
We went to a play party recently, and my mistress told me to let the two men on a nearby sofa play with me. I’m small but I love boots, and I wore a pair of black leather half boots that night with little spike heels. I always wear my collar and wrist and ankle cuffs with their D rings. I usually wear a jacket, like that night, and a gold wait chain. The wait chain has a small ring on one end that loops through so I can put a little clamp at the end of it, and I did that night, bending over and pulling the wait chain tight, then snugging the clover clamp onto the base of my clip. When I stood up or walked, it tugged very nicely on my clip and made it feel good.

I’ve said it before, but I really like the feel of other people at these parties being fully dressed, but I’m mostly naked. Or the best parts of me are naked. It makes me feel naughty and slutty and I really do like that. I do this real life, and I thought a long time before going into private parties, because of thetrust you have to have with your domme. So she doesn’t tie you up and let just anything happen to you. Or – maybe she DOES let just anything happen to you. Either way, I’d built up trust.

At parties I wear black hair and dark makeup, and with my pale skin, it makes me look slutty. Well. Just thinking about it makes me feel slutty.

You’d be surprised at Some of the people who go to these parties. People with really prominent roles in the community, but they like it when I walk over to them. They like watching me, and I like that they look.

On that night I wore nipple noises, which I usually do. I like to feel just a little pain, a little awareness. What I like most of all, though, is walking over to someone, like these two men on the sofa, and sliding my arm around one of their necks and leaning forward, and if he seems shy, and this one did – I helped. I picked up his hand and put it around my hip, then moved it around to my bottom. I pulled open my jacket a little andrubbed my nipple against his mouth, and I opened my legs and hooked my right leg up and over the arm of the sofa. With my right hand, I pulled his hand down a little more, so it was caresing my bottom, then dipped it a little underneath so he just brushed against the lips.

I like to look at them in the eyes the whole time I do this. I want them to see how lustful I am and how slutty I am. I wait for the best part, or one of the best parts, which that night was when the other man on the sofa said he loved my pussy. That’s a hot turn-on word for me. That was also my cue to give him some attention, so I came around in front of them and sat between them, my legs on each side of one of theirs. I grabbed their hands in mine and moved them down to my inner thighs, then put my arms behind their necks.

They liked this and so did I, especially since my legs were wide open and I could feel them getting excited and hear them breathing harder, as I was. I leaned my head back a littleand pushed out my breasts. The clip clamp felt really good. One of them was playing with that, and the other man was playing with the labia, tugging on them.

I also liked that with my legs wide open, the man across from us was watching. I looked up and smiled at him lazily, my eyes half-closed. I thrust my hips up a little in his direction, and his eyes ogled, fascinated. Good. I smiled.

One of the men called his wife over. She wasn’t that interested, but she went ahead and touched my left breast, tenatively. I quivered. I’m mainly straight, but the idea of ​​a woman touching me is sometimes really hot. Plus, my domme is a woman, of course, and that means she knows some of the best ways to get me slutty.

Of course, it doesn’t take much to get me slutty.

The wife, as I said, wasn’t that interested, but her husband encouraged her. There she was in an evening gown that probably had cost thousands of dollars, one hand holding a glass of what looked to be bourbon, herOther hand very nervously touching my breast. Her husband finally gave up. He took a drink from his own glass and offered it to me, but I shook my head. Mistress has firm rules.

But I did show him that he could take a cube of ice from his drink and rub in against my nipples and my clip, and that amused the two of them for a while, and the man across from us finally got up and went to the bathroom, probably to jack off. I smiled again.

A tap on my shoulder, and I turned my head. Lena, motion. I stood up, making sure I slowly rubbed a nipple across one man’s lips, then the other, before I went. I smiled and waved.

I moved on to another group that Lena nodded to. The rich are always looking for exciting things, different things. Several of us were in the crowd, mixed in with people wearing tuxedos and gowns that rustled with money. I wandered about to knots of people as I was shown, never talking; another rule.

