
Sleepover – slave girl sara

After waking Sir up last Friday morning, I got 5 cane stripes on bent over and on my tippy toes.

I had forgotten how hard it was to keep still for a freestanding caning, so I earned 2 extra.

At breakfast, Marc said we would be going out for dinner with some of his friends and partners, so I had no need to organize a meal.

We both arrived from work together, and as I unlocked the door, my pants came down and I was getting fucked as I unset the alarm.

So that is why people have hall tables in their foyer.

To think it was for stuffed plants, keys and change.

Well, at least I got the stuffed part right.

He obviously knew something I didn’t.

I was stuffed twice more before we went out. Don’t ya just love Friday nights?

We all met up at a local Japanese noodles bar in the centre of Leeds at 7 pm.

I knew 2 of the 3 couples.

We had a game evening with them before, so we were prettyclose friends.

So as not to take up too much room in the restaurant after dinner, we girls were told we would be going back to the new couple’s house for drinks and some playtime.

I would have definitely burst in my knickers with cum on that suggestion if I had any on.

Their house was not too far away from where we live. We had a few drinks and nibbles, and played some games, the forfeit kind, where you lose a piece of clothing if wrong.

First up was Strip Poker, which the girls won by 2 points.

Since I only had a dress on, I was soon naked and had to be the first girl to volunteer at Twister when we played our second game.

The male volunteer was the house owner. While I did not know him before, I soon got on close terms with his long dangling cock all over me. I gave it a suck at every chance as well as made my pussy and nipples scrape against him.

It was soon too much for him and he fell over. Another point for the girls.

After 4 roundswith 8 of us being there, it was 3-1 to the girls, so we picked a number from a box and the male owner of that number had to lick us out.

I got the new man again. He had a tongue length to match his cock.

Round 3 was spin the Prosecco bottle. If it stopped at you, the forfeit was to drink a glass in one go and then sit and finger yourself till the next spin. It was a bloke so he had to strip and wank.

Once all got naked, the girls were blindfolded and the men formed a circle.

The girls went into the circle and using their mouths only, they had to find their cock.

Not as easy as you would think, but it made everyone more relaxed and it was such good fun, tasting.

It was then time for a break. The men chose a number and took that girl for a fuck somewhere in the house. I got Billy, a Sir, whom I had known since my last year at school. I reminded him of our school farewell party.

They had an initiative ceremony for the girls new to their group. We had to suck a row of cocks, and then swallow whoever had picked you out. For me, it was Billy.

He had later walked me home, and I fucked him on the spare ground by our house in return. It was only fair. Plus, I was an adult now I had left high school.

He must’ve been around 6 inches long, with a nice mouth-width thickness and was clean shavled.

I have to say, he gave me one of the soundest fuckings I had gotten for a long time, never missing a stroke. He took his sheath off and put his cock in my mouth for his second cumming, hehehe.

Back altogether we sat and chatted for an hour or so, sitting next to our Sirs. I gently rubbed my Sir’s cock, and the others followed suit. Not a wank, but rather a gentle massage.

Then we girls went to pee and to freshen up and came back to stand by our Sirs.

We were bent over, our butt holes oiled and a tailed butt plug put in. Looking through the gap between my legs, I saw my tail was ginger.

We were then standd up, had a collar and lean put on, and were told not to stand upright until the collar was off, or we would be made an example of.

Oh great. Puppy club time again! I had a flashback to when Sir Don had sent me for puppy training.

I was fucked, beaten and played with, to within an inch of my life as my nan would say. But on reflection, I won 3 red rosettes for finishing at the top of my class. Wtf am I saying here???

This event followed a similar pattern. We were let off our leashes to sniff and lick others butts and pussies. It must have been the tail which put us in that zone. But really, Sir, a Ginger one!

Then called to heal and told, tummy rubbed when good, face slapped for hesitation and a leash whipping on the tits for decent.

Thank the Lord there was no punishment for cumming!

We first had to perform a unique trick. One puppy sat on her knees and juggled 3 eggs that her Sir brought from the fridge.

The second got shot by its Sir’s finger gun and fell down lifeless.

