Slut Son Ch. 08 – The Cocktail Hour


All characters are 18 years of age or older, of sound mind, and able to consent. Any characters, or situations, depicting real-life people or events are purely coincidental. This story contains strong sexual themes, including: bdsm, performing sex for an audience, unrealistic anatomy, fallatio, cunnilingus, bound male forced to service multiple women, bound female forced to orgasm, exaggerated volumes of male and female ejaculate, distended abdomens, anal and vaginal penetration, and unprotected sex without resulting in pregnancy or disease. This story is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as justification for the pursuit of acting out any fans or fetishes reflected in this story. Please…enjoy yourself.


♫ Previously on Slut Son ♫

The queen bee of the neighborhood, Ms. Fielding, sank her teeth into Simon and sent him to new heights of sexual bliss by introducing him to prostate massages. Finding the magic button to recharge her new play toy, Ms. Fielding stuffed her mouth, pussy, and ass with load after load of Simon’s thick creamy cum. Elsewhere, Simon’s mother Candice, is forced into a deal with Ms. Fielding, but will it work out to her benefit?

Chapter 8 – The Cocktail Hour

“So, what’s this all about?” A sophisticated fair-skinned strawberry-blonde beauty in the corner asked her hostess. She was the tallest and thinnest woman in the group, with small assets, and freckles peppered the top of her chest. She wore typical office attire, a white button-down, black skirt, nylons, and black heels. “We all agreed, no improvement meetings. These sessions are supposed to be kept to a schedule.”

“I’m sure our hostess has a good reason.” A mature stacked Indian woman sat on the far right end of a loveseat and sipped on her Long Island. Her thick black hair flowed over her shoulders and around her bus framing beautiful deep cleavage. Her hair was so dark and glossy it reflected practically every color in the light. She wore a deep maroon sleepless blouse and a matching short skirt with black heels.

“We’ve had other unscheduled meetings before.” An older woman on the other end of the loveseat commented. She was much heavier than the other women, not obese by any measure, but all of her features were much rounder, especially her stomach and the pooch above her sex. She wore a simple yellow top with a cream colored draw, black leggings and black flats. Her large curly blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

“Yes, but they’re usually disguised as something else. Like, the Holiday Planning committee or something. You know how proud it looks for all of us to show up here, at the same time, in the middle of the day.” The strawberry-blonde doubled down.

“The neighborhood’s worst offenders are already gathered here.” A brunette, perched on the first six inches of her chair, spoke up between sips on her Old Fashioned.”I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” She was the oldest member of the group and had recently turned sixty. Her hair was kept short, layered and feathered. She wore a simple blue-green body length dress that clung to her hourglass figure and ended just above her knees, and dark blue heels. “And no one knows what we do when we get together.”

“Actually, I don’t even know what we’re doing here. Why are we meeting together?” The final guest to speak up was a very attractive Puerto Rican woman. She was the youngest looking member of the women’s group, and by far had the most fit figure. Her long jet black hair had a slight wave to it and framed her perfect face and large red lips. Even at her age, all the muscles in her arms, legs, and abs were clearly defined and visible. A fact she took advantage of when she decided to show up wearing a short light blue zip up cropped top, tiny black workout shorts, and blue tennis shoes.

“Ladies, I assume you there’s no excess motive here. I simply wanted us to get together and inform you all that we will be getting a new member.” The hostess had finished preparing drinks and finally addressed the woman in her parlor. She was a beautiful mature blonde woman whose impressive bust was as large as her upper body. Perhaps overly brazen, she greeted her guests wearing only a loosely tied pink Hawaiian print silk robe.

“So, where is she?” The fit Puerto Rican asked.

“She’ll be ‘coming’ shortly.”

“A new member?” The strawberry-blonde responded as she raised an eyebrow. “So that was decided uniformly as well?”

The hostess smiled at the strawberry-blonde’s remark, but underneath was a devastating glare. “My dear, this new member was a most advantageous find. She brings with her a more, youthful perspective, if you will.” The hostess took her seat in the parlor and continued, “I recently discovered she has certain resources. Resources that could be of great benefit, and certainly entertainment, to us all.”

“And this new member is perfectly fine sharing these resources?” The heavier blonde questioned.

