
{I finally found an editor, so enjoy!}


“Mr. Garrison, I need to see you in my office.” Blake heard his intercom speak. He let out a sight, gathered his notebook and pen, and walked towards his boss’s office. Mr. Harwell was sitting behind his huge mahogany desk peering intently at his large screen laptop computer. Blake wanted a toy like that. It had so many awesome features, and it had a top that twisted around and turned into a touch pad. The gigs it was packing would do just about anything.

“Mr. Garrison? Mr. Garrison!” Blake blinked up at his boss, turning red as he realized he was lusting over Mr. Harwell’s computer. ‘Stupid!’

“Yes Mr. Harwell?” His boss frowned at him, then appeared to shake it off.

“Mr. Garrison, Blake isn’t it?” Blake nodded, and Mr. Harwell continued. “Blake, I’ve recently hired someone to assist you with the Region Case. We need to get that building up and functioning soon. His name is S. Knight. The resume was astonishing. He apparently is a genius and is multilingual. We’re going to need someone to run interference with these yahoo local contractors. He should be arrived in about an hour, so get going. I want him picked up at the airport and brought straight here. We really need to get him started.” He turned in his chair and went back to work on whatever was on his laptop, dismissing Blake.

Blake glanced up at the clock on the wall…11:30, yep, he was missing another lunch hour. Ever since he took this position in Germany, Mr. Harwell had worked him into near exhaust every day. Even on the weekends he couldn’t escape work. Papers and plans cluttered his desk, and piled up daily. He was either going to have to get organized or he’d never get caught up.

He left the building and walked towards his car. He did have a sweet car. It was one of the few indulgences he had allowed himself. A beautiful black beamer with leather interior. A sound system that shook the ground when he drove by,and loaded to the ‘T’. He would be paying on the thing forever, but it was worth it. When he arrived at the airport he was grateful that it appeared slow this time of day. At least he’d be able to pick up Mr. Knight and get out without too much hassle. He snatched a piece of paper, grabbed a marker from his pocket, and wrote out “S. Knight” in bold letters. Standing near the baggage claim, he held onto his sign and waited. Why hadn’t his boss given more information? A flight time, a description, something? His boss was clueless when it came to people, and the functioning of the outer world beyond his own personal lair. He looked around the room hoping to catch someone’s eyes, but everyone hurried off along their way. A new crowd came through the doors, and he was hopeful this was it. The crowd Surrounded the conveyor that played carousel with their possessions, and they impatiently waited until it started to move. No one seems to notice him or his sign, and he was beginning to get impatient. He glanced back towards the doors leading from the terminals and caught his breath. Strolling through them was the hottest thing he had ever seen on two legs. She wore a ruffled plaid skirt of pink and purple, and an oh-so-snug t-shirt that revealed a tight toned and tanned belly. A diamond glistered from her belly button, and he was shocked at it’s size. It wasn’t a belly piercing, but a whole stone wedged inside the dimple. His eyes traveled upwards to be even more shocked that her nipples were straining against the fabric of her white shirt. Oh God! He finally pealed his eyes away from her chest to glance at her face. It was oval, tanned, and absolutely beautiful. She had long brown curly hair that bounced around on her shoulders as she walked. He was even more amazing that she appeared to be walking towards him. When she neared, he made eye contact, and had to let out the air from his lungs that he had been holding. Her eyes were bright turquoise. She was not only beautiful, but completely exotic. He straightened up and puffed out his chest as she walked right up to him.

“Hello,” She said in a sexy, husky, almost Demi Moore voice and he could only stand there and star in wonder.

She glanced down at his sign, then slide the piece of paper out of his hand. “I take it you are looking for me?”

She held the sign up in front of her and made it dance. Blake opened His mouth, but words seem to fail him, he looked at the sign, then back up to her face. He worked his mouth to start the questions, but finally closed it and grunted instead.

“Oh-kay, we’ll try a different route.”

She stuck out her hand offering it to him. Blake reached up and slipped her hand into his, but instead of shaking it, he engulfed it into his, and held it firmly.

“My name is Slave Knight. I was hired by an International Design Company here in Germany, by a Mr. Harwell. Does that ring any bells?”

She must have noticed the shock register on his face as he stood there holding her hand, but then he just started shaking his head in agreement.

