Slaves of Miss Elizabeth Pt. 02

The following Friday morning old Andy found himself at the front door of Marla’s again. Madam Marla admitted him. She recognized him from his initial visit in the previous week.

“Hello, Ma’am!” Andy explained himself, “would it be possible to see Elizabeth again, please Ma’am?”

“Of course, sir!” she replied, “Come in and take a seat and I’ll see if she’s available!”

Andy waited for his Elizabeth in the reception locke where he began to knee his swelling erection through the fabric of his trousers as he hoped for another session with his pretty young domme.

After a few moments she entered the room and stepped across the floor to greet him. She looked stunning, just as she’d looked in his initial encounter with her in the previous week, except this time she wore a short black skirt, a tight white blouse and matching white high heels. Her hair and makeup were both beautifully done.

“Hello, you dirty old thing!” she greeted him, “I thought you’d be back for more! You can’t get enough, can you?”

“Hello, Miss!” Andy whimpered, “I picked up my pension money from the post office yesterday afternoon, Miss, and I thought I’d have one last session with you, Miss, if you’re available, Miss, instead of taking this afternoon’s bus to Dubbo, Miss! I can go to Dubbo next Friday instead, Miss!”

“Yes, of course you can, you dirty, submissive old thing! A final session with me instead sounds like a much better idea! And what sort of session would you like to have with me today, pet, before you vanish from our fair town forever?”

“Well, Miss, I thought maybe we could do some of the things we missed out on last time, Miss! You know, Miss, like some body worship and buttock caning, Miss?”

“My goodness, what a submissive old thing you are! Well, I’ll take you to the reception desk and you can pay Madam Marla my fee! And then I’ll take you up to the room and I’ll put you through your paces, yes, pet?”

“Yes please, Miss! Thankyou, Miss!”

Andy rose to follow Elizabeth from the room with his erection straining awkwardly in his trousers. She noticed his bent, awkward posture.

“My goodness!” she exclaimed. “Is that a stress in your pants, pet?”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered, “I’ve been stiff and masturbating ever since our session last week, Miss! Just thinkin’ about it, Miss!”

“Well, you’re a naughty boy, aren’t you? If that big hard-on is still on you when we reach the room then I can promise you that we’ll be starting off with a very strict bottom caning indeed!”

“Yes, Miss!”

“Now follow me!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy hobbled after his young Miss. She led him to the reception desk. He paid Madam Marla most of the money in his wallet. Then Elizabeth produced a dog’s collar and leash and attached it to his neck.

“Now you can get down on the floor on your hands and knees like the mangy old dog that you are and I’ll lead you up to the room!” she ordered.


Andy dropped onto his hands and knees as instructed. Elizabeth pulled up on his leash. Madam Marla followed him with amusement. She stepped out of the way to allow him his crawling space.

“Now follow me!” Elizabeth ordered, and she led him by his neck leash up the main corridor of the establishment to the service room.

She led him in.

“Stand up!” she ordered. Andy did so. She removed his collar and leanh. “Now strip off and get into the shower!” she ordered, “and I’ll be back to see you in a moment!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Elizabeth left the room, presumably, Andy thought, to fetch her zippered bag of BDSM implements. He undressed and stepped under the shower. As he soaped himself he fingered and squeezed his bloated penis and balls as he imagined his forthcoming session with his beautiful young domina.

Finally he turned off the taps and stepped out onto the shower mat to dry himself, and it was at this moment that Elizabeth reentered the room with her zippered bag in her hand. She placed it on the bed and turned to him.

She observed his rampant erection and bloated balls which hung between his squeeze fingers.

“Ah yes! There you are again!” she said, “Straight out of your shower and you’re already masturbating to your young domme! And she hasn’t even started on you yet! What did I tell you about having an erection on you, pet?”

Andy pulled and squeezed. He pushed his erection downwards as he did so in order to lewdly show her his full length, in the hope of receiving an even stricter punishment from her. “You said I’d be due for a whippin’, Miss,” he replied hoarsely, “if I still had it on me when we started our session together, Miss!”

Elizabeth unzipped her bag and withdraw her genital bondage implements and a fine three foot length of poisoned knotty bamboo. She laid the items out on the bed cover. Andy stared at them feverishly. In addition to the slender length of bamboo they comprised the leavesr bond collar which she’d applied to his scrotum in the previous session and also a pair of little rubber penile constriction rings. He grunted as he masturbated to the obscure, very specialized looking equipment.

