Author’s Note: Big thank you to Secretsxywriter for editing and helping me to make this story better.
Hellhound, hellhound, hellhound.
I kept repeating the safe word in my mind. Not because I feared I’d forget it, but because I needed something to concentrate on. Just stay focused, Tom. You can do this.
It was Saturday. I had hurt to a message from Haley. My Mistress had ordered me to come by foot and without underwear. It had turned out to be a warm fall, so I was getting hot under my coat. I didn’t dare to walk just in shirt and jeans. You could probably see my boss from the space station.
Haley had bombarded me with messages every day since last Wednesday. She’d googled everything she could find about BDSM and even asked around on some forums. It was adorable, despite the subject matter. She really wanted to do this for me. With me.
After years of Carol’s lack of interest, it made me feel special. Guys at work were curious why I was suddenly smiling all of the time. I had lied, I was going to the gym more often.
Haley was really doing a number on me. I had still found sperm stains on my floor this morning, left behind from Wednesday. When had I come that much while masturbating?
A voice in my head told me that today could end in a disaster. I didn’t listen to it. I needed to know what she had come up with. She had been very tight-lipped about her plans.
My cell buzzed that I had a new text. I almost dropped the phone in my worry to open it. Maybe she had gotten cold feet?
It was just the opposite. My cock twitched inside my jeans as I read her message.
“I hope my slave isn’t over-exerting himself. You will need all of your stamina today. Buy a toothbrush on your way. Mistress requires Your mouth to be ready for service at a moment’s notice.”
I headed into the corner store at the end of the block. It was early, so there were just some old folks getting groceries and a middle-aged woman buying scratch-off tickets. My thoughts were running so fast I didn’t notice the toothbrushes until the third time I walked past them.
I took my place in the line behind the old couple who were clearly gearing up for a pot roast dinner. There was another buzz on my phone. This time it was a picture. The image of
Haley’s legs from her knees down in black pantyhose and black high heels made my already-tight pants grow a little painful.
“So, anything else for you, Sir?” the girl behind the counter asked. Her tone seemed irritated, as though she’d asked it a couple of times.
“Sorry. Keep the change.” I slammed the money on the counter and rushed out. The cool air hit my face, and I feel my cheeks burning. There was still twenty minutes before I was supposed to arrive at Haley’s. My brain would melt before that.
Toothbrush in hand, I made a detour through a neary park. Orange and red leaves covered the paths, and there were several dogs running throughh them with their owners in tow. I felt as though I had a sign written on my forehead that I had a secret encounter. I wondered if any of those people could tell I was agitated. If they could see I was smoking.
My phone buzzed a third time with another message. Was Haley reading my mind?
“I’m a beautiful Mistress, so I got a present for my slave.” A photo appeared of a black, leather collar with studs hanging from Haley’s finger. Had she gotten it from a pet store or an actual sex shop? “Also, you can come already. Brie left ages ago.”
I started running and almost dropped the phone again.
Haley and Brie lived near the university’s campus in an old apartment building. They had rented the place from some old-timer who lived in Florida nowadays. Nothing near here had been renovated for decades, meaning the living expenses were reasonable.
The lift rattled eriely while it took me up. It was one of those old timey ones with manual doors that felt like you weree riding a glorified animal cage. It would’ve been embarrassing to die here. My boss would’ve made a hole in the concrete, had I fallen.
I took a deep breath in front of Haley’s door. My hand shook when I raised it to ring the bell. I told myself it was excitement, not fear. I hadn’t really believed I’d found someone – much less that I’d dared to reveal my kinkier side.
How the hell was I this flustered? This was way bigger thing than I had thought.
The lock snicked as soon as I rang the bell, but the door didn’t open. Then I heard heels click-clacking away. All the lights were on in the apartment, turning even the outside corridor into midday.
I let myself in and closed the door. “I have arrived, Mistress. I brought the toothbrush.”
“You did well, slave.” Haley’s voice came from around the corner.
I’d never been in her apartment. If Carol and I had brought something for Haley, she’d always come to the door to take it. The short hallway had doors onBoth ends, probably for Haley’s and Brie’s relative bedrooms.
The kitchen was without a door. They had managed to stuff a table and two chairs in the small space. A bathroom door was cracked, and I could smell strawberry essence.
