After plugging it in, he attached the Rabbit dildo attachment to the machine and turned it on.
“Oh Lord.. You have GOT to make me one of those!” One lady exclaimed.
Rick shut of the machine.
“I’m sorry Ricky, can we talk… alone?” Ashley said softly.
“OH, we’re gonna talk… but right now, you are going to answer some questions. Number one, how Many times did you and Ryan have sex?”
Ashley just seems to star into space as silence filled the air with the anticipation of her answer.
“Too hard of question? Ten, twenty, hundreds?”
Ashley began to cry. She could feel everyone’s eyes upon her as she was on exhibition. “Five?”
“Is that a question?”
“Question number two, How long have you were cheating?”
“Not long.”
Rick raised his voice, “I don’t want to hear not long. I want to hear a date.”
“Ricky… please, don’t do this.”
“You think about that date, I’m going to check on you’re boyfriend.” Rick said as he left the room grabbing his watered down Jack and Coke that he had forgotten about.
He returned only a couple minutes later.
“Well, think of that date yet?”
“July…I don’t know. July sometimes.”
“Women never forget dates, I don’t give a shit what they are.” Rick said as he grabbed the machine and slide it closer to Ashley. He attached it to the table with two adjustable pre-made straps.
“Okay everybody, there are basically three adjustments on this machine. There is a speed adjustment, (0-200 strokes per minute)(6 levels) Stroke depth, (1-6 inches) Then there is the height adjustment or angle (6). To make it simpler and a lot more fun, there are three dice in the dice box that are color coded. Whoever shakes, set up according to color. Green is speed, blue is depth and yellow is angle and the number corresponds to the level or position in which to set it at. Any questions?”
“Okay, who’s first?”
“I’ll go,” Sue said right away with a smile. She shook the dice and the results were green 3, blue 2, and yellow 4. “Let’s see, to adjust the depth, we adjust blue which is here to number 2, done. Yellow 4 we simply move this to here, and for the speed, we adjust this dial to 3.”
“No Ricky please, noooo…”
“Quiet! Sorry for the interruption. Now, this pussy needs to be wet, don’t you?” as he started slapping her lips softly. He spread her labia, then pressed firmly on her clip causing her juices to begin to flow. Rick then worked the Rabbit dildo up and down until it slowly slide in only and inch.
“Then just turn on the switch.”
Ashley gasped as she watched the device fuck her in front of everyone there. It moved slowly and not very deep, but she couldn’t move and everybody moved in for a closer look.
“Oh, and guys, I forgot. There is a time limit. This five minute sand glass I found from a game should work just fine. When the sand filters through, someone else shake the dice, set up the machine,and start all over again.”
“I think we were back on July, the last question, remember?” Rick asked as he pinched Ashley’s left nipple hard. “Next question, Did you suck his cock?”
“Only once.”
“Did you do it in our bed, our house?”
“Not in our bed Ricky… please stop this thing… aah?
“Did you have anal sex with him?”
“Ricky, noooo… I swear. Noooo…”
“Okay, I see your timer is about up. If someone wants to shake the dice and set up the machine again, Sue and I will get our other house guest.”
One of the guests picked up the dice box and began to shake it as Rick and Sue left the Room. She shook a green 4, blue 6, and yellow 4, as the sand timer ran out. The guys wasted no time shutting off and reading the machine. When they turned it on, Ashley tried to hold back the feelings the machine was thrusting into her, but the little rabbit ears were pounding her clip and everyone seemed to sense how close she was to an orgasm. She looksd around at everyone, then looked down between her legs at the relentless machine thrusting over and over.
“Oooh.. Oooh ….ooooohh… ahhhh .ah, ah ,ah, ah aahhhh”
Ashley continued to shake throughout her orgasms and the machine never missed a stroke.
In the bedroom, Rick and Sue got Ryan ready for the transfer to the living room.
“Okay Ryan, just relax. Remember that you have at least eight pounds of steel handcuffed to your cock and balls. I’m going to unhook the chain that is hooked to the bed frame.” Rick unhooked the 24 inch chain and reattached it with a padlock to the steel hit receiver attached to Ryan’s cock and balls.
“Okay, I’m going to help you to your feet. The chains around your ankles only give you only about six inches of slack. No big steps. Secondly, You have to hold that chain up about chest high at all times. If you let it down, that weight will be hanging on your cock and balls, too high and you may tighten the cuffs. Ready Sue? Let’s get him to his feet.”
“Okay,” Sue said as she grabbed the trailer hit and lifted the same time that Rick lifted Ryan to his feet.
“Ahhhh…” Ryan yelled out as the timing of Rick and Sue wasn’t quite right.
“You are on your own Ryan. Just hold that weight up and you will be just fine.. Let’s go meet all you’re friends and you’re girlfriend, shall we?” Rick instructed as he helped Ryan begin to walk out the door and down the hall to the living room. He took only baby steps with his arms outstretched, chest high holding the weight from hanging on his cock and balls. The humiliation truly hit him as he rounded the corner to the living room, completely naked, seeing all of his friends staring at him.