The third went round on all fours, sat, and shook hands with everyone.

I had no idea what we would do. Sir lay me on my back on the coffee table, had my head hung over its edge and asked me to hunt the bone. He got me to wet his cock as much as I could and went all the way down my throat. Everyone saw his bone moving in my throat, and we ended up getting an applause, lol.

The other girls worked hard too, with bean bags, hula hoops, balls and sticks. We all had a great fun. Sir asked me to throw away the last 2 games or else I would have won everything.

For doing good, we were given brown mini bones, meant for dogs, that tasted of gravy.

It was about 1.00 am and we sat again, this time stroking a different Sir`s cock.

We talked about our respective lifestyles. Two of us girls living in Home Discipline showed off our proud cane stripes. Our Sirs told us how they were not punishment marks but a mark of their love on us slaves.

They explained the relevance of our Sunday maintenance of straps and canes : to forgive the past week’s misdemeanours and to help us focus on the week ahead.

The Stripes of the cane give a girl pain/pleasure for 3-4 days, and reminds her of her obligations.

We were asked about our thoughts. We collectively felt that the 3-4 day briising gave a girl unbelievable orgasms on rubbing them while playing.

Another showed off her right title which was a beacon of red, something I had come across during my first charity slave auction last August. Her Sir explained their lifestyle. Her title was regularly whipped and clamped. It was her lead nipple that was at times tied to a leash attached by a mini bulldog clip. It seemed she took the most punishments among us all.

She also said Her nipple, her favorite one, when rubbed while playing, gave her the same pleasure as our cane stripes.

It finally was the turn of the couple that was new to us. They looked beautif, a little older than us, probably in their mid 30s. They had a lovely big home and no children.

She bent to show her bottom, a collection of faded stripes under a scarlet cloud of hand prints.

She got no maintenance but almost daily otk spankings. They had a chart they filled her misdeeds in. She was sent to get it. There were simple acts like late dinner, missed dusting or a loose lip that got her a spanking and a tick on the chart. The more severe things like a parking ticket, missed laundry, or even being lax in bed were given 5 to 10 marks.

They had a deal. On completing 25 ticks, she was booked an appointment with one of three disciplinarians within a 10 mile radius.

2 of them were ladies, and one was a gentleman.

The gentleman strapped and coulded her, usually 20 cane stripes after 50-60 open belt lashes, and a few add ons. This was punishment, unlike our Sirs’ marks of love. The ladies, on the other hand, were more traditional, with over the kneehand spanks and hair brushing. She had to take her own, and belted from the back of her knees to wait with add ons over her back.

It did not have a name like ours but it was the same as ours what she got when she was living at home with the exception of, no discilarian but sent to her uncle or the Pastor.

We girls cleared up, chatting, and laid 14 yoga mats with covers on the floor of their larger reception room. The furniture had been moved to along the walls.

If its gymnastics, I could cope well. Maybe a double flip-flap and landing open legged onto a cock. Funny how the mind races!

We finished chatting, and all went into the lounge room we had set up.

It was bed time and that we were told to stand on the mats, and when the lights go out, we were to lay down.

It was open season for bottoms, pussies, titles and cocks and you do not have to go to sleep with your Sirs cock in your mouth.

Once the enormity of the task unfolded in my brain,I decided I would stay on my mat and take on all-cumers.

It wasn’t long before a sweet pussy was astride my head, bobbing up and down, sweet, cute and tasty.

This was followed by a mouth over my pussy, and I was tongue poked, fingered and sucked to an instant orgasm. It was the best night ever and I had such a sound sleep.

When I eventually woke up, around the break of the day, I found myself in a spoon, with my Sir behind me, his cock wait inside me. A gentle ball massage soon had it awake, and I was soon on my back, being fucked as Sir bit onto the swollen lead title of the girl laid next to us.

If I was jealous in any way, and I don’t think I was, I would have wished for a swollen red lead title and nipple myself. I hadn’t realized the complete benefit when I actually had one in August.

We were back home at 8.00 am, and I was on my knees in the shower by 5 past 8.

I just love my Sir, my life, our friends and cannot wait for a rematch. xx


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