The door at the right opened, and Haley stepped out. She was wearing a striped pencil skirt and a matching, buttoned-up jacket. It was obvious she didn’t have anything under the jacket. Her hair was now bubblegum-pink and had been gathered into a high bun. For some reason, she also w mirrored shades.
A loud crack echoed in the hallway when Haley slapped her thigh with a black ruler she’d produced from behind her back. She walked closer slowly, letting her hips sweep from side to side. She pointed at me with the ruler and smiled. Her fingers on her other hand trailed the bare skin of her neck and then down to her cleavage.
I saw my reflection getting bigger in her shades. I now understand why she had put them on. She had to be nervous, at least a little. The shades prevented me from knowing where she was looking.
“You will only speak when spoken to. Do you understand, slave?” Haley’s voice started quiet, getting firmer with every word. Her smile vanished giving way to a more sinister expression.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good.” Haley circled around me with slow steps. “Remove your coat.”
I shrugged it off my shoulders and let the coat fall to the floor.
She ran her hand down my arm, lingering over my muscles. “If you perform your tasks well, you will be rewarded. I don’t have to tell you the alternative. You would never fail me, right, slave?”
“No, Mistress.”
Haley slapped my ass with the ruler, and I yelped out of surprise. “You Stay silent unless spoken to. Didn’t I make myself clear?” She slapped me again.
This time, I managed to hold my tongue.
She yanked my belt, forcing me to turn around. Then she traced the side of my erection with the ruler. “Very nice, slave. Have you been hard for me the whole morning?”
“The whole week, Mistress.”
“Undress. Now!”
I ripped my clothes off of me as fast as I could and throw them on the hallway chair.
“Looking good.” Haley measured my back muscles with her fingers. “Go and brush your teeth. I’ll give you three minutes. Move.”
I ousted the toothbrush from its packaging and rushed to the bathroom. There were two tubes of toothpaste. It was impossible to know which was Haley’s, and I couldn’t ask. Probably not the organic, fennel-flavored one, so I used the other. I brushed rigorously and cleaned even my tongue. There was no clock in the bathroom, so I had to guess the timing. I was sure I would also be punished if I was too quick.
“Kneel.” Haley pointed the floor in front of her as soon as I got out of the bathroom. “Kneel. Open up.” She took my jaw in her hand and peered into my mouth. “Seems you did good. Maybe you do deserve a gift. Turn around.”
I did as instructedand keep my back towards her. I felt cold fingers on my shoulders before the collar slipped around my neck. It was soft on the inside and had a metal ring in front.
“You may not remove this collar unless I give permission. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“It’s there to remind you that you belong to me for as long as I want.” Haley walked in front of me and tilted my chin up with the ruler. I saw my distorted image in the shades. “This way. On your hands and knees.”
I followed her to the mirror hanging on the hallway wall. I caught a glimpse of myself and immediately looked away.
“Do you not like what you see?” Haley asked.
“I don’t know, Mistress.”
Haley forced my head with the ruler again. “Take a good look.”
There I was, on my hands and knees, the collar snug around my neck. My cheeses were bright red. Even a slight loss of concentration caused my gaze to avert from my reflection. Shame and bewilderment ran through my head leavingmy mind spinning.
Haley stood next to me, the ruler still pressing at my temple.
It was me and yet, it wasn’t. As though I was staring at my doppelganger who was not a perfect copy. I had turned into some kind of uncanny valley-version of myself. My normal demeanor and expression were subdued. In their place was something more sheepish. More malleable. Someone without self-determination.
I was a slave.
Looking at myself eye-to-eye took all my willpower. It was extremely embarrassing and exciting. Through all that, my cock stayed as hard as ever.
Something inside me cracked. Like a jammed door finally opening. My head slumped, and I trembled so hard I would’ve crumpled to the floor had I not already been on all fours.
“Are you OK?” Haley asked softly.
I raised my head. “Yes, Mistress. I’m ready for anything you want. I am your willing slave.”
Haley studied me as though she didn’t believe me. The shades made it hard to know what shewas thinking, but her lips were pressed together. After a moment, she said, “That’s good to hear. Follow me.”
She didn’t tell me to stand up, so I stayed on all fours and crawled after her towards the kitchen. The sink was full of dirty dishes. She sat on a chair and unbuttoned her jacket, letting it fall just enough to expose her bare shoulders.
