The couple curled on the bed- the gooey fudge between them, glasses of mead, honey-sweet on the table beside the bed. They ate silently- and he daubed some of the sticky fudge on her nipples and began to lick it off- suckling her nipples as he did so. She moaned softly arching her body towards him. Then she smiled and smeared the fudge on his hard cock- and licked its length- caressing with her tongue and sucking the head. She smeared the fudge again-and licked him until he moaned aloud. He told her that she had been a naughty wench- and it was time for discipline.
He reached into the bag and pulled out the cuffs. He cuffed one wrist to the bedpost- and she grasped his cock and sucked it until he pulled away. Then he cuffed her other wrist to the bed- leaving her legs free. He knelt on the bed over her and suckled her nipples until she was arching in pleasure. Then he began caresing her thighs- licking the navel and pussy- he reached for a glass of mead- and turned her into the chalice. She squealed as the mead splashed and gasped as he sipped and licked it from her already dripping pussy. He glorried in the taste- finer- he said- than any wine he had ever drunk in his years. He whispered to her how wonderful the taste was- and wished that he could bottle the essence- because there was no other in the world. He purred to her about what a wonderful, willing, wench she was- eager to do his bidding- as he slid his hard cock into her. He made love to her- telling her what a wonderful slut she was for him- always ready-always giving- never complaining- and he made some new rules for her. And they would begin the next day. The first- was that she should not wear pants in front of him again. She should always wear a skirt or a dress- something that had buttons so that he could open the front and fondle her when he desired. And the skirt would be one that could be easily lifted so that he could take her wherever he wanted- whenever he wanted- even in the kitchen while they had guests if he chose.(the guests be damned- this was HIS wench- HIS slut and if he wanted to fuck her then- they could wait) He told his precious slut that he wanted her- in every way. And she knew that there had been one way he had not taken her. He had never pressed- because he knew her fears. But tonight- with the heady mead- and lovemaking- she felt that NOW- she would be able to overcome her fear.
“Master” she whispers “I want you to take my ass”
“Are you sure”
“Yes Master”
“Wnch- this is NOT something you have to do now.”
“Please Master,” she begged- “I want you to.”
“Do you wish to be released?” he asked her.” You are not required to be tied for this- and if you think a different position might help—”
“No Master- please- Like this.” She panted – he realized that she was right- with her legs free, he could adjust her position- and he DID have easier access to her.
“You are right, my dear- it will be easier to keep you distracted- if I need to. AND I can see your face- so you cannot lie to me and say yes- when you mean no.”
He pulled out of her pussy- and slipped an egg-shaped vibrator in-“This is to keep you- distracted” He toyed with her- sliding fingers in and out of her pussy- and watching her mistake with pleasure.
He very carefully lubricated his cock- and began to slowly slide it into her ass. She gasped at the initial pain as the head of his cock passed into the tight little hole of her ass-and felt the him gently slide – inching along as she accommodated his length of him. She felt the fullness and tightness and when he began sliding in and out of her- she started to moan.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No Master-“she gasped- he fucked her ass gently and told her how pleased he was with her-
“You are a good slut-my dear. You are willing to do what I want. He told her that he was about to come in her ass-and as he came he bad her to come too-knowing she dared not disobey him.-she came too- soft cries as of pleasure- as she pushed the vibrator out of her pussy.
“OH what a good little slut you ARE!””
His words of praise made her flush- with pride- and joy- because as long as her master was happy – she had no fear of being alone- or hurt.
He kissed her gently and carried her to the shower- where they began the erotic dance between Master and slave a second time-
And it was better than before.
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