Before I start the next chapter in my full to total submission and how I was used by Mistress Z, I would like to point out that I’m dressed like the slut I am, I have a pink bra and knicker set, a short denim skirt and a black lacy top on, also my small cock is locked up in its cage and has been for 4 weeks now, because I’m not owned I brought a key service on eBay of all places, a padlock was posted to me and I locked it in place securing my cock into its chatity cage, 2 weeks later the key was meant to drop on my mat, this never happened and I soon found out that if I wanted the key it would cost me £500, I could go and buy some bolt cutters but I love the feeling of having no control over my cock and cum.
At 7 am the next morning my phone buzzed and I opened the message, my cock stood up proud when I saw it was from Mistress Z it read “you belong to me now and that you are just a dirty little slut, not worthy of dressing like a man, you will only wear underwear fitting your place, you will everyday wear bra and knickers, I will be checking” I knew better than to argue so replied with a simple Yes Mistress, as you wish.
As I dressed for work I put on a black bra and knicker set under my work clothes, I feel hyper aware of my underwear and am sure my employees could tell as I walked into work. As the days went on and no sign of my Mistress I started to think that she would not check up on me one day I decided that I would go back to boxes. This plan went well for the first 2 days but went hornribly wrong on day 3 when my Mistress turned up and came straight through to my office, my heart sank as she told me to stand and to drop my trousers, as I followed her order I knew I was in trouble, how much trouble I could not of guessed, as Mistress saw I had disobeyed her, Firstly she looked hurt but then anger took over, she told me to take my trousers and boxes off and knee in front or her with my legs as far apart as I could get them, she told me to putmy hands behind my head and to interlock my fingers. I did not hesitate to drop to my knees.
Mistress walked up to me and wrapped her hands around my throat and she started to squeeze, at first she made it hard for me to breath and then she cut off all my air, try as I might I could not get a single drop of air into my lungs, and it was not long at all till they started to burn and try as I might I could not keep my hands Behind my head, as my hearing went I grabbed her wrists and try as I might I could not free her hands, the world went black and white and I came round face down on the floor.
It took me a little while to get my bearings and to work out that I am on the floor at my Mistress’s feet, she ordered me back on my knees, she told me to free up my weekend and that she would be round Friday by 5pm and that she would punish me then. She walked up to me and wow what pain, she had kicked me I’m my balls I could not help but double up on the floor with tears running down my face, Mistress bent over so her face was inches away from my face and she laughed and told me to be ready Friday, she then spat in my face and left leaving my office door open. I managed to struggle to my feet to shut the door before anyone saw me.
Friday I took off work to get ready for my Mistress both physically and mentally. I laid out on my bed all the toys and ropes ready for her to use on me.
Around 3pm I ran myself a bath and as I sank into the warm water I wondered what was in store for me. I held my entire body, just leaving the hair on my head, dried myself and then rubbed coconuts oil into my skin so it would be nice and soft for my Mistress.
At about 4.30 I put the key in the door and then started to get dressed. I slipped on some lacy black knickers and a matching padded bra, a short tight black leather skirt and a tight fitting white blouse, finally I stepped into my 4 inch high black high heels. After I checked I looked slutty enough in the mirroror I knelt by the front door and waited for my Mistress.
5 o’clock on the dot I heard the key turn in the door and with my head bowed and eyes fixed firmly on the ground my Mistress walks in. She didn’t even acknowledge me as she walked past me and into my bedroom. A minute later she returns and orders me to open my mouth wide, I do as ordered and she pushes the ball from the ball gag behind my teeth before she bucked it behind my head making sure it was tight enough that it stayed put.
My Mistress then ordered me onto my back and then told me to bend my legs so each ankle was touching my thighs and she bound my left ankle to my left thigh and then did the same to my right leg, then she set to work on my arms, again she ordered me to bend then so the palm on my hands were touching my shoulders, then she tied each wrist to the top of my arm, effectively turning my legs and arms as stumps, to finish the job my Mistress took out a roll of duck tape and completely encased my arms and legs in it.
Mistress Z helped me to turn over and to get me on my 4 stumps, she slipped the choke chain over my head and around my neck, attended the lead and led me into my bedroom, once there she lifted my skirt up around my arse pulled my black knickers to one side, I felt her spit on my man cunt and as she started to open me up with a plug she said “my disobedient little slut, I will teach you What happens if you disobey me” and with that she pushed the plug deep into me, because she didn’t use lube it was very tight and it felt like I couldn’t take any but as I moaned into the gag I was relieved to feel my arse close around the base of the plug as I sucked the final bit in. When she was satisfied that the plug was all the way in she pulled my skirt back down over my arse and only then could I feel my tail brushing against my balls.
