Slippery When Wet

It had been a long and boring shift at work, and Nikki was glad to be heading home. Not quite as glad she hadn’t had a chance to use the bathroom before she left- but it was being cleaned when she had checked, and she hadn’t felt like hanging around the store for the extra fifteen minutes. She pulled her brown hair back into a clip and craneded up the radio, trying to distract her bladder with some tunes. Slowly the Need to use the bathroom dissipated, much to her relief… the sky was gloomy, and it smelled like rain. Nikki just hoped the storm would wait until she was inside… wet jeans would have to be thrown in the laundry immediately, and she was ready for a calm, relaxed night.

No such luck, however… as she pulled into her parking space, a few drops splattered on her windshield, followed by a steady downpour. rain pounded on the pavement and Nikki fled to the doorway of her apartment building, cursing. She rummaged in her purse, pulled her keys out and trusted up the stairs to her door, glad that her jeans seemed dry enough. Nikki really didn’t feel like doing a load of laundry tonight… She inserted her key into the door, and tried to turn it.

It wouldn’t budget.

“Damn it” she muttered, and struggled with the lock. Then she remembered that today was the day the landlord had warned her he was switching the locks around. Another tenant had her apartment broken into, so all the locks were being changed to more heavy duty versions. A fantastic idea… but not one Nikki wanted to have to deal with now. She could feel her bladder pulsing, and she swallowed, hoping her boyfriend was home to let her in before she pissed all over the carpet. She banged on the door.


No answer. Nikki began to squirm, and hoped no one was leaving their apartment anything soon… she knocked again. “Thomas! It’s me… c’mon, lemme in…”

Still no answer, and Nikki could feel the pain begin of holding her urine in… but she wasn’t about to let herself pee in her jeans, and definitely not in the hallway of her apartment building.

Luckily the door swung open and there was Thomas, towel in his hands, grinning. “Sorry, I could barely hear you… was doing the dishes…”

Nikki smiled back. “Doing the dishes? That’s a first!”

Sheepishly, he shrugged. “I heard you say this morning as you left that you I forgot til a few minutes ago. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Awww…” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He shifted his lips onto her neck and bit her hard, causing her legs to go weak. Nikki moaned. Thomas slide one hand over her side, going under her tee shirt and cupping one breast in his hand, thumb lightly flicking the nipple.

“You’re horny tonight, aren’t you?” he whispered into her hair, feeling the nub grow firm under his touch.

“Yes…” she replied softly, her head nuzzling into his shoulder.

He held her for another minutee, then pulled her away from him. She stood there, head meekly down, and he lifted her chin with his finger.

“Well then, Nikki… my little slut… I think I have a collar here, begging to be defeat. Would you like to feel it clasped against your neck?… or would you rather have a more traditional relaxed night?” As he spoke, he ran one hand possessively down her thigh, slipping his hand between her legs, and smiling as her breath quickly. She nodded.

“Then knee, darling, crawl and fetch the collar, it’s on the nightstand where we last left it. Bring it to me in your teeth.”

She dropped to her knees, the weariness flying from her mind as she crawled into the bedroom on her hands and knees. Nikki clamped her teeth around the collar, a simple lockable leather band with a D ring in the front. As she crawled back to Thomas’s feet, she could feel the ticle in her bladder again, persistent… but she ignored it, deciding to focus her attention instead on her orders and the desire she felt to be following them.

Thomas, meanwhile, moved all the furniture to the walls and spread a black vinyl tablecloth in the middle of their living room floor. He dimmed the lights and waited for his girlfriend to return. She appeared soon afterwards, collar in between her teeth, and she offered it to him, kneeing patiently in front of him. He took it, taking the clip out of her hair and brushing it to one side. He buckled the collar and reached into his pocket for the lock. The snap seemed to echo in the room… the only other sound was the rain falling outside.

“Stand,” Thomas ordered, and Nikki quickly stood before him, hands by her sides and legs slightly apart. He circled her, examining the clothes she was wearing, delighted at the way her jeans hugged her curves and her tee shirt barely covered her stomach, offering a hint of skin as she moved.

