
She stood before him, hands claped behind her back like an errant schoolgirl, eyes downcast, not speaking. Paul walked around her in the hotel suite, fitting her into the space around them in his mind. The room was tawny gold and red and blue, large with a gigantic bed in the center and couches, chairs, and tables arranged in lush groups around the suite. The evening lights of the city shoe through large windows and doors open to a large balcony thirty stories above street level.

And in the center of the floor space, she stood before him, waiting. Red curls past shoulders, now, as she was letting it grow (“I like it long”, he’d said once.). She’d defeat it up, tonight, as requested, with only a few curls escaping to slide down her neck and over collarbones. Pale skin without its summer tan but still with the lush curves that she alternatively loved and hated. Deep hazel-green eyes, pouty red lips, a fringe of dark eyesashes as she looked at the floor. She wore a long black strapid dress, yards of taffeta.. and her pearls.

“You do please me, my darling,” he spoke.

Her eyes lifted. He thought he saw a small spark of defiance in her jawline and in her eyes, just a silvery flash, quickly replaced by a small deferential nod and a wide-eyed, tender smile. “Thank you,” she said softly, blushing with pleasure at his approval.

He pulled her to him for a kiss, and she melted against him, silky and sinuous and full of sexy promises, their lips playing over each other, tongues teasing, teeth nipping at lips and grazing jaws and collarbones and ohhhh… and he gently pushed her away. Her heart stopped for a moment – was he angry? had she done something wrong? – but she covered her bewilderment quickly, smiling at him through slightly lowered lashes.

“My dearest one, I would love to kiss you forever, but I have a surprise for you tonight,” he said, smiling. He was aware that she did not submit easily to anyone. He was also aware that she was perhaps overly sensitive to his moods, his actions, even his gestures. This combination of attention and rebellion made her an interesting toy, one he delighted in playing with.

“A surprise?” Her chin lifted, her eyes met his straight on, and she grinned mischievously. “What is it, love?”

“No, I am not telling you now. You are my own Slut, my most delicious little whore, correct?” “Yes, my love, of course,” she said steadily, without missing a beat, without lowering her eyes. “You know I love being yours.” “Yes,” he said seriously. “Tonight we see.” Her head tossed slightly as her eyes appraised him. “Do you doubt my love, my obedience? Have I ever given you reason to think I am not completely yours?” “No, darlin’,” he smiled, and her temperature cooled instantly. “But tonight we will test your limits. How far will you go for me? What will you do?” “Whatever you want, love,” she answered softly. “You know this. What would you have me do?”

“Do you trust me, my dearest?” heasked, bringing from his pocket a length of velvet ribbon. “Yes,” she answered, and found that in fact, she did. Completely. “I will not have you hurt, you understand this, yes?” he asked, brushing his fingers over her neck, unclasping her pearls. She nodded, and did not question him. “Should you at any time need to stop, you need only signal me, call me by name.” She nodded again as he dropped her pearls into his pocket and reached around her neck with the ribbon, fingers against skin… her breath caught as he tied the ribbon securely in a knot at the back and tucked the ends under the ribbon, forming a perfect circle around her neck.

He turned her to look in the mirror. “You are beautiful, and you are intelligent, and you are sexy, and you are mine,” he smiled into their reflections. “You will be very popular this evening.”

She smiled, and took his arm, and they left the suite. She did not see the small folded note on the dresser.

* * * * * *

The party had beena success, and throughout the evening Paul had kept her close to him, which pleased her. She loved him utterly, and although she felt a bit silly about adoring him so completely, she found that she was unable to do anything else, and had learned over time to relax and enjoy the little time they had together. He had even danced with her, unusual for him, as he often didn’t like dancing. But tonight, he had held her close and danced, and even waltzed on occasion, and smiled at her as other men asked to cut in. In truth, she would rather not have danced with so many others, but he told her it pleased him to watch her, and she loved to make him happy.

Once, while dancing with a rather distinguished gentleman, she had felt the man’s arousal against her and grinned. “I do love a good slow dance, don’t you?” she had smiled teasingly, running her hand a bit too near his fly as the old man blushed a bit, then grinned widely. “I’m sure your date for this evening will help me find other uses for that sassy mouth,” he’d laughed. Her curiosity was piqued – perhaps she’d be fucking this one before the night was over. When returning her, the man had leaned in close and whispered something to him, and the men had laughed jovially as Paul’s hand ran possessively over her shoulder and down to her waist. “We’ll see you soon,” he’d said as he led her over to the bar.