She smiled at him now, “Oh good, then you are looking for me. Well, I need to get my bags, so if you’ll wait, I’ll be right back?”

She tugged her hand loose, and turned and walked towards the conveyor belt that now was running with tumbled luck of all shapes and sizes on it. Blake stood rooted to where he was standing watching the swing of her hips, and the long legs that disappeared into the crevices of her short dress. He also noticed the Mary Jane shoes that lacened up her legs. Feeling an uncomfortable bulge against his slacks, he looked down to see his erection becoming embarrassingly evident. He turned quickly and gathered his thoughts, hiding what he didn’t want her to see.

After several deep breaths, and images of his mother in her nightgown on Sunday mornings, and his old Baptist preacher, he was able to contain himself before he heard her heels clicking against the hard floor coming towards him again. He turned back around, and concentrated on her face as she approached.

“This is it. I usually pack light because I know I can buy anything else I’m going to need. Are you taking me to my hotel, or are we going straight to the office?” Blake finally found his voice, and cleared his throat.

“Mr. Harwell wants you back at the office. I need to warn you Though, he was expecting a man. That’s why I was so shocked earlier. I’m Blake Garrison by the way. We’ll be working together.” He watched a smile spread across her face.

“Really? That’s funny. I just hope he doesn’t try to send me packing once I get there. It was a long flight. So, Mr. Garrison are you disappointed that I’m female?” She looked at him with concern in her eyes. He couldn’t believe she had to ask.

“Hell no. I mean, no…not at all. I’m looking forward to working with you, Miss Knight. I could use all the help I can get.” He grinned back at her. She appeared to be relieved.

“Slave.” She said softly. He looked confused, and she smiled again. “Call me Slave.”

“Slave? That’s an unusual name.”

She nodded, “My mother had a horrible sense of humor. My father told me that she got the idea one day after she was frustrated from doing so many dishes. He told her that when the baby grow up, she’d have someone else to do them for her. She must have liked the idea, and well…” She laughed, and went on, “I know that sounds horrible, but they loved me dearly. They are both professors at Harvard, and really didn’t have many skills other than the book kind. My mother hated household duties, and my father couldn’t start up a grill if his life depended upon it.” She motioned for us to leave, so we started walking towards the parking lot.

Once I had all her luck loaded into the car, I opened her door, and watched a flash of thigh as her skirt rode up when she slide into the seat. ‘Oh god. I’m in trouble.’

It was a good thirty minute drive back to the office, but since I was denied my lunch hour, I pulled into a fast food joint to grab us something to eat along the way. She munched on her sandwich slowly, and I had a hard time watching the road. I couldn’t get enough of her. We talked about the project underway, and I gave her some tips on how to deal with Mr. Harwell when we got there. She didn’t seemed worried about it, but I was on edge for her. I wanted her to stay.

As we entered the building, I found myself putting a protective arm around her. Everyone stopped to star as we walked along. I felt so proud to be standing by her. I was surprised that she seemed so oblivious to it. At least she wasn’t one of those women who enjoyed the attention. I, on the other hand, was loving it. The men stared at me with such envy, I wanted to make it clear she was off limits, so I glared back at them.

We knocked on Mr. Harwell’s door, and with a quick squeeze of her hand, she turned to enter. I tried to follow, but she put a hand on my chest, and shook her head. I watched as she closed the door. No matter how much I wanted to stand there with my ear pressed against the door, I knew everyone was watching, so I turned and slowly walked back to my office. I kept the door open, so I could see if she came back out. It seemed like a lifetime before the door opened, and Mr. Harwell and Slave came out together. I let out the breath I had been holding when I noticed that he was smiling, and leading her towards the payroll office. She looked down the hall and caught my star, and turned at me.

‘Yes!’ I must have looked goofy sitting there with a grin on my face because Doris, my secretary stopped inside the doorway with a strange look on her face.

“Mr. Garrison, you have a call on line 2. It’s Mr. Hartberger.” I cleared my throat.

“Oh yeah? Thanks Doris.” I picked up the phone, and was lost in the task at hand.

It was 4:00 when I heard a tap on my door. Slave was standing just inside the door with a beautiful smile on her face.

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

“Oh no. I was just finishing up this plan. Come on.” She walked up to stand in front of my desk. The diamond in her belly was twinkling at me.