The hostess smiled after sipping her martini. “She has recently felt compelled to be forthcoming and general in order to earn her seat. And more importantly, she has avenues that can guarantee…discretion.”

“Perhaps we wouldn’t have to be so concerned with discretion,” the brunette Interjected, “if we refrained from fornicating with random neighborhood boys in our backyard.”

The hostess’ look turned sour and her eyes narrowed. “That! Was unrelated to the group. And I’m hardly the first to engage in such voyeuristic behavior.”

That comment had made all the women shift uncomfortable in their seats.

“I don’t think anyone takes issue with the act itself…” The Indian woman spoke up.

“…but it does suggest a pattern.” The strawberry-blonde interrupted. “Calling meetings at inappropriate times, accepting new members without consultation,and before all this, loud hardcore sex in public. You’re steam-rolling us.”

“And it could jeopardize all of our reports.” The brunette concluded. “You may be the progenitor of our group, but it hardly makes you the sole leader and grants you the authority to make decisions on our behalf.”

Smiles and glances were exchanged all around the room. The women’s group felt confident they had gained the upper hand, but their hostess was cunning and remained calm.

“I anticipated that my actions would not have sat well with the group, which is why I prepared a little peace offering.” The hostess explained as she set her drink down on an end table. As she stood up, “and I think it will demonstrate that I can indeed make decisions on your behalf,” and then she proceeded to walk out of the parlor.


The women of The Cocktail Hour were not left wondering long what their ‘self-proclaimed’ leader had in store for them. Barely a minute later, the hostess returned witha mystery guest behind her led by a silver chain attached to a leather collar fastened around his neck.

“Oh my god!” The woman shouted.

“What the hell is that? Is it real?” Others asked as they stood up in shock.

“What on earth have you done to him?” The Indian woman asked, appalled.

“Ladies!” The hostess spoke loudly to silence her assembly. “I present you with today’s entertainment.”

The hostess had led in a very tall, muscle young man. He was completely naked except for a black latex mask that covered his entire head, except for his nose and mouth which remained exposed. As well, his hands were bound behind his back, restrained at the wrists with leather cuffs. However, the most egregious part of his arrival, what had made all the other women jump out of Their seats, was the strangulation of his impossible monstrous cock by several silicane rings. One large ring was wrapped around over the base of his cock and under his balls, another was secured around around above the base of his cock and under his balls, another was secured around aroundund his sack just above his testicles, another tight ring was torturing him at the base of his cock, three more were placed equidistant up his shake, and the smallest and final ring sat snug just behind his glans. To finalize his submission and servitude, a butt plug had been shoved deep into his well-lubed ass.

“I took the liberty of making sure he would not be able to see anyone’s face; out of respect that some of you are still married.” The hostess pulled on the chain until the bound young man stood square in the middle of the room. His manhood twitched and bobbed in front of its unknown audience. “There is no need for alarm or sympathy, he is a sex-crazed pussy-addict, and he understands his purpose here with us. Or, at least, he will.”

Gasp! Look at the size of him.” The brunette and heavier blonde echoed one another in disbelief.

“He’s huge!” The Indian woman exclaimed.

“Fuck huge, that thing’s enormous.” The strawberry-blonde corrected.

Thefit Puerto Rican beauty approached the young man and lightly touched his abs before placing a light grip around his shake. “This…this…is amazing!” He jumped in surprise at her touch, and the Puerto Rican could feel his member trying to grow even thicker but was restricted by the silicane bands. Dedicated to exercise herself, she appreciated all athletic bodies, and his represented the peak of her sexual desires. “His penis, it’s already wet?”

“Coconut oil,” the hostess explained. “Even soft, you can’t imagine the difficulty I had getting all of those on there. And once I started, it was impossible for him not to get hard.”

The Puerto Rican was quickly joined by the heavier blonde. She placed her right index finger on the underside of his flared mushroom head, and pushed his entire pole against his body. “Oh my god, look how far it reaches up to his abs. If you were to line it up, he’d be in our stomachs.”

“Exercise caution ladies.” The hostess announced with a large smile. “You must be at least ‘this’ courageous to ride.” She had walked over to the young man and placed her right hand just below the young man’s pecs as if she were denoting a specific height.

“This is unreal. I mean, how the hell can he be sporting a…a…a goddamn horse dick?” The strawberry-blonde was still in denial.