“I require a massage, slave.”
I stood up and did as ordered. Her skin was hot to the touch. I felt her heavy breathing throughout her back. Her whole body moved with each inhale and exhaust. She held the jacket so I couldn’t see her breasts
Gradually, she let her head sink forward so I could massage the nape of her neck. I wondered if this was part of the reason she had put her hair on a bun. Her hairline was still pink from the new dye. The sweet smell of strawberries lingered around her.
My fingers tingled from touching her skin. Before our endeavor last Sunday, I hadn’t really touched anyone for over half a year.Now, my skin seemed to inhale her body – her soul. It yearned not only for sex, but also intimacy.
I massed her shoulders with slow, strong movements. Her muscles were really tight. My palms turned sweaty, and her breathing grow heavier. I closed my eyes and mapped her skin with my fingers. She deserved all I could give her – and more.
“It feels nice,” Haley said after a while. She paused only a second before adding, “Slave.”
A good fifteen minutes flew by before she lifted her head. Her posture straightened, and she pushed the shades back up. “Step back, slave.”
I obeyed while she buttoned the jacket and took the ruler from the table.
“Sit down.” She sat on the table and kicked the chair next to me.
I took my place and watched while she tapped her knee with the ruler, wondering what she had planned for it – for me.
Haley placed her shoe on the edge of my chair, just a hair’s breath away from my boss. “I thought carefully about this day andhow to best utilize your skills to my pleasure. You are a brave slave.” She smiled. “Brave slave, indeed.”
I had to bite my tongue not to moan when she brushed the side of my boss with her shoe. A deliberate move on her part, I’m sure.
“Anyway,” Haley said, “you were brave when you told me about your desires. Showed me those stories online. I would have been too scared—too ashamed—to really open my heart. Then it dawned on me. What if there is more? Tell me, slave.” She poked my chest with the ruler. “Are there even kinkier stories you like but didn’t send to me?”
I squirmed in my seat before I could stop myself. Haley had hit the nail on the head, and she knew it. “What do you want, Mistress?”
“Show me a new story. You can pick it, and I’ll read it right now. If there is something that catches my fancy, maybe I’ll change today’s plans.”
Even with the shades on, I knew she was staring right at me. I could feel her gaze piercing right into mine. She wouldn’t relent. I could comply…or use the safe word.
Hellhound. I could just utter that, and all this would end. She would never learn how deep the rabbit hole went. But I wanted her to, didn’t I?
Finally, I said, “I’m afraid, Mistress. What if I’m too deprived for your tastes? What if I’m not the slave you think I am? Want me to be?”
“Let me be the judge of that.” Haley lowered the shades and our eyes met. Under all of the acting, she was still the funny, thoughtful woman I knew. Her voice was softer when she said, “I’m willing to go further, if you are.”
Her words made me gasp. When I had met my gaze in the hallway mirror, I had decided to go as far as I could. I trusted Haley’s judgement to continue. I swallowed and said with a little difficulty, “I’ll show you, Mistress.”
Haley took me to her room. The bed had purple sheets. On the bookshelf sat a couple of old stuffed animals looking like they had been shoved up there from their usual place on the bed.A laptop rested on a wobbly table where one leg had been fixed with a stick and some duct tape. The carpet was fuzzy under my bare feet. It was a cozy room, but it reeked of a student short on money.
The office chair creaked when she sat down.
I stood over her and quickly found the right story with a few clicks. She had the previous once still open on tabs, and the new one was by the same author. “Here, Mistress.”
“Go to the kitchen and wash the dishes while I read this.” She flashed a smile at me and shooed me away with her hand. “There is an apron hanging from the nail. Put that on.”
My boss made a tent out of the apron. The pile of dirty dishes was daunting. There was little enjoyment to be had with the chore. Yet, I did as I was told. This was part of the game. Once I got started, I didn’t even really notice the dishes since my mind was wrapped around the story I had chosen for Haley. It was one of those I’d never show anyone. Ever. And yet…
Plate aoff a plate and mug after a mug found its way through the soapy water and a dish towel. I was just arranging the cutlery in the drying tray when I heard steps behind me.