“Mr. Harwell is sending you home early with me. I need you to drop me off at my hotel. He’s leaving you in charge of picking and dropping me off to work until I can find a car. I hope that won’t be too much of an inconvenience? I’m going to try and find something this weekend, so it shouldn’t be for long.” Blake heard most of what she said, but the pair of twins that was starring back at him held most of his attention. They were perky and pointing.

“Are you ready to leave, or do I need to give you a moment?”

He jerked his eyes back up to her face to find her grinning down at him. ‘God she was hot!’

“Yeah, I’m ready. Let me gather my things.” He wasn’t even paying attention to what he was shoving into his briefcase. They walked toHis car, and once again he was blessed with the sight of her creamy thighs as she got in. He was beginning to really like his job.

On the way to her hotel they struck up another conversation. He was extremely impressed with how intelligent she was, but even more impressed with how down to earth she seemed. When they arrived, he made the mental note that the hotel was only one block from his house. He offered to carry her luggage up, and she let him even though it wasn’t exactly a heavy bag. She opened the door, and motioned him in. He sat the bag down onto the bed, and turned to face her. He wasn’t in a hurry to leave, but he knew she’d had a long day.

“I hope you get settled in. I’ll be by tomorrow at about 7:30 a.m. to pick you up for work if that’s okay?” She nodded while taking in the room. He took in one last long look then turned to leave. “Call me if you need anything. My number is in the book.” He called out as he closed the door.

As he drove home, he was counting his lucky stars. This was going to be an interesting project.

It was nearly midnight when he’s phone rang.

“Hello?” He grumbled out.

“Blake? It’s Slave.” A soft voice pulled him immediately out of his dozing.

“Hey Slave! Is everything alright?” He sat up in bed and glanced at the clock.

“Actually, no it’s not. Could I ask for a big favor from you? I know we’ve just met, but something happened tonight that is making me uncomfortable staying here.” She sounded tired, and I was curious.

“What happened Slave?” Now I was sitting on the edge of my bed pulling my jeans back on.

“Well, after you left, I was hungry, so I went down to the hotel’s restaurant. There was a man that just didn’t want to leave me alone. I called management, but they claim that he owns this hotel, and they couldn’t do anything about it. I came back up to my room, but he keeps knocking on my door. I told him that I had a boyfriend, and that I was calling him, that he’d better leave, but…it doesn’t seem to be fazing him. Could you come get me? I know it’s way beyond the call of duty, but I can’t stay here.”

My mouth was open, and I was flatberggasted. I couldn’t believe this was happening to her…well, yeah, I could believe, it’s just I was shocked it did.

“I’ll be there in five minutes. Hang on. Call the cops if he tries to get in.” I was in my Shoes and shirt in less than a half second, and in my car by three. It seemed like forever, even though it was only a block, and not a lot of traffic to maneuver around. I parked my car at the entrance, ran inside, and was lucky enough to catch an elevator opened.

When I got out, I could see the man in question leaning with his ear against her door. I didn’t even think or stop to ask, I just belted him. He was a weasel of a man, and thankfully skinny and short. He went out like a light. My hand was singing, but I felt like a knight in shining armor. I had never hit another man before in my life. It feel good. I turned as the door to her suite opened. She looked at the man lying in the floor, then looked over at me. A big smile stretched across her face, and before I knew it, she was in my arms kissing me. I was so stunned that I didn’t respond right away, but then I found myself circled her waist with my arms, and kissing her back like a starving man. We finally pulled away from each other. Her beautiful turquoise eyes were shining with lust.

“No one’s ever done anything like that for me before. Not to be too cliché, but…My hero!”

She went back into her room, gathered her bags, and we hurried out of the hotel. As I drove towards my house, it dawned on me that I was being a little too forward about taking her home with me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forget to ask. Did you want to go to another hotel?” I looked over at her with concern on my face.

“No. Blake, can I go home with you? I mean…if you don’t have a girlfriend at home, or anything. If you do, I don’t want to cause trouble, I guess you could take me to another hotel. It’s just…I don’t want to be alone tonight after what just happened. He was saying all kinds of things to me.” She shivered. I watched as she wrapped her arms around herself. ‘The Bastard.’