“Haha!” The hostess laughed. “I can assure you, it’s real. And I quite like that, ‘horse dick’. From now on, you will not regard him as a person, but simply as ‘horse dick’.” The hostess, quite pleased with herself, began rubbing his chest, “is that alright with you? You may speak now.”

“Y…yes.” He replied very softly.

“Are you going to let us do whatever we want?” The hostess spoke in low tones into his ear.


“Some of these women might want to abuse you. Will you let them?”


“What if they want to squirt and cum all over you? Will you take their cum?”

“Yes. I would like that very much.”

“Ohreally? And why is that?” The hostess stood back and smiled at her guests.

“I’m…I’m added to pussy. I love pussy cum.”

“Tell us, why do you love a woman’s cum so much?”

“I love it because…because…it always feels so hot against my skin. And…I love how it makes me feel slippery. I love how it slides down my face and drips off my chin onto my body. I can’t stop my cock from leaking the second I feel it splash against me, and…and I get so turned on when I think about having to go out in public soaked in pussy cum. I wanna cum! I wanna cum just thinking about it.”

“Not yet you don’t!” The hostess scolded the horse dick. “We haven’t even got started.” The hostess retrieved her drink from the table and downed the remaining contents of the glass. “Ladies, go nuts.”

The Puerto Rican woman knelt down in front of the horse dick and massed his balls. Every so often, she would tug on his sack which would send tingles throughout his body. Only one ball would fit on her right palm at a time as she bounced it to feel its heft and weight. “Oh my god, I absolutely love his balls.” She grasped one a little tighter and let her fingers sink into the flesh. “Mmmmm,” she moaned as she licked her lips, “I wonder how much spunk is swirling inside them.”

“That looks like fun.” The brunette said to her Puerto Rican cohort. “Do you mind sharing?”

“Not at all.” The Puerto Rican replied.

Mmmmm, you take one and I’ll take the other.” The brunette said apparently.

The brunette took hold of the horse dick’s right testicle while the Puerto Rican took the left. As they massed his nuts individually, they began to pull them further apart which stretched the tissue inside his sack.

“Oh my god.” brunette chuckled with delight.”These are heavy. If his cum wasn’t being blocked off, he would have creamed us head-to-toe by now.”

Slrrrrrrrp! The fit Puerto Rican licked his left testicle up and down and smelled her slobber all over his undulating orb. “I swear I can feel something moving. He wants to blow his load so desperately.”

Never had the bound young man felt such pleasurable age quite like that before, and his entire body tensed in response. The brunette and Puerto Rican suckled on their respective smooth pulsing orbs and smelled their lipstick all over their new toys.

“I think these hefty puppies are sufficiently wet with our spit,” the older brunette commented, “let’s see if we can’t swallow these.”

“Mmmphff mmmmrphf.” The fit Puerto Rican attempted to respond, but she was already busy stuffing a fat ball into her mouth.

“While you two are busy, I think it’s time I put our little pussy slut to work.” The hostess said as she dropped her robe and lifted her left breast for the bound horse dick to suck.

“God damn!” The heavier blonde shrieked. “I never get tired of seeing your amazing breasts!” She compiled her host as she pressed their curvy bodies together. The heavier blonde grabbed her hostess’ right breast in both hands and began licking the sensitive stiffening nipple.

Mmmmmmmmm!” The hostess moaned. “Yes. OH YES! Keep licking my heavy title!”

“I’m surprised this is still available.” The Indian beauty said as she stood behind her brunette and Puerto Rican cohorts. After letting a generous amount of saliva spill out of her mouth and into her right hand, she grabbed the horse dick shake and gave it a few tender strokes.

“His poor cock. It’s so red and swollen.” The Indian woman said as her slender fingers softly caresed the thick slippery pole. “Did you have to tough it so much?” She asked the hostess.

Hssssssss.” The nude hostess hissed as she sucked air Through her clenched teeth. “Trust me…mmmmmmmmmm suck harder…trust me, you don’t want him exploding all over you. Not yet.” The hostess then grabbed both of her attendants by the backs of their heads and mashed them into her engulfing title-flesh, “fuck! Aaaaaah! Yaaaaah! Fucking swallow my nipples.”

The strawberry-blonde, being more of a “brass tax” individual than the other guests, followed her hostess’ lead and stripped. After discarding her clothes on a chair in the parlor, she positioned herself directly behind the molested boy toy and began rubbing his buttocks and hips.