Mistress made a soft announcement, which means that we had some more clamps added, to increase interest. I used a favorite, a chain through my collar D-ring, clover clamps at the end. I had to bend over a little, Lena helping, the clamps firmly snapped onto the base of each nipple, then I stood up. Every time I moved or turned, my breasts tugged a little at the clamps. This is why my Mistress has us to train with these clamps so much, so we can build up a little endurance. But not so much that it doesn’t give a little pain, which I like.

Another time wandering, then another announcement, more clamps. Lena brought over a very short chain with two clamps and pulled up my nipples so far I thought she’d pull them off. She somehow managed to get a new clamp underneath the old ones, so now my nipples were really going to smart. The short chain went across from nipple to nipple, pulling my breasts together a bit. My breasts and nipples were pulling up and together some. A good kind of hurt.

MOre clamps later, this time, clover clamps to each side of my clip, a sensitive area for me. Lena also grinned at me and clicked two little rings into place on each side of my navel. My belly is also very sensitive, my navel especially so. I was pretty wet.

We found an interesting little group at one point. Lena came over and watched, because this time two of the wives showed an unexpected interest in playing with me. One of the women even kissed me, and I put my hand on her breast. She moaned. I moved her hand down to my pussy, figuring she would move her hand away, but she didn’t. Her friend came over and surprise of surprises, joined in, sliding her hand under and between my legs. The husbands really liked that. The women were fascinated with my nipple clamps and asked if they hurt. I nodded and then tilted my hand back and forth: “a little.” I smiled. My nipples were a very dark red by now.

The last announcement came, and I went to the demo bars with a couple of others. I like this part a lot.Lena and John hooked up my wrist and ankle cuffs to the frame. We have a fancy one. Lena can push a button and raise or lower the bars easily. She moved the bars up a little. I was on my toes. She pulled off the navel clamps and slide a black leather corset around me. John was in back, tugging and pulling. He can get them very tight, which I also like. I like the pressure on my stomach and I like being pulled very tight, very helpless, very exposed. I was in an X shape, my wrists overhead and out to the corners of the frame; my legs wide and my ankles clipped by their cuff rings to the outer corners of the frame. Lena frowned and hit the button, pulling me up a little more. I gasped. John re-did part of the laces on the corset, making it so tight I could barely breathe.

The really good and yummy thing About this is that when he does that, I just feel all kinds of focus on my breasts and pussy at that point. I can feel blood pounding in my clip, I can feel it twitching. I feel like I’m even more exposed than ever before somehow. This corset pushed my breasts up and together. Lena shortened the little chains some, pulling everything up and together even more, almost painfully.

Susan and Eric were working on two others as Lena finished with me. Lena is really good. She used clover clamps on my labia with little chains dangling down, so it stretched the lips and tugged at them. She kept clipping and clamping and told me later that she had used 3 clamps on each lip, with a small chain dangling from each. She pulled out her clothespins and I groaned, and she grinned. Sadist. Which is why I love her, of course. She clipped and clipped, along the outside of the aureola, the sides of my breasts, across my belly near the navel where the corset ended, near my clip, on the insides of my thighs, even on the soft tender flesh behind the labia, before the butt’s gasping little hole. She scraped her fingerprintnails on my bottom cheerfully, grinning.

Thenshe took out one of her favorites, the alligator clamps. Those went on the top of the nipples, hurting, digging into puffed, swollen tenderness that was already throbbing. She fixed them so the clamps hung downwards and I knew what was next: she put tiny weight on them, digging in. They were trying to bear down, but the clover clamps were trying to dig up. It hurt. And yet, it was getting hot and exciting. And I could Feel the clamps digging into my labia and pulling, and my clip was throbbing.

Which the rat knew, because she grinned and put an alligator clamp on the very end of my clip, which twitched and brought tears to my eyes, but I was about to orgasm on her hand. Like I said. I’m a slut.

And the really hot thing? everyone watching.

Mistress took her time, going to each of us, back and forth. She played with one of us, then another. This gave the clamps time to build up pain. Enough pain for me, though, that after a time I began to feel bliss. The two women whohad played with me earlier had come closer and were watching. One of them was struggling her breast. I licked my lip while watching her, and she blushed.

