with the appreciation and concern at their new prediction.
They were on their feet now, at attention as though in the army, but presenting naked and as exposed as they had wanted her to be all day. The view amused her, as did the knowledge her mood was still all around their faces.
Open for use, isn’t that what they wanted? The bastards.
How she had managed this switch on them she still couldn’t quite get her head around, but it was time to make hay whilst the sunshone, and she could still allow two hours out of her work schedule for this fun. To be honest, at the start of the day it had seemed a bit of a nuisance, but the further she delved into this scenario, the more she was thoroughly enjoying herself. The massive orgasms she had experienced on their faces had helped exponentially with that emotion too.
Time now though to keep her composition. It wasn’t for them to know she was happy with them and their conduct so far. Her Mistress role was to be constantly pushing her slave’s obedience with perhaps pretend borderline announcement.
She nodded towards the chart that she had stuck to her wall earlier. Just a sheet of A3 paper that they hadn’t noticed over the top of her usual wall display; a simple but effective tool for the coming events.
Realising that they needed to look where she indicated, they saw a large A and B written at the top, with sections marked out below and the word ‘TOTALS’ at the bottom. Smiling at their confusion, she grabbed the black marker pen from her desk and sashayed over to the standing men.
Without further conversation on the matter, she drew a large ‘A’ on the younger man’s chest and ‘B’ on the other. It might take a bit of scrubbing to get the ink off later, but that was hardly going to be her problem.
Now there was an epiphany in their faces as it looked like they were going to be involved in some sort of competition with each other. She hoped she saw a flicker of fear behind their eyes. This plan had been formulating since she had seen those builders at the lights this morning on her naked drive in. She had felt very vulnerable then and it was her goal now to replicate that in her slaves.
It was time to explain the rules of the game:
The loser would have to walk down to their job station butt naked and complete the rest of their shift like that, only collecting their clothes from her office as they left the building that night.
Naked all day. That was what they had wanted, wasn’t it? They thought it was going to be her. What a shame about their lack of specificity.
The winner of each assigned task would be given ongoing sexual pleasures and the overall winner would be allowed to cum, the loser maintaining blue balls and unsatisfied whilst naked during their work.
“Yes, Mistress,” she barked at them whomen she had finished explaining the rules, compelling them to intone it back at her. She was happy with what she had planned and wanted them to enjoy the experience, as much as it was going to be at the expense of their humility.
Dutifully, they murmured, “yes Mistress,” at which point she swiped them both with the whip.
“Yes Mistress,” they repeated loudly, the older man groaning from where she had caught him in a sensitive spot.
That was better. Even their reluctance was arousing to her, the subscription of these two large men having a complete and total effect on her body. As much as she wanted to sit on her desk in front of them, lift and spread her legs as far apart as possible and masturbate herself to yet another climax, she had to breathe deeply and keep going for the sake of the game. A discrete pinch of her own nipple would have to suffice.
The first task she described to them was easy. They had to perform the perfect push up: both had to drop to the floor, complete said exercise move, and then jump back onto their feet and come to rest with their hands on their head.
She stepped back and uttered as contemporary, “NOW,” as she could muster, a little bit of her still wondering if they would comply, but trusting in her organisation and rules.
The competition aspect worked. Both men completed the manoeuvre and returned to standing. To be fair there wasn’t much in it; Both showed off some muscle and it was intriguing to watch their cock and balls bouncing around as they did so. There had to be a winner, and the blonde younger lad had the edge.
She patrolled around to behind him, and gently reached around to grap his cock, which immediately began to respond to her touch. Softly she began to stroke it back and forth to bring it to life, pulling his skin back over the helmet and then softly caresing it.
“Keep still,” she whispered, and was pleased to see him shake, though she didn’t deign to touch any other part ofher body to his. She smiled to herself at the fun she was having, but was cautious to not let either man see that emotion. It was important that they saw her totally in charge. Her grip on them was tenuous at best and this whole scenario was only working whilst the status quo was maintained.
Just as he began to get excited however, she released him and took a whack at the older man’s buttocks with the whip instead. That was so much fun and she was really getting the hang of how much pressure to put into the swing for maximum effect, and how to direct it for a perfect stripe.
As he cringed, the, “you had better keep still,” made him straighten and breathe through the pain.