Elizabeth remained seated at the side of the bed and took the leather scrotal collar in her fingers.

“That’s right, you dirty, smutty thing,” she said, “I promised you a good bottom caning, didn’t I? And you’re going to get one, like you’ve never had before! But first I’m going to bind your cock and balls so you can masturbate for all you’re worth while I’m giving it to you, and you won’t be able to cum! You’ll enjoy a lovely hot wank at your front while you feel the full age of my finest basketball at your rear! Would you like that, you dirty, slutty old thing?”

“Yes please, Miss!” Andy whimpered, his fingers struggling lewdly to the thought of it.

“Yes, I thought you would! Now you’ll bring your naughty fellow here to me! And you’ll hold him up outof the way whilst I fit your scrotum and its naughty balls into their restraint collar!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy stepped to his Mistress. He held his rampant ection high for her. She took her fingers to his scrotum and pulled his balls down to form them as a single pump mass. Then she fitted her leather restraint collar snugly in the stretched distended neck above. Andy’s tests now hung below as a single plump ball beneath it. She squeezed it between her fingertips. Andy whimpered as a visceral pain rippled through his groin.

“Yes,” she explained, “your big floppy balls are very easy to bind and restrain after a hot shower, aren’t they? But I think you’ll need more than just this scrotal collar to keep you from cumming prematurely during your canning punishment and spoiling everything! Your big erection will also need to be restrained with a pair of my little rubber constriction rings! Now you’ll put your hands behind your back and let your big long fellow hang down forme while I fit it up in them!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy let his erection hang before his young Mistress. She took a little personal lubricant onto her fingers and rubbed it into its root and then into its received neck. “This will make my little rings a bit more pleasant for you!” she explained. Then she took the fattest part of his rampant member between her fingertips and thumb and lightly jerked it to and fro.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy grunted, his erection stiffening up between her fingers. Her masturbatory technique was exhaustite! “Are you going to bring me off, Miss?” he grunted as he stiffened and his balls churned.

She looked up at him. She found him looking down at her dementedly, his gaze fixed upon the profileant shaft of her breasts within her tight white blouse. Spittle drooled from his mouth. He was a disgusting old thing indeed!

“Don’t get your hopes up!” she advised him curtly, “I’m not relieving you, you old pervert, I’m just stiffening you up for your rings!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy grunted.

Her fingers left his rampant erection and she took the two little rubber rings from the bedcover. She pushed one of them onto his rampant shaft and rolled it down all the way into its root. Then she took the other and rolled it on over his glans and let it snap in to settle and constrict in the reception of the cockneck behind.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy groaned as he examined his obscenely bound genitalia.

Elizabeth inspected him. “There!” she said, “That’s got you properly restrained for your punishment! These penis rings will constrict your cum tube and your shaft’s blood circulation and so keep you nice and firm and wanky for me throughout your canning punishment, and they’ll also stop you from cumming prematurely and spoiling everything! Now let’s test these binds of yours, shall we? You’ll place your hands behind your back and keep them there, please!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He clutched his hands together behind his back and watched as Elizabeth took the fattest part of his erection between her fingertips and thumb and proceeded to wank it lightly. In and out her fingers went as if she were squeezed and jerking an erect rubber dildo with a floppy skin sheath.

“Ooh, Miss!” Andy grunted. Her masturbating fingertips were so much more exciting to him than his own! She pulled his erection down to point directly to her face and looked up at him. “And now I’m trying to bring you off, you slutty old thing!” she informed him, “Cum for me, please!” she ordered, “Cum in my face, please pet, you have my permission to do so!”

“Nngh! Yes, Miss!” Andy grunted. He looked down and saw his Mistress’s beautiful face as it sat before his long rampant dick. And her fine elegant poisoned fingerprints as They so gently pulled it down and teasingly wanked it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth! And her dirty talk! She was such a teasing bitch! He felt his balls churn and his groin muscles tighten. “Areyou sure, Miss?” he grunted, “it’s going to make a big mess, Miss!”

“Yes, of course it’s going to make a big mess! You’ll cover my face with your hot spunk! And when you do I’ll give you a good thrashing for it! You’ll feel this lovely fine knotty rod of mine across your bare unprotected bottom! Again and again and again and again until I’m quite finished with you!”