“No, it’s no problem. I have an extra room. Oh, and no girlfriend either. I haven’t been here long enough to even meet one.” I smiled over at her, and saw her let out a sign of relief.

“Thank you.” I heard her whisper.

When we arrived at my house, I gave her my house key, although honestly, I don’t think I even thought to lock it earlier. I gathered her bags and followed her inside. My heart was straining against my chest as though I had just completed a marathon. I knew it wasn’t Because I was rushing, but because she was in my house.

I showed her the spa bedroom right across the hall from mine. I put her things on the bed, and turned to see her watching me. Her face was sad, and her eyes shone tracesof tears.

“I’m so sorry for all of this. I know I’ve become more trouble than I’m worth, but I’ll make it up to you somehow. I’ll try finding somewhere to stay tomorrow, and a car this weekend. That way, I’ll be out of your hair.” She looked at me so focused all reasoning. “Slave, that won’t be necessary. I’ve got this spare bedroom, and all this space in this big old house, there isn’t any reason for you to have to move out until you’re ready. As for the car, since you’re living with me anyway, I don’t mind driving us to work everyday. It’s not a inconvenience really. I’ll enjoy having you here. I actually enjoy “having you in my hair”, as you say. Don’t worry about it, okay?” I walked up to her, and gathered her into my arms. She melted against me, and I could tell that tonight had been a huge strain on her. We stayed like that for what seemed like ages. I finally kissed the top of her head, and pulled back.

“You need to get some rest. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow as it is.” I pushed her towards the bed. “I’ll try to get up early and fix us something for breakfast. Anything in particular you’d like?”

“Blake, I’m not too picky. Anything would be wonderful. You are too kind. Thank you again.”

Yeah, I puffed up like a bull. “No problem. See you in the morning then.” I closed the door behind me, and had to pry my fingers from the knob. ‘Man was I a lucky devil.’

Early the next morning, true to my word, I was making us both sausage, pepper, onion and cheese omelets. She wandered in wearing a t-shirt and cotton shorts that molded to her perfect physique.

“Mmmm, that smells absolutely wonderful.” She walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me. “That was the best sleep I think I’ve ever had.” She snuggled into my back, “I hope you don’t mind if I snuggle. You’re just too warm, and I’m not a morning person.” If she had seen my face, she’d have known I was in heaven.

I almost burned the eggs standing there. I cut the stove top off, and reached up to gather two plates. She refused to let go the whole time. ‘Oh yeah! I could get use to this.’

I finally turned with two plates of hot omelets in hand, but now I was facing her.

“Good morning, Sunshine.” I said, smiling down at her.

“Morning.” She grumbled, and snuggled back into me. I let out a chuckle.

“Not that I’m complaining, cause you feel wonderful, but the food will get cold if we don’t eat it soon.” She let out a sight, and pulled back to look up at my smiling face. Without a warning, she stood up on tiptoes and laid a big kiss on my lips before stealing one of the plates from me.

We sat at the table eating my meager meal, all the while she was making soft noises like, “Oooo”, and “Mmmm”. I was getting turned on watching her eat. She would scoop up the eggs with her fork, close those pink lips around it, and chew with her eyes closed. I’ve got to fix her chocolate covered strawberries, or just feed her German Chocolate which as far as I could tell was rich to the point of intoxication . ‘Note to self: pick up strawberries on the way home.’

We finally parted after cleaning up the kitchen, and met at the front door right at 7:00 a.m. I’ve always liked a girl who is on time. Today she was dressed in slacks and a white button up shirt. I was slightly disappointed, but at least I’d get some work done Today.

We worked until noon, and then snuck out for lunch together. It’s the first time I had the opportunity, so we settled on a small café on the corner. It was walking distance, and was surprisingly good.

The afternoon went by fast. We had completed another level of the building in design, and were sending it off for approval. At this rate, we’d have the building completely designed in two weeks, and have another month to tweak the plans if needed. She was a genius.

I stopped at the fruit stand on the way home and picked up a basket of strawberries, some raspberries, and blueberries. She snatched a strawberry from the stack, and I playedfully swatted her hand.

“These are for dessert tonight. Don’t eat them all.” She bit into her strawberry, and I nearly had a heart attack. Juice from the berry ran down her chin, and she groaned from pleasure.


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