6. Slaves of the Fembots
In spite of her air of determined confidence, Amanda was feeling very uncertain. She didn’t really have much of an idea about what to do next and while she thought herself a fairly self determined woman who liked to get her own way, she had never taken a dominant role sexually. Even so, she knew that was exactly what was going to be needed here.
Perhaps, she thought, I can convince the fembos that I should take Gerry and Mike for “more training” or something similar or perhaps I can get them to demonstrate that they are fully trained and so can be released. The difficulty was that she was making it up as she went along. She didn’t have much faith in her ability to find the right answers and even less in the ability of the two men to catch on with what was needed.
Two of the fembots returned to the room pulling the collared captives Gerry and Mike along behind them on leashes. “Take off their gags and blindfolds,” Amandasaid.
Gerry started at the sound of Amanda’s voice. He was confused. Why was she here? Was she part of Chris’s plan to help them escape? Was she somehow in league with the fembots? He grunted with relief as the gag was pulled from his mouth.
“Keep silence before your betters,” one of the fembots snapped, “and get to your knees.“
Amanda took her cue, stepped forward and grabbed Gerry by the hair. He squealed. She leant forward, her lips close to his ear, and hisssed, “Go along with this if you want to get out of here.”
“Mmm,” he whimpered, letting himself be forced down under Amanda’s grap.
The assembled fembots gave a unified “Ah!” of approval. Oh well, thought Amanda, at least I am doing something right.
Gerry was frightened out of his wits. His wrists were sore from having been tied so tightly. His jaw ached from the gag. He had long since lost any idea of how to get out of his current situation. He was happy to let Amanda take the lead.
Mike wasn’t feeling any better. He’d had to cope with being violently snatched from the corridor by what had turned out to be one of these deviant fembots. He’d never been involved in anything kinky before and, when they had forced him to undress, he’d been horrified by what they planned next. He had been pushed into a room and told to put on the stupid maid’s costume. With three grim-faced fembots bullying him, he’d had not chosen but to obey.
The whole business of getting into the outfit was overseen by the fembots. They had made sure he put on the knickers, corset, bra and stockings and then had watched him pulling on the maid’s dress, apron and cap. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so humiliated and the fact that it was mechanised dominatrixes forcing him to do it made it even worse.
Then they had set him to work, carrying trays of toys and equipment to help them while they worked on Gerry. Again, he didn’t like doing it but at the first sign of resistancee one of them had struck out at the back of his legs with a riding crop, giving him such a singing blow that he didn’t want to repeat it. He had quickly fallen in to obeying orders.
The really embarrassing thing was that Mike had to admit that Gerry had done a terrific job on the fembots’ body forms. The curves were in all the right places and it didn’t take much to forget that they were plasti-formed and not real flesh and blood. The zip-fronted spandex outfit that he had put the fembots in worked too as far as Mike was concerned. Actually it worked a little too well and, as he was kneeing beside one, staring up at her statusesque form and arrogant pose he felt his cock stiffening in enthusiastic response. No amount of trying to divert his attention with thoughts of other things succeeded and the problem keep getting worse. One of the fembots noticed the effect this was having on the front of his dress and told him to get himself under control. That didn’t help either and pretty soon all the fembots had convinced themselves that, while Mike be protesting vocally, his cock was busy saying what a nice time he was having.
“They are both weak willed males, you are right,” said Amanda. “They will require a great deal of training.”
“Yes, even the sissy shows how much he enjoys his treatment,” said one of the fembots. “They need to be shown that submission is the important thing, not their pleasure.”
“I’m not a sis… OW!” Mike’s protest of masculinity was cut off by a riding crop blow to the back of his stockinged legs.
“And they must confess their device.”
“I agree,” said Amanda. “I must work on that with them. Perhaps you could let me have some time with them. When I have prepared them I should be able to give you a better demonstration.”
“That makes sense,” Alexa said. “Gerry always needs preparation for anything he does.”
The fembots nodded in unison. “We will leave you to work on them. We have our own tasks. To continue our production. Perhaps they can help with manufacturing too.”
“Yes,” say Alexa. “A suitable humiliation for them. To manufacturing more of those that will be their mistresses.”
“Suitable indeed,” the fembos responded and filed out of the room.
“Heaven help us!” Gerry said as soon as the three of them were alone. “They’re mad.”
“No, just following a twisted logic.”
“Get me out of this stupid dress,” Mike pleased.
“Oh no, you’ve got to stay like that until we work out what we are doing. Look the situation is this; Chris has tried to interfere with their software but he obviously hasn’t been able to yet.”