Now, with a little wine, she felt light and happy and more than a little aroused as her lover’s hands moved over her. They stood next to a wall, her back against it as he kissed her inevitably. “Are you ready?” he asked, looking deeply into her eyes.

“Yes,” she answered, a bit breathlessly, and he smiled and pulled a blindfold from his coat pocket. She stood still and quiet, feeling her arousal build as he covered her eyes and checked to be sure that she could not see. His arm around her waist, he led her a short distance, through a door, and down a long hall, then stopped.

She felt him reaching for something, hear a card slide and beep and feel the air change as the door opened. A room, but it feel smaller, warmer than their hotel suite. She did not know if it was dark or light, and he helped her sit on a small backless ottoman. “Now, my darling Slut, I will give you your only choice of the evening. Blindfold on, or off?”

She thought for a moment.

“May I leave it off for now?” she asked, and felt his hands gentle against her immediately as he gave her back her eyes. She breathed deeply with relief, and looked around, letting her eyes adjust. The light was dim in the small hotel room, and she was not alone with her lover. The gentleman from the dance floor was there, as were two other men she did not know.

“You know, my little Slut, why you are here, correct?” Paul whispered into her ear. He untied the ribbon around her neck. “You’d not want to get cum on this, I’m sure,” he smiled. “Now, I will be within your reach at all times, if a bit behind you. There may be a camera somewhere in the room, but I’m not telling you where it is or whether it is on. You will please me by pleasure these men, and they understand my rules. You will suck their cocks, and they may cum on your face, on your chest, on your breasts should you choose to expose them. They will not attempt to cum in your mouth, but you may choose that at your discretion. There will be no fucking you. Do you understand, love?”

She did not trust herself to speak, the butterflies in her stomach were so intense. She felt flushed and hot and very, very aroused as she nodded her comprehension. Paul took a place just behind her, his index finger trailing over the back of her neck. The fantasy had begun, and she was swimming in the surreality of it all, feeling the tiny thong between her legs like a hot torch against Her clip. Her nipples were pebbles against the taffeta dress, her lips involuntarily moistening and parting, pouting, waiting for the first man. She did love to gratify her oral fixation.

The silver haired man from the dance floor was first, stepping in front of her with a smile. “You’re a pretty thing,” he smiled. “I hear your mouth is worth waiting for.” She responded by unzipping his fly with trembling fingers, a hand lighting on her back to remind her whose she was. He was there, he was watching, it would be all right. She smiled to see the thick cock spring hard from the tuxedo in front of her, briefs and pants around ankles, the reddening veins throbbing. Leaning close, she trailed fingernails gently over the surface of the man’s dick, taking him in visually, sensitively. Wiry white hair and she looked up at the man, smiled, asked, “Viagra much?”

It broke the tension a bit, and everyone laughed – and stopped laughing with a combined inhalation as she took the man’s cock firmly around the base with her right hand and between her lips, moving forward on him as his hips thrust towards her. His grosses were aphrodisiac for her, but nothing tothe sharp intake of breath she heard behind her, the whispered “yes, that’s it, be my slut, suck his cock, baby, you’re such a hot little whore, my whore.. yesss…”

It took only moments of her sucking and swirling on velvet skin before she felt him surge, moved back just an inch, felt the man’s hot, silvery cum spurt silver ropes over her shoulder, dripping down into cleavage, and she smiled and licked a little off the index finger she ran over her skin.

The next guy was there before the first had gotten his pants up. This one, a baby. He couldn’t have been twenty, young and willowy, still girl. His should length blond hair and baby blue eyes made her think of teenage bubblegum pop stars and he stammered something about how beautiful she was and “well, uh, damn,” and couldn’t get out of his pants fast enough. She watched him, amused, and put a hand over his. “It’s really all right, I’ll not hurt you,” she purred. He seemed to calm somewhat, and allowed her to help him out of his rather tight pants. HIs hard on was long and thin, like he was, but with the promise of greater girl later and soft blond curls.
“You’re a pretty boy,” she smiled, and licked just the tip of him with her tongue. He exploded, fastasthat, all over her lips, and blushed, apologizing and stuttering. “Shhh.. just wait a minute,” she said. “I think that was just a preview.” She licked her lips and turned slightly to see her one and only true love, slowly struggling his gorgeous cock just out of her reach. “Can you fix it for him, slutbaby?” Paul asked. “Oh,” she smiled, licking cum from her lips and off her fingers, “I so can.”

