Slaves of Miss Elizabeth Pt. 01

Old Andy was visiting in a small outback town. When he arrived he stepped off the bus, collected his bag and found his way to the town’s pub. He entered the bar, put his bag down beside him and perched himself on a high stool where he waited for service. Another elderly gentle, whom Andy thought looked very much like himself, stood next to him as he sipped on a beer.

The other man acknowledged Andy.

“Gidday!” he said to Andy, “Nice weather today! Just get in?”

“Yep,” replied Andy, “Just passing through. Thought I might spend a few days here. Say, maybe you can help me. I’m on the pension and I don’t have a lot of cash. Know any good spots to stay?”

“Sure!” came the reply. “Right here in the pub is probably the best value in town, I reckon. I’ve been here for three weeks now and I’m in the same boat as you.”

Andy looked at him. “You’ve been here for three weeks? So this is a good spot to stay, is it?”

“Not bad!” The other man said. Then he leaned in close and speak confidentially. “There’s a terrific little hooker here, just around the corner at Marla’s, who’s hard to beat! And she’s not expensive. I can just manage it on my pension once a week, but it doesn’t leave me anything for my bus fare back to Sydney.”

Andy’s beer arrived. He grinned as he took a sip. “So you’re trapped here, eh? It’s either a bit of pussy or a bus fare, eh?”

“Something like that!” the other man said. “Actually, I couldn’t take the bus back to Sydney even if I wanted to! Sitting for five hours straight? I can’t even sit up on this barstool for ten minutes to drink a beer!”

Andy looked at him. The other fellow leaned in close again.

“Go to Marla’s and ask for Elizabeth!” he whispered. “Check out her cheapest service! You’ll see what I’m talking about.”

“Okay, thanks for the advice!” Andy linked glasses with his new friend and drained his beer. “Guess I’ll check my bag in at reception! Thanks for the tip!”

*** *** *** *** ***

Old Andy booked a room at the reception desk and checked in his bag. Then he wondered what to do with himself. He stepped out onto the main street and decided to look for Marla’s.

He walked up and down a few streets before he found it. He pressed a door buzzer and was admitted by the Madam. She showed him into a waiting lounge.

“Have a seat here, sir!” she told him. “I have three lovely ladies here today for your pleasure! I shall send them out to meet you! In the meantime please have a look at this folder of our services and their prices!”

“Thank you, Ma’am!”

Old Andy sat down and examined the House Menu. He wasn’t expecting too much, after all he was in a small country town. He saw all the usual services and noted that the prices seemed about the same, as best he could reckon, as inner Sydney prices, and he wondered if he could afford any of them on his pensioner’s budget. Then his eye caught the very last item on the list. It read ‘B&D: PLEASE ASK YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER FOR DETAILS’.

B&D? He presumed this means ‘Bondage & Discipline’. Old Andy sat up and paid attention. He loved submitting to pretty young female sex workers, and he decided to enquire about this with the girls as they came through.

At this moment the first girl stepped into the room. Andy studied her as she stepped towards him across the floor. Wow! She was a beauty! She was tall and shaped with high firm breasts, a tightly nipped waist and broad hips. Her legs were long and shapedly and she wore elegant high heels. She stepped to Andy and stood before him and introduced herself.

“Hello, sir!” she said, “I’m Elizabeth! It’s lovely to meet you, sir!”

Old Andy looked up at her and took in her attire. She wore a lacy black brassiere and matching high waited panties, and a black suspender belt and stockings. He studied her face and head. She had a wide face with a petite upturned nose, full lips and dark flashing eyes. So this was Elizabeth! The fellowat the bar wasn’t kidding.

“Hello, Miss!” Old Andy replied, “it’s lovely to meet you too!”

Elizabeth went to move away from him to leave the room – which would have given him a nice view of her backside – but old Andy stopped her.

“Excuse me, Miss,” he asked, “but can you tell me about the B&D please, Miss?”