Mistress Z then took hold of the lead again and walked me on my stumps down the hall, through the sitting room and to the patio doors leading to my rear garden, my heart sank as she opened the door and stepped outside. I stopped dead by the door and refused to follow her out, this made Mistress Z cross and she pulled on the lead as I pulled backwards, the choke chain did its job and cut off my air supply and very quickly I passed out.
When I came to I was on my back, my skirt was pulled up around my waist and Mistress Z had Already started to tie my balls up. She tied some string tight around the base of my balls and was wrapping it around and around my balls, when she was happy they were tight enough she then threaded it between my balls looped it under the string closest to my body, she pulled it tight splitting by balls apart and tied it tight to the choke chain. Mistress Z helped me back onto my 4 stumps, she straightened my skirt up, took hold of the lead and pulled, not only did it restrict my air flow but it pulled on the string attached to my balls and as the string dug in and forced my balls apart the pain was too much for me to take and I knew there was only one way to stop the pain and with that I had no choice but to follow my Mistress into the back garden. I was so grateful that my garden was only overlooked by a couple of house’s, Mistress Z walked me around the garden a few times before walking me to a small tree, she unclipped the lead, wrapped it around the tree, thread the lead through the handle of the lead and then attached it back to the choke collar leaving me tied to the tree she laughed saying ” I will be back, don’t go anywhere, o ya slut you can’t” and with that she headed inside leaving me alone, exposed and helpless.
The sun had started to set by the time my Mistress came back out to me, she said that seeing that I look like an animal then I should go to the loo like one, she lifts my skirt up and tells me that I can only come insides after I have had a wee. My bladder was full and to my humiliation it didn’t take very long before it emptied its self. OnlyThen did she unclipped the lead and told me to follow her, I was so pleased when she headed inside and even though my limbs were stiff and with very little feeling left in them I followed her indoors. Once inside she picked up my left arm and leg and tipped me onto my back where she cut the duck tape off my limbs and then untied them and as I started to straighten up my legs and arms the blood started to flow back into them and then the pain started.
Finally when I got the feeling back my Mistress told me to stay on my hands and knees and to follow her into my bedroom, as I crawled into my bedroom I could see that she has been spending some money because in the corner was a dog cage all set up. I know where I would be spending the night but as I was ordered to knee at my Mistresses feet I know she was not finished with me yet.
Mistress held out the hood and with the ball gag still in place she pulled the hood over my head. When she was happy it was in place with the only2 small holes allowing any air to flow she lacened it up down the back of my head the first buckle and straw went around my neck and she secured it in place with a small padlock. The second straw went around my head over my eyes and the 3rd and last one went over the top of my head and down under my chin and as she tightened this one up she forced me to bit down on the gag and push the ball further into my mouth.
When my Mistress was happy with her handy work she took hold of my tied balls and pulled me to my feet and pushed me backwards until by back hit the wall, still holding my now purple balls in her hand the other wrapped itself around my rock hard cock as she started to play with it, running her fingers up and down my shake at the same time pulling and squeezing my balls. Try as I might my cock started to leak cum and in under a minute by balls tightened as I shot my load. Unknown to me Mistress Z caught my cum in her hand and wiped it over my chest.
Now as most men know that cumming is meant to be the end of the evening and I was expecting to be untied but Mistress Z had other ideas, still with my balls in her hand she pulled me forward until I tripped over my bed and fell face down on my bed, almost immediately she stepped on the back of my knee forcing it down onto the floor, as soon as I was bent over my bed Mistress Z told me not to move, I had no choice but to obey her, she took my arms and forced them behind my back and then I felt the cold hard steel of the handscuffs wrap around my wrists and heard Mistress Z says “ok bitch its punishment time” all I could do was shake my head but knew that it would make no difference.
Mistress Z ran the cane over my upturned arse and the thought of what was to come made my heart sink. I heard the wosh of the cane before I felt it and boy did I feel it, the canes first strike hit me on my upper thighs, just below my arse, at first all I felt was the impact of the cane but very quickly the unbearable stinging followed by the burning pain that radiated out, Mistress Z didn’t stop there, again and again she could me hitting what felt like every inch from my lower thigh right up and over my arse, when my Mistress was happy with the punishment she had dished out she removed my hood and I could see how things pleased she looked when she realized that I had tears in my eyes, she got right up into my face snarling that I wouldn’t disobey her again.
Mistress Z showed me a picture of the damage she arranged and my god she did a good job, all I could see was angry red bleeding welts covering my upper thighs.
Mistress then pointed to the dog cage in the corner of the room and with only two words “get in” I knew what she wanted, I struggled on my knees with my hands still cuffed behind my back and half fell into the cage, as soon as she shut the door she snapped a padlock in place and as she walked out of the room turning the lights off as she left saying she will see me tomorrow leaving me alone in the dark with only my thoughts and the pain from the beating from earlier.
What happened the next day is for another time.
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