Slut-boy is 22 years old and his Mistress is a friend of his mother. The two friends of Mistress are roughly the same age as Mistress, which is somewhere in the mid-forties.
Mistress and slut-boy
“Did you clean the bathroom yet, slut-boy?”
“I can’t believe you just said that! It’s a good thing your mother asked me to look out for you while you finished college. You’d have never made it!”
“I’m sorry, Mistress. I meant to say, No, Mistress.”
“Get in there and clean the bathroom while I decide what I’m going to do to you for being so completely disrespectful.”
“Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, Mistress. Mistress, it has been so long …
“Audacious little bitch, aren’t you? Don’t Ask any questions right now.”
“No, Mistress. I just meant…” My words trailed off as she left the dining room in the middle of my explanation. She always liked how clean I kept the house, so I know I could make her happy even if she seemed upset at my oversight. She would be back soon enough after she’s thought of how I should make up for my lack of respect. At any rate, I moved to the bedroom to take off all of my clothes, because Mistress doesn’t like me to wear clothes when I’m cleaning the bathroom. She doesn’t want me to get bleach on my clothes and make spots. I was cleaning the bathroom once and I came out with a bleached spot on my jeans and she went berserk. She had company over in the living room when I walked through and she hollered at me.
. . .
“You come over hear you stupid little slut. What did you do to those jeans that I bought you?”
“Where, what, Mistress?”
“Right there on the back of your leg. Take those pants off right now so you can see.”
I didn’t know the people that she was talking too, but I took my pants off. I didn’t have anything on underneath and I had already started to get excited, because when I clean the bathroom, she comes in there with me to make sure I get everything scrubbed. And when she yells at me, it’s like a Pavlovian response anymore when she gets upset with me, because she makes me please her when she gets upset. And if I do that very well, she’ll let me cum. And if I’m really good she’ll make me drink my cum. With all of these thoughts going through my mind, plus I’m kind of an exhibitionist, too, my dick was really starting to get stiff with strangers around. It wasn’t erect and plump, yet. But it was noticeably on the way. And it seemed like the more apparent it was, the more excited I got, so my dick just kept growing. Right here in front of strange guests.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of my friends? You might as well take the rest of your clothes off now and completely embarrass yourself with your pitiful manhood. And from now on, don’t wear your clothes when you’re cleaning the bathroom. I don’t want you ruining the clothes I buy you.”
By the time she pulled me by the ring that piercedthe head of my dick over to stand in front the man and woman she had been talking with, I was fully erect. And the head of my dick felt like it was going to pop.
“Have you ever seen such a pitiful little pencil dick in your entire life?” she asked the couple sitting on the couch. I knew I was in for it now. I could hear her voice change, which means she was going into a rant. “Grab those balls!” she said to the woman as she pulled me closer to the couch. And the woman did, with a grip that believed her small frame. She grabbed, and pulled down, as if to see how far my scrotum would stretch. All the time, her thumb and middle finger were closing in an ever-tighter ring as she stretched my balls down.
“My, that is a pitiful little toy. Who does he please with that thing?” the woman said.
“Answer the question, slut-boy! Who do you please with that pencil dick? And don’t say that you please me because I get no pleasure from that little toy. Answer!”
“Yes, Mistress. IPlease me with it.” One time when she went on a rant, she took a tape measure to my dick as she was yelling at me. She said it was only eight and a half inches and her smallest dildo was ten inches. She said my dick was only five and a half inches around. Shouldn’t I be ashamed of thinking that I could please her with that dick when she used dildos bigger than that to fuck me. I should be thankful she lets me Stay. The woman holding on to my balls let up pulling some, and was moving them around in her hand. But every now and then as she was moving them she would tighten her grip when they got in just the right position so that I felt that indescribable pressure-pain as they squeezed by in her hands changing positions. She would isolate one testicle and roll it back and forth between her finger and thumb with an ever-tightening grip. She watched my face flinch as she did all of this and she knew what she was doing. She would hold onto one of my testicles, and push the other up into mygroin. And she was doing this all with one hand, and watching my face. I could tell I was in for an active night. This was not her first rodeo.
Mistress had let go of the ring in my dick and was occasionally slapping the head of my dick and telling me I should be ashamed of standing in front of strangers with a stiff dick. All the while, she knows that this only excites me more. Sometimes when she lets me cum, she’ll start dick-slapping when I get close, and that alone makes me cum. When she sees the pre-cum, she’ll whack my dick and tell me to hold. As I start to strain she’ll thumb the head of my dick and tell me to stop. She’ll finger the ring in my dick when she can see that I’m really close and straining to hold, and cum will dribble out. She really whacks the head then. But after she does that she’ll rub the underside of the head under the foreskin, and I can’t control it. A slow steady stream starts to push out with little gushes. She tells me what a focused specimen of aman I am with absolutely no control. She usually grabs my testicles and squeezes tightly at the base of my dick and yells, “Not yet!” But by this time it’s no use and I’m shooting sperm all over the room, no matter where we are.
While Mistress and the woman are pulling me and teasing me, the man who came with the woman was sitting there without saying a word. Just watching. Mistress asked him what he Thought. And he said he was just getting extremely turned on.