She went to work skillfully on the young man’s cock, which had never bothered to go soft. Her tongue worked up the underside of him, butterfly licks up veins and over balls and ooohhh, so yummy, she witnessed as her lover whispered to her, told her to get him hot, make him cum again, what a delicious, accommodating little whore, what a nice little toy, what a good slut she was. His encouragement sent her nearly to orgasm as she sucked the blond adolescent adonis, who came buckets all over her chest and face. He thanked her and leaned in to kiss her, sucking a bit of his own cum off her lips, and the last man stood waiting.

Tall and broad in every way, he looked like an ex-football player. Dark thick curls of hair adorned his head, and pretty much the rest of him as best she could tell. His brown eyes sparkled as he dropped trou and grinned. “If you can blow this monster, I’ll be a fucking girlyman,” he laughed heartily, and she laughed with him – it was a really huge dick. “I’ll give it my best shot, sir,” she smiled, “If you will.”

* * * * * * *

“Well,” Paul smiled, “That was rather impressive.” The men had gone, she had managed to perform well, she thought, as everyone had been happy. Her lover stood before her, grinning. “May I have you now?” she asked, reaching impulsively for his now-zippered fly.

“Notyet, sweet Slut,” he said. “As much as I want you, now, I am not finished with you yet.” She smiled and licked off her fingers, batting her eyes at him. “Not even a little blowjob to hold me over until you get me back to the hotel and fuck me senseless?” she grinned, watching his eyes flame hot with desire before being pulled back under his iron will.

“If you want to be difficult, imp, I can can you ass. Which I may do anyway, your being such a very bad girl.” “Oh, you hateful beast, you don’t love me at all,” she flounced flirtatiously, grinning under her words. “You know better than to bait me, slutbaby,” he said, slapping a hand hard across her taffeta’d behind. “Come now.”

* * * * * *

She was cleaned up, mostly, except for drying drizzles of cum in her cleavage, a few little spots in her curls, by the time they reached their hotel suite. Paul opened the door and ushered her into the large master bath. “You have ten minutes. I want you cleaned up and your hairdown, and I will come get you,” he said sternly, walking her into the bathroom and turning on the tap in the large bathtub. He deftly opened a bottle of her favorite wine and suggested she might enjoy a glass or two, “as your evening is about to get rather more interesting.”

He left her to her preparations and saw that his own had been made. The restraints were there, as ordered. The bed covered in silk, the cane and the whip and the paddle in easy reach. The camera behind the two way mirror, as requested. He looked inside to see that the camera was ready to run, the remote at fingertips on his chair. Perfect.

He opened the bathroom door to find her standing there, cented and made up and curls down and arranged over her shoulders, just as he liked. The mark that showed her as his shoe against her pale skin, and he let his fingers run over it and then to her shaken pussy lips as he ran his tongue over her swollen lips. She wore nothing but the black seamed lace-top stockings he preferred, the pumps with the impossible high heels he loved. Once again he placed the velvet ribbon about her neck, idly wondering if she’d rouged her nipples or just pinched them.

She saw, in the mirror, his smile when he looked, and she knew he was pleased. She’d been working very hard so that he would find her beautiful, and it was beginning to show. She was leaner and curvier than last he’d seen her naked, and she saw his pleasure and blushed.

“Yes, my Slut, you are lovely indeed. Now, I will blindfold you, and this time there will be no choice. And you will have that luscious ass reddened before we do anything else.” “But why?” she pouted, half-teasingly. “For impudence, for one,” he replied solemnly, “and because I feel like it, Slut, is that all right with you?” “Would it matter if it wasn’t?” she asked, shooting him a smoldering glance in the mirror. “No.”

