My eyes open on soft diffused blue pre-dawn light. It feels 4AM-ish. No birdsong; the bedroom is still. I turn my head slightly on the pillow and find you there. Your head rests on my chest, dark hair spilling over me, and your arm encircles me. I look on your sweet face, watch the dance of your eyes under their lids that tell me you are dreaming. I basket for a moment in the soft thumb of your heart against me, the rise and fall as you breathe slow and long.
Your collar’s clasp catches the dim breaking dawn light. I move my arm around you and with delicate fingers trace the lines of the previous night’s use: a network of thin red stripes across your shoulders and back, the welts slightly raised. I lean in and kiss your forehead, bringing you to consciousness.
Your eyesilids flutter and the first thing you focus on is my face. I watch you gather yourself, bleary, eyes half-opened. “Darling,” I whisper, “something is keeping me from sleep.”
You look into my eyes, stillNot fully awake, and nod. You lift yourself a little, propped on one elbow, and I feel your hand snake down my body and take my cock in your grap. Your eyes are on mine as you start to stroke me. I wipe the sleep from your eyes; you allow yourself a yawn and a flex of the muscles. You grip tightens as my cock swells in it, warm fingers and palm sliding up and down my shake, cupping the cockhead and back down again along my length. I feel you attaining full wakefulness. I kiss your forehead again and run my fingertip along the upper ridge of your collar, sweeping your hair back behind you.
Your strokes grow faster as you feel me start to pant, and the tightness in my balls and hot throb of my vein tell you I’m getting close. I sink my fingers deep into your thick hair, and with a twist, lay you out on your back, head inverted towards me. Upside down, your eyes find mine again, and as I take over the stroking, your mouth opens and tongue protrudes, just under my dark cockhead. Gasping, I stroke myself fast and tight to climax, body shuddering, and touch my cock to your forehead.
Thick hot almost cum pours out onto your face, spurt after spurt, spreading over your cheeks, nose, upper lip, coat you thickly. But cruelly, I deny you a taste of me – your open mouth remains empty. I cum my last few drops, then tap my cock against the side of your face. We both hold still as the spunk trickles back into your hair, you looking back up at me.
I make a circle in the air with my finger, and instantly you right yourself and sit up on your knees. My semen reverses its flow and starts to course down your face again. “Darling,” I whisper, “let me see you bathe in your owner’s cum.”
You raise both hands and drag them across your thickly-coated face. The spunk you have gathered in fat gobs you then slather over your breasts and nipples, working my mess into your big soft tits, round and round until you shine. Next you slide your cum-filled hands up and downYour throat, across your collar and up as far as your chin. You then work the remaining cum round and round into your face again, and back down over your tits, until you are covered hairline to ribcage in my milky spunk.
“You’re a splendid whore, darling. And now, my good girl, you may feast.”
With keen hands you scoop the semen from your breasts, neck and face and shovel it into your mouth, sucking on your fingers so as to catch every drop of me. Your throat bobs as you swallow what you can of my cum, scooping and rescooping over your tits and face until your are sticky, but clean and shiny.
“Show me.”
You open your mouth as wide as you can and extend your tongue to display your empty mouth. I pat your sticky cheek.
I lie back down, heading sinking into the fat pillow, and sight. My cunt curls up with her owner, belly full of cum, and her eyes close as her arm hooks round my chest again. The smile on her face is the last thing I see before sleep reclaimsme.
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