Haley’s hand was under the apron and stroking my cock before I understand what was happening. A deep moan burst out of my mouth, and the last forks clattered back into the sink.
She kissed my back. “I read it. I liked it. Come.”
I was lead back to her room by my cock.
“Undress me,” Haley ordered.
Suddenly, buttons were the hardest puzzle in the world. My emotional rollercoaster caused my fingers to be less than dexterous, and it took several attempts to open her jacket. I couldn’t help lick my lips and but stare at her small, beautiful breasts as I freed them from their restraint. As her taut nipples seemed to call for me.
I made sure not to touch her skin while I removed the jacket. I folded it on the desk, and then I struggled with the zipper on her skirt. Her hips were under my palms. I wanted to cup them…caress them…but I made an effort not to touch her any more than necessary. Slowly, I lowered the skirt, letting her step out of it. She had on nothing underneath but pantyhose.
“Give me the apron.”
My hands hesitated behind my back for only a second, but I caught her raised eyebrow. I quickly removed the only article covering my body then handed it over.
Haley pushed me to my knees again and tossed the apron aside. She took a section of rope from under the bed and tied it to the ring on my collar. The other end was wrapped around and knotted to the bed post. The lack of length as a result prevented me from standing up, even if I was allowed.
She stepped up on the bed and looked down on me.
I watched her, mesmerized and eagerly waiting for my next task. Trying desperately not to let my eyes roam over her naked body.
She touched my shoulder with her left toes. “Kiss them.”
When I kissed her pantyhose clad foot, my eyes darted up to the space between her thighs. I noticed her wet pussy had done a number on the black nylon. She was as turned on with this as I was.
A moment later, she pushed me back with her foot and ran her fingers across her body, griping her breasts far harder than I would’ve ever dared. A series of moans escaped from her mouth, and my cock jumped.
“Do you like what you see, slave?” Haley asked huskily while she sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Very much, Mistress.”
She looked down. “Remove these. They are filter.”
My fingers slipped under the waistband of the pantyhose, and she bit her lip. Slowly, I peeled down the last piece of clothing she wore, trying to be careful not to rip them.
Once she was bare, Haley spread her legs wide, and her fingers wandered across the pale skin of her inner thigh. She showed me her wet fingers. “You see what you’ve done?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You should take responsibility.” Haley tugged on the end ofthe rope attached to the bedpost. The knot held. When she yanked harder at the middle, my head was forced down. “Would you like to eat my pussy?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Say it.”
“I want to be a good slave. I want to eat my Mistress’ pussy and make her come.”
“Excellent.” She leaned back on her elbows. “Keep your eyes on me, and be through.”
I nodded. My need to kiss her—touch her—had my head buzzing. I inched forward, testing the reach of the rope.
“Be careful.” The commanding tone was gone for a moment. This was not an order. It was a plea from an unsure woman who was about to let me do something nobody had done before.
“I will, Mistress.”
I gently took her leg in my hand and kissed her ankle. My lips burned from the touch. I inched upwards, kiss after kiss. Keeping it light…and keeping my eyes on hers. The higher I got, the more her gaze wandered from mine. The shorter her breaths became. She kept the rope just tight enough that I knew ICouldn’t make any sudden movements. When I reached her tigh, her eyes shut halfway. Her musky scent kept calling me.
She let out a soft moan when I was just couple of kisses from her pussy.
I pulled back with a smile and started to kiss her other ankle. A frustrated growl broke out from her lips, and she scooted herself closer to me. I refused to pick up the pace. Surprisingly, she didn’t order me to. So I made my way along her other leg in the same fashion, and she whimpered after every kiss.
When my lips finally found her juices, I licked them. They didn’t have any particular taste, only a hint of the salt from her sweat. I exhausted, and Haley trembled as the air touched her swollen pussy lips. She grabbed the sheets as though bracing herself.
I skipped the last kiss and went straight to licking her skin. She yelped and then moaned loudly. My tongue slipped between her pussy lips without even meaning to. I licked and kissed. Explored every inch of her, letting her get used to the sensing. Only then did I finally touch her clip.
Haley’s head flung back, her whole body arching with a jolt for a moment as though she’d been struck by lightning. I licked with the whole length with my tongue. She understood so much after that, I had to force her hips down. She tried to say something, but all that came out was a series of fitful moans.
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