Elizabeth turned back to him. “Yes, sir,” she replied, “we don’t have a proper dungeon here but I have a few things of my own which I can use on you! I have a whip and a cane, some handcuffs, and some general torture implements. I permit intimate body worship and I can give you a very nice measured hand relief!”

“Gosh, Miss!” Old Andy whimpered, his penis stiffening in his trousers, “that sounds good, Miss! And how much would it cost, Miss?”

“Well, sir, you look like a gentleman of advanced years! May I ask if you’re a pensioner by any chance, and if so, whether you have your pensioner’s card with you?”

“Yes, I am and I do!”

“Well that’s lovely, because it means I can offer you a special discount today!”

Elizabeth gave old Andy prices for three different session lengths both with and without sex. The cheapest session of thirty minutes without sex, with a pensioner’s discount applied, was just within his budget but he would need to wait until Thursday when his pension money came in at the post office before he’d be able to buy a bus ticket to the next destination on his list.

“Thank you, Miss!” Andy replied. “Thank you, sir!” Elizabeth replied and she turned and walked off, giving him a perfect view of her lovely bottom.

She left the room and the remaining two girls came through one after the other. They were both unattractive and Andy dismissed them. Finally the Madam reappeared.

“Well, sir?” she asked, “Did any of the girls take your fancy, sir?”

“Yes, Ma’am! I’d like to have Elizabeth for thirty minutes of B&D without sex, please Ma’am, with a pensioner’s discount applied, please Ma’am!”

“Yes of course! And would you be a submissive elderly pensioner from out of town, sir?”

“I am indeed, Ma’am!” Old Andy replied, “just passing through, Ma’am, just passing through!” He showed the Madam his pensioner’s card and paid her most of the cash remaining in his wallet. She counted his notes and pocketed them. “Thank you, sir, come with me and I’ll show you to your room!”

The Madam led old Andy up the central corridor of the premises to a cosy bedroom-like room which incorporated a toilet and a shower in one corner.

“Strip off and take a shower now, sir, and Elizabeth will be in to see you shortly, sir!”

“Yes, Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am!”

The Madam left the room and old Andy undressed and displayed. He washed thoroughly, paying particular attention to his underarms, bottom and genitals. Then he turned off the taps and stepped out onto the bath mat.

As he dried himself he began to pull and squeeze his penis and balls in anticipation of his forthcoming session with the lovely young Elizabeth. And it was at this moment that the door opened and she stepped into the room carrying a long zippered bag which apparently held her B&D implements. She placed it on the bed and then turned to him.

She studied his swelling erection and his squeeze fingers.

“Hello, you dirty old thing!” she greeted him. “Look at you, standing there in the nude masturbating to a pretty young Miss who’s young enough to be your granddaughter! You should be spanked for your bad behavior, shouldn’t you, pet?”

“I’m sorry, Miss!” Andy whimpered in reply as he submissively stroked himself to full erection before her, “I get all submissive and randy, Miss, and I can’t help myself, Miss!” As he masturbated to her he lifted his erection high to show her his full length including his dangling scrotum, and he tilted his pelvis and parted his tights to let his balls hang and swing between them.

She studied the rampant member, the squeezing, struggling fingers and the dangling, jiggling balls. He was a dirty old thing who would benefit from a good dose of the whip, she thought. And she knew what an excited mature erection could do during masturbation.

“And are you going to cum prematurely for me, you dirty old thing, and spoil everything?” she asked.

“I’ll try not to, Miss!” grunted Andy as he continued to stroke to her.

She sat at the side of the bed and unzipped her bag.

“That doesn’t sound very convincing to me, pet!” she informed him. “Now you’ll take your fingers off your cock this instant before you have the most dreadful accident!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Reluctantly Andy withdraw his stroke fingers. He clenched and unclenched his wanking fist at his side as he watched his erection lurch and jump usefully as it sought its release.