I felt a thwack! on my naked bottom. Mistress swung a flogger, slapping it against my skin until it stung. She then pulled out a singletail whip and cracked it loudly against the floor. The audience stepped back a little. But artistically, deliberately, she turned and flicked the end of the singletail so that it went up and just barely touched my clip, and I jerked and moaned, my head back and that pulled hard on my clamps on my breasts. I also arched my back, and that tugged hard on the clamp that had been on my clip all this time.

Mistress is really good at this. She can flick a singletail whip so deliciously and exactly that she doesn’t leave anything more than a slightly red mark. She motioned Lena over, whispered. Lena pushed the button, grinning at me. I was quivering. My toes went off the floor. I was stretched into a tight X, spreadeagle, off the floor. People were crowding closer.

My Mistress flicked her singletail again, and again, so at times it went under me and licked up against my pussy, causing me to jerk and cry out, my eyes closed and my head back. She flicked it against my nipples several times until, with her great skill, she caused the tail of the whip to grab the chain of first one alligator clamp and then Another, and pull them off the nipples, and I cried out again, orgasming. I shuddered. The two women were closer, holding hands, watching. My Mistress loved my body with her whip, flicking and making it dance all over my body as I twitched. I could barely breathe and was stretched out so tightly and so far apart. I was so helpless, so unable to move. My Mistress snapped her whip against my clip and the clamps and cracked off clamps, one by one, which caused great pain not when they were hit, but when they came off with a snap! and my skin was free of the pressure suddenly.I was moaning and heaving and as much as I was able, trying so hard to thrust my hips forward to get something in my pussy.

Chains were dangling from my D-ring on my collar, but no more clothespins or clamps were on my breasts. Just tender red marks and swollen flesh. The only clamp left on me was the one on my clip, and she had Lena to remove it. The relief of pressure was so great I cried out again and moaned and tried to rub my pussy against Lena’s hand for relief.

For that translation, I was flipped while still on the frame and a humped upside down wide U-shape was slip under me by John. It pushed my hips up. My poor pussy was red with marks, but no cuts. Mistress is very skilled.

But she didn’t want me rubbing my pussy without her permission.

The bottom bar of the frame was removed, and John hinged the bottom side bars so they went up, my legs with them. He worked the frame until my legs spread apart wider,then wider still, my arms still over my head. Mypussy was wide open and facing up, my legs up and open.

I could hear movement and know Lena had given Mistress either the crop or the cane. I wasn’t sure which until I felt her tapping gently at first on the mons and knew it was the cane. She rapped stronger, then a little stronger still, then suddenly thwacked me across the clip and pussy, telling everyone what a slut and nympho I was and that I had played with my pussy without her permission. She reminded them that she owned my pussy and only she could say when it could be used or played with. She smoked my pussy several times with the cane, paused, then got her crop. I felt the flat flexible end flick against my clip, which was hurting, yet I was so hot and excited I was shivering. She smoked the insides of my legs several times, sometimes close to the groin, sometimes further away. She swatted my clip a few times with the crop. She paused. Lena came over, gave her something. Oh no. I felt the labia spreader go on, a thin belt around the waist, a thin leather strip between the legs; up between the pussy, then the two slightly wider leather strips pulled tight, so tightly, hooked into the belt, then sliding until the wide leather pieces gripped the labia and stretched them far, than farther apart. I was wide open now. I didn’t believe it possible, but John managed to get the frame bars to spread even wider still.

Mistress raised her arm and swatted my pussy, hard, smacking it over and over on the open pussy, then my clip, inside my tighs, over and over, until I had tears, but I began to orgasm and quiver. She was satisfied and stopped, called to Lena. I felt a vibrator sliding into my pussy, turned up on high, left there, and she left me there like that with my sore pussy, the vibrator in me on high, me orgasming and gasping, arching my back, while she played with two others of us.