Parameters now set, the next fifteen minutes or so were more fun than she could imagine. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter at what she was making these two grown men do for her entertainment. Standing before them so as they got a perfect view but far enough away so as they were completely denied the tactile experience, she massed her pussy as they went through a series of push ups, sit ups and jumping Jacks. They were in competition with each other, the reward for each was her hands massaging their cocks and squeezing their bottoms, the price of failure was yet another crop across their bottoms, both of which were now crisscrossed with red stripes. Her pussy felt soft and warm and wet on her fingers and the nub of her clip, for some reason, seemed harder than ever. This was such a turn on for her, she felt like she had to fight making herself cum, just to keep herself constantly at that heady sweet spot.
There had to be a winner of the round, and it was the younger man who had ten points added beneath the letter ‘A’ to the zero beneath the ‘B’. It was then the younger man who felt her hands once more, and then her lips because she Couldn’t resist. It felt decade to be on charge of his body, stopping the moment he adjusted his position and recommending when he stayed still. She was in charge and the longer she was, the more powerful the emotions in her. His cock felt good in her hands and in her mouth and it took all of her will to not be too enthusiastic with her administration. As much as she was aroused by the fact he wasn’t allowed to use his hands or to act like he was enjoying it, this was meant to be a brief reward for a win.
By the time she stood up, he was practically leaking From lack of completion and trembling where he had been made to stand beside the ignored other man. She had definitely taken him a little further than she had expected, but stopping almost at the point of his no return was more fun than she had thought it would be.
She felt so dizzy with control, that on the spur of the moment, she then changed the original punishment she had planned for the losing man. The whip had had enough use for the moment. It was the moment to push the envelope.
For the pleasure the younger one had received, it was now amodicum pain for the other. She was going to try something different this time, and something she had wanted to do to assuage a slight developing sadistic streak, just to see what it felt like.
As much as he was obviously nervous not knowing what was coming and expecting yet another strap across his bottom, so was she with what she had instinctively decided on. Her Mistress act had to prevail and a no-nonsense approach was completely necessary to see it through.
“Failure is punishment,” she grinned maliciously at him. Standing squarely before him, she raised her empty hand and, desperate to keep the blow midway between ineffective and too vicious, swiped a sudden slap at his cock.
It made satisfying contact.
The man gasped at the shock of the pain, but to his credit, born of the time practicing that morning, maintained most of his composition though he explored a long stream of air through pursued lips.
Was that too much? Had she killed the golden goose? Shewas positive that he was going to finish it right there and then, and backed away, keeping her face straight whilst trying not to betray her own nerves. Her nipples felt so fucking stiff, she was that aroused by what she had tried to get away with. She stood as tall as possible and put her hands on her hips, aware that her pussy was almost winding out at the two men beneath the skirt hem. Haughty and supercilious was the way to go.
His cock had felt meaty and surprisingly firm under her slap and far more resistant than she had expected. It felt weird yet compelling; the following bounce of his genitalia was quite hypntic and for some reason she felt motivation as though he had explored precum during the slap; she could feel it on her fingertips.
If she was honest with herself, she had hit his cock slightly harder than she had Originally intended, and also that she knew exactly what she was doing. But what was more interesting was that she had to actively stop herself reaching down for a second whack. This was, after all, one of the men who had made her leave the house wearing only her dressing gown and then dump it out of the car before starting the engine. No doubt he deserved his cock smacked, but she was still playing a part in the promise she had made and had to maintain the persona.
She took a few deep breaths instead and watched the man double over slightly. Should she pursue it and make him stand quickly? It was her role after all to be in charge and to dictate what she wanted. This man had wanted her naked and amenable to multiple fuckings throughout the day, embarrassed and humiliated and unapologitically exposed. How much sympathy should she be feeling right now?
Caution over speed.
As much as it has obviously caused a shot of pain, his cock responded inappropriately and swelled further He slowly retook his full height, maintaining his Stance.
The smack had turned the bastard on.
Interesting, and a fucking relief.
The younger man seemed to be almost smiling at what he had avoided, and all of a sudden she felt a sudden desire to repeat that action on his longer, thinner cock, just for comparative purposes of course. He was just as culpable in the start to her day and deserved it just as much.
Had she spent the previous hour being far too cautious with their bodies and their egos? Should she make it far tougher on them? She had Already planned the next few rounds and excited to see how they responded to each of them, but as time went on, she was feeling naughtier and naughtier.
Now it was time for round two and maybe this time he would lose and she would have her chance to punish the younger man and please the older one. There was something about his stiffening cock that made her want to sink to her knees before it.
Her breasts heaving with excitement and barely contained by the bodyce she started patrolling around the two men, her skirt almost raised completely and the full extent of her thighs visible above her stockings tops and with full awareness of their eyes on her flesh and her extremely wet pussy.
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