“There’s still dishes to be done, and I figured I’ll finish those before I play with you, my sweet. Since I’d like to have the lights dim, I have these,” palm outstretched to display two pillar candles, ” and I would like you to hold these in front of you for me. Will you do that?”

Nikki nodded silently, and he gave her the candles, positioning her arms so they were at a 90 degree angle to her body.

“Now,” he said quietly, “I want you to remain completely still as I finish these. You will be able to that that, yes?”

She nodded.

“Tell me.”

“Yes,” Nikki said, her voice barely carrying.

Thomas forced her to look him in the eye. “Yes what? Remember your manners!”

“Yes Sir…”

“Better.” He smiled at her, kissing her cheek, lighting the candles, and leaving her standing there, right in the middle of the vinyl sheet. He started running the water, and Nikki could feel the need to pee returning. The trickling of the water made it much more difficult for her to ignore it… and the urge was a lot stronger than before. She stood there, the candles shaking only slightly in her hands as she tried to will her bladder to stop pulsing. One minute… two… three passed, and the water streamed into the sink, the rain still falling outside. Nikki began to wonder if she would be able to hold it long enough to be able to ask her boyfriend for permission. After five long minutes, she began to clamp her thighs together, winning with the effort not to move. The water ceased for a minute, and Thomas turned back to Nikki. She began to squirm a little more, and he shook his head.

“I thought I told you to remain still?”

Nikki tried to resume her position, and realized doing so would mean she couldn’t stop herself from having an accident. “Sir… may I please use the bathroom?..”

He laughed. “Oh, is THAT the reason why you’re putting up such a fuss over there?… hmm…”

“Please!” she blurted.

He raised a browser. “I think you missed something there.”

She froze. “Sir! Please, Sir, sorry Sir…”

A smile playedover his lips. “No, no, too late… I think you’ll have to wait another 5 minutes for that little slip up…”

“No, please Sir, PLEASE!” The urgency was clear in her voice, as she crossed her legs and tried to clamp onto her bladder.

“No? Are you questioning me now?” He told. “Nikki, that’s just not acceptable… You’re going to have to stay right there. I’ll Take those…” and he took the candles from her, “and you stand right there and think about why respect is so important.” He placed the candles onto the kitchen counter, the light bright on her reddened face. Thomas brushed a straight brown hair away from his eyes, and smiled again. “I think I’ll finish the last few dishes as you think about what you’ve done.”

Her eyes widened and he turned the faucet on, enjoying watching her inner struggle, noticing how much she wanted to obey him but how desperate she was to use the bathroom. She began to cross her legs, try to clamp her thighs together… but the water in thesink just was too much, and she felt the urine slowly began to trickle from her body, warm and wet. She blushed hotly. Thomas saw her crotch began to stain darker, and smiled. “Can’t hold it, Nikki?” he murmured, standing a few feet away and watching her squirm. She shook her head. “Try,” he said firmly.

“I… can’t..” she whispered.

“Sure you can. Think of something else.”

“The… water…”

“Control it for as long as you can, Nikki… I want to see how long you can last.” He watched her face tense up, her eyes close, and the stain on her jeans grow larger and larger, very slowly…

“Please let me use the bathroom, Sir!” she begged one last time.


And she realized she wasn’t going to be able to hold it Any longer, and she feel the urine flow from her, soaking her panties, feel her jeans get wetter and cling closer to her body, trickle down the sides of her legs. She flushed, feeling his gaze on her as the urine stained her jeans, warming her skin. As she went, she felt like the steady stream would never end, gushing from her body. Nikki looked at the floor, humiliated to have pissed her pants in front of her boyfriend, to have lost control like that.

Seeing her gaze drop, Thomas stepped closer to her and slide his hand between her legs, one finger rubbing against her clip. “Shhh…” he said into her ear. “You’re doing well… is that all?”

She considered for a moment, then nodded.

“Good girl.” He withdraw his hand and smiled, holding her close. She grew limp in his arms, and he stroked her hair, murmuring softly to her and comforting her as she shivered, her eyes closed. Eventually one brown eye opened, then the other.

“May I please shower, Sir?…” The words were quiet, and he embraced her tightly for a minute.

“Of course you may… I’ll join you.”