“Yes, Miss!”

That did it, Andy thought, he couldn’t take any more of her smutty dominant talk, it was time to cum. And as he continued to grunt and groan beneath the excisite sensing of her masturbating fingertips, he realized that he wasn’t going to cum at all. There was something about his genital binds that simply prevented it, he just couldn’t orgasm or ejaculate. This cruel little bitch had him trapped in an exquisite dominant wank that simply had no end.

The teasing, knowing dick-stroking continued.

“Well, pet?” she asked. She leaned in and opened her mouth before his gaping knob to display a petite pink tongue, like something he’d seen in an obscene internet fellatio video.

“Come on!” she gurgled, “onto my tongue!” She jerked his dick to it but he couldn’t ejaculate onto it.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy grunted beneath her teasing mass. Her fingers continued to pump with his knob now suspended in the cavity of her mouth. Then after a minute or so she stopped and leaned back. She examined his rampant erection as it hung throbbing in her fingers.

She looked up at him.

“You can’t do it, can you, you useless old thing?” she said, “And now you’ll bend over the end of the bed for your punishment, and we’ll see if that helps you to have a nice hot spunk for me, past all of your nasty restraints!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered.

Elizabeth stood with her bamboo in hand. Andy stepped forward and bent forward over the end of the bed, his outstretched fingertips depressed in its bed cover. He looked forward and saw the top half of himself and his young Mistress in the mirror above the bedhead, and when he looked to one side he could see himself and his Mistress in a full figure side-on view in the room’s main wall mirror.

Now he watched, heard and felt her direct and conduct his caning as if she were a beautiful strict young prison mistress and he were an errant, randy, naked elderly prisoner.

She stood behind him at one side and tapped the tip of her bamboo to his upturned behind.

“You’ll get your bottom up, please!” she commanded him. She traced the tip of her rod down his outstretched, scanning legs. “You’ll spread your legs wide and lift yourself up onto tiptoes! I want to see the muscles in your legs scanning and your scrotal ball dangling nicely on its little leather stalk between your open thighs!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He positioned himself as instructed.

“Good!” she said brightly. “Now, pet, have you been able to before by a pretty young Miss?”

“No, Miss!” Andy whimpered as he shook his head. “It’s something I only ever dream about, Miss! Especially when I’m watching naughty spanking videos on the Internet, Miss!”

“Yes, I’m sure! You’re a dirty old submissive online wanker, aren’t you? Well, for your information you’re going to take a proper bottom bamboo from me today! I think you’ll find it to be a very painful experience! Now are you going to shout the house down or do I need to gag you for it?”

“I don’t know, Miss!”

“Well, we’ll see, won’t we? And do you want your bottom marked, pet?”

“I suppose so, Miss!”

“Well, is your wife or partner going to find out about this, pet?”

“I don’t have a wife or partner, Miss!”

“I see. Well in that case I can give you a good hard going over! You’ll leave here with a very well whipped bottom on you, with plenty of hot wealth and marks! Would you like that, pet?”

“Yes please Miss!”

“And how many stripes would you like?”

“I don’t know, Miss!”

Elizabeth stepped in. Sheran her cool fingertips over his upturned rumps. Then she squeezed a buttock within the grap of her fingers.

“Well, you’re a skinny old thing, aren’t you? You have such tiny little butt cheats!” She traced a poisoned fingertip across them both. “I think seven hot strokes, placed evenly up and down this muscle little bottom of yours, should do you very nicely! You won’t be able to sit down for a week!”

“Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!”

Andy’s erection stiffened beneath his belly at the thought of it all. Then he recalled the comment made to him by his new friend Greg in the pub’s bar in the week before, when he said that having visited Elizabeth he then couldn’t sit on a bus seat or up on a bar stool. So he was a submissive spanko too, with a freshly whipped bottom on him!

“Now remember what I told you, pet!” came her voice, “You may wank while I’m caning you!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered, “Thank you, Miss!”

Andy took his wanking hand from the bedcoverto his rampant erection and began to jerk its fattest part between his forefinger and thumb, thus between its two constricting rings, whilst Elizabeth tapped the tip of her bamboo to his upturned behind.