“Damn This is a tight ass.” The strawberry-blonde moaned in the young man’s ear. “There’s not an ounce of jiggle in this thing.”


The strawberry-blonde gave the rock-hard rump of the horse dick a powerful spank. It caused him to jump. His arms flexed and shoulders bulged as he tried to pull his wrist restraints apart. And his mouth clamped down even harder on his captor’s large matronly breast.

GASP!” The hostess reacted as she felt more of her title-flesh sucked into her submissive’s mouth. Her nipple was sufficiently lodged in the back of his throat. “Oh my god! Do that again!” She instructed her guest.


The pinned horse dick received another striking whack against his ass.

AAAAHH! OH YAAAAAH!” The hostess belted out. “Oh ladies…you haven’t lived until someone deep-throats your tits.”


The strawberry-blonde spanked the fit submissive again, but that time she had left her hand on the rock-solid chef. “Mmmm, I bet these things could crush diamonds.” She said as her hand got closer and closer to his butt hole. She pressed her naked body against his and he could feel her hard nipples digging into his back. “Oh? What’s this?” She questioned as her fingertips reached his clenching hole and discovered something was already there. “You plugged his ass too?”

The hostess could only respond with a large grin as she increasingly became lost in the pleasure assault on her massive funbags.

The strawberry-blonde dug her fingers deep between her prisoner’sflexing glutes and managed to grab the exposed nub of the butt-plug. “I must admit,” she spoke with a low sultry tone, “I’ve never seen a man with a plug before,” and she subtly twisted and pumped the plug in and out of his ass.

The young submissive flexed, twisted, and moaned in sweet age. Receive so much pleasure on so many fronts was enough to drive him insane. Although blind, the picture was clear in His head. He savored the taste of the woman’s body whose breast he was devouring. The gentle strokes along his abused and strangled shake soothed his state and caused him to long for tender affect. Two different mouths were drawing his testicles apart. It was a unique euphoria to have each ball engulfed in its own warm and wet cavern, but having such sensitive and vulnerable parts stimulated made him feel anxious and nervous. And finally, a rather adventurous seductress toyed with the plug in his ass causing it to stretch his hole and rub against his prostate.


Glurk. Cough What? What was that?” The Puerto Rican milf asked as she felt something drip onto her face. In her shock, she spat the salty testiment out of her mouth.

“Oh god, is he coming?” The Indian woman responded. “I didn’t think that was possible with so many cockrings.”

That even broke the hostess out of her trance. “Hmm?” She said as she opened her eyes and looked down at the red raging erection being served by three mature hotties. “Oh no, he’s not coming yet,” she smiled, “he just leaks an incredible amount of precum whenever he’s overcome with lust.”

Mmmmm, don’t mind if I get a little taste.” The Indian cougar said as she bent forward and placed her lips just around the flared opening in the head of the monstrous cock before her.

Suuuuck. Pop.

The older brunette pulled the ball out of her mouth. “You’re always so classy, ​​it’s nice when we get to see you down and dirty.”

The Indian woman hadclosed her eyes and breathed deep the manly scent. Her head swirled and she was dizzy with desire, and soon the thirst for salty seminal fluid was all she craved.

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp.

The Indian woman’s cheats quickly filled with delicious fluid as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful.

GASP! Oh my god.” The Indian woman cried out as she released her lips from the rigid helmet. The volume had become too much for her.

“How was it?” The older brunette asked.

“It’s…it’s aah ahh incredible.” The Indian beauty panted. “It’s so rare, his cock, it’s disgusting and vile to look at, yet it tastes so good.” She explained as she licked her lips. “Whe did you find this rare specimen?” She asked her hostess.

“This is what happens, ladies, when you put yourself out there.” The hostess replied.

“He’s still spewing. I’ll have to try some myself.” The older brunette insisted.

With difficult, the perfectly hourglassed brunettepulled the throbbing horse-sized dick down to her face. The chased phallus surged in thickness and strength; it was a grotesque appendage that demanded the most aggressive sexual attention.

Mmmmmmm,” the brunette moaned in anticipation, “he smells like pure sex.” She had extended her tongue and licked up and down the slimy shaft. “So much heat coming off him.”


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