Rick positioned Ryan directly in front of Ashley’s spread legs with the fucking machine still parting her labia and creating a glistening wetness that dripped down her ass. They made eye contact for a second, but their attention seemed to be on each other’s punishmentment.
“Time to get this party started, don’t you think?” Rick asked. “Anyone need a drink?”
A couple people spoke up right away.
Rick just laughed, “Get your own fuckin’ drink. Help yourself and enjoy the show.”
Rick shut off the fucking machine and pulled out the rabbit dildo leaving Ashley’s pussy swollen and open. Ashley only moaned of the removal. “We still have some unanswered questions.”
“How are you doing Ryan? Arms getting tired yet?”
Ryan didn’t say anything, but every little movement would cause his cock and balls to rise and fall.
Sue stood next to Ryan as Rick asks the first question. “Ryan, I have already asked your little girlfriend these questions. If you two answered the same, the punishments will be less severe, but, well.. Let’s just see, shall we?”
Rick walked in between Ashley and Ryan to avoid any help on Ashley’s part. “Ryan, how many times did you and my.. wife have sex?”
As if in deep thought, Ryan was mentally counting in his head. “Twelve?”
“Twelve? Interesting…Ashley only did it five times, hmmmm. Either it wasn’t good for someone or, somebody is lying.”
“Next question. When was the first time that you did it?”
“Around the end of May or June, fuck Rick, I don’t know. My arms are getting tired. I get what you’re doing. Sorry man, it just happened. Sorry honey.”
“Yeah if I had a trailer hit handcuffed to my cock and balls, I’d be sorry too! Next question. How many times did she give you head?”
“Did you have sex in our house?”
“Hmmm, funny, she did say that you two didn’t do it in our bed, but didn’t deny in our house. Last question. Did you fuck her in the ass?”
Rick walked over to Ashley and sat on the little room available next to her. “Five questions… five questions and not one answer the same. What’s really sad, that I believe Ryan over you. We will discuss why later. Right now, you, and your boyfriend must be punished.”
“Ricky… I love you. I’m sorry. Please Ricky, give me another chance, pleaseeeease,…Ricky?”
“You two are being judged by your peers. There are four men and four women here to watch every aspect of your punishment for your infidelity. For question one, how many times did you do it? She said five, he said around twelve. The punishment for this will be a paddle across the ass. How many times is up to your peers. Five? Twelve? Something in between or some other number if they think you are both lying. Sue and I are going to get a drink while you deliberate.”
As they returned, one of the guys spoke up immediately, “Twelve, we think they are both lying.”
“Twelve it is,” Rick said as he opened his briefcase of BDSM toys and pulled out the paddle. As Rick walked to Ashley’s exposed ass she began to cry. “Don’t even start. Only if you are innocent.”
Ryan watched as Rick took aim on Ashley’s exposed ass. One by one, Rick connected with thepaddle.
Ashley cried out as Rick reddened her bottom one by one until he reached twelve. He then handed the paddle to Sue.
Rick assisted Sue to turn Ryan so everyone could see. He could see his arms were getting really tired holding the chain that held the weight chest high. Sue didn’t hold back like Rick did and flailed away at Ryan’s ass. He cried out and had a hard time holding the weight up as Sue hit her mark. One by one everyone counted. There were a few that took photos on their phone and cameras. You could see the rage in Sue’s face as she reached twelve and Ryan’s knees started to buckle.
“Okay…so much for question one. Question number two, hmmm, what do you think Sue? Ashley says July. Ryan says end of May or June. I’m willing to drop this question. I think we should be the ones being punished for this. Three months… and we didn’t know? I guess our love and trust just went too deep. “Come here Sue,” Rick said as he walked in between Ryan and Ashley. HeGrabbed Sue and pulled her close. He looked in her eyes and kissed her softly which led to an intense deep open mouth kiss. Ryan and Ashley looked on jealously as they embedded.
Rick and Sue slowly parted kissing each other softly, both smiling. “Well, I guess that takes care of question number two.? He said laughing. “How you doing over here Ryan? Need some more weight on that little thing?” He said as he tapped lightly on the weight.
Everyone could see the pain on Ryan and Ashley’s faces, both physically and emotionally as Rick and Sue had kissed.
“Question number three. There seems to be some discrepancy on the whole blow job issue. Ashley says she only sucked your little cock once, while you say about six times. Were you two even there together when you had sex?” Rick joked. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, your judgment.”
The group debated for a few minutes out loud. One of the men piped up, “I think that she should suck my cock.”
“I’ll go for thatAnother man said.”
“Okay, Rick said, but what about Ryan?”
“I’ll take care of that,” Sue said.
“Who’s turn was it to shake the dice. Let’s get this slut machine going again.”
One of the woman grabbed the dice box and shook. “Green 1, blue5, and yellow 5.”
“Set it up,” Rick said, as he took Sue aside to talk.
Before They had returned, one of the men had dropped his pants and offered his rather large cock to Ashley to suck on, while two of the girls struggled with the set up of the machine.
Rick walked back in, “What are you waiting for.” He addressed Ashley. “Suck his cock!”
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