He blindfolded her and led her into the bedroom of the suite, bending her over the edge of the bed, fasting the shadowles around her wrists and ankles and seeing that they were securely fastened to the bed frame. “Whose are you?” he asked, picking up the bamboo cane. He’d liked the idea of ​​whipping her with it for some time, and had brought it especially for the purpose. “Maybe yours, maybe not,” she teased, and gasped as he brought the cane swiftly down on her ass. The red welt rose immediately, white at the top, glowing. Color diffused her entire back and face and from what he could see, her chest as well. She broke out in a light sweat and bit her lip, but did not cry out.

He waited for her breathing to slow a bit and asked her again. “Whose are you?” “Your love,” she said, in a tone slightly higher pitched than normal. “Very good. And what are you to me?” “Your slut?” she asked. Whoosh! came the cane over her ass again, and another welt rose. “Yes, my slut, and I’ll do what I like with you, is that clear?” he grew. She nodded, and he struck her again. “You will speakk when spoken to, little slut, do you understand?” “Yes, sir,” she breathed, as the buzz of the endorphin rush hit her.

Angain and again he asked her, defining for her, for him, for the others waiting at the edges of the room, the boundaries of the relationship in that moment. She was his, she would do as he said, and only as he said, he was her lover, her owner, her master. She was his slut, his darling, his toy, his Whore, his lover, his baby, his to do with as he wished, when he wished, how he wished.

She felt the cane hit her again and again, the strokes varying in intensity, felt him being careful with placement so as not to hurt her badly or rip open her skin. She was diffused with pain, and pleasure, and gratitude that he was, at his most dominant, aware of her well-being. She felt owned and used, yes, but also cared for.. she must be very valuable for him to take such care with her. She felt loved as purely as she could remember in the moment when he called her his sweet baby, and put down the cane, and leaned over her back, running his hands and lips across the welts he’d left there.

“And now, my darling little Slut, it is time for you to show me at last what a good whore you are for me. You will not be touched, except to be fucked. I will be close, I will be watching. You must be a very good girl, do you understand?”

She only nodded as he lifted her, repositioning her just slightly, adjusting her restraints, making sure her blindfold was secure. He motioned to the men hovering at the periphery of the room. They’d been there, waiting, for some time, stroking their cocks, watching him dominate his Slut, knowing that they, too, were there only because he had arranged it.

She felt hands grab her hips and bit her lip to keep from crying out as the hands bruised her tender, welded flesh. Fingers parted her pussy lips – god, she was wet – and a cock slid into her, barrelling in with brute force, shoving her body against the bed over and over as she whimpered and moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure. Who was this person pounding her cunt, fucking her relentlessly? After a few minutes, she realized it didn’t matter, as he pulled out – she heard a condom being whipped off and felt hot jets of cum all over her back, hands rubbing it into her sensitive skin as another cock took the place of the first one.

This cock, hot and hard but gentler, slower, a lyrical rhythm that made her whimper and move with him, whoever he was, as he took her from behind, as his fingers played lightly over the sore skin of her ass. This one didn’t pull out, but thrust deeply into her pussy repeatedly, quickly collapsing over her back, kissing the back of her neck, twirling his fingers in her hair.

Suddenly, she felt the man being pulled off her, and a hard slap across her swollen ass. “You made him come too fast,” Paul grew. “He wasn’t supposed to shoot inside you, Slut. You’ll have to be punished.” The whip came down, hard, four more times in rapid succession. The endorphins hit her hard and fast, and she flushed bright red and found herself sucking in air to keep from passing out. Before she knew what was happening, she was being fucked hard by another cock, large hands roughly grabbing her, running underneath her to pinneath her to pinch her nipples. Again and again the cock slammed into her, her swollen pssy lips raked raw by its width, the friction inside her eliciting near-screams as she bit her lips to keep from coming.. she knew he would want her to wait.

The big cock pulled out of her and erupted with a roar from its owner, covering her ass in thick pearls of hot cum. She breathed and collapsed, relaxing on the bed as she caught her breath and waited for the buzzing in her ears to subside. Moments passed, and she heard muffled noises, like feet on carpet, and a door shut.

Was it him, finally? She wondered, but so tired and sore and used she wasn’t sure she could go for another round. She had her answeras the locks on her ankles and wrists clicked loose, and the blindfold came off. He was there, and only he. She looked up at him, not sure she should move, and prepared to ask him what was next when he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom without a word.


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