She smiled, feeling peaceful now that the struggle was over. He helped her unbutton her jeans, and he slide them down her wet legs, pulling them from one foot, then the other. She removed the te shirt, and stood before him in her bra and panties… little light blue panties with a dark blue stain on them. Thomas ran his hands over her skin, unclasped her bra and slide one hand into her panties, his finger rubbing against her clip. She moaned, and he slide her panties off her as well, until she was naked before him.

Quickly he pulled off his shirt and pants, and with his arm protectedly around her wait, he led her to the shower.

Nikki waited as he turned the water on, made sure it was warm, and helped her inside. Under the warm stream of water, they embraced, skin against skin. She became less calm, more alive, pressing her body against his. He groaned, pushing his cock against her and she responded, rubbing her crotch against him as he let one hand glide down to her ass, the Other on her back. Thomas pulled her closer to him and they kissed again.

“Let’s wash off quickly,” Nikki said with a wicked smile, “and get into bed, hmm? What do you think, Sir?..” and her hand dropped down to his cock, caressing it as she spoke.

“Mmm… yes, I think that’s a marvelous idea” Thomas said huskily, and he reached for the body wash, pouring some over her breasts. She squealed at the cold soap as it hit her body, and then inhaled quickly as he began to smooth it over her skin, her breasts, her ass, her legs… Nikki did the same, letting her hands slide over his chest, down his thighs, taking extra time on his cock. He moaned, and let the water run over them both, shutting the shower off and grabbing a towel. Thomas towelled off Nikki, enjoying the way she pressed against his hands as he dried her off. Then he offered it to her, and she dried him off in return, loving the feel of his body under the towel.

“Come on,” he said, and she dropped the towel, taking his hand and letting him lead her to the bed.

“Kneel on the bed.”

Nikki followed the order, thrilled at the command, feeling calmer than ever before because of her complete loss of control, but aroused and loving every minute of it. Thomas spread her legs apart, letting his fingers dance over her wet pussy lips. She gasped.

“Is that what you want, my little slut?… You want my fingers inside you?..”

Nikki shook her head.

“No? Then what is it you do want, Nikki?”

She swallowed, and looked behind her, at him. “Sir… please… I want you to fuck me… please, Sir… I want to feel your cock inside me.”

Thomas closed his eyes, letting her words wash over him, feeling his cock get even firmer, his eyes wandering over her ass, her collared neck, the still wet hair that hung on either side of her face…

“All right,” he replied, reaching for the box they kept beside the bed and pulling out a condom. “Touch yourself,” he ordered, and from behind her he watched as her fingers spread her sad lips and she plugged one finger, then another into her pussy. Thomas rolled thecondom onto his cock, slowly, enjoying the view of her fingers at work within her, loving the small gasps she kept making as she masturbated for him.

“Enough,” he murmured, and as soon as her fingers left her cunt he held onto her hips and thrust into her. She gasped out loud, and pushed back, and he began to fuck her, hard and fast, his cock withdrawing almost all the way before plunging into her tight pussy again, going harder, deeper with each thrust. She cried out, and her head dropped to the pillow, her ass pushing back against his cock, legs spreading wider to let him in farther. He grabbed a handful of her chestnut hair and firmly pulled back, making her back. “Head up,” he ordered, and she moaned again in reply. He let go of her hair and slapped her ass, and she gasped.

“Please Sir…”

And he spanked her other ass cheek, continuing to fuck her as hard as he could, loving the feel of her tight pussy around his cock, encircling it, pulsing with her lust.

“Please what?” and he thrust in again, deeper.

Nikki exhaled, and said hoarsely, “Please, Sir, may I please cum?…”

He felt his orgasm building, and said, “Yes… yes, you may cum…” and he fucked her faster, feeling the orgasm come pulsing, shuddering through his body, delighted to feel her begin to shudder in return. Thomas reached one hand to her nipple and pinched, and she groaned, “Yessss…” as her cunt quivered around his cock. She let her head fall to the pillow, and he left his cock within her, rolling her to the side and hugging her body to his. She wriggled against him, and surprised contentedly.

“Thank you, Sir…” she said quietly.

“You’re welcome, my pet…” Thomas replied, as their breath slowed and sleep settled over them both.


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