“He won’t. They’re independently firewalled, and besides he’s not that good a software engineer.”
“Well that’s a shame because he’s the only one in a position to be punching keys on a keyboard and you’re the one who set up the faulty code in the first place. But you’re right, I don’t think that will help. He’s tried to persuade Haverstein to cut off the power but he won’t do that because of the series B production line.”
“What? Doesn’t he understand how serious this is?”
“Yes, but there’s a difference between what’s serious for you two and what’s serious for Haverstein.”
“It won’t be just us and Haverstein that’s in trouble if this lot decide to get frisky outside the lab. It will be anything with two legs and a cock, as far as I can make out. And, his precious series B units are part of the problem. Or hadn’t you noticed that Alexa seems to have been infected by the fembot routines in some way?”
“Well, yes and, lucky for you, Chris did too. He thought if we can get Alexa Behaving in a non-law-compliant way on video that might convince Haverstein to shut things down. Even he would have to be worried about infection of the B series.”
“Can’t I just get out of this dress?”
“No. Sorry Mike, you’ve got to look as submissive as you can and accept whatever I dish out.” Amanda tried to explain. “The fembots have to be convinced that you are learning to be a good slave and that you aren’t enjoying it. And on that point, it would be quite good if both of you could manage to tell your cocks that it isn’t helpful them standing to attention every time one of Gerry’s pneumatically shaped mechanisms goes by.”
“That’s not our fault.”
“You built them. In what way is that not your fault?” Mike and Gerry both looked sulky but Amanda was determined to hold her ground. “You going to have to get yourself under some control if you’re going to convince them of anything. Your both guilty of some pretty dumb moves so maybe you ought to try to start doing things right.”
“All right. What do you want us to do?”
“That’s better already. Your aim is to be seen as good compliant, obedient well trained boys but with one difference. Your going to have to find a way to get Alexa to behave in a non-law compliant way, by punishing you or something like that. Chris is monitoring all the lab’s cctv; he will get it on video. So let’s see if you, either of you, can get her to do something without writing a line of code for it. We’ll start off by me showing them what good beta-boys you are. Then I’ll give you a chance to get Alexa riled up. Understood?”
“It sounds complicated,” Gerry seemed unimpressed.
“It is. It’s more complicated than I’d like but less complicated than the code you cut to get us into this mess, so I’m guessing you’ll find a way through it. All right?”
“I suppose so.”
“Good. Well take your lead from me. In fact, take this lead from me,” Amanda picked up a collar and lean that had been left on one of the racks at the aide of the room. “You can wear this, Gerry.” She passed him the collar. “I think Mike has got enough embarrassment to be going on with.”
Chris was able to monitor Amanda’s efforts via the CCTV and it looksd as though she was moving things along. He was hopeful of getting some video that would convince Haverstein. He watched as Amanda led Gerry out into the corridor with Mike following.
Alexa and the fembots had congregated in the room that Gerry and the other lab staff used as a coffee blinde.
“He’s agreed to be a good boy,” Amanda announced. “Haven’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Gerry replied meekly.
“And you’ll obey me and all other women?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“And the other one? The one that likes to dress as a maid?”
“I never said I l… OW!”
“Don’t conflict your betters.” Amanda cuffed Mike behind the ear. He tried to duck away and only received a glancing blow.
“Will this one show his obedience?” Alexa pointed at Gerry.
“Of course. He knows better than to defy you.” With her back to Alexa, Amanda gave Gerry a wink hoping to cue a demonstration of resistance.
“Come here then, knee and kiss myfeet.”
Gerry got to his knees, made as if to bend forward but then straightened up and, looking Alexa directly in the eye, slowly shook his head. It was precisely the provocation that was needed. Alexa dealt Gerry a slap on the side of the face that left his ears ringing and followed it up with a kick to his balls that had him doubled up and gasping for breath on the floor. “Penguins like ice cream,” he yelped, Hoping for the safeword to have some effect. “Engage rule one.” If it means anything to Alexa, she ignored it. As she planted her foot on the side of his head so that the heel of her shoe was digging in to his flesh, she said. “I think you will soon learn the respect that your Mistress expects. You will obey any of us at once.”
Amanda was impressed by his commitment to a display of defiance, Although she suspected that the results had been more violent than he had expected.
Chris looked down triumphantly at the TV monitor. He couldn’t have expecteded anything better for his purposes. Gerry was looking petrified, scared that Alexa was about to bring her body weight down on her heel but there was no mistaken the fact that a series B droid had struck a human in contrast of the first law. Haverstein was going to have to listen to this.
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