“Here it comes now, you dirty old thing!” she announced, “Seven strokes for you! I’m going to start low and work my way up! You’ll keep your bottom up for every one of them!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered, his fingers jerking.

Elizabeth tapped her rod across the base of Andy’s bottom at the juncture of his thighs. Then she pulled it back, held it off for a moment, and then swung it back in with a smooth hard swing.


The hard bamboo swished through the air and whacked the tops of Andy’s thighs. At the completion of the stroke Elizabeth held it there in contact with the freshly abused flesh.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy grunted. Ouch! Ouch! That thing stung! His masturbating fingers jerked desperately. How depraved he was, he thought, as he noticedhow the pain and impact of the stroke seemed to make his masturbation all the more exciting and intense.

“And how was that?” came his Mistress’s voice.

“Oh yes, Miss!” Andy grunted, “Very nice, Miss!”

“Just very nice? Well, I’ll give you your second stroke and we’ll see how you like that!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy felt the knotty rod tap at his behind again, this time a little higher up. Then it pulled away. Then a moment later it swung in hard again.


The hard bamboo struck his rump just above the landing position of the first stroke. Once again Elizabeth held it in position against the newly abused flesh at the completion of the stroke.

“Nngh! Nngh! Nngh!” Andy whimpered. That sadistic little Missie! Two strokes felt much more painful than just one!

“And how was that?” came the voice.

“Very painful, Miss!” Andy whimpered, his fingers pulling feverishly.

“Yes, I’m sure! And you’ve still got five more strokes to come, haven’t you? You’re going to be a very well chatissed old thing when I’ve finished with you, won’t you?”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He was certain that if his genitalia weren’t bound so strictly he would have cum by now.

“And now for your third stroke. How is your wanking?”

“Oh yes, Miss! Very good, Miss!”

“Good! I’ll expect to see a nice load from you on the bedcover! Even with your binds in place! Yes, pet?”

“Yes, Miss!”

“Good! Here it comes now! Bottom up, please!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy lifted himself to his young Miss. He felt her rod tap at his bottom again, this time a little higher than before. Then it pulled away. And then –


It whacked his backside again and was once again held in position.

“Ouch! Ouch! Miss!” Andy whimpered. His behind was burning! He pumped his rampant erection desperately.

“And how was that one?”

“Very painful, Miss!” Andy hisssed.

“Good! I am pleased that I’m starting to get through to you! Ready for number four, pet?”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy felt the rod tap at his bottom again, this time a little higher again. Then it pulled away, and then a moment later –


The rod whacked his bottom for the fourth time. It was held in position once more.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy gasped. He hoped up and down and kicked his legs up behind him.

“Well! That certainly seems to have had an effect!” came the voice.

“Yes, Miss!”

“And where’s my pool of semen?”

“I’m trying, Miss!”

“Yes, I’m sure you are! And would you like a little incentive, pet?”

“A little incentive?” Andy had no idea what his young Mistress was talking about. “Yes please, Miss!” he whimpered.

Andy watched from the corner of his eye as Elizabeth reached beneath her skirt and pulled her panties down and off. She stepped forward and laid them out on the bedcover before him.

Andy studied them. They were a high-waisted pair of sheer black panties with a frilly open crotch. Andy loved the look of exotic ladies’ panties and fantasized about sniffing them, rubbing them over his cock and masturbating into them. He pushed his erection down towards the frilly pair before him and groaned as he flogged himself to them.

Elizabeth observed his enthusiasm. “That’s right, you dirty old thing!” she called, “Paint them white with your hot man-goo!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered.

Elizabeth stepped back behind him and tapped her rod to his bottom once more, this time a little higher than before.

“Here it comes now! Your fifth stroke! And if I don’t see some milk from you soon then I’ll be very disappointed! And you know what that means, don’t you, pet?”

“No, Miss!” Andy Shook his head.

“Well, you’ll find out after this next stroke, won’t you? This is your last chance, pet! If I don’t see some hot milk from you on my panties then your final two strokes will be very unpleasant indeed!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He stared at the wispy garment. They were so sheer that he could see the bedcover through them, and he wondered why she even bothered to wear them. He pushed his erection down to them and stroked firmly.

He felt the tip of the knotty bamboo tap his bottom a little higher up again.

“Here it comes now!” called the voice, “Stroke number five! You do deserve it, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss!”


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