“Fred, slut-boy gives a sloppy deep blowjob. I’ll have friends over to face fuck him just to keep him in line. He sometimes makes me wish I had a dick, he’s so good at it. But when I get like that I just put on the straw-on and wear him out. After I finished with that, I make him suck my clip. If he cums before I’ve fucked my vagina with that pitiful piece of manhood, he’s in for a night with the belt he won’t forget for some time. He loves it. Tell Fred what a good blowjob you give for being such a pitiful piece ofa man.” She grabbed and pinched my nipple to pull me over and down on my knees where the man was sitting, but the woman still had held of my balls and she clenched tighter and stretched my scrotum and then let go as Mistress kept pulling me over. By the time I was on my knees in front of the man I could tell he had been getting excited as he already had his dick out of his pants and it was already fully engaged. “See how nice I am to you, slut-boy? I know how you like big dicks and Fred is legendary. Don’t you agree?” Mistress said.
“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.” This was certainly a very large dick. All of the terms apply – horse-cock, monster-cock, massive-meat. I couldn’t believe it. Mistress liked to watch men fuck my face. She wouldn’t let them fuck me in the ass. That was for her. But she liked for men to gag me and choke me with their cum. Even some small dick men she brought over would be so forceful that they would push their dick so far down my throat that I would gag. I have no idea how I can get this fully engaged, perfectly shaped cut dick head into my mouth, let alone to the back of my throat. His balls hung down heavily, and one alone would fit in my mouth with difficulty. The thought of having this dick forced into me was getting my dick so pumped and rigid I could feel the skin and vessels stretching like never before.
The man grabbed on each of my ears and pulled me to his monstrous member. I thought he was going to force it straight into my mouth. But he just held my head and moved his penis around my face and lips, telling my to lick the head and the frenulum. He slowly moved this mammoth around so that I licked the entire shaft and balls, and under his scrotum to his anus. I was so completely overwhelmed by the sensitivity with which he moved his penis around my face that the starkness of the next thing he did was even more overwhelming. In one smooth motion, he slip the shaft of his wet cock across my lips and then quicklyforced the massive head between my lips and down to my throat before I knew it. Immediately, that slick gag milk came up from my throat and shot out my mouth. It spewed over his belly and balls and fell down on my dick and legs. That lubricating fluid covered everything and I know that if I started rubbing my dick I would completely lose every drop of sperm I had in me.
“I’m going to face fuck you Like you will never be fucked again” he said at the same moment that he thrust that member down to back of my throat. My jaw hurt unbelievably. I don’t know how it fit into my mouth, and that wasn’t very far down the shake. Licking the meatus was almost like licking a vagina. He had just part of the glans in my mouth when He finally shot sperm hitting the back of my throat. It just completely overflowed my meat-packed mouth.
. . .
Well, this is what goes through my mind every time I start to undress to clean the bathroom. And by the time I get the supplies to the bathroom, I’m half erect. Mistress always comes in and give me special attention if I’m doing well. But today she’s sure to make up for my disrespect. Even so, by the time I got to the bathroom, I was excited by the anticipation.
“Slut-boy! Are you daydreaming in here?”
“No, Mistress.”
“You know that you’re going to have to make up for your disrespect.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Come here! Give me your nipples!” And she put the cloverleaf clamps on my nipples. Whenever she put the clamps on, she would get them positioned just right so that the clamp closed with just the very end of the nipple exposed so that it puffed up a little when the pressure increased. It made a kind of stop so that the clamps wouldn’t slide off easily. She would squeeze them tightly to get them started, and then start pulling on them so that they would be set in place with the little rubber studs of the clamps nesting in my nipple. After a few minutes she would rotate the clamps so that they criticizedMy nipples in the opposite direction from where she started. Mistress would let them get well set and then start to add weight. She might hang her dildo from the chain, or the spray bottle of cleaner I was using. I have no idea what she was going to do now, since she was so upset.
She put the clamps on in the usual fashion. While they were getting set the way she liked them, before she changed the position, she grabbed my scrotum and started neatly wrapping a small chord around my balls, starting at the base of my penis and wrapping downward, crowding my tests into a bulging pouch that stretched my skin to the point of the hair particles looking like little bumps. This was time consuming and meticulous. By the time this was finished, she started to turn the nipple clamps. When she quickly released the pressure on the clamps, I could feel that pain shoot in as the stus gave up their numbing grip. When she took a clamp off, she took her finger and pushed the nipple into my chest with a great deal of pressure.
“How does that feel slut-boy? Aren’t you sorry now?”
“Oh, yes, Mistress. You are right.”
After she pushed in on the nipple, she slowly positioned the clamp again so that I could feel the pain build as the clamp closed. She did this all over again with the other clamp on the other nipple. She sometimes made me clean with the clamp chain between my teeth If I was moving a lot and a weight wouldn’t stay put. That kept my nipples stretched upwards with a great deal of pressure, and when I moved or reached to clean, I felt an increased pang. Today, she took some of the chord that she had wrapped around my testicles and tied it to the clamp chain in two strands. She ran a chord over each shoulder and pulled them down tightly through the crack of my ass and tied them to the chord holding my testicles. She pulled it tightly so that any movement was felt immediately with sharp pain in my nipples or in my scrotum.
“What about now, slut-boy?”
“Oh, Mistress, I’m truly sorry.”
As I cleaned and reached to scrub the shower walls, the feeling was indescribable. And Mistress would pull up on the chords running down my back to get my attention when she wanted to tell me something. She would pull up so hard that I could feel the chord tight against my anus. I could feel the bulging pouch against skin near my anus and it feel foreign. If a clamp pulled off she would reach between my legs from behind and grab and pull my bulging constricted scrotum. She would smack the tightly wrapped pouch with her other hand. I was so excited that I shot sperm all over the shower walls without even touching my dick. Mistress was so upset she pushed me into the wall, pressing my nipples and the clamps tightly against the tile. I could feel more sperm slowly running down my leg as it was pressed between the wall and my leg.
“You’re going to get fucked tonight, slut-boy!”
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