“And now you’ll bring your big sausage here to me!” came the order, “And your big balls too! And I shall bind you so you can masturbate for me continuesly during our session together but you won’t be able to cum, not until the end of our session when I’ll remove your binds and relieve you! Would you like that, you dirty old thing?”

“Yes please, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He waddled forward with his rampant genitalia bobbing. He stood before her with his hands at his sides and his rampant erection jerking before her nose.

She stared at his equipment. His erection was a long, thick, butchers-sausage-of-a- thing, a little bumpy, circularized, and slightly bent off to one side. His glans was pointed and velvety and its urethra gasped at her like a little vertical fish’s mouth, already pooled in its milky drool. She fingered the rampant length up and down to test its firmness and solidity. Andy grunted under her touch and stiffened to it.

“Oh yes, it’s a monster!” she commented, “and you’ve been playing with it, haven’t you? And now you will hold it high at your belly so that I can inspect your balls!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy lifted his erection to his belly by its glans using cawed fingertips. His erection stood banana-like before her whilst his scrotum hung below. Elizabeth brought her poisoned fingertips to his scrotum. She pulled its contents down to form and separate it into two halves. Then she pulled the lumpy gourds wide and gently squeezed them between her thumbs and forefingers to gauge their size, weight and density.

“Nngh! Miss Elizabeth!” Andy grunted as milk visceral pain rippled through his groin.

She looked up at his scowling face.

“What lovely firm nuts you have!” came the compliment.

“Thank you, Miss!” Andy whimpered, “I was hoping you’d like them, Miss!”

“Oh, I do, pet, but they’re troublesome, aren’t they? They produce too much hot submissive milk for you, don’t they, pet? Do you fuck a lot of girls, pet?”

“No, Miss!” Andy shook his head dejectedly. “I was hoping to fuck you, Miss!”

“Oh no, pet, I think I’m a bit out of your price range, aren’t I, pet?”

“I could save up, Miss!”

“Yes you could, but it would take you a long time, wouldn’t it? Especially if you’re paying me for a regular weekly whipping with a hand relief, yes, pet?”

“Yes, Miss! I suppose so, Miss!”

“Yes, it would! And that’s why today I’m going to slow your naughty balls down a bit for you! Would you like me to do that, pet?”

“Slow them down, Miss?”

“I’m going to bind them and give them some special therapeutic discipline!”

“Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!” Andy whimpered. Her fingers left his balls. She smoothed his scrotum down to allow his nuts to settle. Then he watched as she withdraw a leather scrotal collar, a small TENS unit, and a glittering medical pinwheel from her bag. She laid the items out on the bedcover. Andy’s erection stiffened at the sight of it all.

“You’ll keep your erection high at your belly for me please!” she ordered, “and I shall fit your balls up in their stretching collar! It will help to restrain, train and discipline them!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Andy watched as his young Mistress fastened the leather collar in the compressed neck of his scrotum thus causing his balls to hang below as a single plump peach-like ball.

She cupped it in her fingers and squeezed gently. Andy winced. “Yes,” she said, “This is the way I like a submissive slave’s balls presented! Ready for their Discipline and training! And have you had electrical treatment before, pet?”

“No, Miss!” Andy whimpered, his head shaking.

“It’s a very charming way to treat the tests! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it very much! Watch now as I fit you up for it, pet!”

Andy watched as she took the two sticky electronede pads of the TENS unit and attached them at each side of the plump ball.

“And now you will let your penis go!” she ordered.

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered. He let his erection fall forward where it hung stiffly extended before her. It was a long, thick, excited thing!

“Now you’ll keep your hands behind your back!” she ordered as she took the TENS control box in her fingers and switched it on. “I’m going to begin by giving you fifty percent voltage at fifty percent frequency!” she informed him, “and I’ll be able to tell by the jerking of your penis as to how much I’m getting through to you!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered.

Andy watched as his Mistress set the knobs. At first he didn’t feel anything but then after a few moments he felt a curious sensing in his balls.

“Nngh! Miss!” he grunted as his erection began to wag and jump.