At one point the two women came over while the vibrator was still in me, and one of them started playing with mynipples. They were sore but in a good way, and my fingers scratched at the chains over my wrists, trying to grab them so I could free myself, yet not sure if I wanted that. I was still scratching at the chains, trying to grab them, twisting a little, when the other woman kissed me and moved her hand down my belly, stroking it, rolling my clip gently round and round, and I moaned in her mouth and turned my head to her. My fingers were grabbing for the chains, trying to break free, yet I couldn’t and didn’t know if I wanted to.

There is a great feeling of being helpless and tied and unable to move, of being stretched and pulled wide open. I saw some of the men from the corners of my eyes come by. I felt some of their hands, smoothing down the insides of my legs, even jiggling the vibrator sometimes, though they didn’t remove it, on Mistress’ orders. One old man hobbled over, bent over, looked at me, and then began sucking at my nipple. He nibbled it. He felt pretty good, actually./p>

When we were through and John and Eric were putting away the frames and the equipment, I crawled over to Mistress, then laid down on the floor in front of her at her feet. John pulled me up on an ottoman and dragged me over it so my head was over the back end, and he helped me to open my legs. I was very shake. But I was very happy when Mistress over and holding onto John with one arm, gently put a booted foot on my belly, showing me her power over me, then sat before me. She propped the heel of her boot on my clip, rubbing gently, and I shivered and orgasmed. She was talking to some of the people who were still there, who had questions. While she talked, she would sometimes put the spike of her heel against my clip and push gently, or move her toe so she mashed gently against my pussy. She told them this was to show that she owned my pussy, and that she could whip it or have it fucked as she pleased. The heel dipped gently inside me a little, then out. I gasped. One of the men wanted to know why she wanted that kind of power? she just chuckled. She moved her foot from me and I felt disappointed, but she pushed my legs back open with my hand when I began to sit up. I laid back again. She picked up the singletail whip and coiled its sleep length around her hand and told them about power and obedience, but I watched the whip. Without a word to me, she thrust the handle inside my pussy and moved it back and forth a little, causing me to cry out.

“Beg me,” she said, and I whimpered and begged her to please let me cum. She pulled the handle out a little, and the men were impressed. She talked a little more and I thought she might have forgotten me, but she suddenly pulled out the handle and rapped me sharply across the clip with it.

“Beg me. Plead with me,” she ordered. I begged and pleaded, and she pushed the handle back into me and twisted it. The handle has braided leather and it feels very good inside, twisting like that. She moved it in and out a little.


I pulled myself from the ottoman and crawled to her, then pulled myself up on my knees before her.


I opened my legs as wide as I could, still on my knees, lacing my fingers behind my head, thrusting my breasts out and arching my hips towards her as far as I could. She cupped one of my breasts, squeezing it a little, scratching her thumbnail on the sore nipple.

“Beg in position.”

I kneeled onto my hands and knees and leant down, kissing the toe of her foot, then began kissing the ankle and working my way slowly up the calm. She put her hand on my forehead and I stopped. She pushed her foot between my legs and pushed the toes up, catching me inside my pussy. I pulled my head back and closed my eyes, my arms at my side, my breasts out. She grabbed my nipples in her fingers, pulled them and twisted, and I moaned and cried and said “Oh Mistress, oh Mistress thank you, thank you.”

She smiled and kissed me on the mouth, reaching her hand underneath and cupping my pussy.

The men were quiet, with aching looks on their faces, hungry looking, animals with lust. She motioned me back to the ottoman and called to Lena, who came over and knelt beside me. Mistress gave her the singletail, handle first. Lena took it and rubbed it across my clip, then pushed the handle back inside me. The men watched while she fucked me with the handle. I like that they watch. I really like for them to watch, to see it slide in me, to see how I understand and twist, how I arch my back and lift my hips, to hear how I moan and almost sob and cry out and thank Mistress and Lena. Lena is good with the whip handle.

The night was good. When we got to Mistress’ home and I was cleaned, she let me lie down on one of the beds, and she cuffed my wrists and ankles herself to the four bedposts, so I was spreadeagle. She attached a leash to the D ring of my collar that was on my neck, and she hooked the leash overhead.

“Do you wantJohn? Or Eric?” asked Mistress quietly, smoothing my hair.


She smiled, kissed me, moving her hands down my body. “All right then.”


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