She looked up at his curiously scowling face.

“Well?” she said, “how does that feel?”

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy grunted, “it feels quite bizarre, Miss, as if my balls are made of steel and they’re tapping against each other, Miss!”

“Good! And I hope it’s teaching you a lesson about masturbating before your pretty young Mistress without her invitation to do so!”

“Yes, Miss! It is, Miss!” Andy whimpered as his erection jumped and jerked.

Elizabeth studied the big erection as it jumped about before her. A long string of creamy white drool now sweeped at its tip. She looked up into her submissive’s scowling face and noticed that he was now also drooling from the mouth.

“And now I’m going to give you full voltage at the highest frequency!”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy whimpered, “I’m sure I deserve it, Miss!”

“Here we go now!”

She rotated the knobs further and studied him. His erection stood up stiffly and then jumped and jerked. “Nngh! Miss!” he grunted, “Now it feels as if someone’s passing a fine toothed steel comb through my balls, Miss!”

“Good!” She studied the rampant erection which jerked spastically before her. A thicker, heavier string of drool now hung from its tip. She looked up at his curiously scowling expression. His tongue lolled loosely from one side of his mouth and he drooled freely from the other and his eyes appeared to becrossed as he stared at her plump breast cleavage. My god, she realized, this dirty old thing is actually enjoying his TENS punishment!

“Oh no, pet, we can’t have this! You’re going to cum, aren’t you?”

“I’ll try not to, Miss!” came the grunt. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “Your time is nearly up! Only two minutes to go! I think it’s time you came for me, pet, and I shall help you with that now!”

“Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!”

Andy watched as his Mistress took a dining napkin and fastened it about her neck. Then she took a tube of lubricant and smelled a little of it onto her fingers. Then she pushed her fingers over his erection and began to slowly stroke it to and fro.

“Nngh! Miss Elizabeth!” Andy grunted as her fist worked slowly and firmly in and out. Her masturbatory massage was exhaust! And the TENS electronedes at his balls made them feel quite peculiar! He was going to have a very unusual ejaculation and orgasm!

He felt his erection and balls tighten. Then he knew it was time.

“Nngh! Miss!” he grunted. “I’m going to cum, Miss!”

“Of course you are, pet! You’ll cum onto my napkin, please!”

“Yes, Miss! Nngh!” Andy grunted piggishly as her fingers drew the first hot thick squirt of his semen from his tip out onto the center of the napkin.

“Nngh! Miss!” Andy grunted again.

“That’s right, pet, all out now!” she encouraged him, “Have a big cum for your Mistress!”

“Nngh!” Andy grunted again as her slowly struggling fist drew another hot spattering of his spend onto the napkin. What an excellent masturbatrix she was, he thought, as her clutching fists worked his long hot muscle with just the right degree of firmness and rhythm.

“Nngh!” he grunted again as she coated another hot squirt from him. He’d never cum so much! Then another pull and she finished him with a final smaller squirt. His orgasm had been exhaustively well executed and now his cock began to shrink in her fingers.

“There!” she said, “I’m sure that feels better, doesn’t it, pet?”

“Yes, Miss!” Andy groaned.

She squeezed out the last of his dribbles, cleaned up her fingers and his glans with a few tissues, and then removed his scrotal electrones and collar.

She examined her cum spattered napkin.

“And how was that, pet?” she asked. “You certainly had a lot of ball juice stored up for me, didn’t you, you naughty old thing!”

“Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss! But I would have enjoyed a taste of the whip or the cane, Miss! Or the Wartenburg wheel, Miss! And I didn’t get to body-worship you, Miss!”

“Well, pet, we’ll have to do all that next time, won’t we? Are you staying long in town, pet?”

“Yes, Miss! I’m sure I’ll be here next week, Miss!”

“Good! Then I’ll see you again then and we’ll continue with your training, won’t we?”

“Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!”

And he did! Watch this story thread for Andy’s next visit to his young Elizabeth!



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